Topic: Who likes their Fessy
jerry harkins Member From: Horseshoe Bay, TX
posted 09 October 2005 09:30 AM
I just ordered a new Fessy SD10 and I'm looking foward to try it out when it gets here. I've known Jerry a long time and I know he builds a great guitar, so I thought it was time I tried one out. What do you Fessy owners like about your guitars ? |
John Macy Member From: Denver, CO USA
posted 09 October 2005 10:31 AM
I was a die hard Emmon PP user for over 20 when I ran into Jerry. I really liked him, and bought a guitar sight unseen from him, which took a bit of a leap of faith. To make a long story short, sitting at that guitar was like coming home for me--I found the tone I had been looking for, played great, looked great, and the Emmons' never got played again. To make it even better--every producer, engineer and artist I work with noticed the sound and commented that I had never sounded better. So now I own a couple (a mica SD10 with 4 and 8, and a Mark Giles lacquer body D10 with 9 and 11), and am getting ready to add a third to the arsenal (a mica D10). But you know the best thing about it was I got to know Jerry, who was not only great to work with as a builder--always willing to try anything you wanted (and mine are fairly complicated guitars)--but a great human as well. I'm proud to play his guitars, and even prouder to have him as a friend. (oh yeah, I got to know Mark Giles also from this, another one of the finest in our community, and a great friend also). Did I mention I love his guitars?  |
Tucker Jackson Member From: Portland, Oregon, USA
posted 09 October 2005 11:50 AM
What I love about my Fessenden can be stated in one word: Tone.Well...let's make that three words: Tone and Sustain. Enjoy your new guitar, Jerry. I think you'll be very happy with it  |
Bill Hatcher Member From: Atlanta Ga. USA
posted 09 October 2005 12:03 PM
Fine instruments and a fine fellow who makes them. |
Jim Harper Member From: Comanche, Oklahoma, USA
posted 09 October 2005 01:18 PM
Jerry, you gonna love your guitar. I have one that Jerry built for me. It is D-10. Red Lacquer with 8-6. Like some of them have posted it has lot,s of tone and sustain.I have not had no trouble with it at all.It has B.L 9-10,s.Jerry build,s a beautiful guitar. Holler at me some time. ==Jim Harper |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 09 October 2005 02:07 PM
These aren't mine, but they sure look great!!!
Jeff Bradshaw Member From: Leslieville, AB
posted 09 October 2005 04:08 PM
Hi Folks, I have been playing Fessenden guitars for a while now and will say that Jerry's guitars are as good as any guitar that I have ever owned. And yes it's true...Jerry is a very fine fellow and I am very glad to be his friend. Best regards. ..jeff bradshaw |
Ron Bryson Member From: Bonifay, Florida, USA
posted 09 October 2005 04:32 PM
I traded my black mica SD-10 Fessy in on my lacquer D-10. True-Tone pickups, plenty of the tone that I want! I love mine.. [This message was edited by Ron Bryson on 09 October 2005 at 04:36 PM.] [This message was edited by Ron Bryson on 09 October 2005 at 04:38 PM.] |
JB Arnold Member From: Longmont,Co,USA
posted 09 October 2005 05:17 PM
Autry Andress asked me to post this for him-He sure likes this beauty. I like mine too-use it for recording all the time.JB
------------------ Fulawka D-10 9&5 Fessenden D-10 8&8 "All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!" |
JB Arnold Member From: Longmont,Co,USA
posted 09 October 2005 05:19 PM
And add Buddy Cage to the list... ------------------ Fulawka D-10 9&5 Fessenden D-10 8&8 "All in all, looking back, I'd have to say the best advice anyone ever gave me was 'Hands Up, Don't Move!" |
Drew Howard Member From: Mason, MI, U.S.A.
posted 09 October 2005 06:07 PM
I started on a mica SD10 years back. When I bought a D10 from Jerry, the sustain scared me!On my third, an SD12. Drew ------------------ Drew Howard - website - Fessenden D-10 8/8, Fessenden SD-12 5/5 (Ext E9), Magnatone S-8, N400's, BOSS RV-3 |
Darvin Willhoite Member From: Leander, Tx. USA
posted 09 October 2005 06:15 PM
I like mine, it is a '98 model, with 8 & 8, just a basic blue mica guitar. It currently has Danny Shields pickups in it and plays and sounds great.
------------------ Darvin Willhoite Riva Ridge Recording
pix1 Member From: WESCOSVILLE,PA,U.S.A.
posted 09 October 2005 08:58 PM
Jerry's building mine as we speak/read. I can't wait. This will be my first brand new guitar built to my specs. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out.Robbie Bossert |
David L. Donald Member From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand
posted 09 October 2005 11:31 PM
Who doesn't like their Fessie? Ain't met one yet.I think I played that orange one, or at least it's sister at ISGC, and was realy happy to make it's aquantance. And Jerry's too.[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 09 October 2005 at 11:32 PM.] |
Dean Parks Member From: Sherman Oaks, California, USA
posted 10 October 2005 12:57 AM
If you liked the orange one, you should hear a black one! Fessy in Barcelona -dean- |
Jim Cohen Member From: Philadelphia, PA
posted 10 October 2005 05:02 AM
Dean, did you get hired to play while they burned down the city, or what? What is that??p.s. Oops, yes, I'm also another satisfied Fessifier.[This message was edited by Jim Cohen on 10 October 2005 at 05:02 AM.] |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 10 October 2005 06:24 AM
Who does the painting on Jerry's fancy lacquer models with all the inlay etc.??? |
Dean Parks Member From: Sherman Oaks, California, USA
posted 10 October 2005 07:12 AM
Jim-That's the "stage left" back/side curving wall, lit with those colors, at the Palau de La Musica in Barcelona. (Just before soundcheck) -dean-[This message was edited by Dean Parks on 10 October 2005 at 07:15 AM.] |
Danny Kuykendall Member From: Fullerton, CA, USA
posted 10 October 2005 07:15 AM
Any input on the weight of the Fessenden? I'm searching for a guitar (D10)that sounds similar to a ZB but significantly lighter. Danny |
John Macy Member From: Denver, CO USA
posted 10 October 2005 08:12 AM
Jay,That's Mark Giles on the lacquer finishes and inlay (with a couple of exceptions). Mark does the best work in town ... [This message was edited by John Macy on 10 October 2005 at 08:50 AM.] |
Jim Eaton Member From: Santa Susana, Ca
posted 10 October 2005 09:51 AM
I call my SD-10 "Glide" because everything about it is so Smooooooooooooooooooth! There is a photo of me and glide on the Fessy site that was taken at "Pearl_Jam" 2 yrs ago. JE:-)>------------------ Emmons D10 8/4 P/P -75' Fessenden SD-10 3/5 MSA SD-12 4/4 - 76' 76'Session 400 86'Nashville 400 Bandit 112 [This message was edited by Jim Eaton on 10 October 2005 at 09:52 AM.]
Larry Bell Member From: Englewood, Florida
posted 10 October 2005 10:41 AM
I've always been partial to the 'vintage steel guitar sound'. After playing just about every brand out there, ones that catch my ear are the three brands I own today: Emmons, Sho-Bud, and Fessenden. The first two need no introduction, but the Fessy holds its own in this elite company. It's the one I'll take on the road because of its combination of a modern mechanism and a sound that's reminiscent of Sho-Bud and ZBCustom guitars -- at least, to my ears.Jerry not only builds great guitars, he is willing to work with his players to give them what they want. I know that anytime I have a question about any aspect of the guitar, Jerry will help me sort it out. He has done so many times -- sending me parts and spending how ever much time is needed to help me add this or tweak that to my satisfaction. There are many great builders these days and Jerry Fessenden is among the very best -- at designing and building a guitar that plays great, stays in tune, and sounds like I want a pedal steel to sound. I can't ask for more. Info on my Fessy: Thanks, Jerry -- you're a daisy!
 ------------------ Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page 2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S/D-12 6x6, 1984 Sho-Bud S/D-12 7x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps
[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 10 October 2005 at 10:46 AM.] |
Bill Rogers Member From: Concord, North Carolina, USA
posted 10 October 2005 01:06 PM
I'm a new player, and after doing some research, mostly on the Forum, I ordered a new SD-10 last January. It was delivered in February, and I love this guitar. Dealing with Jerry was a pleasure and he gave me some good advice on the Day setup. When I called him with questions he always took the time to answer them and gave me some good advice on how to get started on my steel. Great guitar, great guitar builder. |
Jay Ganz Member From: Out Behind The Barn
posted 10 October 2005 02:19 PM
What pickups are standard....Truetones? |
Brad Sarno Member From: St. Louis, MO USA
posted 10 October 2005 04:35 PM
Can anyone comment on the sonic differences between mica and lacquer on a Fessy? Brad |
Ron Bryson Member From: Bonifay, Florida, USA
posted 10 October 2005 05:15 PM
Brad, I had a black mica SD-10 Fessy, I now have a lacquer D-10,(see above) If anything, the lacquer guitar is maybe a little fatter,fuller tone. I love the tone of mine. Ron |
Jimmie Brown Member From: Fayetteville, NC, USA
posted 10 October 2005 05:26 PM
Simply put it has everything, tone sustain looks and it doesn't break strings and stays in tune.I almost never have to touch it from day to day playing at home. I had a sho-bud pro model that i was constantly tuning. mMine is a red mica SD10+4 and i love it thank you Jerry.Jimmie ------------------
Drew Howard Member From: Mason, MI, U.S.A.
posted 10 October 2005 05:32 PM
------------------ Drew Howard - website - Fessenden D-10 8/8, Fessenden SD-12 5/5 (Ext E9), Magnatone S-8, N400's, BOSS RV-3 [This message was edited by Drew Howard on 10 October 2005 at 05:32 PM.] [This message was edited by Drew Howard on 10 October 2005 at 05:32 PM.]
Larry Bell Member From: Englewood, Florida
posted 10 October 2005 09:55 PM
Jay, Jerry will put whatever you want on a guitar. Both of mine came with BL712's, but I didn't like that pickup on my guitars -- one ended up with a 912 and the one in the picture now has a TrueTone which is my current pickup du jour. Looks like Jerry's installing a few too. I know he also likes the Jim Pittman pickups.Brad -- that would be a good question for Dr. Cohen. He's had the experience. I personally don't think there's much difference, but I never owned a lacquer Fessy. Mark Giles certainly makes gorgeous bodies. Drew -- the white looks great -- esp on that dark guitar. White board is really nice and the white pickup top really sets it off. PRETTY GUITAR (not to mention that work of art Ron has -- all Jerry's guitars are handsome, but that stain is to die for) ------------------ Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page 2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S/D-12 6x6, 1984 Sho-Bud S/D-12 7x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps
[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 10 October 2005 at 09:59 PM.]
Herb Steiner Member From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX
posted 11 October 2005 06:14 AM
The top photo is a rosewood/maple metal neck Fessy (cabinet by Dick Miller) from 1995 now happily owned by Wayne Franco, an excellent guitar that I replaced with the coco bolo/maple woodneck (cabinet by Mark Giles) shown below. ------------------ Herb's Steel Guitar Pages Texas Steel Guitar Association
[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 11 October 2005 at 06:23 AM.]
John Macy Member From: Denver, CO USA
posted 11 October 2005 11:16 AM
Brad--I own both--a D10 lacquer and a SD10 mica. They both sound awesome, not as much difference as you might think. The lacquer has a sort of compressed tone if that makes sense. It's really not a lot warmer than the mica, has a little bit less sustain (which is still huge), and has a nice punch. The mica one is my favorite, it records really well--sits in a track really nicely. Bright, without being harsh, and a great midrange that lets you pull it into the track and it still sings. Both guitars have BL 710's (as will my new one). My next one that will be started shortly will be a D10 mica with wood necks--can't wait to see how that turns out  |
Tore Blestrud Member From: Oslo, Norway
posted 11 October 2005 11:18 AM
Here's mine:
Jim Cohen Member From: Philadelphia, PA
posted 11 October 2005 01:17 PM
"If you're fussy, get a Fessy" |
Joe Miraglia Member From: Panama, New York USA
posted 11 October 2005 05:02 PM
I love mine. Got it this spring. U12,can see it on my bands web site. Joe |
jerry harkins Member From: Horseshoe Bay, TX
posted 11 October 2005 07:07 PM
WOW!! I think everyone loves their Fessenden. Those are some beautiful guitars. Looks like I made a good move! |
jerry harkins Member From: Horseshoe Bay, TX
posted 13 October 2005 05:45 PM
Who else likes their Fessenden? Come-on it's time to Fess-up. |
Steve Benzian Member From: Burlingame, CA USA
posted 13 October 2005 10:27 PM
Link to my wood body D-10...I think by Dick Miller I like it!! |
John Macy Member From: Denver, CO USA
posted 14 October 2005 08:08 AM
Check out the new Robert Randolf Fessy  PS--the custom flamed finish is by Mike Winchester of East Montpelier, VT. [This message was edited by John Macy on 18 October 2005 at 04:35 PM.] |
Frank Caruso Member From: West Newton, Ma USA
posted 15 October 2005 04:44 PM
I love my Fessy I never heard a more pleasant sound coming from a Steel Guitar.Jerry sure does build a great Pedal Steel guitar,They look,play.and sound great. |
Brad Sarno Member From: St. Louis, MO USA
posted 16 October 2005 03:25 PM
I get my brand new S-10 (1-1/2 frame) on Wednesday. Black mica. I can't wait. Never had a "new" steel before. My '77 push/pull sd-10 is not happy about this one bit. Brad