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  Dale Watson's Steeler Re-visited!! (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Dale Watson's Steeler Re-visited!!
Kevin Hatton

From: Amherst, N.Y.

posted 22 October 2002 03:48 PM     profile     
Yes Herb. Hyperbole (not dozens). Dale is very talented. Dale, are you listening buddy?
Don't MAKE me come down to Texas bubba! I'll grab Ricky and my fiddle and whip some Texas
fiddle and steel on your a$$ boy (in harmony)!

[This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 22 October 2002 at 03:52 PM.]

Ricky Davis

From: Spring, Texas USA

posted 22 October 2002 03:50 PM     profile     

"If Dale doesn't care about whose not coming to his shows he has no reason to whine about the state of country music or his small crowds. Its his own fault."

The Small crowds are only the fault of ZERO publicity>period. When they do know he is playing.....The place is packed and they love it. The folks that choose not to come are the ones not supporting country music and are the reason for the state of country music and who gives a rats-a$$ about them> I for sure don't....but if they choose to go...I love'um like a brother or a sister.


"He can continue to play to small crowds with his little three piece thing while Pat Green, Jack Ingram (with Milo Dearing) and Charlie Robison pass him by in the fast lane and leave him in the dust in his downward spiral."

Kevin my Gosh...How in the world can you put Dale Watson on the same "Highway" as Pat;Jack;and Charlie???...Dale is waaaaaaaaaay over in another part of the world driving on a completely different Highway...therefore there is no "fast lane" for them boys to pass him up.....They drive down their worthless;meaningless;rock and Horsesh!! Road....and Dale drives down a Country Road....and I've played with each one of I can say that....
And funny you mentioned Asleep at the Wheel.....who I also pick with every now and then.....they are on a completely different road also......and Ray Benson is Dale's Manager.....and supports everything he does and decisions he makes......and obviously you didnt' see the 25 shows that Asleep at the Wheel did last year with NO steel player???....but the show was still dang good as the very "supportive" fans confirmed.


"Who does Dale watson think HE is? There are dozens of Dale Watsons in Nashville. I come to see Ricky Davis as much as him."

Dale thinks of himself as "Dale Watson" more no less. He does not compare himself to nobody in Nashville or anywhere for that matter.....cause as soon as you do loose who you really are....and I happen to know for a FACT; there are no other Dale Watson's in Nashville.....and Kevin; have you seen and heard me and Dale> Live???....not talkin' about the CD or the Grand Ole Opry show on TV or a video.....I'm talking a Live show??
It is/was my decision not to go out with Dale on these tours and some shows.....and not his decision. His decision is to keep his show going with or without me.....and when it's without is without the steel.....and I believe that is the only problem your having it not??
I'm sure Dale will do more shows/tours where I can't be there....and he just may have a Steel player or maybe not....but I do hope to be there...and I know Dale hopes that to....probably alot more than I do.
Kevin; you making a suggestion of Dale should have a full time Fiddler/Harmony singer....and/or more pieces in the band.....tells me right there......"you have not heard Dale Watson Live".
So you are obviously speaking from ignorance about his show.....
I sing harmony.....Billy D. Sings harmony...or there is No Harmony.....and if you've seen the'd know why and you would hear why.
There is NO keyboard in Country Music....that is not an instrument of country is a pop/rock we won't be needing one of them....ha.
There are only 3 fiddle players that can play IN TUNE and double stops and harmony parts with the Steel.....and they are all booked up....the rest don't know Country Music>period......and the others are die-hard Westernswing players and will not play country music....ah...

[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 22 October 2002 at 03:55 PM.]

Kevin Hatton

From: Amherst, N.Y.

posted 22 October 2002 03:59 PM     profile     
This is great. I know I'm a hard one Ricky! Look how dissapointed everyone was that they didn't see you. Where's my reservation agent?
Ricky Davis

From: Spring, Texas USA

posted 23 October 2002 02:32 AM     profile     
Believe me Kevin; I was dissappointed too pal...and having folks dissappointed because I wasn't there....makes me even more dissappointed.
And no your not a Hard a$$....your just passionate about what you believe in and want....and that My friend is Admirable and I commend you for it.
Now bring that Fiddle down here and lets get busy.....Book it!!!
Chris Forbes

From: Beltsville, MD, USA

posted 23 October 2002 06:01 AM     profile     
Kevin, I will be more than happy to agree to disagree with you. You have some valid points, but I am of the opinion that there can't be "dozens" of Dale Watson's in Nashville.
Chris Forbes

From: Beltsville, MD, USA

posted 23 October 2002 06:11 AM     profile     
Oh, and by the way, I was in Nashville earlier this month with Ricky Davis. I saw the guy who wrote "Riding with Private Malone" perfoming with his band at Legend's Corner. It's a fine song, but Dale sings and playes circles around that guy. Not to say he's not talented, because he is, but he's not in the same league as Dale. I went to Opryfest and saw quite a few acts over two days, nope, didn't see dozens of Dale Watson's there either. Went downtown four nights in a row to see maaaaaany bands, saw no one with the same songwriting/singing/playing ability there either.
Larry Bell

From: Englewood, Florida

posted 23 October 2002 07:01 AM     profile     
There is NO keyboard in Country Music....that is not an instrument of country music

Do you think Pig Robbins would agree? How 'bout Al Stricklin? Blondie Calderon?

Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
2000 Fessenden S-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro

John Steele

From: Renfrew, Ontario, Canada

posted 23 October 2002 08:53 AM     profile     
Yeah Ricky, we'll try to ignore that comment.
jus' teasin'
Redd V

From: Kyle Tx

posted 23 October 2002 08:57 AM     profile     
Do you think Pig Robbins would agree? How 'bout Al Stricklin? Blondie Calderon?

Can you say "piano"?

[This message was edited by Janice Brooks on 23 October 2002 at 09:26 AM.]

Herb Steiner

From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX

posted 23 October 2002 09:04 AM     profile     
There is NO keyboard in Country Music....that is not an instrument of country is a pop/rock we won't be needing one of them....ha.
There are only 3 fiddle players that can play IN TUNE and double stops and harmony parts with the Steel.....and they are all booked up....the rest don't know Country Music>period......and the others are die-hard Westernswing players and will not play country music

Ricky... don't make me come over there!

Incidentally, there is no "golf" in country music. REAL country musicians hunt and fish.

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 23 October 2002 at 09:05 AM.]

Janice Brooks

From: Pleasant Gap Pa

posted 23 October 2002 09:23 AM     profile     
Do you think Pig Robbins would agree? How 'bout Al Stricklin? Blondie Calderon?

Can you say "piano"?

Moon Mullican?

Janice "Busgal" Brooks
ICQ 44729047

Ricky Davis

From: Spring, Texas USA

posted 23 October 2002 11:32 AM     profile     
I said:

There is NO keyboard in Country Music....that is not an instrument of country is a pop/rock we won't be needing one of them....ha.
There are only 3 fiddle players that can play IN TUNE and double stops and harmony parts with the Steel.....and they are all booked up....the rest don't know Country Music>period......and the others are die-hard Westernswing players and will not play country music.

Ok; Ok...before Herb comes over and whoops me...yet again(he must of smacked me 15 times this year..ha) Redd put it......"Piano".
That is what I call it....yes they can't cart a real piano around with they have to carry a "keyboard".....but they still call it my point.
Herb I do hunt and fish and have been known to take out a few quail with a 9 iron.
.....Sorry John....but you play "PIANO" my friend......but yes sometimes you have to play it on a Keyboard....but you my friend are a genious Piano player and if I ever hear Keyboard sounds coming from you....I'll send Herb over...ha..
Ok this has been good reading.....but all points well taken and made......Janice you can close this we are all going Fishing now.

[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 23 October 2002 at 11:34 AM.]

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