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  New neck on my shobud professional

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Author Topic:   New neck on my shobud professional
Tor Arve Baroy

From: Norway

posted 23 October 2006 02:49 AM     profile     
Hi, I just want to show off my new back neck on my shobud professional. I hav built it over the last month or so.
I play a lot of lapsteel in my live performances and sometimes have troubles getting enough space, so...I bought a piece of maple and got to work. It is ready for a 8 string setup, but currently only have six because I dont have a 8-string pickup yet.
I also has a piezo pickup in the bridge wich I am using for a Dobro sound.
I bought two new fretboards from Tom Bradshaw, looked great. There are pictures on this link:
If someone has a 8-string pickup for sale, I am interested.....
Would like some feedback from you bring it on!

Tor Arve Baroy, Norway

James Morehead

From: Durant, Oklahoma, USA

posted 23 October 2006 05:58 AM     profile     
Now that's wild! I bet the tone is right up there!
Mike Wheeler

From: Columbus, Ohio, USA

posted 23 October 2006 06:04 AM     profile     
Very nicely done, Tor. You must be very proud of it.
Kyle Everson

From: Nashville, Tennessee

posted 23 October 2006 09:26 AM     profile     
That's cool, Tor. Did you buy it as an SD-10, or did you perform that conversion yourself? What's the tuning on the nonpedal neck?

Kyle Everson
Sho-Bud Pro-II
Fender Twin Reverb
Goodrich 120

Tor Arve Baroy

From: Norway

posted 23 October 2006 10:11 AM     profile     
Thanks for kind words! I am very happy with it!
I bought the guitar as a SD-10 from an old gentelman in england! The tuning on the nonpedalneck is now(with 6 strings) standard GBDGBD, when I get an 8string pickup I am gonna put in a low and high E, that way it is good for both power chords and more swing sounding stuff, G6 I think it willl be. I play a lot of rock on this neck.

Tor Arve Baroy, Norway

Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 23 October 2006 10:22 AM     profile     
I wonder why you didn't route the string through the body. Just curious.
Ricky Davis

From: Spring, Texas USA

posted 23 October 2006 11:48 AM     profile     
Very good job; I like that a lot(yes it's not original to the Professional); it's something I sometimes wish I had.
jim flynn

From: Salado,Texas

posted 24 October 2006 10:08 AM     profile     
Arve, great job, I would install a George L, 10
string, it wont stick out past the strings anymore than the E-9 Sho-Bud does. will look great. More and more people are putting n/p
tunings on the back neck, to do everything from
straight, to dobro, and wild rock stuff. Congratulations, good job.


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