Topic: Canopus Lap Steel?
Roger Shackelton Member From: Everett, Wa.
posted 22 September 2001 07:50 PM
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Does anyone on the forum own a Canopus lap steel guitar, Model YL-8s? How does it compare to other lap steel guitars? Roger |
George Keoki Lake Member From: Edmonton, AB., Canada
posted 22 September 2001 11:07 PM
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If it is of any help to you, I played a Canopus double neck model while in NZ last February and found it to be superb over my Fender triple custom. Very fine workmanship, excellent pickups and a real nice fat tone. I'd love to have one but they are rather pricey for my budget...besides, I'd probably be looking at alimony if I bought yet another guitar! (ha!) |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 23 September 2001 01:41 PM
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Once again, I find myself agreeing with Keoki. Nice full tone and a very well built steel. I don't know what wood is used, but it ain't light. This guitar is a work horse.It appears to be in the Stringmaster design. |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 23 September 2001 01:46 PM
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As you can see, it has a 3 position pick up control in addition to the tone control. The tone control, BTW, has the most range I've experienced than on any other steel. There's the neck selector switch, and of course volume control. Nice hardware and strung through the body. |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 23 September 2001 01:47 PM
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[This message was edited by HowardR on 23 September 2001 at 01:49 PM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 23 September 2001 02:01 PM
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I forgot to mention, 24" scale. So how does it compare to other steels? I'm not so experienced as to objectively compare a lot of brands. I did just sit down to a Stringmaster (24 1/2" scale). The Stringmaster is on the brighter side while the Canopus is more bassy. I would imagine that Hawaiian music might be best suited for the Canopus and swing/country on the Stringmaster. We all know that an accomplished player will sound great on either.I will say that it is in the class of "the best" and that if you were inclined to purchase a Canopus, I believe that you would be quite happy with it. I know that the topic question was with regard to the YL - 8. Sorry that I can't help you with that model. I don't quite know how old mine is. I did get it on ebay and I believe I got a very decent deal on it.[This message was edited by HowardR on 23 September 2001 at 02:45 PM.] |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 23 September 2001 06:59 PM
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Since this thread was started I had been in touch with Yasu Kamira..He builds a fine guitar and the sound is typically Hawaiian.It lacks the punch and bite of a my opinion and the cost is high,but if thats the sound you prefer it may be worth looking into.[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 09:11 PM.] |
Maurie Junod Member From: Oak Forest, Illinois, USA
posted 23 September 2001 07:27 PM
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Jody,They advertise in our HSGA newsletter. I tried their URL but it didn't work. They are located in Japan. However, their U.S. contact is Scotty. You can't go wrong with him. Maurie |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 23 September 2001 08:05 PM
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If you go to Brad's Page of Steel, click on manufacturers of electric steels and Canopus is one of the manufacturers listed. You can get to their website by clicking on the hyperlink provided. They make a beautiful 8 string version of the gibson EH - 150.Jody, Canopus is not your typical household name in the world of steel guitars. They're not vintage as far as I know. I've only seen one on ebay (which I have) and one at the ISGC in 1999, being played by Leonard T. Zinn. I believe that it is quite a popular brand that is favored in Hawaii.
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 23 September 2001 09:03 PM
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Edited as my comments were irelevant to this topic.[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 08:52 PM.] |
George Keoki Lake Member From: Edmonton, AB., Canada
posted 23 September 2001 09:55 PM
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Some of the owner/players of Canopus in Hawai'i: *(the late) Barney Isaacs *Alan Akaka *Casey Olsen *Harold Hakuole *Greg Sardinha plus many others. Yes, it is very popular with the Hawaiians. |
Gene Jones Member From: Oklahoma City, OK USA
posted 24 September 2001 04:24 AM
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Jody...Paul will have to be your "Lieutenant" as he speaks better Japanese than me....I'll drive the car. |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 24 September 2001 04:45 AM
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I'll volunteer to share the driving, it's a long way to Japan....... |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 24 September 2001 09:22 AM
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Gene,,,,Howard,,, It will have to be a "Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, or any "Jap Car" we cant ride in on the Harley Gene.. [This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 08:54 PM.] |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 24 September 2001 10:06 AM
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Hi Roger,,,,thanks for starting this thread.Iam going to look into these guitars,,,they look real good. Howard,,,thank you as well for the info on these guitars,,,I have one problem however. Years ago,,,I was always introduced in the following manner. Ladies and Gentlemen ,,,Here is Jody Carver & his "Big Fender" reffering to the quad or triple neck.... Here is my problem,,,,how would this sound if I were to buy a Canopus?? Ladies and Gentlemen ,,,,Here is Jody Carver & his "Big Canopus" something dont sound right,,,do you know what I mean??? Wonder If they would build me a quad Canopus then I would have the "biggest Canopus" known to mankind...what is your thoughts??? |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 24 September 2001 01:14 PM
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Jody, I quote a lot of pithy sayings because they are apropos.First off, "Size doesn't matter", ( I've heard that about other people). Just remember "it's not the size of your Canopus, it's what you do with it". I have only seen double necks on the Canopus site, however, another saying in my industry is "for money, you can buy anything". I'm sure the good folks at the local Canopus shop will take this into consideration. Before you "rush the gate", try mine. If you ever get into NYC, let me know. I can take it in with me to the shop, along with an amp and you can play "Moon Over Maui" before you make a decision. I can also bring it to Norwalk if you are going. "Try before you buy".
[This message was edited by HowardR on 24 September 2001 at 01:17 PM.] |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 24 September 2001 05:19 PM
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I have cleaned up my act since this thread was started. I was a "bad boy",,now you were saying ?  [This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 08:17 PM.] |
jeffstro unregistered
posted 24 September 2001 06:23 PM
LMAO! You guys are killing me!I called Scotty in May of 2000, and he sent me his Canopus price list. As of that time: YS-6 String $1200 YS-7 $1250 YS-8 $1200 YS-8DS (Dbl) $2000 All are listed coming with 4 legs and a case. The flyer also lists an Alan Akaka model, but there's no price.
Try the below link for more info... |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 24 September 2001 08:06 PM
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Jody,Jody,Jody,.....phew! Never a dull moment when he's around.Interesting that all of the Canopus steels are a 22 1/2" scale. Mine is a 24". I wonder if that's because it's an older model or perhaps it was made to order with that scale. Anyhow, those are some healthy prices listed. I guess I did get a good buy ($650.00). As I mentioned, I saw Leonard T. Zinn playing one at the '99 convention and was quite impressed with both player and guitar. A few months later when one appeared on ebay, I went for it. I think that very few people knew or even heard of the Canopus so there wasn't much competion. I've said several times before on several other threads that you have to pick and choose your battles on ebay. It has become increasingly difficult to do that at present though. |
jeffstro unregistered
posted 24 September 2001 09:37 PM
You definitely got a great deal on that Canopus, Howard! I envy you! That's more like a steal! The seller didn't know what he had! I'd love to have one, but two grand is a bit steep for me!Like the scale length, the colors also seem to be standard at either ivory, sunburst, or yellow. Yours is probably one of a kind.... |
George Keoki Lake Member From: Edmonton, AB., Canada
posted 24 September 2001 10:51 PM
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You guys think those prices are high...My friend in NZ paid double due to their low rate of exchange. We in Canada have to pay through the nose as our dollar is worth only .64 to the US $$$$! (NZ is less than .50!!) That's the reason I mentioned CANOPUS is rather pricey.And Jody...I'm having second thoughts about you playing with another guy's canopus! (ha!) |
David Stehman Member From: Port Orchard, WA, USA
posted 25 September 2001 12:33 AM
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George Are there Canagian makers of lap or pedal steels.? Dave Stehman |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 25 September 2001 05:09 AM
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Joseph Yanuziello is a fine maker of acoustic and electric steels.Linkon makes pedal steels and interestingly enough, they make a "lap pedal steel". It comes with 3 & 2, or 3 & 4 with two wrist levers and keyless. That's what it states on their website although there is no photo of that. I'd love to see that or hear from anyone that has, or has played one.[This message was edited by HowardR on 25 September 2001 at 05:10 AM.] |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 25 September 2001 09:33 AM
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Can anyone post an e mail address for me to contact "Canopus"?? appreciate it if you would. Thanks..... |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 25 September 2001 10:06 AM
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Wow, Jody, you really, have a "yen" for this steel. I think that you better have many yen for a triple neck. I don't see an email address on their website but there is a phone & fax number. You may be better off sending a fax; 011 - 81 - 3 - 3465 - 0589 fax 011 - 81 - 3 - 3465 - 0872 tel
George Keoki Lake Member From: Edmonton, AB., Canada
posted 25 September 2001 10:23 AM
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David..."Canagian" ? I think you meant Canadian. Yes there are makers of pedal guitars all across the country, mostly back yard garage makers. There are a few who are in the biz in the Toronto and Winnipeg area which I am sure Ian McLatchie can fill you in further. |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 25 September 2001 01:44 PM
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Howard,,,me with "much yens"?? I dont think so. I want to see how much after all these years has anyone come up with a steel guitar non pedals,,,,being close to what Leo Fender did many years ago.[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 09:15 PM.]
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 25 September 2001 02:24 PM
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Err, Puff Jody, 7 1/8"?.....that's your headsize, right?Well, try the Canopus and then you can really give us your opinion as to how they both compare. I wish that I had the playing out experience to provide a knowledgeable and unbiased comparison, but I don't so I will leave that to the more experienced. I'll be working on your crown, sir, so until then, chill..... |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 25 September 2001 05:47 PM
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I always welcome reviving a thread. This is an interesting topic and thanks to Howard for his input.It always gives people a chance to read what was posted and make corrections, and or opinions.[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 08:47 PM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 25 September 2001 06:19 PM
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Yo, Ladies and Gentlemen.... Jody Bada-bing and his Big Fender [This message was edited by HowardR on 25 September 2001 at 06:19 PM.] |
Jody Carver Member From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed. Dodger Blue Forever
posted 25 September 2001 07:01 PM
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I have had the opportunity to try a Canopus guitar and the quality is 100%..however my taste for overall sound is the Fender.[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 22 September 2003 at 08:35 PM.] |