Topic: Help! Tab for Check Yes or No-George Strait
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 30 March 2001 05:48 PM
If anyone has tab for Check Yes or No, I would appreciate it. I just can't get it down pat. Must be that newbie thang...------------------ Regards, John Steelin' is a way of life! My PSG website-Carter SD-12-U, 8p/5k, Nashville 1000 |
Dan Crelin unregistered
posted 02 April 2001 03:56 PM
Here's how I play it. In the key of F. This lick repeats a couple of times. Hope this helps. 1____________________________ 2________________1___________ 3____________________________ 4____________________1_______ 5__________1-1A______________ 6______1-1B__________________ 7____1_______________________ 8__1_________________________ 9____________________________ 10___________________________
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 02 April 2001 05:47 PM
OK Dan, Thanks pal! I have finally figured it out this way... 1------------------------- 2------------------------- 3------------------------- 4--------------RKL-1------ 5----------1-1A----------- 6------1-1B--------------- 7-----1------------------- 8----1-------------------- 9------------------------- 10------------------------ 11------------------------ 12------------------------
My RKL is the flat lever. It sounds right! I'll have to try it your way to see if it "works" better. I have a hard time getting that RKL fully in place before picking the string. The same lick repeats also at the 13th fret, same tab. Thanks for the time to reply...
[This message was edited by John Sims on 02 April 2001 at 05:51 PM.]
Bill Terry Member From: Bastrop, TX, USA
posted 02 April 2001 06:22 PM
Here's how I play it. I like the way the 4 note passage on the 5th string sounds with the Legato feel. They go by pretty quick and you have to be accurate with the bar.4____________________________ 5__________1-1A~~~~3A~~~~4A__ 6______1-1B__________________ 7____1_______________________ 8__1_________________________ ------------------ Home Page |
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 02 April 2001 07:03 PM
Bill,That's probably the right way! |
Ricky Davis Moderator From: Spring, Texas USA
posted 03 April 2001 01:53 AM
Ok lets see if I got it right. Do;Re;Mi;Fa;So;La;Ti;Do???? Is that it; a "F" Major Scale??? Man what an innovative lick  Ricky |
Jack Stoner Sysop From: Inverness, Florida
posted 03 April 2001 03:36 AM
Some of the best licks out of Nashville have been very simple basic licks. My kind of licks  |
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 03 April 2001 02:01 PM
Hey Ricky,Easy for you to say! I can't even do a scale yet, much less know what an "F major" is! I guess I gotta lotta learnin' to do! |
Dan Crelin unregistered
posted 03 April 2001 02:33 PM
Ricky, Why do you think them there studio boys make the big bucks for!!!!  Danny
Ricky Davis Moderator From: Spring, Texas USA
posted 03 April 2001 10:52 PM
Hey Jack and Dan> I agree. I love simple and less is more. Sometimes the simplest of things can sound larger than life; when played properly(I'm with ya). I was making note of the Major Scale and John; please ask of this group here in all and every learning tasks you require pal. I absolutely don't want to shy you away with a remark of anything that sounds like it's easy. I think everything can be hard in it's own means of where you are at in your progression. And everyone here wants to see progression; so keep'um coming my friend. Anything we can do to help you or anyone at all> We will all give it a good whirl. I learn something every time someone post information(even if I already knew it)> "Relearning is the best tool of all". Ricky |
Dan Crelin unregistered
posted 04 April 2001 03:06 PM
Words Of Wisdom, Ricky!!!!!! Danny
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 15 April 2001 04:28 PM
Bill,That's the way I saw Mr. Daley play it at the Festival... |
RichardMcKinney Member From: Battle Ground, WA
posted 18 April 2001 09:09 PM
Ricky, I'm a newbee myself.Just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement.I'm still learning technique and where all the chords are.I have a Carter Starter.Sweet entry level axe.I need a better amp though to get "that sound".------------------ Keep on Steelin Carter 4/k 3/p
Ricky Davis Moderator From: Spring, Texas USA
posted 18 April 2001 10:36 PM
Hi Richard and thanks for the kind words; It's no problem pal. Let us know if we can help you in any way. Also I have some technique tips and whatnot going on in the "Ricky's Pro Talk" section of our Mighty Fine Music website. Please check it out as I have answered alot of questions about technique; tuning; body position type questions and a whole lot more to come. Also if you have certain questions you would like answered(or some light shedded on) ; please submit them to me from the site. ------------------ Ricky Davis
My Homepage Rebel™ and Ricky's Audio Clips Email Ricky:
[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 18 April 2001 at 10:47 PM.]
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 19 April 2001 08:59 AM
Hey Richard,I don't think you need that amp...I hear all the time from these guys that "it's all in the right hand"...I experienced what they are talking about one time, it just happened one night when I was playing, and I can't get it back again. Now I'm ****ed, depressed and discouraged! ------------------ Regards, John Steelin' is a way of life! My PSG website-Carter SD-12-U, 8p/5k, Nashville 1000 |
John Sims Member From: Cooper City, FL (Ft. Lauderdale)
posted 19 April 2001 09:02 AM
WOW! The "FORUM" actually scanned and edited my reply!! I've been censored! I actually spelled p i s s ed...and it came out stars (****ed) Hmmmmmmm. |