Topic: C6 mode/interval Chart
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 24 February 2006 11:19 AM
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There are 3 charts total in this thread. If you leave my talking out and just print the charts, they fit on to 3 seperate pages in large type for easy reading. Use "Courier New" to edit/paste back onto MS Word.
[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 03 March 2006 at 10:18 AM.]
Jeff Au Hoy Member From: Honolulu, Hawai'i
posted 24 February 2006 01:17 PM
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my brain just exploded |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 24 February 2006 02:17 PM
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C6 mode/interval Chart - 3 fret wide box'slow to high = C E G A C E 1 E 2 C 3 A 4 G 5 E 6 C Ionian Major7/9 Dorian Minor7 |6| |7| |5 | |6| |4| |5| |b3| |4| |9| |3| |1 | |9| |1| |9| |b7| |1| |6| |7| |5 | |6| |4| |5| |b3| |4|
Phrygian Min7b6b9 Lydian Maj+4 |4 | |5 | |3| |+4| |b9| |b3| |1| |9 | |b7| |1 | |6| |7 | |b6| |b7| |5| |6 | |4 | |5 | |3| |+4| |b9| |b3| |1| |9 |
Mixolydian Dom7 Aeolian Min7b6 |9 | |3 | |1 | |9 | |b7| |1 | |b6| |b7| |5 | |13| |4 | |5 | |4 | |5 | |b3| |4 | |9 | |3 | |1 | |9 | |b7| |1 | |b6| |b7|
Locrian Min7b5 |b7| |1 | |b5| |b6| |b3| |4 | |b9| |b3| |b7| |1 | |b5| |b6|
String 4 = LSR = Ionian (1) String 3 = LSR = Dorian (2) String 3 = RSR = Phrygian (3) String 2&6 = LSR = Lydian (4) String 2&6 = RSR = Mixolydian (5) String 1&5 = LSR = Aeolian (6) String 1&5 = RSR = Locrian (7) LSR = Left Side Root = Root note of the mode found on the Left Side of the modal box = towards the nut RSR = Right Side Root = Root note of the mode found on the Right Side of the modal box = towards the bridge [This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 02 March 2006 at 08:10 AM.]
Patrick Newbery Member From: San Francisco, California, USA
posted 24 February 2006 04:27 PM
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nice. but can you do it with a 5th on top? |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 24 February 2006 05:20 PM
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.[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 25 February 2006 at 05:45 PM.] |
Ian Ufton Member From: Ontario, Canada
posted 24 February 2006 05:57 PM
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Jeff , Does the B-ex impair your melodic creative ability ? |
Ian Ufton Member From: Ontario, Canada
posted 24 February 2006 05:58 PM
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P S Does it hurt ? |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 25 February 2006 09:40 AM
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.[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 25 February 2006 at 05:46 PM.] |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 25 February 2006 05:43 PM
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Steel guitar neck C6 tuning Connected Modal Box's nut<<<<>>>>bridge = frets low<<<<>>>>high = Pitch Loc Aeo Mix Lyd |b7| |1 | |9 | |3 | |+4| |b5| |b6| |b7| |1 | |9 | |b3| |4 | |5 | |13| |7 | |b9| |b3| |4 | |5 | |6 | |b7| |1 | |9 | |3 | |+4| |b5| |b6| |b7| |1 | |9 | Phr Dor Ion |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |b9| |b3| |4 | |5 | |b7| |1 | |9 | |3 | |b6| |b7| |1 | |9 | |4 | |5 | |6 | |7 | |b9| |b3| |4 | |5 |
If you cut and edit the chart above onto MSW, change the font to Courier New/size 16. It covers the whole page, I put mine in bold. The more I study this and try to relate the steel to a Guitar or bass, the more it doesn't make sense position wise. Denny Turner's connected modal box's going up and down the neck appear to all have the same root note, unlike the guitar or bass? The Modal box's for a particular parent major scale (different root notes for each mode diatonic to a major scales notes being used) are all in the same 3 fret place on the neck? There must be some practical way to use Denny's approach (easy and intuitive) but either I haven't found it or I have found what there is to find and it requires you to study pretty deep to use it? I studied it a couple of years ago and then I took a break from steel. I remember when Denny's charts first appeared on the forum and we wondered if this was the holy grail of steel approaches. I guess it's just another approach out of many. I would rather have it than not. Many thanks Denny for creating this, I see different things with it from day to day. [This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 04 March 2006 at 08:46 AM.]
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 26 February 2006 01:25 PM
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For those of you who are confused with how to use these charts, here are some hints:1. You should print out a fingerboard chart of C6 tuning with the names of each note on there to cross-reference with. Here is a good one Scott Houston made. Thanks Scott. ***Go to thumbnail on the far left side of your screen and click it, then click on #8 box to highlight it. Your printer will only print this C6 chart over and over if you want. 2. With the modal box's connected to each other (traveling up and down the neck) "remember" they will all have the same root note depending on what you call the #1 interval found in each box. Verify this with your note name placement chart. 3. Imagine Lydian going from the 14th fret down to Locrian at the 6th fret. That means all the (#1 intervals) are the C note in the connected modal box's. 4. Imagine Ionian going from the 7th fret down to Phrygian at the 1st fret. That means all the (#1 intervals) are the C note in the connected modal box's. 5. What ever you decide the (#1 interval) will be, than the connected modal box's will lay out just like in the C example above. Use your note placement neck chart to verify. 6. It's up to you to put this approach to good use. I use it in conjunction with everything else I can come up with. Good luck!
[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 27 February 2006 at 01:43 PM.] |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 02 March 2006 01:10 PM
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.[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 03 March 2006 at 09:14 AM.] |
Jesse Pearson Member From: San Diego , CA
posted 03 March 2006 09:12 AM
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string LSB/RSR Root RSB/LSR 1 Locrian E Aeolian 2 Mixolydian C Lydian
3 Phrygian A Dorian
4 //////// G Ionian
5 same as 1st string 6 same as 2nd string
LSB = left side box of center root note
RSR = Right side of box root note RSB = Right side box of center root note LSR = Left side of box root note
This seems like the easiest way to remember this stuff. Just look at the notes as the C6 tuning at the 12th fret. The 12th fret is the center fence line where the root of the modes sit. The first 4 upper strings/notes are the shared root notes with a modal box on either side of each shared root note. Transpose to different keys/root notes by going to different frets. Verify note names with your master C6 note/neck chart. Memory trick: 1st string, left side Locrian, right side Aeolian. 2nd string, left side Mixolydian, right side Lydian. 3rd string, left side Phrygian, right side Dorian. 4th string, right side Ionian. *** these are 3 fret wide modal box's
[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 03 March 2006 at 01:52 PM.]