Topic: WEBB AMP Who All Has one??
Gary Steele Member From: Orient, Ohio, USA
posted 19 December 2002 06:16 PM
You guys that have played a Webb and everything else, What do you think of them. Me and Bobby Cox played thru Lynn Owsleys in St. Louis and his tone was Fabulos. If anyone wants to pobbibly part with one email me DIRECT. Thanks much, Gary |
Tom Hodgin Member From: greensboro, n.c. u.s.a.
posted 19 December 2002 08:52 PM
Gary, I don't know what your ideas of sound are, but for me the Webb is exactly what I want to of the major points is that you can create many different sounds...listen to WSM 650 on sat. night...everyone is playing through Tommy White's Webb system....tom |
Michael Haselman Member From: St. Paul Park, Minnesota, USA
posted 20 December 2002 08:06 AM
I've had my Webb since 1978. (Serial number 969). The speaker's been reconed 3 times, it's been in the shop about 6 times over the years for various problems. I had a lot of trouble with the reverb circuit for a while. But I wouldn't use anything else. I recently got a Session 400 in a package deal with my steel. I A/B'ed it on stage with the Webb--no contest. I no longer own the Session. I've never used anything but the middle setting.------------------ Marrs D-10, Webb 6-14E |
john buffington Member From: Owasso Ok USA
posted 20 December 2002 08:50 AM
I have two of them, for tone IMO nothing can compare. For me, the search ended when I bought my first WEBB from Charlie Norris at Norris Family Music, the WEBB for me is the amp of my dreams.John Buffington WEBB Amps, '81 Emmons p/p |
John Bresler Member From: Medford, Oregon
posted 20 December 2002 09:03 AM
I've had mine since about 1972 (serial # 853). Bought it new from Chuck Wright who was a dealer in the Portland area. Jimmie Webb makes the finest steel guitar amp available. |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 20 December 2002 09:04 AM
Bought my first one in '78 (#639). Sold it about five years later (like a dummy). The new owner still has it to this day with no problems! I went through several other steel amps from the mid '80's into the '90's then got ahold of a couple more Webbs. Pretty much went "full circle". The amp is top notch. It's just a case of which speaker you prefer. That makes a huge difference in tone![This message was edited by Jay Ganz on 25 December 2002 at 07:25 AM.]
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 20 December 2002 10:54 AM
I have two 6-14E Webbs. One was bought new in 1993 and the other is one of the few first 150 watt models. Jim Webb said he only made about 20 of those. I think I'll keep them.Happy Holidays, Dave Z |
KENNY FORBESS Member From: peckerwood point, w. tn.
posted 20 December 2002 12:40 PM
Dave, I have one of the first 150 watt amps,A red one , back then you could only get Red, Black or White.and I think it out performes my other one , tone and power.Mr. Webb didn't put a ser# on the back of the chassis at the line-out jack, like the later models. is your cabinet 1" shorter than the newer ones ? Mine is shorter than my 76 model 225 watt. Love both of them. ------------------ 66 Emmons D-10 bolt-on
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 20 December 2002 12:41 PM
Kenny. I didn't measure the cabinet but visually it is shorter. It's black and the knobs don't have numbers like the newer ones. The speaker is mounted from the inside of the cabinet as opposed to the newer Webbs with speakers mounted from the outside. I have an E130 4 ohm JBL that needs reconing to put in it.DZ |
Larry Behm Member From: Oregon City, Oregon
posted 20 December 2002 06:28 PM
I have a red one (#832) and a black one (#1068) any ideas about dates for these amps?I really like my PP with them. I am playing NYE and might just take them both. Larry Behm |
Gary Steele Member From: Orient, Ohio, USA
posted 21 December 2002 06:04 AM
What would be the pro and cons to a 1979 WEBB with a JBL-M30? Thanks, for your input. [This message was edited by Gary Steele on 21 December 2002 at 06:26 AM.] |
Larry King Member From: Watts, Oklahoma, USA
posted 21 December 2002 07:23 AM
What John Buffington failed to mention is that he's such a class act that his "show "instrument is color matched to his " Webb"..a purple heart Mullen with a burgandy Webb...looks purty sharp, sounds even better. |
Larry Behm Member From: Oregon City, Oregon
posted 21 December 2002 09:37 AM
Gary what is a M30?Larry Behm |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 21 December 2002 10:36 AM
I've been using mine for almost 25 years now. I don't take it out as often as I used to, but it still has that great tone. I use it mostly for country gigs.------------------
Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic), Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6), Roland Handsonic |
Gary Steele Member From: Orient, Ohio, USA
posted 21 December 2002 12:59 PM
Larry, The M-30 is suppose to be an older JBL from what i understand. I should talk to a guy next week that can tell me a little more. |
Gene Sharp Member From: Cypress, TX. - N/W Outpost
posted 21 December 2002 01:13 PM
I have a Burgandy 614-E, Serial #977. I bought this amp new from Herb Remington about 28 years ago.It has a JBL k130-4 Speaker. Still perking and has a good tone. My question is: Would a 1501-4 give me a better sound. I also have 2 N-400's, 2 N-1000's and a Session 400 with a JBL. Bought this one from Herby also. Gene Sharp ------------------
Larry Behm Member From: Oregon City, Oregon
posted 24 December 2002 03:31 PM
Gene I tried a 1501-8 and did not like it at all and I used PV's for over 29 years.JBL's or EV or Eminence(sp) might sound better. Larry Behm |
Rick Barber Member From: Morgan Hill, Calif. USA
posted 25 December 2002 03:10 AM
Larry,Who makes the 1501 series. Rick Barber |
Jim Smith Member From: Plano, TX, USA
posted 25 December 2002 05:21 AM
Peavey makes the Black Widow 1501-4, I assume they make the 1501-8 (8 ohm version) as well.  |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 25 December 2002 07:33 AM
The Webb labeled speakers that are in the newer amps are made by Eminence. Jim sent me one about a year ago to try & they sound great. If the JBL E-130 is a bit bright for you, the Webb speaker is an excellent alternative. I have early 80's Electro-Voice EVM-15L's in both if mine. They have more low end than the E-130's with the same high frequencies but without the JBL's emphasis on the upper midrange frequencies.------------------ Steelin' Video * * * Bolt-on* * * * Wraparound* * * *Fingertip
[This message was edited by Jay Ganz on 25 December 2002 at 07:36 AM.]
Rick Collins Member From: Claremont , CA USA
posted 25 December 2002 04:57 PM
I have a Webb 6-14E, 225 watt and I even use it for Hawaiian on my Fender Dual(8) Pro. as well as the pedal guitar.I always use the #3 setting. Rick |
David Decker Member From: Canton, Ohio, USA
posted 25 December 2002 07:31 PM
I have a black Webb, SN 827 with the Webb extension cab. Both with JBL K-130's[This message was edited by David Decker on 25 December 2002 at 07:33 PM.] |
Jerry Roller Member From: Van Buren, Arkansas USA
posted 25 December 2002 08:15 PM
Red #662. Black #1247. |
Dennis Manuel Member From: Wells, B.C., Canada
posted 26 December 2002 10:04 PM
I have two Webb 6-14E amps and never had a problem with either of them. My other half says they are the only amps that I have never complained about and believe me, I have had and or tried 95% of them. The Webb amps are super clean sounding and designed for steel. |
Ben Jack Member From: Fayettevillle, Ar. 72703
posted 27 December 2002 03:46 PM
Larry R Member From: Navasota, Tx.
posted 27 December 2002 08:56 PM
One fairly new WEBB amp and trying to figure out how to justify another WEBB. Best amp I ever used. Awesome tone. Plenty of torque and horsepower. |
Tom Hodgin Member From: greensboro, n.c. u.s.a.
posted 06 January 2003 05:44 AM
How many times have we heard,"that Emmons sound", I say the same thing about my Webb..the sound just "PULLS ME BACK IN"...tom |
Byron Walcher Member From: Ketchum, Idaho, USA
posted 08 January 2003 07:07 PM
I also have two, both piggybacks. One of them is a new "galaxy" model which has the best distortion unit I've ever had built in. Mr Webb says the pre-amp and power amp stages are identical to the 6-14. Mine both have JBLs one a fifteen and the other a 12. The galaxy is black and the other one is metalic blue. I also owned several different PV amps and could never seem to get "that" sound. I think you can still get some models from Mr. Webb. It takes a while but, wow.------------------ Lashley Legrande D10 8x7,Emmons Legrande 8x7, Sierra Lap-Top, Webb Amps
Gary Steele Member From: Orient, Ohio, USA
posted 12 January 2003 07:51 AM
If anyone has a WEBB not to old i might consider trading my rack system on buy and sell [This message was edited by Gary Steele on 13 January 2003 at 09:33 PM.] |