Topic: New Emmons Push Pull Guitar
Roger Kelly Member From: Mount Carmel, TN. 37645
posted 08 December 2004 02:08 PM
Here is a picture of a NEW Single Neck Emmons Push-Pull Re-issue you might like to see. It is for sale on Emmons Web site. Great looking Guitar.
Paul King Member From: Gainesville, Texas, USA
posted 08 December 2004 07:36 PM
The steel looks great. I wonder if it has the legendary tone of a push-pull. Does the site list the price of the new guitars? |
Roger Kelly Member From: Mount Carmel, TN. 37645
posted 09 December 2004 05:20 AM
Yes it does have the price. I have not heard a NEW P/P, so I can't say if it has that sound or not? [This message was edited by Roger Kelly on 09 December 2004 at 05:23 AM.] |
KENNY KRUPNICK Member From: Grove City,Ohio
posted 09 December 2004 10:43 AM
I remember a post not long ago that some one mentioned Emmons building push-pull guitars again. |
Bobby Boggs Member From: Pendleton SC
posted 09 December 2004 10:25 PM
I wish Emmons would go with the polished knee levers like Franklin,Zum and couple other of the top of the line guitars have.Those painted knee's just look cheap to me.They really stink on a PP.Just my opinion of |
Richard E. Lee Member From: Macedon, NY, USA
posted 10 December 2004 08:26 PM
A friend of mine just bought a new P/P Emmons..and now has it for sale on the web site.. "" click on the misc..section..and the 3rd listing down you can see a picture of it..beautiful..$3500..brand new..never played that I know friend has many many steels at his disposal. |
Nick Reed Member From: Springfield, TN
posted 10 December 2004 09:33 PM
Here's the new D-10 P/P [This message was edited by Nick Reed on 14 December 2004 at 10:10 PM.] |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 11 December 2004 05:06 AM
Your friend with the new PP wouldn't happen to be a the jewelry business? |
Robert Rogers Member From: the big town of Petersburg,Tn"Blink and You'll miss it"
posted 11 December 2004 07:11 PM
Great looking guitars Nick. Robert Rogers |
Bruce Hamilton Member From: Vancouver BC Canada
posted 11 December 2004 11:09 PM
These guitars look beautiful. Does this mean that there will be Push Pull parts like bellcranks, changer fingers and knee lever kits available again? |
Damir Besic Member From: La Vergne,TN
posted 12 December 2004 05:08 AM
Bruce,those parts were always available,just contact Bobbe at Steel Guitar Nashville.Db ps great looking instruments ,no kiddin` ------------------ "Promat" ~when tone matters~ |
Richard E. Lee Member From: Macedon, NY, USA
posted 12 December 2004 06:11 AM
Chuck.. yes have the right guy..we've been friends for years..I have bought quite a few steels from him..over the years. He's a great guy..and lucky enough to have had..more steels guitars than I could ever dream of. Incidently..I heard last night..the steel is no longer on the web, if that is true..I would assume that somebody has grabbed it. |
Bruce Hamilton Member From: Vancouver BC Canada
posted 12 December 2004 09:19 AM
What I'm thinking is with the exception of Bobbe's bell cranks all the parts available from him and anyone else are scavenged from other guitars. It would be nice if the parts were again being produced even if only in a small volume. |
Paul King Member From: Gainesville, Texas, USA
posted 12 December 2004 02:58 PM
When I get back on my feet, I want a new Push-Pull that is black. I will have one to match my Emmons LeGrande III. Those are two great looking guitars. |
Richard Nelson Member From: Drogheda, Louth, Ireland
posted 12 December 2004 08:22 PM
That guitar looks fantastic . Just like the one I got in 78. More power to Emmons they made the sound of the steel . OK there were a few good players then also . Maybe the best |
louie hallford Member From: denison tx
posted 12 December 2004 11:07 PM
Richard and Nick are we saying the D-10 guitar you guys are discussing and showing is a newly built guitar recently coming from the Emmons factory, or is it a an older guitar that someone has kept in the back room or under the bed,and that is in like new condition Emmons Co does not show a similar product on the web site. The finsh, while beautiful, appears to be one of their color combinations from 15 or 20 years ago. Little confusing. |
Jack Musgrave Member From: Rogersville, Missouri, USA
posted 13 December 2004 02:27 AM
Louie, the guitar appears to be a new one to me. a few distinct things that stand out to me are the newer Legrande type pedals. The push-pulls of the 1980's had the same pedals,but were anodized black. also came with Kluson tuners. The tuners in the picture appear to be possibly Sperzels. also, the Emmons logo appears to be the newer plastic logo. A combination of new and old parts? who knows, but the guitar does appear to be a new one to me |
Chick Donner Member From: North Ridgeville, OH USA
posted 13 December 2004 04:13 AM
These guitars are NEW built from parts that Ron Lashley Jr. has "found" laying around te plant. I played the single 10 guitar in Stl Louis. It plays well and sounds good. It's a genuine PP guitar. Ron told me he found enough D12 endplates to make 2 or 3 guitars. Go Ron.
Dyke Corson Member From: Urbana, IL USA
posted 13 December 2004 10:49 AM
I have an 80s D-10 push pull with the same pedals (not painted) black and Mini-Grovers |
Jack Musgrave Member From: Rogersville, Missouri, USA
posted 14 December 2004 02:08 AM
Dyke, I stand corrected. What year is your guitar? has to be a pretty late guitar. my guitar is a 1981 push-pull |
Allan Thompson Member From: Scotland.
posted 14 December 2004 03:43 AM
I have Sperzel tuners on my Push Pull and it was made in 1982. |
Dyke Corson Member From: Urbana, IL USA
posted 14 December 2004 04:53 AM
Jack I'm not sure of the exact year, it's over at a local Opry building so I won't have the ser# until Saturday. I got this through Mike Cass and I believe he said early 80s. The Mini Grovers were well known for the threads going bad, I got a new set from Ron Jr. a few months ago. It's one of my favorite guitars, it sounds and plays great. |
Cor Muizer Jr Member From: The Netherlands/europe
posted 14 December 2004 08:35 AM
it looks like there is something missing at the end or beginning from the changer just between te necks normally by a all pull guitar you will have there the split tuners but if i look good at this double ten i see nothing there not even a bracket or so.cor  |
Ron Steenwijk Member From: Greensburg,PA
posted 14 December 2004 08:48 AM
Nick whats the pricerange of this new D10? And the Pic of this D10 seem old when I look at the left end-plate.It doesn't look new to me but i could be wrong.Ron Nikaro SD10 4x6 |
Nick Reed Member From: Springfield, TN
posted 14 December 2004 10:28 PM
Ronald, I've heard the price for that D-10 is $3500. Not bad! Also remember, both of these new P/P re-issues have laquer bodies. That's a option that Emmons usually gets $700 more for than the standard gloss mica. I did see and play that S-10 Roger posted when Ronnie broght it to St. Louis. It's a JEWEL. . .and I can tell you that with only just a few minor adjustments by a skilled pro like Bryan Adams would make it absolutely perfect. Here's my black '66 & Rosewood '71 that I'm mighty proud of: Nick[This message was edited by Nick Reed on 14 December 2004 at 10:31 PM.] |
Roger Kelly Member From: Mount Carmel, TN. 37645
posted 15 December 2004 06:18 AM
Nick, since you have played the Emmons S-10 P/P did it compare to to your P/P's, as far as Tone and Pedal action is concerned? By the way, Nice looking Emmons Guitars you have there! Happy Holidays to you.  |
Joey Ace Sysop From: Southern Ontario, Canada
posted 15 December 2004 09:07 AM
Since this topic has become more of a discussion about the guitar, than an announcement, I'm moving it to the "Pedal Steel" section. |
Farris Currie Member From: Ona, Florida, USA
posted 15 December 2004 01:48 PM
NICK,thank you for posting those pretty pictures,man they are so NICE.NOW if Santa Clause could just bring me one of those,OH how HAPPY i would be!!MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL farris |