Topic: Freddie Roulette-Lgendary Blues Lap Steeler
Mark Eaton Member From: Windsor, Sonoma County, CA
posted 05 January 2006 04:26 PM
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Well I have a table for two with the Missus to have dinner at the Baltic tomorrow evening to take in Freddie and Friends (two of the guys played in Merl Saunders Rainforest Band...and Merl played in the Jerry Garcia Band...). And apparently Harvey Mandel is going to join in-this should be good!The guy at the Baltic said its going to be pretty much a full house. Lap steel guitar lives! ------------------ Mark
[This message was edited by Mark Eaton on 05 January 2006 at 04:27 PM.] |
Colin Alder Member From: Santa Cruz, California, USA
posted 09 January 2006 10:48 AM
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There's another gig with Freddie backing up Country Joe McDonald at The Brookdale Lodge in the Santa Cruz mtns. on Jan 21. The Lodge has relatively inexpensive rooms, and a dining room with a stream running through it where they serve sunday brunch. Might be worth the trip. |
Chuck Fisher Member From: Santa Cruz, California, USA
posted 10 January 2006 05:33 PM
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Hey Colin, how you been? Thats a saturday, I'm thinkng that might be worth a ride up the evil hwy 9, eh? BTW, sorry I have been remiss in getting back to you, my life got rediculous for a while. I still want to see your guitars one of these days.
Michael Winslow Member From: San Francisco, California, USA
posted 13 January 2006 01:13 AM
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Hey, dig this!!! Freddie's playing for FREE in San Francisco...Friday, January 13.....Come see the 67 year-old Lapsteel legend Freddie Roulette perform his unique style of funky blues with The Andre DeVito Band. Live at "The Saloon" in North Beach from 4pm-8pm for FREE!!!! The Saloon 1232 Grant Ave. @ Columbus North Beach, SF
Billy Wilson Member From: El Cerrito, California, USA
posted 13 January 2006 02:03 AM
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Mark, How was the Baltic show? |
Mark Eaton Member From: Windsor, Sonoma County, CA
posted 14 January 2006 01:05 PM
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Sorry-I've been gone a lot this week...Well, my wife and I really enjoyed the show. First, for you locals, about the Baltic. Apparently it was closed for a couple of years, and these folks reopened it not long ago. An historic building with a great looking old bar, and the story is that Jack London used to hang out there. Respectable food, the service we got was lousy-I think the staff was overwhelmed-a couple of them declared that this was by far the busiest they have ever been since the place reopened. Along with Harvey Mandel, another long-time Bay Area guitar ace, Henry Kaiser, showed up to sit in, and Freddie has recorded with Henry. I should say Henry "stood" in, there wasn't enough room in the area along the wall they cleared out for the band-there's no bandstand in this place. Henry had to setup off to the side in the middle of the dancers. And speaking of that, they rocked the joint! As expected, mostly middle-aged folks, but the dance floor was full most songs. Freddie flat blew me away. I'm not saying I necessarily would like to play just like him-there are some combinations of notes and chords he produces that are a little esoteric for my ears. I really like those jangly , cascading licks he plays though. It reminds me of running your hands along an eve that has icsicles (sp?) hanging off and you are cracking them, but each one is assigned a note. But what technique! The thing I came away with most of all was how he used the whole neck of his National, and the bar is truly like an extension of his hand. You know how with pedal steel the bar is quite large and it spends very little time lifted off the strings, along with not going up and down the neck too much? Well, Freddie's approach to lap steel is sort of on the other end of the spectrum from that of a pedal player, who produces so much of what he plays with the pedals and knee levers. Freddie's left hand is the epitome of dexterity. And those custom bars he uses are fairly small. I have an old small-sized Nick Manaloff bar for 6 string lap that I rarely use anymore-I'm going to get that out and practice with it-Freddie's approach is that the hand dominates the bar so that you can really be quick on the neck. I think a small bar that really fits in the pocket of the palm is one of his secrets. Harvey Mandel showed me his Brian Parker guitar-$5,000-one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen in my life. Great blues and rock playing, and I like Freddie's singing-but his vocal mic wasn't loud enough. There were several guys there that were hard core Freddie fans, and they were snapping photos of him. I think because of his connection to the Hookers and a number of other blues greats, he's sort of seen as a link to those guys and a living blues museum. After only hearing Mr. Roulette on recordings in the past, and now seeing him live-well he's the real deal, that's for sure. Taking in a Freddie gig should be required of all lap steel players that are within a semi-reasonable distance of a venue where he plays...shoot, it doesn't matter where you live-if you have never seen him play, you really need to! He ain't getting any younger. Andy Volk: I said hi to Freddie for you-he smiled at that. A real classy and soft spoken gentleman. ------------------ Mark
Billy Wilson Member From: El Cerrito, California, USA
posted 14 January 2006 02:35 PM
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Very poetic discription of Freddy's playing Mark. I know exactly what you mean. I hope they play the venue again. |
Michael Lee Allen Member From: Fresno CA USA
posted 19 January 2006 11:19 AM
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Just found this obscure CD that I'd never heard of before..."Looky Here" by "The Groove Society featuring Freddie Roulette". Blue Jean Records with no issue number. Recorded in 1996. The telephone and address on it are no longer good. Tracks are Let The Good Times Roll, Sleepwalk, You Don't Love Me, The Thrill Is Gone, Groove # 41, Down Home Blues, You've Got A Hard Head, Crosscut Saw, Teeny Weenie Bit, Part Time Love. Freddie Roulette on steel/vocal, Chili Joe Spooner on bass/vocal, Jerome Fletcher on guitar/vocal, and Jeff Cregg on drums/vocal. Have to try to find a few more copies for some of Freddie's fans. |
Billy Wilson Member From: El Cerrito, California, USA
posted 19 January 2006 02:21 PM
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The tune list off that CD is totally Freddie. |
Andy Volk Member From: Boston, MA
posted 19 January 2006 04:43 PM
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Hey, Mark .... thanks!  |
Michael Winslow Member From: San Francisco, California, USA
posted 20 January 2006 05:41 PM
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In case anyone is on the link in my earlier posting. Freddie is playing with the Andre Devito Band and is actually a member. They seem to be gigging in and around San Francisco about once a month. They post their local gigs on the web site, so if you want to see Freddie playing locally in the Bay Area it would be an additional resource.Also they have a cd out with Freddie playing on's only $10.99 and can be ordered on the web site using paypal. They also sell them at gigs. I believe there are some sound files of the cd on the web site.[This message was edited by Michael Winslow on 20 January 2006 at 05:42 PM.] |
Michael Lee Allen Member From: Fresno CA USA
posted 27 January 2006 11:22 AM
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Freddies solo LP from 1973... Freddie Roulette Sweet Funky Steel Janus JLS 3053 Tracks are...Smoked Fish, Joaquin, Del Conto Shuffle, Cause And Effect, Mr Roulette, Million Dollar feeling, Springtime, Alleluia...all originals or adaptations. Collective personnel...Freddie Roulette/steel guitar, Victor Conte/guitar & bass, Coleman Head/guitar, Randy Resnick/guitar, Harvey Mandel/guitar, Richard Aplanap/saxes, Bruce Conte/guitar, Sugarcane Harris/violin, Paul Lagos/drums, Lonnie Castille/drums. At some point when I have moved again and can unpack everything I will be posting a rough Freddie discography.[This message was edited by Michael Lee Allen on 27 January 2006 at 11:24 AM.] |
Paul Honeycutt Member From: Colorado, USA
posted 31 January 2006 01:32 PM
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I saw Freddie around 1969 at the Family Dog on the Great Highway in SF where he was on the bill with an LA band called Kalidescope. One of the guys in that band got inspired to play lap steel after seeing Freddie that night. He got pretty good, too. You may have heard of him, David Lindley. | |