posted 19 August 1999 06:43 AM
Robert Todd requested this, though I suspect he can already play the tar out of it."You're Still on My Mind"
Pedal Steel Guitar Solo by Lloyd Green
From the record: "Sweetheart of the Rodeo" by the Byrds. Sung by Gram Parsons.
Examples for those without the recording: wav and mp3 files
Lloyd Green "expresses" a line with subtle presses of pedals. In the transcription, these are notated as "Squeeze" with a "^" character pointing at the note(s) to be squeezed. This effect is too subtle to be notated on a music clef or on tablature. But the effect of the squeeze is substantial, bringing life, vigor, and a sense of motion to a line.
Example 1
1 ________________________|
2 _________________5______|
3 ________________________|
4 ________________________|
5 _7A______9_______5______|
6 _7B_____________________|
7 _________9K_____________|
8 ________________________|
9 ________________________|
Key of A
2/4 Moderate Tempo
E9 Steel Guitar Tuning
Pickups on D following piano solo on first half of verse.
Chord Structure:
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
2 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
3 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
4 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
5 __5A--4A_|__5A__6A__|__7A______7__|__7A-7__________|
6 __5B--4B_|__5B__6B__|__7B_________|__7B-7_____7-7B_|
7 _________|__________|______7___7K_|________7__7---_|
8 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
9 _________|__________|_____________|________________|
2 & 1 2 1 2 & 1 2 &
A & B Pedals
D E 1 _____________|________________|____________________|
2 _____________|________________|__7K__________7K---_|
3 _____________|________________|____________________|
4 _____________|________________|__7_________________|
5 __7A______7__|__7A-7__________|______7_______7--7A_|
6 __7B_________|__7B-7_____7-7B_|__________7B________|
7 ______7___7K_|________7__7---_|____________________|
8 _____________|________________|____________________|
9 _____________|________________|____________________|
1 2 & 1 2 & 1 & a 2
^ triplet
Squeeze Knee lever on 2nd string
A & B Pedals lowers one full tone
1 _____________|_________|______________|________________|
2 __5K_____3K__|_________|______________|________________|
3 _____________|_________|______________|________________|
4 _____________|___5_____|______________|________________|
5 __5A_____3A__|___5_____|______________|________________|
6 _____________|___5_____|__5B--5_____5_|___5B--5____5___|
7 _____________|_________|_________5____|__________5_____|
8 _____________|_________|______________|________________|
9 _____________|_________|______________|________________|
1 2 1 1 & a 2 1 & 2 &
^ ^ triplet
A Pedal
Palm blocking technique is required to achieve the sound of Lloyd Green on this recording.
All errors in hearing exactly what Lloyd Green did in the first solo in the recording are mine. I play - this transciption stuff is hard to do...
Examples equipment:
Franklin D10
Demeter Tube Bass Preamp
Recorded direct to disc on a Gateway laptop with an EgoSys WaMi Box PCMIA sound card.