Topic: Forumites- Please get "MEDICAL" checkup.
Ed Naylor Member From: portsmouth.ohio usa
posted 06 February 2005 06:45 AM
With the passing of Jimmie Crawford and all the post about health problems, I am BEGGING you all to get medical checkups. In 1996 I was diagosed with Cardiomyphia and 21% use of my heart. 70% of people with this die in 5 years.In 1999 I was taken to the ER and had sugar level 988.By losing 50 lbs and watching my diet I am surviving. Walking the Dogs gives me exercise and I also watch my stress levels. Please go for a checkup.Ed Naylor Steel Guitar Works. |
Larry Robbins Member From: Fort Edward, New York, USA
posted 06 February 2005 07:09 AM
I'll second that in a big way! Please, your health is no small matter.Get that check up. Lose that 10 or 20 lbs. I lost 38 lbs this past year, got my sugar checked, blood work ect. I feel better just knowing that I am reasonably fit.Besides, that check-up could just reveal something in enough time to save your steel playing butt! The big point here is LISTEN to what the Doctor says, then DO what he says...We have lost enough of you for a while! |
Gere Mullican Member From: LaVergne, Tennessee, USA
posted 06 February 2005 07:25 AM
I agree with a checkup. In January 1984 I went into a coma and was taken to the emergency room ( I didn't know about it). They discovered that I had diabetes and my blood sugar level was 2200. I stayed ina coma for a couple of weeks and in the hospital for 5 weeks. I also had pneumonia and the doctors told my family I would not live through the night. Thankfully they were wrong. I didn't even know I had diabetes or was sick. So it does pay to get checked out. I want to try to play steel for another 60 years. Gere |
Joe MC unregistered
posted 06 February 2005 08:20 AM
I being a 7 year Prostate C survivor.. cannot emphasize how important it is for regular check ups.. The PCA caught me by surprise. Just had a re-evaluation.. after almost 7 years it's still localized.. and we have 15 radiation treatments left out of 42.. So far so good.. no side effects to speak of.. MD Anderson Cancer Treatment Center the # 1 for a number of years takes excellent care of me.. We have seen many patients that have come there after being sent home by other facilities saying there is no hope..and go home in remission. I encourage anyone to seek a 2nd opinion from MDA.. I don't care what stage of progession they are in. When diagnosed in 98 I was told I might have 3 years.. well here I am doing just great.. If anyone with Cancer wants to come to MDA .. I will meet them at the airport and be with them for their appointments. MDA has it's own hotel . Jessie Jones Rotary House that is managed by Marriott.. It is a nice hotel with Sky bridge access to all MDA facilities. There are other Hotels within 1 mile that are reasonable.. If you have a love one that has the Big C.. and want to chat.. 832-423-3034 is my cell.. Call me any time day or nite.. You do not need a Physician to refer you to MDA. You can refer yourself: or you may call these phone numbers: Phone: (713) 792-6161 or 1-800-392-1611 Fax: (713) 792-2504 We hope this post will give a lot of hope to those that have Cancer.. Hugs and Prayers Joe McHam Houston, TX
[This message was edited by Joe MC on 06 February 2005 at 10:20 AM.] |
Mike Richardson Member From: Rutledge, Georgia, USA
posted 06 February 2005 09:42 AM
You said it Ed, Being a Registered Nurse did not keep me from having a heart attack in 2001.You must stay on top of your own health and look after #1.Don't do like I did and Say,"I will get a physical tomorrow."Tomorrow amost didn't come for me..Stay Safe..Eat Healthy...Take Care....Mike Richardson |
Al Marcus Member From: Cedar Springs,MI USA
posted 06 February 2005 10:56 AM
I can understand Ed's advice. Long ago, I got orders to walk or swim everyday to keep my back from gettin stiff and hurting from Arthritis. So I been walking every day. In my Basement in the winter. I can no longer lift guitars or amps and do not play out anymore. So I have to sell my fine S12 MSA Millenium and my D10 Carter.  ------------------ My Website..... |
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 09 February 2005 09:10 AM
Want to second Ed Naylors's warning about checkups. Being the typical male, I hadn't had a complete physical for close to 20 years. At the prodding of my wife of 40 plus years I had one 3 years ago. As you might have guessed I had problems. Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high chloresterol. As the result of the diabetes I have bleeding in the both my retinas, one of them severe enough to have a 40 percent loss of vision, with me going to the eye surgeon to have laser pulses to try to control the bleeding. With exercise and medication most of my problems are under control. Also because my Dad died of colon cancer and my sister is a survivor of it I had a colonoscopy, which showed no problems. I hope I haven't bored you with this but don't wait until you are in your 60's to have a checkup. By the way Ed N. my dad was born across the river in Greenup Co.where I have cousins.------------------
Allen Peterson Member From: Katy, Texas
posted 09 February 2005 09:51 AM
Hey Joe MC I really appreciate you post on prostate cancer. I was diagnosed last June at age 53 with prostate cancer. They thought we caught it early, but it didn't work out that way. I had the prostate removed last September at MDA. They also found cancer in two of the lymph nodes and one of the seminal vesicles, which they removed. I am still recovering from the effects of the surgery, but I am making slow, steady progress. Also, they put me on hormone therapy. This involves getting a shot of lupron every three months when they check my PSA. I also take a casodex pill every day as part of the treament. I have had very little in the way of side effects from the hormone treatments. My last two PSA tests were zero and I hope it stays that way. I agree with you that MD Anderson is the greatest and I will also throw my name in the ring for anyone needing assistance in getting from the airport to MDA, or for any other assistance regarding this disease. My phone # is 281-578-9612. I might also add that if you men haven't had your PSA checked recently, go get it done. It is painless and it saved my life. |
Ed Naylor Member From: portsmouth.ohio usa
posted 09 February 2005 10:07 AM
Lyle- Just got back from my Dentist a few minutes ago, got my teeth cleaned and good news my fillings ,some40 yrs old are OK. I have to have a minor filling next month.He was amazed how well they were due to size and age.I forgot to mention on previous post I had LENS implants 20 yrs ago, and the last checkup, the DR was knocked out that I could read the SMALL line. HE said he couldn't. Again I say-get healthy. ED |
L. A. Wunder Member From: Lombard, Illinois, USA
posted 09 February 2005 10:30 AM
You said it Ed! I have to tack on here too. My heart failed in late 2000. I have a defective heart which I was born with, and had already had reconstructive surgery. I was sure that the coughing, sweating, and extreme fatigue couldn't be due to my heart. After all, it was repaired, right? WRONG! The arrythmias got so bad I'd have multiple episodes just walking to the bathroom. I finally went to the cardiologist and then directly into the hospital. It wasn't till Feb. of '01 that I was correctly diagnosed, and by then was in level 3 heart failure, and they were talking "transplant." Fortunately valve surgery, a pacemaker/defibrillator, and a handfull of pills are keeping me going for now. I just recently had more difficulty, and the doctor added yet another medication. The moral of this story is, DON'T LET STUFF LIKE THIS GO! I'd had a 5-hour arrythmia at work a few months beforehand. It was so bad,it required an E.R. visit, and I still didn't take the hint. I was very, very, lucky. I'm not an older person either, this can happen to anyone. Please don't take chances with your health. It's a gamble you don't always win, and rarely escape unscathed. If something doesn't feel right, play it safe rather than end up sorry. L.A. |
David L. Donald Member From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand
posted 09 February 2005 12:02 PM
Had 4 check ups this month for different parts, full blood work up, and a way strict diet too. Gonna be stricter and more veggitarian down in Thailand shortly too.I also quit smoking last Aug. I smoked for 3 years (divorce related) after not smoking for 27 years... Also I have very much lower stress levels.. psot divorce too. Just got The Little Book Of Calm today.. and why not!  Better to get a check up, than to check out too soon. |
Scott Henderson Member From: Eldon, Missouri, USA
posted 10 February 2005 09:40 AM
I would agree with Ed and Joe checkups are a must. I broke down and had 0one myself whic is why I am giving up the smokes and losing weight. At age 41 he basicly told me this was last wake up call before things started coming to the surface. I guess a last wake call is better than no wake up call.------------------ Steelin' away in the ozarks and life, Scott |
Dennis Detweiler Member From: Solon, Iowa, US
posted 10 February 2005 03:13 PM
ALWAYS stay on top of your health. Especially after 50. My dad had a triple bypass at 58. My mother died of colon cancer in 1998 at age 71. My dad had a second triple bypass (same veins) 4 months after my mother died. In 2003 he had a stint installed. During the xray process for the stint, they found a pea size cancer in his right lung. That was treated with radiation. As of last week, it has not spread and in remission. He's borderline diabetic. But, he's still kicking! He retired from playing music years ago. Cut his left hand middle finger off on a table planer. Ruined his Merle Travis style pickin'. He still plays around on his LDG. He's content listening to his son and daughter play the area steel jams  Me? moderately high Bp (thanks mom) High cholesterol (thanks dad) And Celiac Sprue (thanks?) All under control and annual physicals for everything! Getting old is grand  DD  |