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Author Topic:   My Funny Diatonic Valentine
Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 06 January 2006 06:25 PM     profile   send email     edit
This isn't really ready for prime time but what the heck. Here's my Garageband latin version of My Funny Valentine in Jerry Byrd's diatonic tuning (or 90 % of it as this is on a 6-string). I was playing around with some of the cascading licks you can get letting strings ring out as long as possible. Tuning (hi to low): E, C, B, A, G, F
Mark Eaton

From: Windsor, Sonoma County, CA

posted 06 January 2006 06:32 PM     profile   send email     edit
Not only can the boy write, but he can play, too! Nice.

Hey Andy, if I get a chance to talk to Freddie Roulette tonight, I'll tell him "Hi" for you!


George Keoki Lake

From: Edmonton, AB., Canada

posted 08 January 2006 04:14 AM     profile     edit

[This message was edited by George Keoki Lake on 08 January 2006 at 04:15 AM.]

Gary Boyett

From: Colorado

posted 08 January 2006 05:44 AM     profile   send email     edit
very nice Andy!

What a nice way to start out the morning.

I see a CD coming out soon in the near future from my Crystal Glass Bar...

Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 08 January 2006 06:47 AM     profile   send email     edit
Thanks, Guys. It's just an experiment really cause I haven't woodsheded the tuning or even my own arrangement all that well so the cut is kind of stilted, I think. The diatonic tuning offers a lot of posssibilites but you really need to have your blocking very together - more together than I do.

[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 08 January 2006 at 06:50 AM.]

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