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  Kill Those Pop-Up Ads!

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Author Topic:   Kill Those Pop-Up Ads!
Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 11 May 2002 08:20 AM     profile     
I finally got around to installing
Lavasoft Ad-Aware 5.8. I ran it and it found over a hundred item that it identified as Adware/Spyware. They're now gone!

Great Product!

I got it at

Also FreeRAM XP Lite is a wonderful utility.

Both are Free Downloads and Licences.

Mark Ardito

From: Chicago, IL, USA

posted 11 May 2002 09:04 AM     profile     

Ad Aware is a great little program. I used to run OptOut which was developed by Steve Gibson at he is my hero in the computing world. He stopped his Opt Out and let Lava Soft continue putting out upgrades for AdAware.

For all who are wondering, Ad Aware is a spyware removal application. Here is Steve Gibson's (my computing hero) definition of spyware:

"What is Spyware?

Spyware is ANY SOFTWARE which employs a user's Internet connection in the background (the so-called "backchannel") without their knowledge or explicit permission.

Silent background use of an Internet "backchannel" connection MUST BE PRECEDED by a complete and truthful disclosure of proposed backchannel usage, followed by the receipt of explicit, informed, consent for such use.

ANY SOFTWARE communicating across the Internet absent these elements is guilty of information theft and is properly and rightfully termed: Spyware."

I would recommend going to to read all about it. Big time criminals of this are Real Networks, the makers of Real Player, Comet Cursor and others.

This software really helps the overall security of your PC.

Thanks for posting the info Joey!

I have a ton of things I can recommend, but I can not seem to get it from my brain to the forum to share. Maybe too many hours of sitting in front of a computer!


Tommy Mc

From: Middlesex VT

posted 11 May 2002 03:10 PM     profile     
I also use Ad-Aware with good results. Another freeware program that I am using is
It is great at eliminating 'pop-ups.' I used to use 'PopUpStopper' but I think KillAd is easier to use. You can get it here:
Joe Delaronde

From: Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada

posted 11 May 2002 07:48 PM     profile     
I just installed the Aware software and found 63 spy thingies.
I'm clean now.Thanks for the info.
Wayne Brown

From: Strathmore, Alberta, Canada

posted 11 May 2002 08:35 PM     profile     
gee joey where you been boy ...been running that program for the last 3 should have asked i wouls have sent it to ya...

From: Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

posted 12 May 2002 07:38 AM     profile     
I just ran the program and found 135 articles
Can I just delete them? Should they be backed up for any reason? thanks Winston

From: Monson, MA 01057 U.S.A.

posted 12 May 2002 09:49 AM     profile     
Joey, I looked for FreeRAM XP Lite on the site, but seemed to only find
RAMBooster. Is this the same thing?

I came up with 587 entries on AdAware. Is it OK to delete the REGISTRY ones? I put them in the IGNORELIST for now. There's about 25-30 of them and a lot are from an old GATOR program. I'm real leery about REGISTRY entries.


Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 12 May 2002 11:21 AM     profile     
You can get FreeRam XP Lite at their site

As far as AD-AWARE goes, delete those Registry Entries! That's where the smart bugs hide.
If that scares you, AD-AWARE gives you the option to back them up so you can restore them later.

Selecting IGNORE tells AD-AWARE to leave these items alone. Only do that if it's something you want.

I killed all of mine, no backup, and I'm OK.

Mark Ardito

From: Chicago, IL, USA

posted 12 May 2002 07:23 PM     profile     
Basically, the registry delete thing just takes out the registry entry to go ahead and spy. Deleting the line is ok, the program still works fine, it just doesn't spy anymore.



From: Monson, MA 01057 U.S.A.

posted 13 May 2002 05:59 AM     profile     
Thanks for those tips Joey and Mark.

From: Monson, MA 01057 U.S.A.

posted 13 May 2002 05:11 PM     profile     
I remember FreeRAM now. I had it on at one time, but I think I had some bugs with it; so I did take it off.
Anybody having or have had problems with FreeRAM?
Kevin Post

From: Nashville, TN, USA

posted 19 May 2002 03:25 PM     profile     
Those are great to have.

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