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  Your're Still on My Mind - Intro

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Author Topic:   Your're Still on My Mind - Intro
Peggy Green

From: San Jose, California USA

posted 19 August 1999 06:42 AM     profile     
Robert Todd requested this, though I suspect he can already play the tar out of it.

"You're Still on My Mind"
Pedal Steel Guitar Intro by Lloyd Green

From the record: "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" by the Byrds. Sung by Gram Parsons.

Examples for those without the recording: wav and mp3 files

For a given pair of notes, known as an interval, there are many possible string and fret combinations wkere the two notes can be played. Lloyd Green utilizes these "alternatives". They provide a player with a pallette of combinations that allow for greater variety of tonal colors for the ear, ease of execution of lines, variation in accents, string slides and pedal pushes/releases. This makes "choosing" the right set of string and fret combinations that Lloyd actually used difficult for a transcriber at times. Presented here are some sets of alternatives for the song tabbed below.

Example 1

1 _______________|___________|
2 _______________|___________|
3 _______________|___________|
4 _______________|___________|
5 __10A---9A--8A_|_7A________|
6 __10----9---8__|_7B________|
7 _______________|___________|
8 _______________|___________|
9 _______________|___________|
1 2 & 1 2

Is equivalent to:

1 _______________|___________|
2 _______________|___________|
3 _______________|___________|
4 _______________|___________|
5 __12---11--10__|_9_________|
6 _______________|___________|
7 __12---11--10__|_9K________|
8 _______________|___________|
9 _______________|___________|
1 2 & 1 2
Knee lever (K) raises 7th string 1/2 step

Example 2

1 ________________________|
2 _________________7 1/2K_|
3 ________________________|
4 _5______________________|
5 _5A______________7______|
6 ________________________|
7 ________________________|
8 ________________________|
9 ________________________|

Example 3

1 ________________________|
2 _________________5______|
3 ________________________|
4 ________________________|
5 _7A______________5______|
6 _7B_____________________|
7 ________________________|
8 ________________________|
9 ________________________|

Key of A
2/4 Moderate Tempo

E9 Steel Guitar Tuning

Pickups on A, Steel alone measures 1 and 2 , Rhythm comes in at measure 3

Chord Structure:
1| 1 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

1 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
2 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
3 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
4 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
5 ____|____________12--12A__|__10A---9A--8A_|_7A________|
6 ____|___12--12B___________|__10----9---8__|_7B________|
7 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
8 _12_|_____________________|_______________|___________|
9 ____|_____________________|_______________|___________|
2 1 2 1 2 & 1 2


1 __________|______________|______________|_________|________|
2 __________|__7 1/2K______|______________|_______5_|________|
3 __________|______________|______________|_________|________|
4 ______7___|______________|________7---__|___5_____|__5_____|
5 _7A___7A__|__7_______7A__|_7A_____7-7A__|___5A__5_|__5_____|
6 _7B_______|__________7B__|_7B__7B_______|_________|__5_____|
7 __________|______________|______________|_________|________|
8 __________|______________|______________|_________|________|
9 __________|______________|______________|_________|________|
1 2 1 2 1 & 2 1 2 1
^ 2nd string ^
Squeeze lower (1/2K) Squeeze
A & B 1/2 step A & B A
Pedals Pedals

1 ___________________|________|
2 _________________5_|________|
3 ___________________|________|
4 __5--7_____5---____|__5_____|
5 __5--7A____5A-5____|__5_____|
6 ___________________|__5_____|
7 ___________________|________|
8 ___________________|________|
9 ___________________|________|
1 2 & 1

Palm blocking technique is required to achieve the sound of Lloyd Green on this recording.
All errors in hearing exactly what Lloyd Green did in the intro in the recording are mine. I play - this transciption stuff is hard to do...

Examples equipment:
Franklin D10
Demeter Tube Bass Preamp

Recorded direct to disc on a Gateway laptop with an EgoSys WaMi Box PCMIA sound card.

All times are Pacific (US)

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