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  Need info on packing a Dual-8 Pro for shipment

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Author Topic:   Need info on packing a Dual-8 Pro for shipment
Alvin Sydnor

From: Boothwyn, Pennsylvania, USA

posted 18 February 2004 08:32 AM     profile   send email     edit
Need suggestions on how to pack a Fender Pro-D-8 for shipment within U.S. will be shipping in orig. case via UPS.
CrowBear Schmitt

From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France

posted 18 February 2004 09:25 AM     profile   send email     edit
first, i'd put the axe in the case w: the strings detuned and wedge styrofoam, cloth, or paper so it does'nt move in the case in any way.
then i'd put long hard styrofoam along all edges of the case and pack that up in cardboard.
then i'd put that into a box filled w; styrofoam peanuts and make sure it's in the middle of that box w: enough space around it so it can't get reached by blundering objects. you can put the legs in that second box too.
Last but not least i would put : "Throw Me" in big letters as instructions for handling !
you can rest assured that when one put's "Fragile" they're gonna throw it around !
FedEx beats the Brownies hands down !

[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 18 February 2004 at 09:27 AM.]

David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 18 February 2004 10:19 AM     profile   send email     edit
Also Tommy Cass adivesed me in no uncertain terms :

If it has a slot for a volume pedal it is a very good idea to put a block of 2x4 cross the slot. And then something to keep it in place.

If the case gets dropped on that end, the light weight slot wall could break loose and then the shebang will be sliding around inside... VERY bad.

Ray Minich

From: Limestone, New York, USA

posted 18 February 2004 10:49 AM     profile   send email     edit
And whatever you can do to pad/support/protect/cushion the changer end, DO IT!.

You can't protect the axe enough. I just had to straighten the changer finger plate on a Dekley that was shipped UPS. Simple fix but time consuming.


From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.

posted 18 February 2004 06:53 PM     profile   send email     edit
If you are shipping via UPS, be informed of their packing regulations. Over a certain weight, styrafoam peanuts are not "proper packaging," and any insurance claim will be denied. Find out what that weight is.
Denny Turner

From: Northshore Oahu, Hawaii USA

posted 20 February 2004 09:58 AM     profile   send email     edit
Also tie down all moving parts from rattling around (plastic ratchet ties work great). --- Roll the legs up in a beach towel. --- Double or even triple box the outer carton (you'll have to custom cut each layer); ....bicycle shops and appliance stores have good heavy-duty cartons. Then put at least 4-5 fibreglas reinforced 2" tape waist-bands least 4 wraps / layers on each band... around each of all 3 axis's; Otherwise, with the weight of the Steel if it's dropped, the carton can explode like popping a paper bag.


David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 20 February 2004 11:53 AM     profile   send email     edit
And don't use UPS, EVER.
See some threads here for horror stories with them.
Just search UPS, and then have a few good groans ready.
Bob Stone

From: Gainesville, FL, USA

posted 23 February 2004 08:12 AM     profile   send email     edit
Having just shipped my Bakelite Ric via FedEx roundtrip from Florida to Bill Creller in Saginaw, Michigan I suggest you get the UPS or FedEx (the latter is my preference) store to pack it. I spent the best part of a day finding a guitar carton, cutting it to size, buying packing materials, etc. and guess what? Should there be any damage (there wasn't) the carrier will invariably say it was due to poor packing if they didn't pack it. Next time I'm going to pay the carrier's rep to pack it. It takes less of my time and just a little more money and affords a little more peace of mind.

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