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  Slop/play in tuning keys

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Author Topic:   Slop/play in tuning keys
Nicholas Dedring

From: Brooklyn, New York, USA

posted 19 October 2004 12:00 PM     profile     
What causes are there for this? The key turns up to a quarter turn either direction for starting to engage and pull the string. Guitar just got to me recently; it's a little frustrating... I can't see a brand name on the keys, at least not an obvious one... is there a possible fix, or do I have to blow $300 on replacement keys to scrap and replace the bunch???

They do tune fine once they grab on, but it's a little annoying to tweak the tunings when they have this kind of play in them.

So, if the screws on the pegs holding the buttons on are tight, is there anything else fixable? They look pretty much like grovers or schallers... if that makes a difference.

Mark Herrick

From: Los Angeles, CA

posted 19 October 2004 03:01 PM     profile     
My Emmons has the old Kluson "Butterfly" tuners and they seem to have a lot of slack when you change direction. (Once you go below the note and tune up to pitch they are fine.) I don't know that there is really anything that can be done to alleviate this. I was considering replacing them with new Kluson "button" style tuners, but you are right, the cost is $180 for complete replacement - 4 sets of 6.


Herb Steiner

From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX

posted 19 October 2004 04:08 PM     profile     
Mark, correct. Within the last year I've replaced the tuners on two vintage PP's with new All Parts Gotoh/Kluson Deluxe tuners. The sets retail for $45, true enough; but in larger cities you can find them from 40 bucks down to 35. Even at $40 that's $160 for a set, with 4 spares.

But for me, getting rid of the hassle of dealing with 40-year-old Klusons, which were inexpensive 5-to-1 tuners from the git-go, is worth the bucks. I play between 3 to 5 gigs a week, so I need to have them things work.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

Mark Herrick

From: Los Angeles, CA

posted 20 October 2004 02:49 PM     profile     
I looked at the Gotoh "Kluson Style" tuners on the All Parts site. (Part number: TK_0875-001)

Are these direct replacements for the original Kluson Deluxe tuners? They also had some "Economy Kluson Style" tuners that were cheaper, but I assume were not actual Kluson tuners?

WD Music Products has the original Kluson Deluxe tuners.

On a separate note, what is generally used to re-lubricate the Kluson style tuners?


Herb Steiner

From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX

posted 20 October 2004 03:26 PM     profile     
The All Parts are direct drop in replacements, and fit the Emmons peghead. You want the ones with the holes THROUGH the shaft, like for Gibson/Emmons, and not with the SLOT in the shaft, which is for Mosrites. You have the correct parts number (TK 0875-001).

What might be extremely hard to find would be the Klusons with the metal keystone buttons, like Emmons used around 76-79. I haven't seen them reproduced anywhere. I'd just switch over to the butterbean tuners in a situation like that.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

Michael Johnstone

From: Sylmar,Ca. USA

posted 20 October 2004 06:28 PM     profile     
You could always - I dunno.......go keyless.
Per Berner

From: Skövde, Sweden

posted 21 October 2004 02:11 AM     profile     
If you're looking for good prices on tuners,
check out Stewart Macdonald,, and Luthiers Mercantile, They have ALL kinds.

Gotoh's new (admittedly expensive) tuners are 21:1, almost twice the ratio of regular tuners, should make fine-tuning a lot easier.

And don't miss or the German-based Rockinger, - their site is in English as well as German. They have modern sealed Klusons at very good prices, some tuners are even available as singles.

Emmons Legrande II D10 8+5, Goodrich 120, Peavey Nashville 1000

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