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  MEDORA MUSICAL" few notes from the gig

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Author Topic:   MEDORA MUSICAL" few notes from the gig
Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 05 September 2001 12:35 PM     profile     
First Hi to everyone here,I was gone from may 28th till Sep.3rd and I`m very happy that I`m back home to Nashville.This is short review of the gig I just did.Some facts that may save you lots of trouble if you`re interested in doing that gig next year.I`ll be honest and fair and try to make couple comments here.First is a comment and after I`ll try to explain it.There we go.
1.Low paid gig-pays $600 per week,is that good?think again,week is actualy 7 days (not 4 or 5)and show runs every night straight for 3 months,$600 is before taxes so you and up with about $400-$450,is $400 enough for 7 shows?not for me,I learned my lesson.
2.conditions-show goes on no matter what,there is a rain policy on the paper in the contract but you will be playing on the rain and lightning unless sheriff showes up and closes the show.
3.stage-dust,humid,dirt,etc...instruments are on the stage in the little band stand that is closed during the day (it`s hot like in hell),all the dust and other dirt will get into your guitar (don`t take your $5000 Franklin please)and into your effects (my $2000 rack is ready for restauration and repair).
4.monitor sistem-19 year old high school student with no idea what is going on did everything but helped,plus,equipement is filled up with dust and dirt and sometimes works and sometimes don`t.I have to leave tha stage couple times in the middle of the show because of the noise of the monitor screaming directly in my head.And on the end i knew more about problems (and took care as much as I could)then 3 sound people together. with the kids-all college kids,if you think you can get along with 20 year old for three months think again. almost every night-kids are having a partys till 5am and nobody realy took care of that (they told them couple times but after that did`n work they told me to go and talk to them myself like that`s my job).
7.motel-place where we were was in the middle of nowhere (biggest atraction was the gas station that we caled Disneyland). with 5 different kinds of potatoe and salad (not too bad but if you`re picky you`ll be hungry whole summer). my contract said that phone is provided nobody manshioned rate or that I`ll have to pay for it so two weeks before end of the show thay come to me and told me that they will withold my paycheck because of my phone bill,that wouldn`t be a problem but thay charged me .54 per minute for long distance calls and almost $4 per minute for international calls,so instead less than $200 (what would be final bill if regular phone rates applied)I had to pay $839,or like they said,they will take action (that was what Curt Wolan,president of "Trupe America"and "Stage West" told me). is provided by contract-I didn`t have a phone for first couple weeks even tho it says in the contract,so it was hard to explain to my wife that in 21 century I cant find the phone.
11.bugs-everywhere,for the last few weeks there was no bug spray on the stage and when I told that to mr.Wolan he told me to go and buy it myself,like that was my problem and he don`t care.
12.van shuttle-supposed to be arranged but it wasn`t,for the first week or so,I had to beg the kids to give me a ride to the stage,and kids like a kids,they don`t realy give a damn about some old fart,so that was pain in the butt too. job-but for $5.25 per hour
14.mail-some of the guys never did get their mail ( it takes forever for mail to get there).$20 for the summer to use computer in library three days a week,but computers are the most patetic slowest computers on the earth,I could`n open my attachments because it would take forever and I only had a hour or so.And like that wasn`t enough for the last couple weeks they had a problem with the server and whole sistem was down.
16.put in rehersals-kids come and go thru the whole summer and everytime new kid comes in the band,the whole band has to be reharsing with him for a few days.Very anoing stuff.
17.stage menager-didn`t do anything for me,he was supposed to take care of safety,
but after we did the show under the lightning (people were so scared that someone actualy write the later to the OSHA)
I told him that I`m calling my show from now on and I don`t care if anybody likes it or not.
Well that was my experience with "MEDORA" musical and working for "Trupe America" and "Stage West" and producer mr.Curt Wolan from Minneapolis,MN.Would I go work for them again?I don`t think so,would you?If you guys have any questions I would be happy to answer.
Happy to be home again,Damir


[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 05 September 2001 at 12:40 PM.]

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 05 September 2001 at 12:45 PM.]

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 06 September 2001 at 12:44 PM.]

Gene Jones

From: Oklahoma City, OK USA

posted 05 September 2001 02:23 PM     profile     

[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 02 May 2002 at 03:48 PM.]

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 05 September 2001 06:06 PM     profile     
Yeah,you ain`t kiddin`,at least you guys know now something about it in case that gig get offered to you.


Donny Hinson

From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.

posted 05 September 2001 07:15 PM     profile     
Yeah...well, that's the price you pay if you want to be a star! Damir, you're certainly not alone. Many others, including myself, could have told you that those road gigs aren't always what they're cracked up to be. I doubt that any road musicians get what they really should, but a very few do OK, I guess.

I decided long ago that if I stayed with music as my only source of income, retirement would never be very enjoyable. So, I opted for the 40 hour-a-week grind, instead. At least now, I can afford to buy the old records...that I might have been on (had I decided otherwise).

Life is good.

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 05 September 2001 09:32 PM     profile     
Hi Donny,
yeah,life is good now,I`m geting married saturday and hopefuly will start with my flying school soon too .This was my last road gig and it was probably the worst gig in my life but hey,like you said,life is good,I`ll forget this summer in no time.I`m happy to be back here


Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 06 September 2001 07:36 AM     profile     
Where was this gig, Damir?
kyle reid

From: Butte,Mt.usa

posted 06 September 2001 09:42 AM     profile     
Damir! If I read your thread correctly, what does your wife think about you getting married?
Roger Rettig


posted 06 September 2001 09:48 AM     profile     
Hey, Damir, show business is great, isn't it?

I got offered that gig (courtesy of Russ Wever) back in March or April. I'm a little hazy on the date as I was lying in hospital at the time; I couldn't commit to it as I had no idea when I'd be fit to work again, but I have no doubt that I'd have taken a chance and said 'Yes' if my circumstances had been different.

Curt Wolan also offered me the 'Lost Highway' show currently playing in Atlantic City - that would have been the one for you to do! I played the same venue - the Claridge Casino - in early 2000 doing "Always - Patsy Cline" with Jeannie Seely and Teri Williams; the rooms are nice, the food's all free (24 hours a day), only six ninety minute shows a week AND a free bar.....I couldn't commit to that, either, so I'm now out of work.

I did get to St Louis, however .....

Michael Holland

From: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

posted 06 September 2001 09:49 AM     profile     
Welcome to Nashville, buddy.


Emmons Push Pull S10 | Peavey Session 400 | '52 Fender Lap Steel | Goodrich L120 & Matchbox

Roger Rettig


posted 06 September 2001 09:53 AM     profile     
I've just read my 'post' and it doesn't 'read' quite as I'd like....

Dear Russ Wever was only passing my number along - he couldn't known anything about what was in store for the lucky steel player that did it!

PS: Thanks anyway, Russ - and you did a great job of the opening ceremony on Friday!

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 06 September 2001 12:30 PM     profile     
Hi guy`s,
well,Bobby,that gig was in Medora,ND,open venue with about 2800 seats.About Russ,he is a great guy and a friend of mine and I`m very thankful for his help.He told me that last year kids were much more mature and that wasn`t any partys in the motel.I would like to thank Russ and Jim Cohen again for the help.I was originaly interested in the Atlantic City gig but that was already set up.None of this here I made up,everything was the way I wrote in the post.What my "wife think`s",I believe that was a joke, so let me explain,I`m calling my fiance my "wife"because she is "my wife" in my heart and she will be my wife on the paper this Saturday.And if I could I would invate all you guy`s to the wedding and make a big steel guitar convention in the back yard?She was against me taking that gig from the first day,and I`ll make dang sure to listen her next time I get offered a gig.And Michael,thank you for the welcome,you have no idea how happy I am to be back,we`ll get together someday here in Nashville and I`ll tell you even more about that nightmare.I met a very good piano player,Hail White from Nashville and we went together thru all that so you can ask him what he thinks about that,I`m sure he`ll tell you.I hope I`ll be playing at the Gabes again and you are more than welcome to come and sit in if you like.I`m so glad to be home,I`ll buy you a beer
Roger,Russ knows what I`m talking about,he did the same show last year.

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 06 September 2001 at 12:36 PM.]

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 06 September 2001 at 12:39 PM.]

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 06 September 2001 at 12:50 PM.]


From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.

posted 06 September 2001 02:34 PM     profile     
Well Damir, I wouldn't wish those circumstnces on anyone, but I must say, your description of this gig was quite entertaining.
Jim Cohen

From: Philadelphia, PA

posted 06 September 2001 05:23 PM     profile     
Hi Damir,
I'm sorry to hear that this gig turned out so badly. I know it wasn't like that when Russ did the gig the previous year. I have only one question for you: You managed to spend $800 on phone calls, AND YOU NEVER CALLED ME EVEN ONCE! Just kidding. Enjoy the wedding. Wish we could all be there to play steel for ya!


Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 06 September 2001 10:12 PM     profile     
Hi Jim,
thanks,I would love to have you all here,that would be a party .I want to thank you and Russ again for helping me with the gig (you didn`t know that will turn out like that)my phone bill was $839 because they charged me .54 per minute for long distance calls and almost $4 per minute for international calls,under normal circumstances the bill would be around $180-$200 but not $839.They mesed up with ATT and for "Trupe America"&"Stage West" was much easyer to turn to me and rip me off then to go to ATT and argue with them.And that`s why I want to make sure than nobody of my Steel buddies wont get riped off like that again.
Curt Wolan told me that steel player who is playing "Lost Highway" show can`t play in tune to save his life and that he is dummest person on the planet (because guy supposatly got lost on the airport)I don`t even want to know what was he telling another people about me.But all that is in past,so life is good and that is most important thing.With all that dust and dirt on the stage (sometimes even the rain too)I don`t even wont to think what would that be like,if I had some $5000 steel with me,I would never forgive myself.Jim,ask Russ about conditions on the stage and about food in the "Chuck Wagon"


[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 06 September 2001 at 10:16 PM.]

[This message was edited by Damir Besic on 07 September 2001 at 11:11 AM.]

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 11 September 2001 06:26 PM     profile     
Hi everyone,
well,I`m a married man .Life is good.Feels nice to be home with someone you love and spend your time the way you want it.Wedding was great,my wife had organized the whole thing and she did a great job.We had bunch a food left so I could have used some of you with a good apetites to help us take care of that.Take care and god bless.


Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 02 October 2001 04:09 PM     profile     
Selling my gear,check it out on Buy and Sell forum.


Jody Cameron

From: Angleton, TX,, USA

posted 03 October 2001 06:16 AM     profile     
Hi Damir!

Congratulations on your wedding. I hope you will be very happy. I just got my second divorce! Things are OK though, we are not total enemies. I truly wish you and your wife the very best. Take care my friend. JC

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 13 October 2001 08:11 AM     profile     
Hi Jody,
thanks for good wishes.How is old Emmons doing?After three months in Medora I`m so frustrated with music I`m going to quit.Day job and playing for fun with friends at the Sunday`s BBQ, sounds great to me right now.I`m sick of the music business,playing for 30 bucks a night and listen how lucky I am being able to even make that much.I think I`ll keep my guitar and gear and just play for fun,when I want to and what I want to.BTW I`m very happy with guitar I got from you,I don`t think that I need anything better than that.It works great with my Digitech and Nashville 1000 that I have.Take care and keep in touch Jody.


Frank Parish

From: Nashville,Tn. USA

posted 13 October 2001 12:49 PM     profile     
There's a gig like that in Cheyenne,Wyoming too and it really gets cold up there. Billy Byrd (local guy) tried to rope me or my son into that one a few years back. That ain't no place to be in the winter. You could literally die on the road if you got stuck out there.
Just curious but you mentioned flying lessons. Does that include take off and landing?
Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 15 October 2001 10:46 AM     profile     
Hi Frank,
how are you old buddy?Are you playing anywhere in town?Yes,that was the gig,I can tell you
I will have to wait a little with my flying until my financial situation gets better and I sure do hope that will include landing at least (if not take off).It gets cold up North and you`re right it is very dangerous (I lived in Minnesota for a year and I experienced winter up there).When you pull big ol` trailer with a gear and with a van with 4-5 guys you don`t wont to hit some of those black ice spots on the interstate,uhh.
Hey,let me know if you`re playing and I`ll come out to see you.Take care.


Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 07 March 2002 09:44 PM     profile     
Maybe I`ll go back this year


Donny Hinson

From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.

posted 08 March 2002 05:15 AM     profile     
That wouldn't surprise us at all.
Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 08 March 2002 11:59 AM     profile     
Hey Donny nice to see you here,if you want me to,I can set you up with that gig,you`ll have a lots of fun.btw,I was just being sarcastic in my latest post,but like I said if you`re interested I`ll help you to get the job.It requires only that you are deff and don`t care playing same 8 songs all over again for a three months every night.And I`m not talking some Bob Wills swing fun stuff.Let me know if I can help.


Donny Hinson

From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.

posted 08 March 2002 04:45 PM     profile     
Thanks just the same, Damir, but I'll pass. I've done some real pain-in-the-ass gigs in my day, but I don't do 'em anymore. If it's not a nice place with a nice crowd, and they're not doing music I like...I stay home. I don't play out much anymore, and I'm proud to say I played Country Music back when it was still Country Music. Also, I gotta really be hard up to do an outdoor show of any kind (they're usually about as fun as a root-canal).

What is a "Medora Musical" anyway??? It sounds like something that would feature Japanese Kabuki dancers!

Roger Rettig


posted 08 March 2002 04:45 PM     profile     
If Donny does it too, that'll be TWO steel players on the gig - maybe we could do four songs each, or maybe alternate nights!

Are you 'fixing' the gig, Damir?

Roger Rettig
Emmons LGIII(S10/D10)& MCI D10

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 08 March 2002 07:27 PM     profile     
What is a "Medora Musical" anyway???

Their Web Site says it's a great place.

Thanks for the story Damir!

[This message was edited by Joey Ace on 08 March 2002 at 07:37 PM.]

Perry Hansen

From: Bismarck, N.D.

posted 12 March 2002 02:42 PM     profile     
Damir, I'm sorry you had such a hard time up here. I never had a chance to see your show, but my Bass player did. He had nothing but good to say about it. Especially you. He really raved about the steel player. I can understand about the rain and dust. That is probably one of the only place you stand knee deep in mud and the wind will blow dust in your face. Anyway, if you make it up again let me know and i'll make it a point to see you. We hope to get booked in one of the clubs there this summer.


posted 12 March 2002 03:40 PM     profile     
Hey Damir, i saw this show, it was called Cool Hand Luke. Hope you have better gigs this summer.
Gene Jones

From: Oklahoma City, OK USA

posted 12 March 2002 03:45 PM     profile     

[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 02 May 2002 at 03:48 PM.]

Perry Hansen

From: Bismarck, N.D.

posted 12 March 2002 08:29 PM     profile     
Gene, I remember Okla. I was there in 49 with a fantastic lead man by the name of Jess Baker. Enid??
Damir. Maybe my bass player is not a good recomendation. He thinks I'm good too?????

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