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  Bye Bye, all (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Bye Bye, all
Mike Cass

From: Nashville,Tn. U.S.A.

posted 30 September 2001 03:52 PM     profile     
well, somehow I suspected this day would eventually arrive.
Perhaps Ive been too outspoken, but thats who I am, & my opinions do carry a certain informed perspective.However Im tired of dealing with those who have nothing better to do than aimlessly post on here & want to argue with those who really know what theyre talking about, unbelivable....
I will continue to serve the PSG community & my email address will not change:
I look forward to continued good relations with the PSG community in whatever capacity I can serve.
My business is doing well & despite a little scare when the Emmons Co changed hands(no problems, tho) all is well & I have quite enough work to keep me busy,thanx to those who have trusted me with their old guitars .I'll be having some surgery this coming thursday if we can book a studio,oops!! I mean an operating room , so I'll most likely be incommunicado for a week or two, but I will return all emails or calls upon returning home.My girlfriend Christy is most always here & she will be happy to help you or answer any questions should you speak with her in my absence.
Its been a hoot, for the most part,but it only takes a few bad apples to sour the cider.....
no time for talking sense to nonsense, anymore.
Thanx to all who have supported me ...... to the rest, good luck.

[This message was edited by Mike Cass on 30 September 2001 at 04:08 PM.]


From: Hendersonville TN USA

posted 30 September 2001 05:28 PM     profile     
Mike Cass, you big dummy! You better call and stay in touch with me so I can keep everyone informed how your doing! I'm worried about you, I don't think your forum buddys know the serious problems your having.
I know how serious this is and we all need to pray for you and wish you our very best. I need you as a competitor,friend,aggrivator,and customer. Your a wiered guy Mike, but we sure all love you (that know you). Take care and don't be afraid to ask for anything.
Your friends,all over
(and Bobbe)

From: Hendersonville TN USA

posted 30 September 2001 05:32 PM     profile     
(anything I can do for Cristy while your gone?)
Just a friend,yea sure! ha ha ha !!!
L. Snidley Tounglashlerovorwich III
Mike Weirauch

From: Harrisburg, Illinois**The Hub of the Universe

posted 30 September 2001 06:07 PM     profile     
Hey Mike, the forum is losing a touch of sanity, a bit of arguing, a plethora of knowledge about "REAL" Country Music and steel guitar and someone with balls big enough to say what they believe. Are you sure you want to leave? I don't think so! By the way, I'm keeping tabs on you and your hospital stay so get that gut fixed and get back into the mainstream of things. Seriously, my prayers to you for a speedy recovery.
bob drawbaugh

From: scottsboro, al. usa

posted 30 September 2001 06:11 PM     profile     
Mike hate to see you go and I hope things go ok this week for you. I think it might do you good to go back and read the post on the Emmons guitar company. Until Bob pointed it out I couldn't tell who was defamming or harassing who you or Jody. Take care and God bless.
Al Marcus

From: Cedar Springs,MI USA

posted 30 September 2001 06:29 PM     profile     
Mike- Good luck to you on your Surgery and Come back to the

From: Hendersonville TN USA

posted 30 September 2001 06:37 PM     profile     
Mike, bOb didn't know what good friends you and Jody really really are. I know you two really love each other. I remember seeing you two holding hands in a motel once.
I.Didda Peekattum II
Dave Alfstad

From: Indianola, IA USA

posted 30 September 2001 06:37 PM     profile     
Way to go! Y'all have driven yet ANOTHER great member off of the forum. Now Mike Cass is going to join Paul Franklin, Maurice Anderson, and countless others that hardly participate anymore if at all. Just because some people don't know when to keep their damned mouths shut!
Pisses me off!
Dave Alfstad

From: Hendersonville TN USA

posted 30 September 2001 06:43 PM     profile     
Relax Dave , he's not mad, he's just sleeping! Besides, none of the guys youv'e mentioned are gone, they are just sleeping too! You say the right things and they will be right there. It's OK Dave, really,just sit down and count to three,It will be OK. really. (he's just sleeping).
J.Kudda Kiddirounder
Kevin Mincke

From: Farmington, MN (Twin Cities-South Metro) USA

posted 30 September 2001 06:56 PM     profile     
Boy..........& here I thought he's coming back to the Twin Cities. If you get real slow I still have that ProIII that could use a tune-up. Hate to lose another wealth of info on htis GREAT forum! Good luck on your scheduled surgery Mike. Godspeed
Jeff Lampert

From: queens, new york city

posted 30 September 2001 06:59 PM     profile     
Don't leave. We need more facts amd sanity here, not less. Stay.
chas smith

From: Encino, CA, USA

posted 30 September 2001 07:08 PM     profile     
illigitimus non carborundum
Bill Sharpe

From: Hermitage, TN 37076, USA

posted 30 September 2001 07:33 PM     profile     
Hey Mike:

Jeez, please don't quit us, I'm still trying to redo a '68 Emmons and your thoughts and suggestions are invaluable. Guess the polishing needs to be done professionally, and the black paint on the pedals an enamel?


Moon in Alaska

From: Kasilof, Alaska **** way up NORTH TO ALASKA

posted 30 September 2001 08:40 PM     profile     
Mike, I hate to see you leave the forum !!!!!!! I, for one, need your input !! I hope your surgery goes good and God bless you !!!!!!!

<< Moon Mullin in Alaska >>
==Carter S-10==
<< Old Fender-400 >>
== Evans FET 500 Custom LV ==


Jim Cohen

From: Philadelphia, PA

posted 30 September 2001 08:50 PM     profile     
Mike, I don't know you well enough to presume to give you "advice", so I won't. I'll just say that, IMHO, the Forum is just a microcosm of society at large, no better, no worse. To leave the Forum under these circumstances strikes me as similar to never going back to a particular bar or coffee shop because every once in a while a coupla jerks show up and say something that pisses me off. Of course, only you know whether there's a "baby in the bathwater" worth saving (to mix my metaphors miserably).

In any event, please accept my best wishes for your upcoming surgery.


Jerry Roller

From: Van Buren, Arkansas USA

posted 30 September 2001 09:23 PM     profile     
Mike, I am very sorry you are having health problems and facing surgery. I will keep you in my prayers and I trust many on the Forum will do likewise. The guys on this Forum were a lot of encouragement when I was facing heart surgery 6 months ago and I know their prayers made a difference. It would really be nice to have you stay with us on the Forum and let us have progress reports. I certainly wish you the best. From my past posts on the Forum I'm sure you know that I respect your tech expertise and playing very much. Man, what a great player you are. I am wishing you the very best.
Paul Graupp

From: Macon Ga USA

posted 30 September 2001 09:39 PM     profile     
Mike; All I could say has already been spoken ! I knew you were a class act and I and others have said that here on the Forum. It's true !!

I remember a DJ in Arkansas that used to say,
Walk softly and carry a big stick. I think he meant, in case you need it. Still true !!

Sincerest Regards, Paul

Tim Rowley

From: Pinconning, MI, USA

posted 30 September 2001 09:48 PM     profile     
Mr. Mike,

I do understand what you are saying and I respect your decision. Please know that I have gained a lot of knowledge from your posts, for which I thank you! Hope to see you back on here someday. Best of luck with your surgery and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Tim R.

Bob Carlson

From: Surprise AZ.

posted 30 September 2001 10:52 PM     profile     
Looks to me me like we got a couple of guys here that can BOTH dish It out but can't take It.

It's no fun being mad at somebody. I'd like to see both you guys think this over and work It out. PLEASE! I like to hear from both of you.

Bob Carlson


From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 01 October 2001 12:15 AM     profile     
Sometimes I'd like to leave the Forum too. I envy you guys who can walk away from it for a month or two. It must be nice. I'm lucky if I get two days.

Good luck with your surgery, Mike.
Bill Hamner

From: Hueytown,AL USA

posted 01 October 2001 01:20 AM     profile     
Sorry you feel like it's time to leave the forum. Your presence here is appreciated by most of us and you have been a big help with
your tips and advice.I am really sorry to hear about your health problems.Barbara and I
will include you in our prayers.I was seriously injured in a traffic accident 3years ago and know in my heart all the prayers sent up in my behalf really helped in
my recovery. It was conforting to know I wasn't alone in that ordeal. Hey, on the lighter side,you know Seymour is going to get out of hand with you gone! So get yourself well and come back and join in.
Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 01 October 2001 03:38 AM     profile     
There is kind of a proud, perverse Forum tradition of folks writing their "you're not going to have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore" good byes and then receiving a barrage of good fellowship and coming back.
C'mon back - it's only an internet bulletin board! Your rants are as valid as anyone else's.

[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 01 October 2001 at 09:40 AM.]

Steve Feldman

From: Millbury, MA USA

posted 01 October 2001 04:07 AM     profile     
Well said, Andy Volk.
Bill Ferguson

From: Norcross, GA USA

posted 01 October 2001 05:12 AM     profile     
Well Mike I made this same statement a few days ago, so I totally agree with your decision to leave the forum.

It seems as though some people just have too much free time on their hands and will say anything to stir up controversy. Kindda like some of the radio talk show hosts (but they get paid big bucks to do it)

Good luck with your surgery.

Bill Ferguson


From: Dodson, Louisiana, USA

posted 01 October 2001 05:43 AM     profile     
Mike, Be cool, I,ll be praying that you have a great recovery. Do I have to send you a few P/P fretboards to keep you on the fourm? Come on, stick around, you have no idea how many people you touch with your knowledge on this fourm.
Take care, Picker.
Ernie Renn

From: Brainerd, Minnesota USA

posted 01 October 2001 05:51 AM     profile     
Andy's got it. Granted, I've known you for about 25 years, but I think your posts are just as important as anybody else's here, (sometimes, more so.) I enjoy reading them and don't think you should leave, (well maybe while you're in the hospital...maybe... but, that's it...)

Best of luck on your surgery. Please keep me updated!

My best,

The Official Buddy Emmons Website

[This message was edited by Ernie Renn on 01 October 2001 at 05:56 AM.]


From: Benton, Ar . USA,

posted 01 October 2001 01:30 PM     profile     
I have never met you Mike,my loss iam are in this steel guitar family and we all want the best for you.we will keep you in our prayers and drop someone an e-mail or post,let us know how you are doing.a friend you didnt know you had. Rudy
Donny Hinson

From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.

posted 01 October 2001 02:02 PM     profile     
Mike...are you sure you wanna do that???

Being a famous player, you're leaving would hurt a lot of FORUM members.

Being a businessman, you're leaving would only hurt yourself.

Now, as Ricky Ricardo would say..."You wanna 'splain the up-side of this decision?"

We all fight, and disagree from time to time. I've been "dressed down and disagreed to" by the worst...and the best, but I've decided to stay. Many decades ago, while in a college philosophy class, one thing (and probably the ONLY thing) that I read stuck with me. It was a quote by one of the world's most famous generals and statesmen...

When people cease to disagree, they cease to think.

Whatever you choose, my best to you.

Buck Grantham

From: Denham Springs, LA. USA

posted 01 October 2001 06:28 PM     profile     
Mike I think you're one of the best players in the buisness. Loved you in Tulsa even though I was very ill there,Don brought me down in a wheel chair to see you & Daryl do your thing. What ever you do you have my vote,, Buck Grantham
posted 01 October 2001 08:19 PM           
Mike Cass is one of the best guitar mechanics in the business. When Mike says its done, take it to the bank. You'll be able to eat off the guitar.
Ray Montee

From: Portland, OR, USA

posted 01 October 2001 10:57 PM     profile     
My prayers are with you for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!

Don't let us down here at the Forum, please.
We beginners need the expertise that you real pro's have to share with us.

Like Chas. Smith mentioned: "Don't let the B#@8* grind you down".

Give us another chance?

Harry Hess

From: Blue Bell, PA., USA

posted 02 October 2001 02:36 AM     profile     

My prayers, hopes and wishes to you for a successfull operation and a speedy recovery. Take it easy and get well. When you're feeling better, perhaps you'll pop back in here and join back into the conversations. Sometimes you just gotta ignore the boneheads amongst us. Hope my concern for Billy Jenkins did not contribute to your decision. If so, I'm sorry.


Joe Casey

From: Weeki Wachee .Springs FL (population.9)

posted 02 October 2001 04:57 AM     profile     
Mike ,First of all our best wishes and prayers go out to you for a speedy recovery from your surgery and Second as one of the people who make the most sense and say it like it is on this Forum we all ask you to rethink your decision.


Bob Hayes

From: Church Hill,Tenn,USA

posted 02 October 2001 09:06 AM     profile     
Good luck with your surgery..I had some similer a few years back..and ,sorry to say, I'm still kickin'.But all of our thoughts and prayers are with you...and we welcom and appreciate all of you experience and wisdom.You're there in the trenches day in and day out and know a lot more than a lot of us out here in Steel Guitar land.'ve got a lot of freinds out here in cyberspace. Take a break and navigate back.
Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 02 October 2001 09:16 AM     profile     
Re-read the above GrouchyVet post. He said exactly what i also feel. (except that I didn't have surgery, and I'm glad he's OK)

Let me add that, to me, you were the highlight of the main stage performers at the 99 ISGC. Those old Standells you lugged onto stage had the best tone of the weekend. Of course you had a lot to do with that.

Best regards,

[This message was edited by Joey Ace on 02 October 2001 at 09:18 AM.]

Cal Sharp

From: Gnashville

posted 02 October 2001 05:40 PM     profile     
So, b0b, what happens when someone "quits" the Forum? Do you delete their account, put a block on any further posts, send the Internet Police to their house to permamently delete any links to the Forum from their computer? Is their user name/password up for grabs? Can I be Mike Cass now? Ha ha!

Sorry to see Mike go, he's a real loss to the Forum.
But I'm cool, I can call him or see him in person any time.

When some of these weekend warrior/day job-working nematodes want to argue with him or Sweeney or Robbins about some steel guitar-related issue based on something they might have overheard in a bar in BF, Egypt and the aforementioned players are actual professional Nashville musicians rubbing picks with Lloyd, Buddy, Weldon, et al. it gets a little annoying. I see Mike's point.

Email copy to Mike.


bob drawbaugh

From: scottsboro, al. usa

posted 02 October 2001 05:48 PM     profile     
So Cal whats your point! I'm not sure I know who the nematodes is in this case. If I'm not wrong Mike drew first blood in the post he got mad over.
Mike Weirauch

From: Harrisburg, Illinois**The Hub of the Universe

posted 02 October 2001 06:06 PM     profile     
a bar in BF, Egypt

......Hey, I only live 6 miles east of there!

Ernie Renn

From: Brainerd, Minnesota USA

posted 02 October 2001 08:04 PM     profile     
Mike Weirauch you're confused... you live 6 miles east of BF, Illinois. I spent three weeks there one day. (It was actually closer to Paducah, KY, but will suffice...)

My best,

The Official Buddy Emmons Website

Cal Sharp

From: Gnashville

posted 02 October 2001 08:28 PM     profile     
bob - No particular nematodes or posts, it's just that Cass and Sweeney and maybe Robbins, too, since they've been online here, have been subjected to various and assorted flames, claims, dispersions and assertions by some members of our little community who might possibly make the Forum more enjoyable and instructive by reading more and typing less and not running off the few professional steel players who post, or used to post, here.

Mike - Ah, so that's where it is. I couldn't remember; they had to carry me out to the bus after the gig. It was a drag waking up in the bin next to my steel guitar.


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