Topic: Steel "snippets"!
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 27 May 2003 04:26 PM
Below are two .wav files...a couple of snippets of my steel work. The first is an intro (recorded live in a club almost 10 years ago) for the old Freddie Hart song "She'll Throw Stones At You". It was done on my ol' 73 MSA, through a '66 B/F Twin Reverb amp )with a 15" SRO speaker). The second is a turnaround (recorded using the same guitar), in a studio (all digital) about 2 years ago, going directly into the board, with EQ almost flat. I'm kinda new at this "uploading of files" thing, so the quality (like my playing ) may not be the best, but it'll give you an idea of what I sound like. Hopefully, I'll have some stuff recorded on my new Millennium in the near future. Enjoy! Click here Click here [This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 27 May 2003 at 04:33 PM.] [This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 18 October 2005 at 06:52 PM.] [This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 18 October 2005 at 06:54 PM.] [This message was edited by Donny Hinson on 10 August 2006 at 08:39 AM.] |
Bill Ford Member From: Graniteville SC Aiken
posted 27 May 2003 04:46 PM
Donny, Sounds good to me,especialy the harmonic run on "Lately",I told these guys not to listen to you when you said you could'nt play. Bill------------------ Bill Ford |
Mike Kowalik Member From: San Antonio,Tx.,USA
posted 27 May 2003 04:47 PM
Both sound good to me Donny.... |
Jeff A. Smith Member From: Angola,Ind. U.S.A.
posted 27 May 2003 09:55 PM
Sounds great! Please post longer segments next time. It's interesting to hear "The Plywood Wonder" that you've used as an example from time to time in the tone discussions; thru both tubes and solid state.Or, when you do some snippets with the Millennium, you might also include a couple little examples of the same passage with the old MSA, just for comparative interest. Is the tone "in the hands" or not? Maybe now we'll find out for sure. |
Lem Smith Member From: Fulton, MS. U.S.A.
posted 28 May 2003 10:33 PM
Sounds mighty fine to me, Donny. Enjoyed them both!Lem |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 29 May 2003 08:57 AM
Never wooda guessed that was an MSA. Sounded darn good! I guess that old Twin Reverb made the difference. The second sample was real nice also. Best thing is to use mp3 files instead of .wav files. They'll load alot faster so you can make the clips longer. Keep 'em comin'!!! |
Pete Burak Member From: Portland, OR USA
posted 29 May 2003 11:01 AM
Hi Donny, You really sound great! Perfect in-tune-ation, and crystal clear harmonics!
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 29 May 2003 05:14 PM
Bill - Thanks...I never said I couldn't play, I just said I wasn't "great".  Mike - Thanks also for the kind words. Jeff - I could have done longer clips, but I wanted to keep the download times reasonable...thanks, as well for the "flowers". Lem - I still 'a tryin! Jay - Thanks, I gotta find out what program to buy to do the "MP3" thing.  Pete - Thanks to you too! The intonation on the first clip is "acceptable" to me, but not perfect. I think I about "nailed it" on that second one, though. (Lucky, I guess! ) |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 29 May 2003 05:46 PM
Nice tone Donny. |
CrowBear Schmitt Member From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
posted 29 May 2003 11:46 PM
Real Nice Donny  |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 30 May 2003 12:23 PM
You don't have to buy anything to make an mp3 file. Just do it though your Real Player or download MusicMatch. All that stuff is free! |
Tom Kaufman Member From: Denton, Maryland, USA
posted 01 June 2003 06:44 PM
Hey guys: A little while back, Donny told me in an e-mail that he wasn't what he used to be. Well, Donny, I listened to both clips..and they both sounded fine to me; makes me want to hear more! Tom Kaufman |
mickd Member From: london,england
posted 02 June 2003 03:03 PM
beautiful  |
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 07 June 2003 04:11 PM
Thank you all very much for the compliments! I've received some nice e-mails, and I'll be posting some more stuff soon. |
Bob Carlson Member From: Surprise AZ.
posted 16 November 2003 07:34 PM
Wish I could go out next Fri night and hear a bunch of that. Thats A COUNTRY sound.Bob |
Glyn Bone Member From: Halifax.Nova Scotia. Canada
posted 16 November 2003 07:46 PM
Hi Donny....just heard your clips.....they sounded great..particularly the second one...`Have I told you Lately`......that to me was the sound I expect from a my problem 63 yrs. do I have enough time left to get to sound like that....Good work.....looking fwd to hearing that Millenium....would love to learn more about them........currently tossing up between a Carter and MSA Millenium.... thanks for a good listen Glyndwr. |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 16 November 2003 07:51 PM
Sounds great Donny. Great tone and execution. |
Scott Hiestand Member From: Ellington, CT
posted 01 December 2003 10:23 AM
Really, really nice Donny. Thanks for sharing those! |
Gene Jones Member From: Oklahoma City, OK USA
posted 01 December 2003 10:43 AM
Sounds good a steel-guitar should! [This message was edited by Gene Jones on 05 December 2003 at 04:58 AM.] |
Jim Palenscar Member From: Oceanside, Calif, USA
posted 01 December 2003 11:45 AM
~loved the harmonics |
Joe Henry Member From: Ebersberg, Germany
posted 01 December 2003 12:01 PM
That´s great Donny. Really fine tone and taste. It shows your expertise. I´ll never say an MSA sounds bad. But then it looks like we both prefer the same brand of amps  Regards, Joe H. |
Dave Burr Member From: Tyler, TX
posted 02 December 2003 06:46 AM
Donny said: quote: Hopefully, I'll have some stuff recorded on my new Millennium in the near future.
I say WHEN! Come on Donny, I've worn out these clips. Let's here some new one's. ------------------
Bob Watson Member From: Champaign, Illinois, U.S.
posted 02 December 2003 08:33 PM
Donny, that "ol' 73 MSA" sounds great. Nice harmonics! I will be looking foreward to hearing some snippets of your new MSA Millenium. |
Jack Francis Member From: Mesa, Arizona, USA
posted 03 December 2003 06:32 AM
While I was playing your music my wife called out from the next room to play the whole songs.....she hardly ever does that. Maybe I can score some points if I can get you to play the entire songs...C'mon, maybe I can get lucky! Sounds really good, thanx for sharing them with us. |
Bill Waskiewicz Member From: Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA
posted 03 December 2003 12:44 PM
I Second the motion. |
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 04 December 2003 09:24 PM
Thank you all for the kind words! Due to some remodeling, my house is pretty tore up now. As a result, the only thing I have room to use is my computer. I'll post some more when space and schedule permits it. (Things should be back to normal in a couple of weeks.) |