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Author Topic:   JB pro arrangments
Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 16 December 2005 03:57 PM     profile   send email     edit
I've been looking around the net for the JB pro arrangments that used to be on Scottys site but can't find them anywhere? Can any one point me in the right direction? Thanks...
Rick Aiello

From: Berryville, VA USA

posted 16 December 2005 04:17 PM     profile   send email     edit
Hi Jesse ... been awhile.

Here is a "hidden page" ...

JP Pro Arrangements

Jack Byrd furnished me with an updated list ... but I seem to have misplaced it ...

But this has most of 'em ... anyway ...


Aiello's Cast Steel Guitars

My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield

[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 16 December 2005 at 04:17 PM.]

Ray Montee

From: Portland, OR, USA

posted 16 December 2005 05:53 PM     profile   send email     edit
I'd caution to NOT make payment to Jerry Byrd. Likewise, for those inquiring about Jerry Byrd's this or that, why not simply check the point you're seeking by visiting the site? Nothing better than a knowledgeable source, eh?
Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 16 December 2005 08:32 PM     profile   send email     edit
Howdy Rick, Merry Xmas to everyone. Rick, is there a contact person or phone number that you might know of? I saw your steel guitar festival poster, nice job.

Ray, I really enjoy your JB tribute site, but I didn't see any info on the JB pro arrangments on there? Excuse me if I missed them.

Andy Sandoval

From: Bakersfield, California, USA

posted 16 December 2005 10:23 PM     profile   send email     edit
Hi guys, Here's the updated tab list that was sent to me when I ordered some of Jerry's tabs from Scotty's within the last month. JB Pro Arrangements

[This message was edited by Andy Sandoval on 17 December 2005 at 08:32 AM.]

Rick Aiello

From: Berryville, VA USA

posted 17 December 2005 06:03 AM     profile   send email     edit
I'd caution to NOT make payment to Jerry Byrd.

Good advice there Ray ...

Nothing better than a knowledgeable source, eh

Hence me pointing Jesse to Scotty's Music ... notice it is an archieved page from Scottys Web Site.

I simply put it up so he could look at the majority of listings ...

Personally, I have the original "multi- colored", handwritten order sheets that JB usta use for ordering these.

I decided to "archieve" them instead of using them as intended ... pretty good idea ... eh

I'm one of the very few folks ... according to JB himself ... that ordered all of home recordings that accompanied some of these Pro-Arrangements ...

He used a 4 track recorder for these ... rhythm guitar and bass, with a touch of lead guitar thrown in ... all played by JB himself.

He told me he didn't sell enough to re-coup his investment ... thats why he stopped short of his goal ... to have a full library of rhythm tracks for these jewels

He later sold that 4 track ... in the Buy & Sell section of the HSGA Quarterly.

Wish I had bought it ... just for posterity.


Aiello's Cast Steel Guitars

My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield

[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 17 December 2005 at 06:31 AM.]

Andy Sandoval

From: Bakersfield, California, USA

posted 17 December 2005 08:43 AM     profile   send email     edit
Man oh man, home recorded rhythm tracks to accompany the tabs? I know I would have been interested in those too, instead I'm tryin to obtain a recording of Jerry doin each song to go with the tabs I purchase. They may not follow the tab exactly but it makes it a lot easier for me anyway to get an idea and feel for it.

[This message was edited by Andy Sandoval on 17 December 2005 at 08:44 AM.]

Rick Aiello

From: Berryville, VA USA

posted 17 December 2005 09:43 AM     profile   send email     edit
Here they are ... in the "padded cases" I keep my JB tapes in.

I will be transfering them to CD ... now that I "dug 'em up" ...

Just to keep them "safer" ... like Jeff S. did with my videos.

It would sure be cool if Bruce Clarke recieved enough requests ... hint, hint ... to "do them up correctly" ...

Maybe Jack Byrd or JB's daughters have the "masters" for these ...

If not ... I'd surely send mine down under.

They are incredible ...

The only one I can't "hang with" is Hula Blues ... he plays it about 100 bpm faster than I can even think ...


Aiello's Cast Steel Guitars

My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield

c c johnson

From: killeen,tx usa

posted 17 December 2005 09:46 AM     profile   send email     edit
I'll let you in on alittle secret. I was the culprit that gave Jerry the idea to do these. We corresponded by tape many yrs. I asked him that when and if he had time and wanted to, would he pick up his flat top and put the chords to "Kissy Ling" on tape for me. He did and he said"You know,Chief,I saw a machine that I can duplicate almost any rhythm instrument and what I am going to do is make trax for all the songs that people have asked me about all these yrs. I hope there is a market. The machine could not duplicate the hawaiian right hand rolling style of rhythm so Jerry dubbed the Ukelele on the tapes.Jerry used to walk everymorning and field tested the tapes on his walkman. He sent me the rough cuts and I played them through my Peavey sound system and said they sounded great. So he did the final mix and sent to me and put the tapes on the market. Of course some of the people that were hot for these tapes did not buy so Jerry was left with quite an inventory. I have used mine on Haw gigs for yrs and the audience love them.I encourage all of you to get these arrangement and the tapes should they be available CC
Ray Montee

From: Portland, OR, USA

posted 17 December 2005 10:00 AM     profile   send email     edit
OK Johnson and Ric..........
I too, corresponded with JB since the early 1950's, and in all honesty, this is the first time I've EVER heard of these things of which you speak. Not once did I see this in "Steel Guitar Echoes"; or in any of his handwritten or audio tapes that he's sent me.
Tell us more, plez! How would someone get copies of said material? A good many of us want to know...... What's the secret?
Denny Turner

From: Northshore Oahu, Hawaii USA

posted 17 December 2005 10:07 AM     profile   send email     edit
Oh Akua and Dear Angels of the Universe; PLEASE make these tracks somehow available; And PLEASE prevent me from missing it if/when they are.



(Oh, and PS: Please bless all them starvin' pygmies down in new guinny ...ahmen)

[This message was edited by Denny Turner on 18 December 2005 at 03:27 AM.]

Rick Aiello

From: Berryville, VA USA

posted 17 December 2005 10:15 AM     profile   send email     edit
Hi Denny ... welcome back ... haven't heard from you in awhile.

Ray ... these were offered for sale ... I guess back in the late 1980's (can't quite remember) ... via HSGA.

It pays to be a member of HSGA ...

These are the "intellectual property" of JB's daughters I would imagine.

Check with Jack B. ...


Aiello's Cast Steel Guitars

My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield

Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 17 December 2005 10:28 AM     profile   send email     edit
Man, that would be something to have JB as your back up band, what a trip. I've been checking out a cruise ship line that works Tahiti and they have one man bands working the pool area during the day, these back up tapes would be perfect for that. If your a one one band, you get a room to yourself, lol. Thanks for the info guys...Denny, whats up bruddah...
Ray Montee

From: Portland, OR, USA

posted 17 December 2005 02:06 PM     profile   send email     edit
Ric.......about that time, I was planning on joining the HSGA but another outfit was overwhelming me with mail advertising their Hawaiin thing.......... There was a lot of back biting going on.......somebody did this to somebody else or whatever, so I trashed the idea. Can't believe I missed a deal like that.
So why can't someone convince the girls to put them on the market BIG TIME!
Rick Aiello

From: Berryville, VA USA

posted 17 December 2005 02:58 PM     profile   send email     edit
So why can't someone convince the girls to put them on the market BIG TIME!

Ray ... as the webmaster of the JB Fan Club Website ... and long-time JB activist/enthusiast ... you have "alot of weight to throw around" ... ... give Jack Byrd a call and get the ball rollin' ...

No doubt that Bruce Clarke and Cumquat records are the "guys to do it up right" ...

I know that JB himself asked Mr. Clarke to "redo" the tapes that accompany his big instructional course ... and put them in CD format.

I believe Bruce "handed" that task over to his son Dallas ... as there was alot of "pitch corrections", etc. ... to be done.

I have both the original course tapes and Cumquat's restoration ... and the CDs are a big improvement.

about that time, I was planning on joining the HSGA but another outfit was overwhelming me with mail advertising their Hawaiin thing.......... There was a lot of back biting going on.......somebody did this to somebody else or whatever

JB himself ... strongly recommended that I contact Lorene Ruymar and join HSGA ... back in the mid 80's.

To this day ... I hold great affection for ... and gratitude to ... JB, Mr. & Mrs. Ruymar and HSGA as a whole.

Without them ...

No 20+ yrs of fun ... No business adventures ... and ... No opportunity to meet some fine folks here on b0b's Forum.


Aiello's Cast Steel Guitars

My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield

[This message was edited by Rick Aiello on 17 December 2005 at 03:46 PM.]

Denny Turner

From: Northshore Oahu, Hawaii USA

posted 18 December 2005 03:23 AM     profile   send email     edit

Denny, whats up bruddah...

Hey Jess'mon.....

Been up to my eyeballs in 'gators. Just now unwinding 4 months of frantic networking civilian relief after the Fourth Reich's ethnic cleansing / carpetbagging in the wake of Katrina. About to get things sorta "normal" around here again; Although I'm a mess in the mirror.......

I hope and trust all is going reasonbly well for you, Bro.


Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 18 December 2005 08:28 AM     profile   send email     edit
Cool Denny, sounds like you alright, lol. Everything is good around here. I think Scotty's is re-vamping the JB pro arrangments and they might not be available at this time. I sent them an email, but no reply yet. I've been working out alot in F#9 and feel pretty good with it. Hope you and your family have a great holiday season this year. Take care, Jesse
DeWitt Scott

From: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

posted 18 December 2005 09:26 AM     profile   send email     edit
I have all the single solos Jerry shows in his catalog. Well, most all of them. I am missing a few arrangements but am slowly finding them here and there. I put the catalog together for him and printed them.

I think that I have everything that Jerry had. All the cassettes AND videos of most all of the Hawaiian shows plus chord charts and rhythm tracks. I have several audio and videos by Jerry at my International Steel Guitar Convention. None of the above is for sale just yet.

I just now played the rhythm track for Danny Boy, Faded Love, San Antonio Rose, Cold Cold Heart and Panhandle Rag. It sounded like Jerry recorded them himself and not the same as using a rhythm machine. He may have had Kalani and Hiram help him to record these. I am not organized to make these available at this time.

When I first picked all this up in Honolulu last April and got home with them it was hard for me to understand where all the tunes were as they were several boxes of them. I understand it now but am still missing a tune or two. Plus a few tunes that were not listed in the catalog. I thought that I would not do anything with them but I am getting some request for the single solos so have been selling a small amount of them.

The single solos are tab only. Jerry offered free shipping but I can't do that.

I have most all of Jerry's award plaques here at Scotty's Music plus many of his personal items. Plus his Sho Bud steel guitar, his Excel Frypan, Goodrich volume pedal and several sets of the bar and picks he had used over the years. I had the Fender twin amp but it got damaged in shipment. The amp was returned to Honolulu by mistake and picked up to ship back to me but then it got lost.

I will take small orders at a time. My duties at Scotty's Music keeps me very busy and I could only handle about 12 tunes at a time. Anyone interested can contact me at and we can talk about it. Scotty

Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 18 December 2005 10:33 AM     profile   send email     edit
Happy holidays to you and your family Scotty, thanks for the info. Take care Jesse
Ray Montee

From: Portland, OR, USA

posted 18 December 2005 01:40 PM     profile   send email     edit
Hey Ric!
Thank you for your kind words and believing I have some weight to throw around (I'll have you know, I've lost 20 lbs.!) I don't believe Jerry's daughters would recognize me and if I understood it right, Jack says he's not all that close to the two daughters either. I could be wrong but that is what I tho't he mentioned some time back.
I can't even sway a key person in Jerry's life to help out with a couple of "CRUCIAL" photo's for my to be revised photo album for the Jerry Byrd Fan Club. Another key personality of Jerry's has blocked me from his email even tho' I wrote only short emails on the average of one each six months.
Oh well. Some folks got it and the rest of us don't have it.
Anyone else think they can help?

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