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  Bargins still out there!

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Author Topic:   Bargins still out there!
Rob L

From: Salisbury, MD

posted 04 December 1999 01:45 PM     profile   send email     edit
Gentlemen, Yes, there are still bargins in lap steels out there! I just purchased a 6 string Electromuse with its original electronics (eyebeam pickup) intact for a whopping $25.00. Shades of the pawnshop buys from 30 years ago. All the buttons came off the tuners when I tried to turn them; other than that, sounds good! Let's keep looking!

Robert Lackey

Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 04 December 1999 07:41 PM     profile   send email     edit
There's a store here in Santa Rosa called "Music Biz" that has a lot of old lap steels. Most are really delapidated (no pun intended) - tuning keys are broken, water damage, etc. The owner always says "make me an offer if you're interested", but I haven't seen much there that I would want to try to restore.

Bobby Lee
Sierra Session S-12 E9th, Speedy West D-10, Sierra S-8 Lap

Mike D

From: Phx, Az

posted 06 December 1999 09:56 AM     profile   send email     edit
Rob, check out Stewart-macDonald to get some perlacement buttons for the tuners. assuming the tuners are wothr saving.
Mike D

From: Phx, Az

posted 06 December 1999 10:04 AM     profile   send email     edit
Umm, thats replacement and worth. Damn lysdexia )

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