Topic: Lead Filled Glass Bars
Gerald Ross Member From: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
posted 15 May 2005 07:49 AM
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Bobbe,What are you charging for these bars? What sizes do you have available? Is there a thumb-indent in the bar? Thanks ------------------ Gerald Ross 'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar' Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website Board of Directors Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association
Brandin Member From: Newport Beach CA. USA
posted 18 May 2005 09:14 AM
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This bar also works very well on my Dobro!GB |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 18 May 2005 05:00 PM
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Thank you Gary. I means a lot to me that you like the glass bar so much! People are sure having fun with these. Hopefully it will make a difference. Bobbe Seymour and Steel Guitar Nashville has just been great to deal with. Once the pedal steel players find out about these through him and the fo-bro's who have used them I think it is going to get busy. Thanks again to everyone who took the chance on these. ------------------ JCFSGC member since 2005 Fenders- Georgeboard- Melobar Boyett's Glass Bars |
Joseph De Feo Member From: Narberth, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 21 May 2005 08:25 AM
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Thanks to Rick A. for spreading the word. Gary is great to deal with, very easy. I've had my lead filled for a week now, and love it!!! Broke my wrist in 2001, but the glass is much easier to grip than stainless. Nice smoooth chord sound and just point that tip for clean single notes with sustain for days. Good job guys. I'll be back after I've lived with this one for awhile. |
Andre Nizzari Member From: Bronx, New York
posted 21 May 2005 08:43 PM
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where can we buy these bars? I though Bobby Seymore was carrying them on his web site, but I can't find them anywhere. Can somebody help me?------------------ |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 21 May 2005 09:07 PM
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Andre, Bobbe just started carrying them last Saturday. The best thing to do is call or email - all the info is here.RA[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 21 May 2005 at 09:07 PM.] |
Bill Brown Member From: Canadian, Oklahoma, USA
posted 23 May 2005 07:32 PM
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hello gary i need 2-4 of your lead filled glass bars 1in dia by 3 in long can you help me call 1 918 424 2798 thanks |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 24 May 2005 04:46 AM
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Bill,Check your email. Well, I tried, Your email bounced back, I will call you. Thanks, Gary
[This message was edited by Gary Boyett on 24 May 2005 at 06:32 AM.] |
Andre Nizzari Member From: Bronx, New York
posted 24 May 2005 12:55 PM
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I just called the store and I was told that they didn't get in any glass bars yet. Next week I was told.  |
BobbeSeymour Member From: Hendersonville TN USA
posted 24 May 2005 04:34 PM
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We are very anxious to get them in, I'm a hard core believer in the sales of this product, but as a player and user, I believe in them even more! Bobbe |
Don Burrows Member From: Ashtabula, Oh. USA
posted 03 June 2005 05:32 AM
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Received my 1" glass-lead filled bar yesterday and I love it. Just the right weight and has lots more sustain than the steel bar I was using. Thanks Gary and Jeff for an excellent product.------------------ Don Burrows Builder of BSG Steel Guitars
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 03 June 2005 06:04 AM
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Thanks Don. this means a lot coming from you! Bobbe has some inventory now so order early and order often! Contact Bobbe at: More on the way soon.
------------------ JCFSGC,RMSGC,HSGA member since 2005 Fenders- Georgeboard- Melobar Boyett's Glass Bars
[This message was edited by Gary Boyett on 03 June 2005 at 06:05 AM.]
BobbeSeymour Member From: Hendersonville TN USA
posted 03 June 2005 06:50 AM
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Thank you Gary for such a wonderful product. Nashville has gone bonkers over this great bar. (They work great in other towns too!) bobbe
Derrick Mau Member From: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
posted 05 June 2005 01:52 PM
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Does anyone know what the status is on the lead filled bars? I e-mailed Bobbe about 4 days ago . . . so far, no answer.What's the price? and does it come in a 2-3/4 X 3/4 ?? |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 05 June 2005 05:21 PM
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Bobbe may be out of town. Oh, Isn't this the old fan fair week in Nashville? I can't keep track. Anyway, yes, you can get a 3/4 X 2 3/4" bar. Try him again. I am sure he will get back to you soon. Thank you.Gary |
BobbeSeymour Member From: Hendersonville TN USA
posted 05 June 2005 06:50 PM
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Derrick, your email has just been happily answered. We'll get you a bar this week. Call me Monday or email all your info. Bobbe |
BobbeSeymour Member From: Hendersonville TN USA
posted 11 June 2005 07:27 PM
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Gary, my store mgr.,, Danny Bentley is trying to get another order to you, the first hundred are about gone! Now it seems as though the whole world is in love with these bars! bobbe |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 12 June 2005 11:17 AM
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I got this from Bob Brozman today:“Congratulations for a great sounding bar! It sounds wonderful on my 22- string Chaturangui, (Hindustani Slide Guitar).” -Bob Brozman And to think we have to only worry about eight strings! THANKS BOB!! Bobbe- I have the order from Danny and am working hard to get the orders finished! Thanks to everyone for being so patient.
------------------ JCFSGC,RMSGC,HSGA member since 2005 Fenders- Georgeboard- Melobar Boyett's Glass Bars
Steinar Gregertsen Member From: Arendal, Norway
posted 12 June 2005 11:23 AM
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I really have to get myself a couple of these,- check your email Bobbe.... Steinar ------------------
Chuck Fisher Member From: Santa Cruz, California, USA
posted 13 June 2005 01:40 AM
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Is it possible to get one with a 1/4" bore lengthwise?Any price estimate on these ???????????? |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 13 June 2005 03:48 PM
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Send me an email to discuss. I think I can but I have some questions.[This message was edited by Gary Boyett on 13 June 2005 at 03:49 PM.]
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 02 July 2005 01:31 AM
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I must have more of these bars - they're great!!I'm stocking up - just in case the Boyetts get abducted by aliens. I understand that happens a lot in Colorado . . |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 02 July 2005 02:33 PM
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Boyett Glass Bars stick to your hand better than any other material. I've had mine for several months now, and I haven't dropped it on my foot once yet! This really is such an innovative invention - the bar has been raised! And when some big company tries to steal the idea, we'll all know who did it first . .[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 02 July 2005 at 02:36 PM.] |
Stan Townsend Member From: Los Angeles
posted 11 July 2005 02:54 PM
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I have found that the lead-filled glass bar gives a softer tone quality than my BJS bar. Anyone have a similar experience? |
Keith Cordell Member From: Atlanta
posted 12 July 2005 03:30 PM
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I acquired one at Bobbe's recently, and it's the first round bar that I think I can use. It has a slightly warmer tone than the steel ones, and it doesn't slip out of my fingers. It also seems easier to control, but I am not sure why. With my new GFI 10 string I am sure I will be able to learn faster and easier with a bar I can keep in my fingers. ------------------ GFI D8 Non-Pedal, Peavey Delta Blues, Goodrich H10K VP, Modded Vox V-847, Ibanez DD1000 Digital Delay, Dunlop Lap Dawg bar |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 18 July 2005 09:00 PM
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] |
Gary Boyett Member From: Colorado
posted 19 July 2005 04:49 AM
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Thanks Rick for the pics! The new lead pourer is working much better than the old hand-filled one! I want to thank everyone for their patience. Jeff has been swamped with orders for glass projects this summer. He is getting the bars out as fast as possible. Bobbe has two large orders in house and we will be shipping another batch to him this week. Please don't get mad at Bobbe or Steel Guitar Nashville for the delay's, He is doing a great job and I am happy we have the relationship we do. What a great store! The response has been tremendous! We are trying to put out a quality product so I don't want to rush Jeff anymore than I have to. Remember, each bar is totally hand made so takes time. (about two to three hours each) I could't do it myself. I think each batch gets a little better. Some bars have a little ridge on the bottom just due to the finishing process. We are really trying to get that as small as possible. I actually like mine with the little ridge because it helps to keep the bar from slipping out of my hand and has not effeted my playing at all. We stopped putting silicone in the bottom because while testing a batch I noticed the sustain was better without it. Like I said this is a design idea in motion. If anyone ever has any concerns or questions please feel free to email me anytime. Thanks, Gary
------------------ JCFSGC,RMSGC,HSGA member since 2005 Fenders- Georgeboard- Melobar Boyett's Glass Bars
Steve Pierce Member From: San Rafael, California, USA
posted 19 July 2005 09:20 AM
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Hey Gary,I am one of the guys patiently waiting for a bar. I emailed Bobbe and asked for a specific size and it looks like I'm waiting for the next batch (3/4" x 2 7/8"). Anyway, my question is if there is any thumb to lead contact now that there isn't silicone covering it? Thanks ------------------ Steve Pierce |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 19 July 2005 10:22 AM
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Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 19 July 2005 10:44 AM
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Joseph De Feo Member From: Narberth, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 21 July 2005 07:51 AM
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A lot has been said about the bars but Gary is a good guy to deal with. I had a problem with my bar and Gary offered a replacement (good business). My new bar arrived last night. It was packaged so well I'm sure nothing could have happened to it It was one of the new, no silicone ones. The sound of this new bar on my lap steel is unnn-reeaal! The harmonic content in the overtones is to die for. So sweet on the ears!!! Gary, you guys have topped yourselves with this one. I can't wait to get home from work to play again. Ear candy... |
Rick Aiello Member From: Berryville, VA USA
posted 21 July 2005 02:58 PM
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Man ... you guys were not kiddin' ...My 2 3/4" x 3/4" just showed up ... and boy am I glad my wife wouldn't finance my venture into zirconia bars. Doug Smith had a zirconia bar with him a couple weeks ago ... and this "leaded glass" bar is just as smooth and tone laden as it was. Outstanding creation ... thanks a-million !!!! ------------------ Aiello's House of Gauss My wife and I don't think alike. She donates money to the homeless and I donate money to the topless! ... R. Dangerfield