posted 23 March 2004 03:21 PM
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I bought both the blue plastic rouge and these particular white rouges ...Fine and Ultra Fine White
Plastic Rouge.
One flannel wheel for each ... I use the blue first then the fine white ... followed by the ultra fine.
I primarily bought it for black polymer that I use in my new magnets ... its much softer than bakelite ... so I just hit it with the blue for a short blast.
I just bought a '35 B6 body and neck (thanks Ty) ... and I cleaned it and ran the rouges over it ... shined up pretty ..
But as Bill Creller said in the other thread ... I probably will end up using 320,400,600,1200 and 2000 wet/dry then hit the rouge progression again ...
------------------ [This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 23 March 2004 at 04:22 PM.]