Topic: The "Best" Peavey Steel Amp--Your Opinion?
George Redmon Member From:
posted 04 June 2005 09:16 AM
i was going to ask and forgot to...did anyone ever find a way to get any bottom end on an LTD? ------------------ Whitney Single 12 8FL & 5 KN,keyless, dual changers Extended C6th, Webb Amp, Line6 PodXT, Goodrich Curly Chalker Volume Pedal, Match Bro, BJS Bar..I was keyless....when keyless wasn't cool....
Richard E. Lee Member From: Macedon, NY, USA
posted 04 June 2005 12:47 PM
George,, read my response to this topic. I don't know on the "Ltd"..but it sure made a huge difference on my Limited. I cut the mid out entirely..and boost the low..and the tone especially on the LOWs are unbelieveable. It doesn't sound like the same amp..AND seems to be getting better the more I play it.. something about those CAPs need time to "wear in "..I don't know, but it is the best $100 I ever spent ! |
Al Carmichael Member From: Sylvan Lake, Michigan, USA
posted 04 June 2005 09:46 PM
Just out of curiosity, can anyone provide a list of all the Peavey steel amps that have been made through the years? I'd be curious to see how the models followed each other--the Session series, LTD and the Nashville and Vegas series. I'm still thinking about a Session 400 by the way. |
John Bechtel Member From: Nashville, Tennessee,U.S.A.
posted 04 June 2005 09:54 PM
My favorite Peavey Amp.(s) were Nashville 1000's. I used (2) of them! I've had (8)-pairs of Peavey Amps. since 1982! My 2nd.-choice would probably be the Original~Designed Nashville 400's. On these the Mid/Shift was on a stacked~pot. No one seems to remember them! Paul Franklin also had (2) in 1983! [Even Mike Brown told me he doesn't recall them!]------------------ “Big John” Bechtel ’04 SD–10 Black Derby w/3 & 5 & Pad ’49-’50 Fender T–8 Custom ’65 Re-Issue Fender Twin–Reverb Custom™ 15” Eminence web site |
Gary Walker Member From: Morro Bay, CA
posted 04 June 2005 09:59 PM
My favorite Peavey, is the 500. Awesome tone and all around sound with testosterone to spare. You could use it un-miked in a stadium but if you're hernia-prone, it could present a problem. They say quality furniture is heavy. The same could apply to the 500. I had two LTD 400, one with JBL and the other Black Widow and I never got a sound that I liked. [This message was edited by Gary Walker on 17 June 2005 at 10:54 PM.] |
Tony Prior Member From: Charlotte NC
posted 05 June 2005 04:25 AM
well I dragged out the I guess 30 year old Session 400 Limited that I just purchased for my last Friday night gig.After fooling with the mid knob, backed it way down , I mean WAY down, full left. Boosted the low end.. and.. This is a great amp..It felt like it had more "VIBE" and power than my N400...This was the first time I ever switched inputs to the low gain (10db cut) .. The tone with my Carter was similar but this amp seemed to have a bit more in the total overall sonic range..whatever that has something the N400 does not.... Oh , and one of my bandmates ( Matt on Tele) noticed this amp right away with his casual question.. "Hey..Where did you get that old Session " ? It's possible this may become the MAIN amp over the N400...but it's filthy and needs to be power washed ! t |
Earnest Bovine Member From: Los Angeles CA USA
posted 05 June 2005 07:59 AM
I have had 1. Session 400 with 2 12 inch Electro Voice SRO speakers. Sounded very good but too heavy and not always reliable. 2. Nashville 400 excellent amp 3. Vegas 400 my favorite; I still have this one 4. Session 400 LTD. I didn't like the sound 5. Reno 400 with HF horn; I didn't like the sound 6. Session 500. The worst sounding of all Peavey steel amps. I gave it away. |
Mike Bowles Member From: Mullens, West Virginia, USA
posted 05 June 2005 09:14 AM
I have a nv 1000 and a nv 112 they both sound great with my black rp mullen profex 2it took a long time for me to finally get my 1000 fixed the speaker was bad but it is ok now I need to get some george l cords and ends where is the cheapest place to find them |
Larry Lorows Member From: Cortland, NY, USA
posted 12 June 2005 07:21 PM
I used to carry two Session 5oo amps around but my back told me to stop. They were great. I now have a NV112, which I use all the time for small jobs. A great sounding amp. I have s Stereo Steel which is rack mount, and sounds great, but I'm too lazy to carry everything that goes with it. I use an Evans SE150 in the house to practice with and it is good sounding. My favorite amp by far of all the amps is a Vegas 400 that I bought from a friend of mine. I use it with a pod xt and and it has the warmth that I am looking for.I like playing C6th and it gives me the bottom end that I want to hear. thanks Larry ------------------ U12 Williams keyless 400 Evans SE 150, Nashville 112, Line 6 pod xt
David Wren Member From: Placerville, California, USA
posted 13 June 2005 09:14 AM
I'm with Darrel, my original year session 500 (completely have worn out the cover!) still just gives me that wonerful FULL, WARM tone that I strive to get when I play.... to be honest I haven't tried the 112, SK, or 2000.... expect I will when my 500 goes "end of life". Not to wander in this list, I must say that I bought a "practice" amp, a 90 watt Fender (DSP 90, 38lbs, one 12" Celestion speaker). It so surprized me, I now use it on my smaller jobs, very nice full tone. Which only proved to me, that Peavey no longer has a corner on this market, and most likely when I do go shopping of a replacement for my 500, I'll be VERY open minded... so far b0b's MB stero amp setup is the most interesting, but if the big E likes the SK, makes it worth a try in my book.------------------ Dave Wren '95Carter S12-E9/B6,7X7; Session500; Hilton Pedal |
Brad Sarno Member From: St. Louis, MO USA
posted 13 June 2005 09:35 AM
Session 400 or LTD 400. No opamps, just discrete transistors. Simple and smart EQ circuit. To my ears, the most pure sounding of the Peaveys. Easily serviced, very reliable, good weight, last forever, plenty loud, quality components.Brad Sarno |
Paddy Long Member From: Christchurch, New Zealand
posted 13 June 2005 02:28 PM
If you play any of them for long enough they will sound just right for you !! Thats what the knobs on the front are for - adjustment. My Nashville 1000 sounds every bit as good as my old NV400 did but with more grunt -- although my DPC750/ProfexII rack rig into 2 Nashville E115's is the best sounding rig of the lot.
Gene Jones Member From: Oklahoma City, OK USA
posted 13 June 2005 06:03 PM
*[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 13 November 2005 at 01:12 PM.] |
John De Maille Member From: Merrick,N.Y. U.S.A.
posted 13 June 2005 06:08 PM
I'm pretty much sold on my Nash 1000. It sounds very full compared to my Nash 400, with the mod and JBL E-130. I used the 1000 on an outside job and never lost the tone or volume, which says a lot about the power and cleanliness of this amp. My 400 is great for inside jobs, but, loses it, in large open venues. I purchased an old ProFex 11 recently, and I use them both for the stereo effect.They create an absolutely astounding sound together. It almost sounds like a steel symphony. |
Dennis Detweiler Member From: Solon, Iowa, US
posted 13 June 2005 06:58 PM
I just finished installing a Sarno kit in my 1974 Session 400. I wouldn't trade it for 10 of anything you've got...unless I can sell the 10 and buy back my 400 for $1000?  I'm playing through the 1974 and a 1976 with LeMay kit. In front of that...a Peavey Tube Sweetener(after a tube swapping trial), Furman PQ-3 and Hilton pedal. And the usual Digital delay and digital reverb. DD
Eric West Member From: Portland, Oregon, USA
posted 13 June 2005 08:50 PM
If I was going to buy an "amp for all size gigs" It'd be a Nashville 400. More punch and bottom per pound, of course it has a 1/4" line out to adapt to an XLR if needed.My favorite amp for the largest gigs and pure sound is my '79 MK IV Session 500 with a JBL K140 8 ohm speaker. It has an XLR out, and ajustable Biamp capability. The one I use the most is the 112 for "one amp gigs" and it with the Nashville 400 for two ampers. I mike the 400 and point the 112 at my head and crank the reverb on it as I like it to keep it down in the "mixed" or "projected" amp. The only things I don't like about the 112 are the knobs stick out and bend easily and the 'topside beer vent'. If it's as trouble free as the 400s and 500s, I'll never need another amp in my lifetime. EJL |
Michael Johnstone Member From: Sylmar,Ca. USA
posted 13 June 2005 10:52 PM
I own a Session 400 LTD and a Nash 400 - both with Peavey mod kits and I like them both just fine. The Nash is a bit more compact and easy to schlepp and sounds just as good. I had a Session 500 for about 5 yeras and I doubt if I used it on more than a couple gigs. It sounded fine but even on wheels it was just so big and heavy I didn't care what it sounded like and eventually sold it. I've used a Nash 1000 on a road tour and am about to do the same when I go out next week and I would say it too is a fine amp with lotsa headroom. I've never played a Nash 112 and if I had one I'd probably use it on small gigs and be delighted with it. I'm sure it's a great amp but to me it's a solution looking for a problem because a Nash 400 is about the same size and only slightly heavier and has a lot more power.I'm also currently using a Fender Steel King with a BW speaker and I dunno - I can get my sound out of any of the above mentioned amps without too much trouble.I'd say - only slightly cynically - buy whatever is the cheapest deal and you'll be happy with it. -MJ- |
Rick Garrett Member From: Tyler, Texas
posted 14 June 2005 03:48 AM
I've used both the 1000 and the 112. I love my 112. Rick |
CHIP FOSSA Member From: Monson, MA 01057 U.S.A.
posted 14 June 2005 04:39 AM
I play a VEGAS 400 and bought it about a year after it was introduced. The original soundboard was recently overhauled by Mike Brown and Peavey. Mike said if the soundboard could not be fixed, then the amp part was pretty much kaputs because Peavey does not have replacement soundboards for the Vegas 400.The amp also was modified with the John Lemay 'mod' kit. The speaker is a 15" Black Widow model #1502. In conjunction with the Vegas I use a Peavey Q1311 31-band graphic equalizer and an Electro-Harmonix Holy Grail reverb box. I've got more tone options than fish in the sea with this rig. It's clean and string separation is outstanding. This was a great amp before the 'add-ons' and is even greater now. Thanks again, Mike Brown, and your great tech staff at Peavey. This Vegas 400 is just a beauty. Oh, one more thing. The basic difference between the Vegas and Nashville 400's was cabinet size. The Nashville had a smaller cabinet. I made a beautiful natural wood case for the amp, and so the Vegas is now in 2 parts, and much more manageable, weightwise. About 35lbs each.
JERRY THURMOND Member From: sullivan mo u.s.a.
posted 14 June 2005 05:21 AM
I use the 1000 for big gigs an the 112 for small gigs, I like both of them. Jerry |
Roger Kelly Member From: Mount Carmel, TN. 37645
posted 14 June 2005 10:11 AM
I have never had a "Bad" Peavey Amplifier. Like everyone else, I have had my share of different models. I have a Fender and Evans Amp that I like also. Here is a picture my Custom Cabinet, with my 1977 Session 400 Peavey Amplifier Head, sitting on top of my BW 1501-4 loaded 115 cabinet. This is my way of re-distributing the weight. So, I vote for the Session 400 series as being the Best.
JW Day Member From: Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA
posted 14 June 2005 11:24 AM
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 14 June 2005 12:31 PM
A Musician 400 Mark lll series played into a 1502-4 Black Widow in a custom enclosure. I recently played with an old band member who said I never sounded that good in the old days. I said that is because I never had quality amps and speakers before. Same antique ZB Custom D10. Diferent electronics.------------------ 1969 ZB Custom D10, BMI S10,Peavy Musician Mark III, 15 Inch Black Widow |
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 14 June 2005 12:32 PM
A Musician 400 Mark lll series played into a 1502-4 Black Widow in a custom enclosure. I recently played with an old band member who said I never sounded that good in the old days. I said that is because I never had quality amps and speakers before. Same antique ZB Custom D10. Diferent electronics.------------------ 1969 ZB Custom D10, BMI S10,Peavy Musician Mark III, 15 Inch Black Widow |
Bob Watson Member From: Champaign, Illinois, U.S.
posted 14 June 2005 11:24 PM
I have owned an LTD 400 for 20 years and it's still my favorite steel amp. I have a PX 300 that I use with a Profex ll, it sounds good, but not as good as the LTD. I have played through a Nashville 112 once at the music store that I work in (Corson's Music) and it sounded great, but I would have to play through one on a gig to really get a feel for it. I love the sound of old Session 400's and LTD's, you can't beat'em, IMHO, they are the best sounding steel amps ever made! |
Mike Brown Member From: Meridian, Mississippi USA
posted 15 June 2005 07:01 AM
Thanks for all of your support. |
Roger Kelly Member From: Mount Carmel, TN. 37645
posted 15 June 2005 09:49 AM
.......and thanks for Peavey's support too! |
Dan Tyack Member From: Seattle, WA USA
posted 15 June 2005 12:28 PM
My favorite Peavey amp is the Classic 30. ------------------ |
James Marlowe Member From: Lakeland, Florida, USA
posted 15 June 2005 01:20 PM
My favorite is a Nv1000 for my Zum w/BL910 thru Brad's b/b. I also go through a Boss stereo chorus out to the 1000 and a Nv112. My home set up a GFI w/TTpu through a Sessions 400 Limited. (Lemay mod kit) I've done a lot of swapping around and this is my favorite set-up. I personally don't care a whole lot for the 112 by itself. Though the lighter weight IS a premium! James |
Rick Alexander Member From: Florida, USA
posted 16 June 2005 12:08 PM
My favorite Peavey Amp for Steel is the Session 500. 2 of them in stereo sound great! AMPS RA[This message was edited by Rick Alexander on 16 June 2005 at 12:10 PM.]
John Bechtel Member From: Nashville, Tennessee,U.S.A.
posted 16 June 2005 08:40 PM
Rick; You’ve gotta calm down! You’re too much!------------------ “Big John” Bechtel ’04 SD–10 Black Derby w/3 & 5 & Pad ’49-’50 Fender T–8 Custom ’65 Re-Issue Fender Twin–Reverb Custom™ 15” Eminence web site |