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  Hookup of volume pedal to Profex 2, FX loop

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Author Topic:   Hookup of volume pedal to Profex 2, FX loop
Ken Fox

From: Ray City, GA USA

posted 12 April 2003 03:44 PM     profile     
One of the problems I have had is that I like to use a compressor on the Profex 2, but it does not like to see a volume pedal in front of it. I gave this a try and I am really pleased with the results:

Guitar directly to input of the Profex II, volume pedal in the FX loop in the back of the Profex II (left send to V.P. input, left return to V.P. output). Then I set up like this:

CM > FX >DL > RV

I set the "send" and "return" at 100 perfect on the FX loop parameters and let the "direct" set at about 3 (that way there is a small amount of volume with the pedal pulled all the way back). I am not sure what the "sum" if for, I left it off. This arrangement has another plus, there is a tail left on the delay and reverb when the pedal is pulled back!

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 13 April 2003 at 08:49 AM.]

Ken Fox

From: Ray City, GA USA

posted 13 April 2003 08:48 AM     profile     
Another nice feature is I do not need a Matchbox or other type of buffer device hanging off the leg of the steel! The guitar sees a buffer amp (4558 IC chip) when it is plugged directly in. The Volume pedal is driven by a buffer amp and the return it sees is another buffer amp. I looked at the Nashville 400, 3 wire pedal hookup and basically this is the same thing. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this?
The Peavey and Lemay upgrades for the Profex II address the IC chips in the audio path (4 each of these chips). The effects loop circuit has another 3 of these chips, I am considering changing those out to the Burr Browm chips. Comparing the sound with and without the volume pedal in he patch revealed how good the Burr Brown chips (Peavey and Lemay upgrade) sounded in my unit. The difference is not that bad, but the Burr Brown chips do seem to make an audible difference is the sound quality.

[This message was edited by Ken Fox on 13 April 2003 at 08:50 AM.]

Ron Randall

From: Dallas, Texas, USA

posted 08 May 2003 06:37 PM     profile     

Thanks for the info. I too like a compressor sometimes, but definitely before the volume pedal.

Is your volume pedal a pot type or a Hilton? Does it matter?

I am experimenting with a TC Electronics G-Force. There is a loop for a pedal, and I wanna give it a try.


Ken Fox

From: Ray City, GA USA

posted 08 May 2003 07:23 PM     profile     
With this setup you get a great sound with a regular pedal.
Mike Brown

From: Meridian, Mississippi USA

posted 09 May 2003 02:00 PM     profile     
Thanks for the info for steelers everywhere! It's Friday, what can I say.

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