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  Bobbe's New Year's Tips (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Bobbe's New Year's Tips
Drew Howard

From: Mason, MI, U.S.A.

posted 31 December 2003 11:31 AM     profile     
A $1,000,000 lawsuit? OUCH. My condolences.

Wishing Bobbe and everyone a happy '04,


George Mc Lellan

From: Duluth, MN USA

posted 31 December 2003 11:37 AM     profile     
WOW!!!!!! It was the first I heard about it when I received his "tips" e-mail.


Roger Rettig


posted 31 December 2003 12:22 PM     profile     
Only in America.....

Johnny Harris

From: Texas, USA

posted 31 December 2003 05:53 PM     profile     
What Roger said..... A very sad system.
Joey Gaskins

From: Newbern, North Carolina, USA

posted 31 December 2003 07:48 PM     profile     
The first I heard of it was also on the tips. Does anyone know what it's about? and how can we help. Bobbe has been a good friend to me and on a personal basis as well as a supplier to me for steel items. We need to rally behind him and let him know that he's not facing this alone.
Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 31 December 2003 07:55 PM     profile     
anyone can sue anybody but to win...that`s another story.I don`t think you can sue someone for his opinion, good or bad.
David Mullis

From: Rock Hill, SC

posted 01 January 2004 06:29 AM     profile     
Sounds like somebody needs to lighten up. Surely any of the opinions expressed haven't hurt their sales that much.
Tom Callahan

From: Dunlap, Tennessee, USA

posted 01 January 2004 06:52 AM     profile     
If this person sueing is a manufacture or dealer, then he should hope that his idenity does not come to the front. e-mail and a promise of a boycott of his product should awaken them to their plight.
Then again if they have filed suit, then they become part of public record and give up their right to remain unknown.
Bobbe is an outspoken man but then the majority of us are. If thy can sue for giving you opinion of something or for asking a question, then we had all better watch what we post.
Personally, I am on Bobbe's side.
It has become far too easy for suits to be filed just to try and intimidate some one.

Emmons S-10

Budd Kelley

From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

posted 01 January 2004 07:11 AM     profile     
Win or lose, right or wrong, legal defense costs money. I truly hope his bill doesn't cost a business. I think I need to buy some of his new CD to give for gifts this year. (And, of course, one to listen to myself!)


posted 01 January 2004 07:59 AM     profile     
Any individual can voice their personal opinion in this country. I don't believe that individual freedom extends to a small or large buisiness.....Paul

Dan Sliter

From: USA

posted 01 January 2004 08:25 AM     profile     
I think we should start a donation for Bobbe to help pay Atty fees.They can be quite expensive as most of use knows.Bobbe has always steered me straight.And i also think Bobbe is qualified to make his opinion in the music world what ever it may be.(Music,Products,Etc
Bobbe is working for us the steel player.He supports us.So i think it is time we show him we support him and show him are appreciation.
This realy make me mad to think someone would do this to such a good person and friend.
God bless you Bobbe!!!!!
Jerry Horner

From: Tahlequah, OK, USA

posted 01 January 2004 08:26 AM     profile     
Bobbe is a very dear friend of mine and I think very highly of him, but whether he meant to or not, I think he went just a little beyond just stateing his opinion, which is probably the reason for the lawsuit.




posted 01 January 2004 09:09 AM     profile     
It's not me in the lawsuit. What prompted the lawsuit? I don't care to know.

I hope that both parties will come to a settlement and that every buisiness is in tact at the end of the day. The community needs them both. Do we really want to draw a line in the sand? Let these two work this out. Usually, when the gangs go home, the fight stops.

As for opinions, I probably shouldn't have posted mine here. But, I love this forum and I hate to see threads taking negative turns that can only divide this small community.....Paul

Rex Thomas

From: Thompson's Station, TN

posted 01 January 2004 09:21 AM     profile     
Well here's a left turn:
Why does there seem to be a correlation between GREAT steelers & lousy spellers?
Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!
Hay, I plae steal gud!
CrowBear Schmitt

From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France

posted 01 January 2004 09:48 AM     profile     
i love this Forum too and it sure hurts to see things like this happen.
Life is too short and all the $$$ in the world won't get anyone closer to Heaven.
Whatever this lawsuit is about, whether it's really true or not, i'm sure many of us here would be relieved if the parties involved could just make up, shake hands and go back to bein' Steelin Brothers or Buddies
that would be a good New Year's Resolution would'nt it ?

Steel what?

[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 01 January 2004 at 09:49 AM.]

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 01 January 2004 10:50 AM     profile     
FWIW, the guy who's doing the sueing posted a while back in "Events and Announcments" some comments he took issue with from Bobbe's forum. He never was a contributer there, only read it and chose to complain here.

As moderator I posted, "Please do not drag arguments from other forums here". He promptly replied telling me to "mind my own business!". Emails from him followed, including legal threats. I put him on my email "ignore list" (and advised him that I did) to avoid this nonsense. Heck, I'm just a volenteer doing a job. I didn't take sides, only stopped a off-topic flame.

I hope the court rules fairly in Bobbe's case, but you never know. Bobbe's forum is now closed, Tom Bradshaw has given up his business. God bless ya Bobbe.

David Mullis

From: Rock Hill, SC

posted 01 January 2004 12:43 PM     profile     
whoozit?? enquiring minds wanna know!
Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 01 January 2004 02:07 PM     profile     
Well. I"m in line for a "Free Bobbe" Fund CD, That's for sure.

Other than that. I won't comment.

I don't wanna lose my house.



Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 01 January 2004 02:33 PM     profile     
"any individual can voice their opinion" and I totaly agree.If you can say what you think about your president than for sure you can say what you think about a small company that makes guitars.It is none of my business to make coments about this on here (nor I think that anyone realy gives a damn what I think anyway)but I think that Bobbe has a constitutional right to voice his opinion as anybody else.
Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 01 January 2004 03:24 PM     profile     
Well Damir, as I'm sure you know, it looks better on paper.

ALSO, if those Three Bobbe CDs I have are any indication at all I'd say that Bobbe's "Free Bobbe Fund" Cds are going to be making him an "easy million". I've got about 15 people I'm going to be lobbying to buy one, if they aren't already.

This is a good instance if you watch what happpens of why EVERY avenue should be exhausted before a lawsuit. By the time it's all over with it usually takes ten times what you win to "recover" your reputation. Especially if it depends on "people liking you" as it always does in the "performing arts". Even then, you don't.

I'm thinking that maybe there are some steps that could be taken to put Mr Seymore's name in the SGHOF hat. Maybe he's in there already. I haven't looked lately..




From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.

posted 01 January 2004 04:34 PM     profile     
I don`t think you can sue someone for his opinion, good or bad.

True, you cannot be sued for your opinion, you can, however be sued for slander & libel. It's all in how a statement is worded.

If a statement is presented as a fact, then it should be a provable, known fact. If it's presented as an opinion, everyone is entitled to them without repercussion.

I agree that this whole thing is unfortunate not only for those directly involved, but for all of us as a community.

oh, what a tangled web we weave

[This message was edited by HowardR on 01 January 2004 at 04:36 PM.]


From: Chattanooga /USA

posted 01 January 2004 04:59 PM     profile     
Does anyone know who is suing Mr. Seymour?
Colm Chomicky

From: Prairie Village, Kansas, USA

posted 01 January 2004 05:28 PM     profile     
There is a hearsay story about a local polician who advertized that his opponent just "Micky-Moused around" in office. Apparently, this local polician heard from Disney's legal department instructing him that this term is not in the public domain and to cease using this term.

In my opinion, I try not to 'Micky-Mouse around" to much on my steel. I don't want to hear from Disney's legal either.

Mark van Allen

From: loganville, Ga. USA

posted 01 January 2004 05:45 PM     profile     
This whole drama has become like a wreck on the highway- hard to turn away from but just plain ugly underneath it all. As referenced in Joey's post, folks have been badly hurt already, building on an apparent legacy of years of shady circumstance. I sure hope it works out without more needless anxiety. For those who want to dig deeper, follow Joey's leads to past posts. Or perhaps the clue in Bobbe's original Tips mailing that after him, they "Might Sue Anybody"...
Kenny Dail

From: Kinston, N.C. 28504

posted 01 January 2004 09:20 PM     profile     
In my opinion, regardless of what happens in court, both companies will be the real losers. both parties are an asset to our communitly but they are not the only sources for a steel or a repair service...

kd...and the beat goes on...

Mike Perlowin

From: Los Angeles CA

posted 02 January 2004 07:17 AM     profile     
Does anyone know who is suing Mr. Seymour?

It's Maurice Anderson, and I think he has a legitimate grievance. Anybody who read Bobbe's forum will recall that Reece and MSA were constantly belittled and insulted, as were such players as Donny Hinson, Tommy White and Johnny cox because they bought Milleniums.

It's one thing to say "I don't like (whatever) brand guitars," but what happened over there was a sustained continuous series of attacks on Reece and everybody who is associated with him. Even Curly Chalker was dissed because he played an MSA at one time.

It reached the poiint where it became a joke that that every post had to say something nasty about Reece even if the subject had nothing to do with him.

It's too bad things have come to this, but I really feel Bobbe should not have allowd his forum to deteriorate into the "I hate Reece and MSA" cesspool it had become.

I suspect that this is the eruption of a volcano that's been smoldering for years. Maybe decades.

I hope Reece and Bobbe can work things out. As has been pointed out, both men are great players and valuable resources to our community. This unfortinate situation can only have negative consequences for all of us.

Wayne Brown

From: Strathmore, Alberta, Canada

posted 02 January 2004 07:43 AM     profile     
please....please close this before it goes any further
Stephen O'Brien

From: Cortlandt Manor, NY, USA

posted 02 January 2004 07:55 AM     profile     
It is highly unlikely that Bobbe's statements actually constitute libel. To be libel, his statements would have to be:

1) false statements of fact that

2) he knew to be false and that

3) caused material harm to the plaintiff.

Note that statements that appear to be statments of fact to you and me may be considered expression of opinion under law depending on the context in which they were made.

HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT ABOUT LIBEL -- it's about using the court system to shut up a dissenting voice. Punitive lawsuits are brought by financially advantaged parties who know that the defendent is unlikely to spend the money required to represent himself in court. The cost of bringing the lawsuit is trivial, the cost of defending oneself against the charges is large. How many of you could afford to spend that kind of money just to defend your name?

This technique has already been used effectively to silence one voice in our community. It's now being used again. The really funny part is that I believe that Bobbe, more than anybody, is in a position to know the truth in this matter. Of course, the truth is not what is at stake here.

Richard Gonzales


posted 02 January 2004 09:03 AM     profile     
Mike Perlowin- Perfectly stated! I own a new MSA and those statements Bobby made were unfounded as he did not own one or play one.
State his opinion once, okay. But over and over, give me a break, I can read between the lines !

[This message was edited by Richard Gonzales on 02 January 2004 at 09:04 AM.]


From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 02 January 2004 09:34 AM     profile     
I didn't receive the email. I see a lot of assumptions in this topic, though. People who don't know the facts of the case should refrain from conjecture. It only muddies the already murky waters.

               Bobby Lee

 System Administrator

Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 02 January 2004 12:00 PM     profile     
I have no idea of the circumstances surrounding this lawsuit and apparently, almost nobody else seems to either and I can't see the purpose in foresnically examing past threads to find out. Airing idle conjecture in a public forum like this can only have a negative impact on our community. I hope both parties can come to an agreement but it really does not need to be a public process. I vote for closing this one, b0b.
Chris Scruggs

From: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

posted 02 January 2004 12:11 PM     profile     
Didn't Bobbe close his forum last month for this very reason? If that's why, I think that stands as a testiment to his character.

Bobbe has always been a good friend to me, and he has always had good things to say about others.


Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 02 January 2004 01:08 PM     profile     
Well, before the Lock comes down I have to say that I am of the opinion that this as well as Bobbes "old" forum is not a Manufacturers, Songwriters, Salesman's Repairman's, or Big Shots Forum. it's a "Steel Player's Forum".

In all the Posts here, I think Bobbe, as well as Mr's E, Franklin, and most non HOF members have NOT forgotten this ( to their great credit). For the most part.

It's for the guys that come home with blood blisters from their fingerpicks, need to know how to get beer stains off their horns, play with hacks, OR top namers, have problems that their "regular" friends can't solve, and a thousand other things that only fellow Steel Players know. Maybe from people with physical or even mental problems needing advice, support, or just needing "somewhere to fit in".

Bobbe's was maybe "more that way" to include "the crazies", like the way some of those "notable crazies" that have passed on might have been. It was also open to people in his shop or office sometimes being able to "post things in his name". I think the intelligent among us who know how "these things work" passed most of it off. Most of the "attacks" I saw were from the "hyper sensitive" that were "totally clueless" of the aforementioned.

ALSO, In ALL of my correspondence with Bobbe, he's not EVER castigated or besmirched ANYBODY. Kind of interesting. Even when I pointedly asked him, he just said "Oh it'll work out". We usually talk about harleys, girls or I'll give somebody I want to meet him and introduction. Maybe even a funny story or two.

I don't remember anybody "attacking" anybody for playing any brand of guitar. Not that they weren't welcome to rebutt said "attack". I saw plenty of Mr's Hinson, and the others mentioned's posts "there" and didn't see any of them unable to defend themselves. I didn't even know Donny played an MSA.. Hmm....

I don't like Emmonses, Sierras, OR the brand in question. I'm not even so hip on my Sho Bud at particular times. I have been able to expess my opinions, and with no more "care and reflection" than I've seen from The Respondent. Nobody's even done more than emailed me, or directly responded. Maybe it's the way I put it. Maybe I just don't have "deep enough pockets". I dunno.

I've been told my guitar wasn't fit to burn here. I've been told I was racially and culturally insensitive, I've been told I played too many notes. I've had all kinds of "attacks" happen that could indeed keep me from making my next quarter million bucks. I choose to defend them myself. I think I've been able to do so adequately.

At this point, like a DOZEN others in my "career" I'm completely and utterly "finished" with no future hope of jobs, or money coming in from playing.

Whose fault is it? Who's going to "get it going"? Oh, I know a couple lawyers that probably could, but more than likely I'll do like I always do and connect with The Guy in the Mirror. Maybe like times before, we'll ask God. Don't count me out. I never do.

( Actually, while I was "editing" this the phone rang, and I'm pencilled in for all of January AND February. Thanks God.)

If anybody needs an "author" to defend themselves in this, my track record stands as my testament, and I'll gladly "take their side" in providing a rebuttal for them. Pro Bono, as they say. (Whether I agree with them or not.)( It's a hobby of mine as listed on my profile.)

Don't just spew off a bunch of mis-spelled gobbeldy gook, and try and defend somebody or something that piques your sensitivities.. Among common folks you'll just lose. Send me an outline, and I'll type something up for you. If you choose to "go it on your own", your results may dismay you. I've done this "a lot".

I hope this comes out alright.

I'm still betting on the Steel Players to win out. We know the Lawyers will be a close second..

b0b, is it my imagination or is your hairline receding....further?

So this is the "New Year".

Seems very much like the Old One..


[This message was edited by Eric West on 02 January 2004 at 01:25 PM.]


From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 02 January 2004 01:50 PM     profile     
Are you being paid by the word, Eric?
Kevin Hatton

From: Amherst, N.Y.

posted 02 January 2004 02:27 PM     profile     
Eric, take your Ridelyn maaaaan! Your tripp'n!

From: Dodson, Louisiana, USA

posted 02 January 2004 03:01 PM     profile     
NOTHING like reading the "Saturday Evening Post".
It gets Gooder and Gooder......
What a Gas.
I'm just thinking....
Just HOW MANY are really sitting back behind their Computers EVERY DAY reading this stuff?!...
I noticed that Too, Eric. (The Line thing)
Eric, Have you ever thought of being an author of a "Best seller"? I think you just might make another Quarter Million or so....
Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 02 January 2004 03:24 PM     profile     
b0b. You keep asking me that. I'm wondering if I could somehow, and do it without giving you a percentage..

Like I've said before, just cause I 'rite it don't mean that I read it. I'd hesitate to myself...

Kevin. Sometimes I wake up in "caffiene starvation" and it has an opposite effect.

So it was today....


Jody Carver

From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed~ Dodger Blue Forever

posted 02 January 2004 03:54 PM     profile     
I am watching this thread as it escalates into what very well may be resolved without anyone getting hurt which I hope will be the case. I appreciate both parties invloved and would like to see this resolved..which leads me to...

When CBS took the Fender Company over back in 1965. Leo Fender had nothing in writing to prevent him from returning to his favorite
past time,and that was building guitars and amps.

I assume CBS was unaware that Leo would in fact return sometime a few years later to form a new company with an obscure name of MusicMan.

At that time I was still a Fender salesman and when the word got out that Leo was in fact backing this new small company MusicMan
the first thing CBS did was to have the name
"Leo" copyrighted to prevent Leo Fender from naming one or more of his instruments "The
Leo" model.

Leo didnt have anything of the sort in mind and that was told to me by the horses mouth.
Once again the word "Sue" came into Focus,CBS scrambled for the rights to the name Leo. They already owned his last name,and now wanted his first name as well.

What a suprise to CBS when Leo had his attorneys write CBS NY and LA that he had nothing of the sort in mind.

Leo Fender was bored sitting home and wanted to return to the people and business he loved so dearly.

He many times told me how much he missed being back in the business. Unfortunatly due
to internal dis agreements Leo Fender decided to move on to G&L..No law suit followed. CBS was afraid of the shadow that
Leo cast on the world and for what???? nothing.

The motto of this story is if any of you want to name your new born son will have to get the approval of CBS Headquarters.

If your sibling is a female..check out to make certain that CBS dont have the name "Leona" copyrighted as well.

Happy New Year and I hate Law suits. The two people involved in this scenario should shake hands and go on with their lives.

Life is short and the Lawyers pockets are deep. Those invloved should kiss and makeup PS what CBS didnt know is that
Leo had a middle name edited for spelling.

Copyright(c) 2004 by
Jody Carver "All Rights

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 02 January 2004 at 04:00 PM.]

Bob Carlson

From: Surprise AZ.

posted 02 January 2004 04:01 PM     profile     
I think everyone needs to re-read Mike Perlowin's statement about saying something bad...and saying something BAD.

Have you noticed Mike doesn't post very often, but when he does he has something to say. Spells alright to.

My Daddy always said, keep your words soft and sweet because you never know when you might have to eat em.

Don't close this though b0b...we want to be keep up to date.


[This message was edited by Bob Carlson on 02 January 2004 at 04:09 PM.]

Fred Shannon

From: Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas

posted 02 January 2004 04:11 PM     profile     
Well my friend Stephan "Red Eye" O'Brien and I had a tremendous set-to once before over this type action. I think we remained and I hope we will remain friends after this one. But this is not about Steve and I, it's about several things other than friendship. Quoting Steve in his post: "---highly unlikely that Bobbe's statements actually constitute libel." The term "highly unlikely" must mean that maybe Steve, along with others don't know what statements were made or are being contested. I just read Bobbe's Tips and I could find no where where it said Bobbe was being sued for "Libel". An assumption maybe or a conversation possibly.

Steve goes on about the "Implied Bradshaw dissenting voice being shut up"..There's a website posting at the end of this message which if you take the time to read, will probably shed more light on that affair than you really want to know. It's all legal, been checked out by a lawyer and you'll be made aware of the "real truth" for the first time, that I've read on any public media. Other than an expressed opinion of mine, the words are those of the two litigants themselves.

Why Bobbe's forum was shut down? I guess only Bobbe knows, but there were several things said on that forum that could lead one to believe it was important. I'm not a lawyer so who knows.

Now, to this lawsuit. I have been a personal friend of the Anderson family for over 40 years, and I ain't gonna' stand by with my mouth shut on this one. I did on the Bradshaw affair and I'm really sorry I did. I called Reece this AM and asked him if he was the litigant in the Seymour lawsuit, and he said "I sure am, Fred, I'm one of the litigants and it's a matter of public record in a Dallas court." Period. There it is. You don't believe that, you email and ask him if it's so or not. When asked who the other litigants were his answer was, "It's a public record like I said and if folks really want to know they can check it out, but I certainly am one of them." Gonna' be expensive? Probably so on the loser, and like in most lawsuits there will be a loser.

I'm asking that if you want to flame, then flame me through email. I won't dignify short sightedness on b0b's Forum, I have too much respect for it and those who read it.

Forget the website. MSN won't allow you access unless you do the .Net number...Just email me at and I'll send it to you...It's now 6:55 PM CST and I'm giggin' tonite, but I'll answer all emails when I come in.


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

[This message was edited by Fred Shannon on 02 January 2004 at 04:20 PM.]

[This message was edited by Fred Shannon on 02 January 2004 at 04:45 PM.]

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