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  Updated: Canonical List of Repeated Forum Topics

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Author Topic:   Updated: Canonical List of Repeated Forum Topics
Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 27 May 2004 08:07 AM     profile     
I have updated this list from April 2001 to include some recent developments, and to seperate it from another thread that suffered topic drift.

You may find it convenient next time you feel like posting on the Steel Guitar forum, to just post a link to this message instead, referencing the number of the subject you wish to weigh in on. I think it embodies the majority of topics currently under repeated discussion. It will save bandwith and time we could probably better use practicing. I hope y'all find this useful

The Canonical list of Repeated Steel Guitar Forum subjects (not including sincere questions from newbies):

1. My favorite brand of guitar, amp, bar, cable, volume pedal, FX unit etc. is great and your favorite is a piece of dry dog feces.

2. My favorite kind of music is the only music worth playing/listening to. Whatever YOU like is dried dog feces.

3. Tone is in (pick one): the right hand,the guitar, the pickups, the bar, the amp, the cables, the heart, the large intestine, your empty wallet.

4.There are no young players because they get scared off by the difficulty, expense, the lack of readily available affordable instruments at the local music mall, instruction information, or by reading the repetitive threads on the Steel Guitar forum and concluding "it's not something they need in their life right now"

5. I'm right. You are wrong.

6. I've been crapped on by a fellow forumite and I 'm taking my bar and going home.

7. Steel guitar will never survive unless it expands into genres other than country

8 Steel guitar will never survive unless it remains purely country

9. Wow, you should've heard (insert name of player here) at the (insert steel guitar show )!!!!

10. By cracky I remember when I was a lad we had to walk 20 miles uphill both ways to even hear a steel guitar and now what with MADD and crackdowns on DUI's we can't even do that now 'cause there ain't noplace to play anymore that doesn't smell like cigarette smoking DJ's anyway so I might as well stay home.

11. Gaylord has destroyed everything they touch. (actually repeat this one as often as necessary)

12. The SGHOF BOD are: saints, devilspawn, only human; (name of player) has been excluded from consideration because of unknown infractions against the sensibilities of said BOD;(name of player) must have REALLY screwed up to be excluded from consideration; what we think doesn't matter a whit to said BOD

13. Unversals suck. No player worth a damn plays one. All players worth a damn play a D10 as gawd intended.

14. D10's are an archaic holdover from a bygone era, and you are a Luddite if you don't switch to a Universal immediately.


15. Jerry Garcia: "Was that guy a Steel God or what??? "(Thanks to Joey Ace)

16. Robert Randolph: I'll bet he can't play "Way To Survive"... to 60 thousand people while he shares the stage with Eric Clapton.

17. My Black P/P sounds better than your Black P/P. Why is that?

18. ? for BE: how did you play that 2 bar phrase from a recording you made 42 years ago, and what brand of folding chair was your amp propped up on in the studio at the time?

19. You can Tuna Fish, but you can't Tune a PSG: "'Just' do it!"; "Temper, Temper!"; "and the 'beat' goes on..."

20. And how often the third string breaks. And how finger picks are uncomfortable. And how much of a bummer it is that we can't make a 300 watt tube amp that you can carry around with one finger. (Thanks N. Dedring)

grumble grumble


"I've got the "ZB Jeebies™" !"

1998 Zumsteel U12 "Loafer" 8&6 :: 1973 ZB Custom D-10 8&5 :: Vintage Fender 'Tube' Amplification :: ::
:: My Tribute to the Hot Club of America in Hi-Fi

Nicholas Dedring

From: Brooklyn, New York, USA

posted 27 May 2004 08:46 AM     profile     
21. Discussions of how well (insert name here, BE, Lloyd, PF, etc.) could play a two-by-four strung with chicken wire.
Roger Rettig


posted 27 May 2004 08:52 AM     profile     
Great list, Dave - but how could you have omitted 'Day vs. Emmons'?


[This message was edited by Roger Rettig on 27 May 2004 at 08:54 AM.]

C Dixon

From: Duluth, GA USA

posted 27 May 2004 09:22 AM     profile     
And another one:

"Just tune your Git' tar til it sounds in tune to you and it'll be in tune"

Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 27 May 2004 09:44 AM     profile     
Nicholas: consider it added....

Roger: Day vs Emmons (assuming we are talking pedal arrangement and not the first card at the Saturday night boxing match) has not been as repeatedly contentious as other listings... but it is worthy of consideration.

Carl: I respectfully refer you to item 19

and in closing, just for good measure I'd like to add:
23. Did you catch that attrocious crap they called music on (insert TV Show name here)?

[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 27 May 2004 at 12:14 PM.]

Ray Minich

From: Limestone, New York, USA

posted 27 May 2004 01:52 PM     profile     
Ah yes... a nice warm cozy universe... pleasant isn't it? Is it time for my pill yet nurse?

You could also add: PSG, the world's hardest instrument...

[This message was edited by Ray Minich on 27 May 2004 at 02:47 PM.]

[This message was edited by Ray Minich on 27 May 2004 at 02:48 PM.]

Bill Miller

From: Gaspé, Québec, Canada

posted 27 May 2004 03:11 PM     profile     
Umm...just wanna cue up #18 here. C'mon Dave...I must protest. See the thing is there's a bunch of us here on the forum who are geographically challenged. We're cut off from the pack....lone wolves. The fact is that I had never been within spitting distance of a steel guitar until one summer when Moe Bandy blew into town to do a festival. They almost had to call security to stop me pestering the steel player with questions. (actually he had a new Emmons and he was very proud to show it off) I bought a steel guitar in the early nineties and recently my second one. I'm virtually certain that to this day I own the only two pedal steels within 200 miles or more. So I'm starving for interaction with other steel players. I bet a lot forum members are in the same boat.
Now you, on the other hand, probably get to rub elbows with the likes of Buddy Emmons on a regular basis. I bet you've jammed with a lot of the big name players. So what are little crumbs of tedium and minutiae to you are sweet sustenance for some of us poor souls...scattered to the four corners of the earth as we are.
An' anyways, Buddy doesn't seem to mind. He could do worse than to be so famous! Next target? Paul Franklin. Take cover Paul!

[This message was edited by Bill Miller on 27 May 2004 at 06:01 PM.]

Nicholas Dedring

From: Brooklyn, New York, USA

posted 27 May 2004 04:02 PM     profile     
Hey, what about how awful Gretsch is? They ruined everything!
Stephen Gambrell

From: Ware Shoals, South Carolina, USA

posted 27 May 2004 05:56 PM     profile     
"Question for Mike Brown?"
Drew Howard

From: Mason, MI, U.S.A.

posted 27 May 2004 06:33 PM     profile     

Drew's Website

[This message was edited by Drew Howard on 27 May 2004 at 06:34 PM.]

C Dixon

From: Duluth, GA USA

posted 27 May 2004 07:02 PM     profile     
Mega dittos Drew.
William Steward

From: Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

posted 27 May 2004 08:13 PM     profile     
You also ommitted the topic of tuning.....ET please call home or JI will replace you. There seem to be as many opinions on this one as members of the forum.
Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 27 May 2004 08:15 PM     profile     
Bill Miller:
I myself have thirsted for steel related minutae, and appreciate this forum for it's allowing us access to the folks who make it happen...I really appreciate Maestro Emmons' willingness to contribute (it's like reading a piano forum where you get Mr Steinway and Oscar Peterson to answer questions-and it's the same guy!!) and his graciousness and sense of humour. I myself have asked him several annoying questions on the forum about things he'd probably like to forget but we won't let him....(George Jones Live @ Dancetown 1965 for instance)

I state in the title of my list that sincere questions are excluded from my curmudgeoness...

I understand being geographically challenged as well every time I read about the North Tennessee Steel Guitar Assoc shows...

I have attended Jams and been near some real players, but seldom jammed with them; I have rubbed Buddy's elbow exactly twice, and I don't think he much appreciated the invasion of his personal space

Mr Steward:I respectfully refer you back to item #19

and Drew, can we leave the politics to off topic please?

[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 27 May 2004 at 08:18 PM.]

Ben Lawson

From: Somerset, N.J.

posted 27 May 2004 11:38 PM     profile     
Hey Dave how did you like the marathon show in Quakertown?
Dave Boothroyd

From: The Malvern Hills

posted 28 May 2004 12:45 AM     profile     
There's another one. How about the thread complaining how a previous post had a mis-spelling or grammatical mistake in it.
Example "You can not spell faeces, therefore you are an illiterate ....... "( insert sociocultural, ethnic or political insult of choice.
I'm glad I'm not pedantic.
Dammit, I've given myself away again, and I'd have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for them steelies!


Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 28 May 2004 06:08 AM     profile     
How about a number for this issue: ?

Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 28 May 2004 08:07 AM     profile     
Dave Boothroyd:
How about the thread complaining how a previous post had a mis-spelling or grammatical mistake in it.
Example "You can not spell faeces, therefore you are an illiterate ....... "( insert sociocultural, ethnic or political insult of choice.

Another valid repetitive issue, taking others to task for typing too quickly or bein' too lazy to spellcheck, or as you imply, just plain ign'nt or illitr't...

although your example highlights the international nature of this forum, and the fact that my spelling of the word is correct on my side of the pond

and I'd have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for them steelies!

I thought that was "and I'd have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for them meddling kids! " Rooby doobie doo!

Hey Dave how did you like the marathon show in Quakertown?

24. Drifting and Dreaming...!! Non-sequitur replies to threads...TOPIC DRIFT; while not a repeated topic per se, a reoccurring issue...

Ben Lawson- I'll email you 'bout that show... it went as well as it could I expect .

[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 28 May 2004 at 09:15 AM.]


From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 28 May 2004 09:39 AM     profile     
Moved to 'Feedback & Testing', where topics about the Forum itself belong.
Stephen Gambrell

From: Ware Shoals, South Carolina, USA

posted 28 May 2004 05:46 PM     profile     
DVA, what about folks who tend to speak in parables...

>Or sentence fragments
>Partial thoughts
>Or hastily researched online "quotations?"
>Or use too many smilies

Jim Cohen

From: Philadelphia, PA

posted 28 May 2004 06:21 PM     profile     
Or people who pose a stupid, rhetorical question just to keep their name in front of potential customers?
Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 28 May 2004 06:30 PM     profile     

Jimbeaux- you take the cake...

David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 29 May 2004 01:15 AM     profile     
CD = chuckling demurely...

Woe's be the dyslexic poster, who spelleth not right.

25.) Ongoing commentary and ponderings on things that never get finished.
And discussion on whether we should be updated on nothing happening.

26.) Threads that come back from the dead, out of the blue.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 29 May 2004 at 01:17 AM.]

richard burton

From: Britain

posted 29 May 2004 03:26 AM     profile     
27: "Has anyone received their copy of Steel Guitar US magazine yet? It seems to be running a bit late"
Janice Brooks

From: Pleasant Gap Pa

posted 30 May 2004 09:03 AM     profile     
26.) Threads that come back from the dead, out of the blue.

If I remember a thread that has a connection many months later I would rather dig it up then have multiple threads about the same subjects unless they get to an unmanagable size.

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047

Donna Dodd

From: Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

posted 30 May 2004 10:33 AM     profile     
26.) Threads that come back from the dead, out of the blue.
How about Blue people who come back from the dead and into a thread - which, of course, is a good thing really - so never mind . . . but I will leave it since it had potential to be clever.

[This message was edited by Donna Dodd on 30 May 2004 at 10:34 AM.]

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 30 May 2004 01:23 PM     profile     
How 'bout people that post when they have nothing to say, but want a reason for displaying a cool graphic?
Donna Dodd

From: Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

posted 31 May 2004 05:18 AM     profile     
like the time someone posted the cockroach car . . . Was that you, Joey????

[This message was edited by Donna Dodd on 31 May 2004 at 05:18 AM.]

Dave Van Allen

From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth

posted 10 January 2005 12:53 PM     profile     
bumping , for the Halibut
Howard Tate

From: Leesville, Louisiana, USA

posted 10 January 2005 01:49 PM     profile     
How about threads on effects, like how many more do I have to buy to sound like Loydd Green, who does'nt use any? Or guys that spell Lloyd Green wrong?

Howard, 'Les Paul Recording, Zum S12U, Vegas 400, Boss ME-5, Boss DM-3

[This message was edited by Howard Tate on 10 January 2005 at 01:53 PM.]

John Steele

From: Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

posted 11 January 2005 04:00 PM     profile     
My personal favourite are threads bemoaning the unfair practice of stereotyping people from the Southern States... which ends up being followed by an 8 page thread on the glories of cooking possum.

Put that squirrel gun down, I was only jokin'...

Rick Alexander

From: Florida, USA

posted 16 January 2005 11:44 PM     profile     
How 'bout people that post when they have nothing to say, but want a reason for displaying a cool graphic?

[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 17 January 2005 at 01:58 AM.]

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