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  Nancy Gustafsen leaves her world of steel guitar

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Author Topic:   Nancy Gustafsen leaves her world of steel guitar
Ron Whitfield

From: Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA

posted 12 November 2005 06:56 PM     profile     
Hawaiian steel guitar lost one of it's biggest loves recently with the passing of this wonderful lady.

Edit; your post missed my radar Keoki, but as you know, Nancy was probably the strongest supporter of the instrument second only to JB and deserves the extra mention.

Her and Vic were an institution on the Waikiki scene for decades, wrote many classic 'Hawaiian' numbers and shared their talents and knowledge as often as possible.

All the best to Vic at this tough time.

[This message was edited by Ron Whitfield on 13 November 2005 at 04:48 PM.]

George Keoki Lake

From: Edmonton, AB., Canada

posted 12 November 2005 08:08 PM     profile     
Ron ... As you'll note from my thread, I certainly agree with you. She was a real "promoter" in every sense of the word.
She loved the steel guitar and wrote many excellent songs which have endeared themselves to folks like Aunty Genoa and many others. Probably the best of her many, many compositions was "The Sound of the Islands" which was recorded by at least 12 well known artists around the world. She could be seen everywhere on the Waikiki scene and gained some local fame for her Swedish Hula. Those who knew Nancy as you and I did will miss her greatly.
Jeff Strouse

From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA

posted 13 November 2005 02:04 AM     profile     
Nancy was a wonderful lady. It was a pleasure to meet her during my visits to Hawaii. On my first trip, I sat with her and Vic during Aunty Genoa's show. On my second trip I sat and talked with her and Vic for quite a while during the HSGA convention. Did you know that she has taken surfing lessons from Duke Kahanamoku himself! She was a wealth of knowledge of Hawaiian music and culture. She will be missed. My heart goes out to Vic.

[This message was edited by Jeff Strouse on 13 November 2005 at 02:06 AM.]

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