Topic: Pickups
Matt Martin Member From: Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
posted 12 October 2002 02:37 PM
Has anybody ever mounted a pickup OVER the strings, sort of like the horseshoe?? What would be the out come? And how would you wire it? Inline with the other or seperate? |
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 12 October 2002 07:04 PM
To what purpose, Matt?  |
Matt Martin Member From: Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
posted 13 October 2002 02:39 AM
Maybe a stereo effect or to switch between a reg and one out of phase. It seems a lot of people here try a lot of experiments and was just wondering. |
Jason Lollar Member From: Seattle area
posted 13 October 2002 10:46 AM
I remember someone bought a pickup from me and mounted it over the strings onto something similar to a bigsby vibrato. They would raise and lower to pickup while playing to get a tremelo effect. I test pickups over the strings and found if you raise and lower them while the strings are vibrating you can make them sustain as long as you want. |
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 13 October 2002 06:32 PM
Jason Lollar Member From: Seattle area
posted 13 October 2002 08:32 PM
Yes it is strange! |
Tony Harris Member From: England
posted 14 October 2002 03:10 AM
A while ago I came across an 8-string lap steel made by Otwin - I think a German company. It consisted of a body, with tuners,fretboard and bridge - but NO wiring or electronics in it. Above the strings was an assembly holding the pickup, volume control and jack socket. This could be slid up and down on runners to be positioned anywhere from bridge to fretboard. This gave a variety of sounds from just one pickup. Experimenting with this, I'm convinced that the position of the pickup along the string length is VERY important - much more than is given credit for, when talking about pickup types, woods, wiring etc. Guitars and basses have been made with sliding pickups before (Dan Armstrong?)but always under the strings. The disadvantage with this one was that the damn pickup assembly was often where you'd want your picking hand. Always in the way! So I played with it until I found my favourite position, then had the pickup mounted in the body of the guitar conventionally - under the strings, with the jack socket in the body. Eventually sold the guitar on, as I couldn't get on with the very narrow string spacing. |