Topic: Dobro Sound Using a Pedal Steel?
Roger Andrusky Member From: Waterford, PA, USA
posted 27 August 2002 01:47 PM
I was at the Herby Wallace/Steel Jam last Sunday and heard a guy make his Kline sound like a real Dobro (or at least very close). He changed bars but I don't see how that would have given him that sound. I didn't get a chance to ask him. Anyone know this trick? - Roger |
Jim Smith Member From: Plano, TX, USA
posted 27 August 2002 01:55 PM
Goodrich MatchBro.  |
autry andress Member From: Plano, Tx.
posted 27 August 2002 02:06 PM
If it sounded like the real thing it was probably the Super bro by goodrich. Sure beats carrying a dobro. Steel guitar Nashville has'em{pictures too}. Good luck.[This message was edited by autry andress on 28 August 2002 at 01:03 PM.] |
Gene Jones Member From: Oklahoma City, OK USA
posted 27 August 2002 02:18 PM
It sounds authentic enough that the blue-grass bands that appear on our show regularly ask me to stay on stage and set-in with them. That's a good enough indorsement for the "Super-Bro" for me! [This message was edited by Gene Jones on 27 August 2002 at 02:19 PM.] |
BobbeSeymour Member From: Hendersonville TN USA
posted 27 August 2002 02:23 PM
We stock this unit, however money is a little on the "much" side. It does have some great advantages though over a real dobro: easier to carry, easier to "Tune", easier to mic., etc, It's a pretty great unit. Doesn't look as good as a real dobro though. Bobbe |
Samuel E. White Member From: Greeneville TN.
posted 27 August 2002 05:57 PM
I have Dobro in my Pro Fex II and it sounds pretty close. Sam White |
Don Olson Member From: Muscatine,Ia. USA
posted 27 August 2002 06:07 PM
When you play with the Dobro effect you have to think Dobro not pedal steel. Zumsteel Don |
Quesney Gibbs Member From: Anniston, AL
posted 28 August 2002 02:08 AM
If the steeler changed bars he is likely to be using an old trick that I use even to this day.Saw off the top few inches (about the length of your bar) of your wife's broom handle (unpainted of course) and you have instant dobro. I learned this little trick from a New Orleans player named Earl Ortega before all the gadgets came into being. Try it.... Ques[This message was edited by Quesney Gibbs on 28 August 2002 at 02:10 AM.] |
David Decker Member From: Canton, Ohio, USA
posted 28 August 2002 03:02 AM
It was a goodrich MatchBro that I used last Sunday.  |
Roger Andrusky Member From: Waterford, PA, USA
posted 28 August 2002 04:23 AM
Cool! Sounds like the broomstick idea may be cheaper, though.  David, I didn't get a chance to talk to you - I was, and am, fighting an upper respiratory infection so I couldn't stick around long. Totally, totally enjoyed your pickin! Thanks for coming the distance! - Roger |
BobG Member From: Holmdel, NJ
posted 28 August 2002 06:09 AM
quote: Saw off the top few inches (about the length of your bar) of your wife's broom handle
Hey Quesney! I took your advise and asked my wife if I could have her broom...... She told me "where I could stick it". ...I wonder what offended her ?  ------------------ Bob Grado, Williams D10 (lefty), Peavey 1000, Profex ll. [This message was edited by BobG on 28 August 2002 at 06:09 AM.]
Jim Vogan Member From: Ohio City, Ohio 45874
posted 28 August 2002 06:35 AM
I may be able to salvage part of the handle. My wife wrecked hers. Hope she doesn't see this post!------------------ Jim Vogan Emmons Sd10 Stereo steel Amp
David Decker Member From: Canton, Ohio, USA
posted 28 August 2002 06:43 AM
Roger, thanks for the kind words. I really enjoyed the show, and the chance to play there. Like Arnold said " I'll be back"  |
Erv Niehaus Member From: Litchfield, MN, USA
posted 28 August 2002 08:24 AM
I have a Super Bro and get a good dobro sound out of it. As to the special bar, the Super Bro comes with a special (plastic) bar. This adds to the dobro sound. When I want the dobro sound, I turn off all effects and use a dry signal along with some dobro playing techniques. Erv |
John Lacey Member From: Black Diamond, Alberta, Canada
posted 28 August 2002 08:38 AM
Al Brisco has a SuperBro listed at $990. Canadian. I guess I won't be getting one anytime soon. |
Pete Burak Member From: Portland, OR USA
posted 28 August 2002 08:43 AM
A Phaser or Flanger effect, set on a very slow speed, will give that broom handle an extra bumb in the "Dobro sound" direction.
Ad Kersten Member From: Beek en Donk, The Netherlands
posted 28 August 2002 03:17 PM
Can anyone advise me how to program a tubefex for a proper dobro sound? Ad------------------ Zumsteel S12U
 Yo, Man! homepage |
Paul Graupp Member From: Macon Ga USA
posted 28 August 2002 04:29 PM
AD: Here's what I have on my Tube-Fex.TB pre 90 pad hi post 49 bass 40 mid 20 treb 80 pres +30 ->CF rate 0.7 depth 26% dly 4.6ms flange +16 mx +100 +DL type stereo L dly 361 L fbk 29% R dly 361 R fbk 29% Sim off Mx +100 +RV type spring size large P dly 30ms time 2.9s Damp off MX +100 +EF sens +0 freq 51 reson 83 type LP-slo MX +100 I usually mute the strings with the palm of my right hand when using this program and get a resonable facsimile of a banjo. Quesney: When John Paul Jones was still with us, we exchanged a few e-mails and one of them was on the broom handle theory. I told him, one night in France, I had a head cold and as I was using my Vicks inhaler, I noticed how much it looked like a minature bar. I used it and got the funniest sound I ever found. JPJ replied that he too used an inhaler but he said he used to dip his in hot coffee !!  Regards, Paul[This message was edited by Paul Graupp on 28 August 2002 at 05:21 PM.] [This message was edited by Paul Graupp on 28 August 2002 at 05:23 PM.] |
Fred Jack Member From: Bay City Texas
posted 28 August 2002 05:38 PM
Paul, that old benzedrine inhaler was good too! regards, fred |
Gary Walker Member From: Morro Bay, CA
posted 30 August 2002 03:41 PM
I use the profex ll settings in addition to using the dobro pickup from Zumsteel in front of my stock pickup. |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 31 August 2002 10:39 AM
Two things to remember:Take your foot off the volume pedal. Pick harder. No effect in the world will make you sound like a dobro if you're picking light and pumping the volume pedal. ------------------
Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic) Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6) |
David Mason Member From: Cambridge, MD, USA
posted 03 September 2002 12:46 PM
You can get a reasonable facsimile of a slide b@njo using a piece of PVC pipe. If yoe want to get really deranged, run it through some chorus, reverb and distortion and make like Godzilla. |
Bob Hayes Member From: Church Hill,Tenn,USA
posted 08 September 2002 06:06 PM
Quensey, I basicly use the same thing..except from a different appliance. I was "sitting" in my "thinking Room" one day... and I saw my bathroom PLUNGER...with wood handel...And I said to my self...."That IS The Answer".so I hacked off about a 51/2" peice..and now it is with me whenever I pick..It gives a "Great" "5" Sting sound too. The picker with AJ at the OPRY last night used something .and it was a great Dobro Sound.His bar looked like one of those"Red Hot Bars". GV |