posted 02 January 2005 01:46 PM
Just a suggestion or two from a well worn bush leaguer:There seem to be some that have a penchant for assessing views posted by a certain person, deciding they will not be chastized for launching petty personal attacks against them, and going ahead with them full force, under the tacet support of the administration.
Often they are wrong.
Happily, I see that this practice is only often 'tacetly condoned' because of the administrator actually having a life, and just not being there to babysit every little nursery school snit.
When I see or read an opinion that runs counter to my own, I honestly don't try to think of how severely I can attack them by way of "who else must disagree with them". In fact, I don't think it is becoming at all to rat pack people.
Do your self a favor:
State your own opinion, and if you have a disagreement with a poster, consider why first.
Approach them DIRECTLY, rather than saying "Mr X OBVIOUSLY is ____ and ___ because of thus and such.."
The "gallery" is heartless. Some people learn that painfully late.
Series' of "quotes" from particular posters with "expose type" redirect, only bore the "jury".
Read "Heretical" posts carefully. Often they contain merit.
If you are posting a "heretical post", expect some flack. Try to explain your "heresy".
Remember where you are.
Though you might be safer exposing a "Buddy Rich's" human frailties, than Jeff Newmann's, Jimmy's, George's or Junior Brown's, not that there were any.. You're still not "safe".
Bash ET strictly at your own peril..
Don't rely on "email alliances". Remember, these people can easily "turn on you" and post the stupid stuff you say when it's "your turn on the barrel".
Only mildly consider other peoples' personal. political, romantic or religious proclivities. Let it go if you think "He's only posting an accolade of this bum because he's a fellow 'wing nut'. It's lost on the new players trying to make heads or tails of this complex instrument.
People that are "Top Shelf" seem to start ignoring the whole community on account of all this crap is what they've worked so hard to "get out of".
If you got "caught" spreading ignominious crap about somebody, don't spend the next six months "getting back at whoever nailed you". It won't work if you were the one that was at fault. It will expecially not work if you have nothing to contribute yourself. Some people have very good reading and analytical skills.
If you send something to somebody, and say that information you are passing on "would be best kept confidential" and they don't, remember it was only your suggestion, and take it like an adult. Really. It's their decision. Not yours.
Even if you give them explicit instrustions "not to". It's your own fault.
Assume that all disagreements pertaining to the Pedal Steel Guitar, easily can be settled "In the Forum" with a minimum grade school crap.
Try to do your part.
Just a little advice from a veteran of a lot of internet bar fights, and a lot of psg gigs that could be categorized similarly.
Detailed and lengthy explanations don't waste as much "bandwidth" as endless running coup counting forays.
That's all.
(Pile on at your peril....)
The guys all get shirts....