Topic: This made me mad, then sad
Bill McCloskey Member From:
posted 14 December 2005 12:19 PM
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Cross posted to the International Acoustic Guitar Seminar site where Steiner has a LOT of friends.[This message was edited by Bill McCloskey on 14 December 2005 at 12:26 PM.] |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 14 December 2005 12:31 PM
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Rick, thanks, I received an email from him a little while ago, and I am contemplating what to reply. If he gives his permission I will post it here, so that he can present his version of this. The absolutely worst thing that happened during this "transaction" was that while I waited... and waited.. 2 months.... 4 months.. 6 months... while he claimed that the guitar was "in production" but delayed for various reasons - the real truth was that the guitar had been ready all the time but he had let a friend borrow it for several months, apparently to test it's "road worth", and get opinions from other US players. This was so far out that I couldn't even get really mad at the time, some stuff is so weird that you don't know whether to laugh or cry. It was a friend of mine who found this out, during a phone conversation with him, and when I confronted him with it he apologized and promised to get the guitar back and ship it asap. At the time I just thought that "Oh well, what the heck, I just want the (&%&%"/& guitar and be done with it without any more hazzles...." Then, as you know, the guitar never arrived, he claim to have shipped it and I can't prove he hasn't, so there it stands... I'll reply to his email and keep you posted, hopefully we will be able to sort this out without any more trouble..... Steinar ------------------
Bill McCloskey Member From:
posted 14 December 2005 12:38 PM
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"friend borrow it for several months, apparently to test it's "road worth", and get opinions from other US players." Well, I guess it's a used guitar then. He should discount accordingly. I've never heard of such a thing. The idea that I wouldn't be the first to play an instrument I had custom built sends willies up my spine. |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 14 December 2005 12:43 PM
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Right on, Bill! quote: I can't prove he hasn't
But he can't prove he has, and that's his responsibility - not yours. If he had any kind of integrity he wouldn't just shine you on and BS you this way. I know how upsetting this kind of thing is, and no honorable builder would let it happen. Why don't you print his email and we'll all answer it! |
Charles Dempsey Member From: The Cradle of the Stars.
posted 14 December 2005 12:45 PM
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I've bought and sold mucho stuff on the internet. The buyer can do nothing to assure delivery, so the burden is always on the seller. If he didn't insure the guitar that's his problem. If he has no documentation that's his problem.If communications with the guy have broken down then you're doing the right thing by posting on the forum because that's about all you can do. We can talk BBB and mail fraud until the cows come home, but in their eyes it's a case of "he said she said". Charlie |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 14 December 2005 12:48 PM
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Yeah Bill, if he'd wanted a few selected players to test it before shipping, and asked my permission, that would have been okay with me (but not a whole tour, which happened in this case).. But simply letting a guy keep it for months, while telling me that it was still in production, that's not the best way to build trust, to put it like that. But again, I'll write back to him very soon, and I hope we can sort it out and finish the whole thing. I hate stuff like this, I just want to live in peace, play my music, have a few beers and enjoy the Scandinavian blondes... I don't need stuff like this..... Steinar ------------------
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 14 December 2005 01:29 PM
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That's the worst part of something like this - having to to shift your focus from your art to dealing with duplicity. People that treat customers in such an underhanded way need to be boycotted and drummed right out of business.
Bill McCloskey Member From:
posted 14 December 2005 01:39 PM
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"live in peace, play my music, have a few beers and enjoy the Scandinavian blondes"Okay, now I have no sympathy for you.  |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 14 December 2005 01:39 PM
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Good one, Phred. |
Fred Shannon Member From: Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas
posted 14 December 2005 01:57 PM
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Steinar I straightened out the eBay thing with him via email and I have heard back from him and I've asked him permission to post his answer on the Forum. He has not replied to the request and I won't put it on until he agrees. He has a different side though I can tell you that. Phred |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 14 December 2005 02:00 PM
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quote: my personal integrity is extremely important to me
I lost that when I was a teenager so I'd take the cash instead......anyhow. I'll drop him a line too.[This message was edited by HowardR on 14 December 2005 at 02:02 PM.]
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 14 December 2005 02:01 PM
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quote: He has a different side though I can tell you that.
I'm sure he has. I hope you get his permission to post it so I can see what he writes. I have offered to post his reply to me, to give him a chance to present his view, but haven't heard back yet. Steinar ------------------
[This message was edited by Steinar Gregertsen on 14 December 2005 at 02:04 PM.]
Russ Young Member From: Seattle, Washington, USA
posted 14 December 2005 03:14 PM
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Some guys really know how to spend their birthday -- eh, Steinar?Have a happy 46th -- forget about this stuff for a while and enjoy the beer, the blondes and the music! |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 14 December 2005 04:08 PM
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Ummmmmmm, that would be 47, but thanks anyway!  No beer or blondes for me tonight, but hopefully lots of sleep.... (and there's still hope, it's tomorrow night that's the 'official' B-day, I'm only one hour into it so far......)See you all tomorrow,- I'm overwhelmed by the responses I've received and I know a lot more about how to handle this now than I did last night. Thanks!  Steinar ------------------
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 14 December 2005 04:29 PM
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Steinar, please send me an email. I have some info for you. It's [This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 14 December 2005 at 05:18 PM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 14 December 2005 04:29 PM
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quote: enjoy the beer, the blondes and the music!
and if you need to put another man on the job, I work cheap! 
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 14 December 2005 06:00 PM
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Okay here is the email I sent to Eric Brown followed by his response, followed by my answer to his response:--------------------------------------------- My email: Hi Eric, You are getting some very effective publicity on Steel Guitar Forum. As you may know, this forum is populated by just about every Steel Guitar player in the world - membership over 5,000. Here's the link: They say any publicity is good publicity. sincerely, Rick Alexander ------------------------------------
Eric Brown's response: wrote: > Hi Rick, > I have received some emails from this, both good and bad. I feel this is unjust without contacting first for more info. I consider Steinar a friend also. The article in question got a retraction from Joyce Grondin. Stating that only Two lapsteels were purchased buy Steinar and no other info could be confirmed. They said they got the info from Steinar's website. As far as $400.00 that was not the amount and I have all slips confirming that it was sent. I even sent all copies to him. I did not here from him and it has been almost two years. I built two the same as Steinar's design we worked out. The other went to Steinar's friend in California named David Seiglar, he got his fine. > I am willing to follow up with this matter to confirm my statement. > Eric Brown --------------------------------------------- and my answer: Hi Eric, I don't want to be unfair to anyone. Steinar is my friend and I have no reason to doubt what he says - and that's the same thing all the other guys feel. There are several discrepencies between what he says and what you say. But if he sent you money for a guitar and then did not receive it that's your responsibility. The buyer has no way to monitor the shipment, the seller does. You didn't hear from him because he just figured he's been screwed and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He's a sensitive artist, not an aggressive consumer advocate. You and he need to resolve this quickly. We are willing to post your side on the forum thread along with any further comments you have. We're ornery and mean - but in the final analysis, we're fair. Rick Alexander |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 14 December 2005 06:32 PM
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Thanks for posting this Rick, as it will give me a chance to deal with the arguments that I believe other also have received from Eric.Here we go: quote: I feel this is unjust without contacting first for more info.
Fair enough. I realize that would have been the "proper procedure", and my only excuse is that I simply snapped when I read the article, it was, as you say - "the final straw that broke the camel's back". quote: The article in question got a retraction from Joyce Grondin.
Well, if so then I find it strange that it still says the same. I have emptied the memory cache and cookies, but still I see no changes in the article, even after entering the site using three different browsers. If anybody can confirm that the stuff I quoted has been changed, please post and let me know. quote: Stating that only Two lapsteels were purchased buy Steinar and no other info could be confirmed. They said they got the info from Steinar's website.
Well, this is completely beside the point, it doesn't matter if I ordered 2, 10 or 20 - I am not denying that I liked his guitar well enough to order one more and even recommend it to a good friend - my complaint is about what it says about the recording I am supposed to have used it on. The way I see it, my name has been used to 'connect' his guitars to some "hot shots" - "Steel guitarist 'so-and-so' used it to record with these world famous artists" - and doing this he has falsely used my name to mislead the public. That is a very serious matter to me. quote: As far as $400.00 that was not the amount and I have all slips confirming that it was sent.
Now that's funny. On December 17th, 2003, I transferred $390 to Eric Brown - $350 for the guitar and $40 for shipping - and I have the PayPal receipt to prove it. So give or take $10....... quote: I even sent all copies to him.
Not correct. Unless he sent them by snailmail and the evil Postal Squirrel ate them.... quote: I did not here from him and it has been almost two years.
Again - not correct. Last winter/spring (I don't recall the exact date) I emailed Eric and asked what was going on, saying that I had more or less given up on it, and I got a reply where he claimed to have shipped it around Christmas time, 2004 (one year after I transfered the money). He also said that he would look into it, was eager to sort it out, and would get back to me later. So again I waited... and waited.. and then I gave up and he never heard from me again. quote: I built two the same as Steinar's design we worked out.
Correct, and this is actually a quite interesting point. Here I helped him refine the design, based on the model I bought on eBay - we even thought about giving it a name that somehow refered to me - and I never get the instrument while I have seen others offered on eBay. Jolly good job, I dare say. Any wonder I snapped? Now I desperately need some sleep - it's 3:30 in the morning over here - so I won't be 'available for comments' for a while. I'll just add that I have requested copies of Eric's shipping document(s), and told him I am more than willing to find a reasonable way out of this that we both can live with. But I need concrete proof, no more yadda yadda. I also want the paragraph mentioning me in that article removed or changed. One way or another. Steinar
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 14 December 2005 06:35 PM
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Just in case it helps I have e-mailed the following: I send this in case you have any doubts about the influence and reach of the “Steel guitar Forum.” My experience is that reputable traders would have long since offered a refund or replacement for the sake of goodwill, regardless of right or wrong.
Patrick Kelly Sydney, Australia
[This message was edited by Pat Kelly on 14 December 2005 at 06:35 PM.] |
Loni Specter Member From: West Hills, CA, USA
posted 14 December 2005 10:39 PM
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Hi Steinar, I remember you telling me about the overdue steel a long time ago. I remember saying that the guy was probably just running late and it would show up. I'm so sorry to have stuck up for a fellow builder, just assuming all builders are honest. As far as I'm concerned the man is guilty until proven inocent. Let's see what results come from this re-examination of the deal. I hope it all works out. Your friend, Loni |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 15 December 2005 05:38 AM
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What I don't understand is this, and it's so simple.If Eric made the shipment (of which he states he has the shipping receipts) and was notified that it never arrived, why didn't he track it down or initiate an inquiry? That's standard procedure, which brings us back to the question of "was it ever shipped". Something's rotten somewhere.
John Bushouse Member From:
posted 15 December 2005 06:43 AM
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What a crappy way to spend your birthday, Steinar!Of course, on the positive side, he evidently thinks enough of your artistic abilities to use you as a reference (even if it's 100% wrong). In 10 or 15 years, people will throw on that CD and exclaim, "listen to that kick a** Norwegian! Did you know he also did the solo on 'Running on Empty' as well as the bottleneck part on 'Werewolves of London'?" Just doing my part... |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 15 December 2005 07:44 AM
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quote: If Eric made the shipment (of which he states he has the shipping receipts) and was notified that it never arrived, why didn't he track it down or initiate an inquiry?
This is what he has to say about that: quote: I sent copies to the USPS in Portland to find or confirm it's location. I still am not sure what more I could have done or what you would like for me to do. Sorry for any problems this caused.
Steinar ------------------
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 15 December 2005 08:04 AM
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Howard, you just summed it up nicely. If Eric sent it and he has the receipts and it didn't arrive - it must have had a tracking # - then why didn't he track it down? If it didn't have a tracking number, that means Eric was negligent and he is responsible. Either way, he should make good on it and either refund Steinar's money or send him a new guitar post haste. His reputation is on the line and the ball is in his court.
[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 15 December 2005 at 08:08 AM.]
Ron Bednar Member From: Rancho Cordova, California, USA
posted 15 December 2005 08:05 AM
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quote: I sent copies to the USPS in Portland to find or confirm it's location. I still am not sure what more I could have done or what you would like for me to do. Sorry for any problems this caused.
Well, for one thing, wasn't it insured? If it didn't arrive an insurance claim should have been filed and Steinar would have gotten his money the very least Steinar should not have been left holding an empty bag...some follow up should have happened. Which, like Howard said, brings us back to page one...was the guitar ever sent at all? Doesn't sound like it. So what can happen now...seems too late to file a complaint with the local Better Business Bureau or some other agency? [This message was edited by Ron Bednar on 15 December 2005 at 08:06 AM.] |
Terry VunCannon Member From: Randleman, North Carolina, USA
posted 15 December 2005 08:15 AM
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Well the gloves are off here at VunCannon Music & Entertainment(The small booking agency that I run), I have been in touch with the folks at Jackson Browne's management agency (Donald Miller & Cree Clover's team) and they are very interested in this story. Maybe a call from a big city manangement lawyer will help Steinar!!!------------------ '49 & '51 National Dynamics, Harmos Model One, Lazy River Weissenborn, Mesa Boogie DC-3, SRV Strat.
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 15 December 2005 08:22 AM
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As I recall it, Erics friend who had borrowed the guitar for the tour was crazy about it (and it's a great rock'n'roll steel, with a tone that can cut through the Norwegian mountains, I'll give him that) and had begged him to keep it. So here's my theory: Since this was a friend of Eric's, he gave in and let him keep it, probably thinking that he could get another one ready pretty soon and ship that one to me. Now, for whatever reasons, this plan didn't work out - he could have been bogged down in other work, fammily issues, whatever - and somehow my guitar simply slipped away. Then, when I got back to him and asked for it (for the umpteenth time) he said it was shipped just to try and get off the hook. Well, that's my theory anyway, and my gut feeling agrees...... Steinar ------------------
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 15 December 2005 08:25 AM
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Terry - Keep me posted!! I can still receive your emails even though you don't get mine (for whatever freakish reason).... Steinar ------------------
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 15 December 2005 08:27 AM
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quote: I sent copies to the USPS in Portland to find or confirm it's location
If the shipment was insured or registered, there would have been a form to fill out and submit with the tracking information. There would have to be some kind of resolve and documented communication between the USPS and the shipper.
If you just send it parcel post, there's no real way to track it. You still have to fill out a form for a lost package, but chances of them locating it are nil. It sounds like this is what happened from his statement "What more could I have done?"
So, he sent a receipt to the USPS, never heard back, and that's it? Game over? |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 15 December 2005 08:27 AM
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quote: file a complaint with the local Better Business Bureau or some other agency?
Filing a complaint with the local BBB is all well and good, but I doubt if much of his business is local. This thread will ultimately have more impact than anything else would, because it is being read by thousands of Steel Guitar Players and other interested parties all over the world who are waiting to see how it plays out. If Steinar doesn't get his money back or the new guitar he was promised - everyone will know. And no one will forget. quote: Maybe a call from a big city manangement lawyer will help Steinar!!!
Nice going Terry! This is the kind of thing that will have a significant effect. |
Randy Reeves Member From: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
posted 15 December 2005 08:59 AM
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my heart is warmed by all the support being given to Steinar.terry, thanks for your help. that was really nice. hang in there Steinar. Im looking around my house ; perhaps you will be the next person I send a free guitar. |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 15 December 2005 09:05 AM
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Randy,- if your heart is warmed, then imagine how mine feels! I am truly touched and deeply moved by all the support - this is the best freakin' birthday present I could ever get!!  I hope you're only joking about that guitar - I am happy with my three 6-strings (Asher, Lap King, mongrel "LapStrat" with Loni's "Redneck") and I'm really getting into the 8 strings of my new GeorgeBoards. So please don't even think of doing anything like that (well, if you have a vintage D8 Stringmaster... ) - it's not so much the guitar or the money, it's the principle. Steinar ------------------
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 15 December 2005 09:44 AM
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quote: it's the principle.
plus interest...... 
Mark Vinbury Member From: N. Kingstown, Rhode Island, USA
posted 15 December 2005 10:22 AM
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Steinar-- This guy owes you a guitar or a refund. If he sent it at all it seems obvious and most likely he just fired it off from the local Post Office- no tracking ,no insurance.Pocketed the extra money and crossed his fingers. The extra cost for overseas tracking and insurance has tempted me to skip it more than once. In my experience shipping guitars,USPS has been very good about getting shipments right to a customers door (Australia, Italy, Norway etc.) but if somthing is missing and no precautions were taken up front they can't find it. In addition, he most likely declared what was in the package on a customs label.If an unscrupulous person sees that plus -no insurance and no tracking...... Eric owes you a guitar.He needs to quit the weasel routine and get busy on it. This type of controversy hurts all small guitar builders. [This message was edited by Mark Vinbury on 15 December 2005 at 10:55 AM.]
Randy Reeves Member From: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
posted 15 December 2005 10:35 AM
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happy birthday indeed. !!!!and yes , I was joking. however, I still have a mind to send you the Albert Lee CD I mentioned so very long ago. PM your address per favore. |
Jason Dumont Member From: Bristol, Connecticut, USA
posted 15 December 2005 10:49 AM
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This guy is so ridiculous! Anyone who's ever shipped anything overseas knows it's a big pain in the butt. Customs slip in duplicate, shipping label in duplicate, receipt of payment in duplicate! This guy is lying plain and simple. The whole "I gave it to friend...." what the heck is that? That's just's the most cockameemie story I ever heard. Everyone here knows how tough it is to make a living. And to make a living as a MUSICIAN! I know I don't have $400 to throw away. Steinar you need to get your dough back! and ASAP. Loser SOUNDS like luthier but they ARE NOT the same thing. |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 15 December 2005 11:37 AM
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quote: I consider Steinar a friend also.
The words of Eric Brown in his email response yesterday (about 20 posts back). |
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 15 December 2005 12:00 PM
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One comment about this "friend" thing... I doubt any real friend of mine would have had a similar casual attitude if I had sent him the money and never received the goods. And I certainly don't think he would have used my name to fabricate a "success" story about his work.That's all I have to say about that. Back to the business side of it..... Steinar ------------------
Patrick Newbery Member From: San Francisco, California, USA
posted 15 December 2005 12:22 PM
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Don't know if this was covered before, but if he shipped it to Steiner in Norway, he would have had to fill out customs forms, declaring the value. And the USPS would have a record of this. He is treading on some serious (federal) fraud charges if he is claiming that he did send it yet has no verification in terms of customs or other receipts. |
Andy Sandoval Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 15 December 2005 12:30 PM
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"Oh what a tangeled web we weave" This guys just diggin a deeper hole isn't he? Steinar I hope this all works out for ya. |