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  Taking duets with the dead too far (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Taking duets with the dead too far
Lem Smith

From: Fulton, MS. U.S.A.

posted 11 July 2004 10:05 PM     profile     
I just listened to the song on Rhapsody. While it is a good sounding song, with some good steel playing by, I'm guessing PF, it really did creep me out when I heard Conway's part. Maybe that's because I know he was already dead when it was done. I dunno. One thing about it's certainly COUNTRY music, with no pop style to it.

This type technology, along with what's able to be done with video really scares me. It's now WAY too easy to "say something you didn't say" and "be somewhere you never were"!


Mike Perlowin

From: Los Angeles CA

posted 11 July 2004 11:43 PM     profile     
how do these folks feel about Glenn Gould?
They probably think he's "cheating".

Their thinking is that the recording studio should function as a sonic camera, capturing a moment in time the way a camera captures an image. They feel that the ONLY way to make a recording is to turn on the tape recorder and play the piece live, and anything else is bogus.

Up until a year or two ago that was a classical music record company called Nimbus that would only release CDs that were recorded live in one take.

These are the same people who insist that there is no such thing as an electrreic musical instrument, and as soon as the element of amplification is added, The resultant music is not valid. They also feel that the pedal steel guitar is nothing more than a musical toy, on the same level as a kazoo.

How can (presumably) educated people be so closed minded and ignorant?

Richard Sinkler

From: Fremont, California

posted 25 July 2004 09:35 PM     profile     
While I am a die hard Twitty fan and I like Anita a lot, I was a little put off when it got to the Twitty part. I didn't know when I heard it, that Conway's parts were pieced together. I do know that it didn't sound right to me. I was listening to what I thought was a real good song and WHAM. I don't know why Anita thought she needed to do that. She is a great artist in her own right. I hope this bringing up the dead stops. I would still probably buy her CD though.

Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400

Mark van Allen

From: loganville, Ga. USA

posted 28 July 2004 12:17 PM     profile     
I saw a video clip on the recording of this project, and a large part of it was interviews with Conway's wife and daughter going on about how pleased they were, and how much Conway would have liked it. I suppose they knew him better than I did, but I still have to wonder. After all, he hasn't had a hit in a while, perhaps they're thinking about that. But I bet they also are pleased that he's in the public eye again, as creepy as it is. On the classical end, I remember reading about the furor over the work of Todd Dockstader in the 50's/60's with his "concrete music" compositions entirely made up of snippets of machines, animals, anything but classical instruments. I remember listening to his "Luna Park" about the life of the amusement park in New Jersey, and it was every bit as evocative as the best traditional classical, conveying the ideas and moods of the passage of time and it's effect on the park. All of this can be a real minefield. I'm of the "each on it's own merits" school. I do wonder what Conway would think.

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