Topic: Bob Dylan, Stringmaster, uh, user
Ian McLatchie Member From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
posted 21 March 2004 05:03 AM
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Saw Bob Dylan last night on the second of his three-night, three-venue stay in Toronto. Great show, and as always it was nice to see both a pedal and non-pedal steel on stage. In the case of the non-pedal, though, "see" was the operative word, not "hear." Larry Campbell did play some nice pedal only on the second tune ("I'll Be Your Baby Tonight"), but we never got a chance to hear that immaculate blonde D8 Stringmaster. In fact, it was obvious from the get-go that we wouldn't get to hear it, since it wasn't even plugged in. Instead, it spent the evening sitting flush against the front of Dylan's electric piano acting as his (gulp) music stand. Friends who saw the Friday night show said the same was true then. I wonder, on a tour when Dylan has apparently taken to playing keyboard exclusively, has anybody seen this thing actually used as anything more than a decorative storage space for a few papers? |
Bernard Beck Member From: Paris France
posted 21 March 2004 10:32 PM
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Yes I did. In Paris, 2 or 3 years ago, the steel player did play the non pedal steel on one song.Bernard |
Ian McLatchie Member From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
posted 22 March 2004 02:11 PM
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Thanks, Bernard. I assumed that such a beautiful instrument must be hauled around the tour circuit for more than mere decorative purposes, but I wonder if Dylan has swiped it for its current function since he started playing only piano. The word was that he wasn't playing guitar at present because his back is giving him troubles, but given how far he leans over the keyboard to sing into the mike, this seems unlikely. I didn't get a really close look at the Stringmaster, but from where I was it looked to be in extraordinary condition. |
Greg Simmons Member From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
posted 22 March 2004 04:11 PM
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When Dylan last played Edmonton in August 2002, Larry Campbell did play the Stringmaster on one song - Rainy Day Women #12 and #35  ------------------ Greg Simmons Custodian of the Official Sho~Bud Pedal Steel Guitar Website
[This message was edited by Greg Simmons on 22 March 2004 at 04:12 PM.]
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