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  Reece to SGHOF--It's Long Overdue (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Reece to SGHOF--It's Long Overdue
Bill Simmons

From: Keller, Texas, USA

posted 30 July 2003 10:21 PM     profile     
Something does not add up here if that's all that is needed to nominate Reece...isn't Bobby Caldwell a guitar player (and a great one at that)? Interesting that a guitar player would be on the steel guitar board. Maybe it's politics? I agree with you David Wright!
Richard Gonzales


posted 31 July 2003 06:39 AM     profile     
I could not agree with you more David!

The SGHOF has tarnished their esteem by passing over some very deserving individuals
THAT HAVE been nominated MANY TIMES !! They have not been accepted due to the members own personal likes and dislikes.

The steel guitar community never had a say in their selections and never will! You may call it what you want, but to me it is a closed private club!!

Until they get full support from the steel guitar community it will only be plaques on a wall and NO MORE!!

Myron Labelle
posted 31 July 2003 08:37 AM           
If it is not a closed club,and a non profit organization then why does everyone rush to St. Louis ,put up with Hotel overbook Bull$hit,spend boucoup $$$. Are there open treasurer reports? How may one get elected to the board,or is it a for life appointment and appointed by whom? I happen to Own a RV so the Hotel never bothered me, I just go for the great picking.I have learned that the smaller shows are quite well organized and there is Steel talent up the ying yang out there.Recently we went to the MassBash and it was just that.Great talent reasonable and friendly.We plan to take in the smaller shows next year. No St. Louis this year or for awhile,they don't need my few bucks.

Emmons D-10 3+4 Les Paul Custom.

J D Sauser

From: Traveling, currently in Switzerland, soon to be either back in the States or on the Eastern part of Hispaniola Island

posted 31 July 2003 08:49 AM     profile     
I think we´ve had this many times here, and sadly most times it started nicely and turned "grunchy" just like this thread.
Yes, things have changed since the new MSA Co. elected to go long ways to resolve some issues that may have been left pending since the closing of the old MSA Co. and also some personal issues, namely with one SGHOF board member seem to have been resolved and hopefuly put to rest. So, there is new hope and this is good news.

I think that the SGHOF has it's rules and that if we want to move anything for our friend, mentor or steel guitar hero (all of which Maurice is to me and understandably to many here and around the world), we will have to put in just a little more work than just posting our "nominations" and "count me in´s" or beating the institution we would like to see our "nominate" inducted into so badly and rather use that window of opportunity offered by the SGHOF and properly submit our nominations to the SGHOF board.
I have done this twice in the past and on both times I have received a very friendly letter of aknowledgement from Scotty Sr. with the asurance that he would personally see to it that my nomination would be presented to the board, a gesture I very much appreciated and tells a world about this man, who by the way I think I may say is a friend of Maurice´s.

Regarding Mr. Winston´s "get real" post I feel that I have to reply that we can't possibly know if Maurice has or has not been elected for next year´s induction(s), as we are told that these elections are held in secret one year ahead during the ISG-Convention board meeting, so hope is as real as it gets, for us at least.

... J-D.

[This message was edited by J D Sauser on 31 July 2003 at 09:09 AM.]

John Floyd

From: Somewhere between Camden County , NC and Saluda S.C.

posted 31 July 2003 08:51 AM     profile     
David, Thanks.

Mr Winston Made it clear that, Reece hasn't been selected for this year. Isn't he supposed to wait for the official announcement? I guess Integretity is something the Board takes with a grain of salt, just like they do when they appoint board members. The Steel Guitar community doesn't need this kind of Good ole boys club to represent them. Maybe its time for a change.


David Wright

From: Modesto .Ca USA.

posted 31 July 2003 08:57 AM     profile     

Those who think the battle is about Maurice are WRONG. Its about what’s right, what’s just, and in memory of so many great players who have been passed over because of jealousy and personal agendas and vendettas of board members who have tunnel vision, and who are elected for life.

When you think about it very clearly, its apparent those that go into the HOF are there ONLY because of those members of the board and the steel guitar community has absolutely no say so about it. It’s a closed- door organization with no checks or balances to be sure it is run in a moral and just manner. So in reality it’s the HOF, which only those board members created and wish to see. No one knows who has been nominated. No one knows how many. nominations have been submitted and etc
I have offten wondered why my Dad hasn't been put in, I fell he contributed as much to the developement of steel guitar as any one out there...

Sierra Guitars

Sierra S-12 9&7

[This message was edited by David Wright on 31 July 2003 at 09:05 AM.]

Roger Andrusky

From: Waterford, PA, USA

posted 31 July 2003 01:49 PM     profile     
I know I'm a "nobody" in the world of steel guitar fame, but maybe THAT's the biggest reason he should be there! Because he's helped so many "regular" guys/gals like me so much with so much kindness and willingness to serve. Never pretentious, pompous, assuming or looking for praise. His whole purpose is to help as many people as he can wherever and whenever its needed. I know you like to be called "Reece", but to you with all due respect, Mr. Maurice Anderson, I, along with with all of your friends here on the Forum and in the world, KNOW you deserve the honor! Here's my vote! - Roger
Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 31 July 2003 04:24 PM     profile     
John Floyd wrote
Mr Winston Made it clear that, Reece hasn't been selected for this year.
That's not what I read. He said that Reece has not been nominated this year. The voting takes place during the convention. If he hasn't been nominated, there's no chance that he will be selected because his name isn't among those being considered.

Who here has nominated Reece, and when? I know, it may seem silly to resubmit your nomination once a year, but apparently that's what it takes to get the name before the board.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax

Jim Smith

From: Plano, TX, USA

posted 31 July 2003 05:42 PM     profile     
The voting takes place during the convention.
Wouldn't the voting have to be done quite some time before the convention? Otherwise, they wouldn't have time to get the plaque made, and ensure the honorees attend the convention.

In the past, new HOF electees' names have been posted on this Forum well before the convention. The electees for this year were posted here a couple weeks ago as well.

Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 31 July 2003 05:59 PM     profile     
The voting for next year will take place at this year's convention.

I would prefer that people not "leak" the name of the inductee(s) on the Forum before the convention. If the Board wants to use the Forum to make an announcement, that's fine, but I feel that it's not proper for other people to post rumours or speculation before the official announcement.
Jody Carver

From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed~ Dodger Blue Forever

posted 31 July 2003 06:53 PM     profile     
Hi Guys
I really didnt intend to comment on this,but
from time to time I have looked in at the posts that were posted and feel I should have
something to say that I truly feel is in order here.

Sure this is a community of fellowship,we are
all part of a group of people who feel that people who deserve to be recognized should be
and I fully agree.

Maurice is a fine gentleman and Scotty is a fine gentlemen and both a credit to the instrument we all love.

To take issue with the SGHOF is an open discussion and those of you have vented you're feelings in favor of Maurice is fine
up to a point.

If we look at both sides of the coin we have to think that for whatever reason that exists
that has keep this man from being inducted is
something that none of of will ever know.

I find it difficult to think Maurice was ignored. I beleive the circumstances that surrounded MSA in the past may be only a ghost of the reason,and perhaps there are many other reasons and that we are not aware

If Maurice feels he has been wronged regarding those who supposedly ignored him,then Maurice should stand up and speak out. I have yet to hear anything from Maurice
as to why?. Perhaps he feels that this is not
the way to approach this subject and we dont know that do we?.

I think Maurice is a fine man and I feel that Scotty is without a doubt the most level
minded person anyone would want to know.

But to see the comments made here that were obviously made in a moment of anger hurts all
of this Forum. It hurts the people who are invloved,the nominating members,& the Forum
members who can feel the dislike and disharmony among a group of grown men.

If I were in this situation and hope that I never will be and doubt I ever will rise to
the occasion, I myself would ask the members
to please stop bashing the people on the commitee and let the person,in this case Maurice discuss this with people on the board
of the SGHOF.

I would also be embarrassed no end to feel that all of you people although meaning well have put the pressure on the others you feel have dishonored Maurice.

I myself if I put myself in Maurice's position would feel that it was pressure and not by choice if and when if ever he is indeed nominated and more than likley has been a few times.

Its difficult for me to beleive that a group
of people including Scotty would overlook a person of the magnitude and talent of Maurice

Has it ever come across your mind that Maurice himself may have lost all interest after all that has transpired over the past years possibly has not wanted to be inducted?

I know for my own feelings that it were myself in Maurice's shoes I would not want to be inducted if in fact they dont feel I was capable for whatever reason and I would feel that If I were,it was through force and pressure that made my induction a reality.

This is a sad time for all concerned even those of you who have posted the things I have read here,but I hold nothing against any of you whether you support Maurice or not
But for heavens sake,there are others who feel as I do I'm sure and there are,Why is this
becoming a battlefield? why all the hatred and comments towards those people on the board of nominee's?.

Again,if it were me I would have asked to be
disqualified rather than to feel that peer
pressure was the reason I was elected and inducted.

If those of you who can reach Maurice fine, do so, and if those of you who feel this should be continued fine, do so,but do it by telephone or e mail and not for the world to
see people bashing and things said that may
not be a fact and others will be hurt as a result.

For all we know Maurice himself may have asked "out" a long time ago feeling that Its
just not worth all the bickering.

I'm not an intellect by any means,but I have
feelings for both sides and I have feelings for those of you who have commented as you have. I have feelings for bOb Lee who has nothing he can do to stop this.
He cant close this thread, and yet he has to let it live itself out to the end,because bOb is "dammed if he does" and "dammed if he dont".

Let those invloved, being Maurice and the SGHOF members thrash this out and not be an issue that hurts people as many have been hurt as a result of this thread which more than likely was started with good intentions
but it has got out of hand.

There is an old saying that I learned many years ago as a young salesman.

You may win the Argument,but you may lose the sale as a result.

Let those who are directly invloved resolve
this in private and I think one way or the other it will be.

I think much of both parties and hate to see
those of you say things you said in anger,so
if anything even if I make no sense to any of you,at least give it some thought.

Maurice himself in his heart knows how he feels,let Maurice continue this with those invloved.

Thank You and please dont mis-understand me
I'm not taking sides as there are none, this
is supposed to be a group of people who pull
together. Lets not hurt what the SGHOF means and has meant to those past and present.

I hope you understand my feelings.

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 05 August 2003 at 08:11 PM.]

Fred Shannon

From: Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas

posted 31 July 2003 11:06 PM     profile     
b0b, I don't want to use up the hard drive, but I think it pertinent, since it was brought up by others to make the following nomination letter available. A similiar letter was dispatched to the SGHOF last year. Neither letter however, initiated a response from anyone there. Letter Follows:

June 30, 2003

To: The Steel Guitar Convention Board

Subject: Formal nomination of Maurice "Reece" Anderson to the Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame. (SGHOF).

1. Name and list the notable artists and bands with whom the nominee has performed and recorded, as well as the duration.

Maurice Anderson has performed and/or toured with all of following artists:
Willie Nelson, Tex Ritter, Red Foley, Ray Price, Merle Travis, Gary Morris, Boxcar Willie, Rex Allen, George Strait, The Gatlin Brothers, Gene Autry, LeeAnn Rimes, Tom Jones, Johnny Smith, Howard Roberts, Louis Bellson, Billy Grey, Barney Kessle, Art Van Damm, Les Paul, Bob Wills, Johnny Gimble, The Legends of Western Swing, Tex Williams, Les Paul, and many others. As one can readily visualize, Maurice Anderson has played and recorded with major artists in nearly every genre of American music; Country, Western Swing, Jazz, Pop, and Big Band.

2. Describe any touring history of the nominee, the length of that touring, and the names of touring bands or artists that he/she has performed with. If the nominee was primarily a club musician, list the names and locations of those clubs and the years spent in club performing.

Maurice Anderson was both a touring and club musician over the previous 50 years as a performing steel guitar player and band leader. He has toured with Willie Nelson, Tex Ritter in the late 1950's, Ray Price, Bob Wills 1963-65, Johnny Gimble on countless dates around the four state area of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, several tours to Europe with his own band, many tours with the Legends of Western Swing band, and many others. Maurice was a long time fixture at the now defunct, but famous never the less Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas Texas. Many other clubs, both public and private have been privileged to have Maurice as "The Steel Player" in their bands.
3. Describe the influences the nominee may have had on other players, such as projecting an identifiable style of playing and innovative musical executions. Provide examples of his/her professional expertise, playing prowess, dramatic delivery, etc. and explain how these qualities influenced others to take up the instrument.

Maurice Anderson was a forerunner in introducing the Pedal Steel Guitar into the Jazz arena of American music. He has been the initiator and innovator of the Universal Tuning on this instrument. He both teaches and has improved this tuning to near perfection. Maurice Anderson is known world wide for his prowess on the Pedal Steel Guitar. He continues to promote the instrument to the younger generation at every opportunity. He is the Music Coordinator for the Johnny High Country Music Revue which is performed two nights each week, primarily for the public entertainment, but more importantly providing for the introduction of new talent into the music business, both as players and vocalists. It is one of three such shows in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. Maurice has provided guidance and effort in making the other two very successful also. This younger generation looks up to Maurice as a role model for both his musical and human activity characteristics. There is no generation gap between him and the younger folk.
4. List the nominee's recordings as a side musician with vocal artists and his/her instrumental recordings. Assess those musical productions for their quality, innovation, and what influence such may have had on other steel guitar players. List any compositions that may have become classic recordings (tunes that other players feel compelled to learn and likewise perform)

Maurice has recorded with hundreds of artists, some of whom are mentioned above. He has nine albums of his own which include Jazz, Gospel, Country and Pop. He has recorded utilizing both the pedal steel guitar and has one album using a Boen made lap steel. His versatility on both instruments is unchallenged.
5. Describe the nominee's efforts as an instructor, innovations in teaching methods and notable students who learned from the nominee and also pursued a professional music career. List all other instructional materials published by the nominee and any other writings that advanced the musical performance and/or contributed to the public knowledge of the steel guitar.

Maurice Anderson is recognized as a superb instructor of music fundamentals along with both the lap steel and pedal steel guitars. His teaching ability is recognized world wide. He has students from all over the globe who come to his home in Keller, Texas to study with him. He is, by far, one of the most knowledgeable steel guitar players in the world. His instructional methods are heralded by hundreds. He continues to produce his teaching materials, certainly at a reasonable price, to all who wish them. He has developed new and innovative teaching methods and materials, that rival any and surpass most in the industry. His methods and teaching capability is not limited to beginners, or daily players; many professionals utilize his services frequently. His accessibility to everyone is a marvel. I have never heard one individual who spoke to him via telephone or in person say one derogatory thing about his not being candid, open, and willing to help anyone. He has conducted music seminars all over the world, promoting the steel guitar at each and every meeting.
6. If the nominee has been involved in the manufacture of steel guitars, explain any mechanical innovations and craftsmanship examples that he/she brought to the guitar building industry and/or enhanced the performing capabilities of the instrument. How long was the nominee engaged in this activity?

In 1963, Maurice Anderson, in the company of two other individuals started the MSA Steel Guitar manufacturing business. One of the individuals, now a member of the SGHOF, decided to make another path for himself and the other gentleman passed onto a better place. Maurice remained as the President of the company from it's inception until it's demise in 1983. For almost 20 years MSA was the major manufacturer of the Pedal Steel Guitar in the world, making more instruments than nearly all the other makers combined. At one time the peak output was 2626 guitars per annum. That's over 218 guitars per month. The MSA staff, headed by Maurice, developed a computer controlled machine shop that enabled them to meet this contracted number. The MSA factory in East Dallas was the prime innovator of such machinery. This fact alone allowed the MSA guitars to be built with a quality assurance surpassed by none. Thousands of these guitars are still being played by professionals and amateurs alike. Proof is in the pudding, they did a good job, but Maurice Anderson was the mainstay in the organization. Maurice Anderson never released the MSA Name and the company is now back in business, making an instrument that is the cutting edge of the carbon fiber technology. The new MSA Millennium sales are increasing daily and the guitar is very functional, overcoming several of the disadvantages of a floor played instrument. The new guitar is very light, flexible and is being played all over the world. Maurice was instrumental in the engineering design, logistics procurement, and manufacture of this new instrument.
7. List other activities the nominee has engaged in that advanced the instrument, expanded public knowledge and acceptance of the instrument, or aided in its proliferation. Examples of such activities might include promoting and/or conducting concerts, forming steel guitar clubs, organizing promotional events, producing, writing and publishing, etc. List the continuous years the nominee devoted to these various activities.

Maurice Anderson is a stalwart in the Pedal Steel Guitar world. Some of his efforts leading to all of the items in article 7 follow:
—Maurice is a member of the Texas Steel Guitar Hall of Fame and sits as Board Member in that organization.
—He is a member of the California Western Swing Hall of Fame.
—As this is being written, he has been nominated into the Western Swing Music Society of the Southwest Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. His acceptance is most certainly assured..
—He has received the Terry Golden Guitar Award in Fort Worth Texas.
—He was nominated as Instrumentalist of the Year for his recording of "Stardust" with the Dave Alexander band.
—He appeared in Willie Nelson's prime movie "Honeysuckle Rose".
—He and his band played many seasons on the hit TV Series, "Dallas".
—He and his band also played on the made for TV Movie, "Dallas, The Other Years."
—He was the Steel Player chosen to take Curly Chalker's position as the Steel Guitar Player on the Ozark Jubilee TV show with Red Foley when Curly departed..
—He was selected to play on the National Televised Musical Show celebrating Texas' 150th birthday which featured many of the nation's top artists.
—Maurice was invited and played for President Reagan's nomination in Washington D.C in the 1980's.
—He has directed and played on hundreds, if not thousands of, recording sessions.
—He was featured as the pedal steel guitarist on the Leeza Gibbons TV show.
—Maurice appeared on national television with Leon Rausch in the Bob Wills Documentary.
—He appears in the Country Music Hall of Fame on the video featuring Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys.
—Finally, Maurice was chosen as one of the artists to play on the very first SGHOF in St. Louis, Missouri.

As is readily apparent to the most casual observer and even to the unknowledgeable in our field, this letter should be indicative of this man's accomplishments and capability. They are well documented, and verifiable.

Maurice Anderson is a highly qualified candidate to be a part of the SGHOF and would bring nothing but credit to the organization. I urge your selection of this man to this prestigious position in our music field.


Fred Shannon, Hacker
6716 East Robinson Road
Big Spring, Texas, 79720


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 01 August 2003 02:10 AM     profile     
I have never tried to "bash" the board members, though I will admit to being overly ironic in another thread, after reading a most likely incomplete but very large list of Reece's acomplishments.

2 points
1. If a person is nominated with all the reqiured prerequisites.
Why should it be needed to be redone each year?
Maybe an addendum for further acomplishments, but I think it should stand from the moment it is presented as meeting those requierments into the future. It is logical, even if renomination is wanted by the board to winnow down the number of nominees.

2. The Baseball HOF inducts multiple applicants. Why not the STGHOF also?
I am not informed precicely, but I have seen no reference to more than one inductee each year.
I don't feel this would diminish the award.
Deserving is deserving, period.
Certainly one living and one passed on wouldn't be unfair.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 01 August 2003 at 02:13 AM.]

Reece Anderson

From: Keller Texas USA

posted 01 August 2003 02:50 AM     profile     
Jody C....Your well meaning, kind and considerate comments are appreciated and most certainly warrant a response.

Should you care to extend me the courtesy of contacting me at my personal email address shown on the MSA website, I will be glad to immediately and respectfully respond.

Mike Perlowin

From: Los Angeles CA

posted 01 August 2003 04:30 AM     profile     
Reece's induction is indeed long overdue. Now that the controversy surroundiong the demise of the first MSA company is being resolved, perhaps he will finally get the honor he deserves.

Jody Carver

From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed~ Dodger Blue Forever

posted 01 August 2003 04:40 AM     profile     
Will someone post the MSA website.

Thank You.

Jim Vogan

From: Ohio City, Ohio 45874

posted 01 August 2003 05:02 AM     profile

Jim Vogan
Carter D10, 8&5 with BCT
G.D. Walker Stereo Steel Combo
Bakelite Ric
Hilton volume pedal

bob drawbaugh

From: scottsboro, al. usa

posted 01 August 2003 06:49 AM     profile     
It is no secret that at least two members of the board has an ax to grind with Reece. At the start of the MSA resolution emails were sent by these to me and for what reason I don't know. Since I have no input on the resolution nor do I have any personal relationship with Reece. So until these are replaced on the board I have no faith in the board or the process. I can't vote for the Inductee but I can vote not to support the ISGHF or The ISGC. That's my vote, and just like the board can change in the future so can my vote.;(
Myron Labelle
posted 01 August 2003 07:52 AM           
A question has been asked."Why hasn't Reece responded"? Well in some sense,Why??? I don't believe Reece is fighting anyone or that he should be to gain entrance.His recorded and documented history and what he has meant to the Steel Guitar stands out way above a good percentage of some who hang on the "wall". When accomplishments speak for themselves ,what else can be said? I truly believe in Scotty's integrety,I can't say the same for all who sit on the committee. A perfect scnerio would be to have the attendees who pay the bucks each year to support the ISGA, nominate and vote on it's nominees at each convention. Is that not what the reason for "a Convention". To gather and elec officers,and inductions.Other than that it is just totally an excuse to bring in $$$$$ each year. Is there actually a membership? Dues ect.Can anyone join as in the NTSGA.(one example) Where members are allowed to vote in it's Officers. Where treasury ballances are openly published as are the minutes of any meeting.When the Committee meets at this Convention are the people who pay and travel great distances to convent allowed to attend?? These questions are not meant to put down all the great work the "Convention" has and is doing to further the growth of the Steel Guitar.A lot of Countries and all states are most certainly in attendance each year.St Louis is always a big winner labor day weekend.

Emmons D-10 3+4 Les Paul Custom.

Buck Grantham

From: Denham Springs, LA. USA

posted 01 August 2003 08:14 AM     profile     
I think he should be in the Hall of Fame if any one is.
Dave A. Burley

From: Franklin, In. USA

posted 01 August 2003 08:37 AM     profile     
I was visiting Henry Ade in late 75 when Henry put on a reel to reel tape for me to listen to.
This was during the period that I was researching steel guitar to pick the players that I wanted on the Cavalcade Of Guitars recorded in Dallas, Texas in 76.
I started to listen and was blown away. I had never heard this playing before.
Henry told me that it was himself. I just couldn't believe it and I told Henry that, although he wasn't a name steel player, he was going to have to be one the the steel players on the session in Dallas,
Henry finally told me that it was Maurice Anderson.
That was my introduction to Maurice. He was contacted to be on the Dallas concert which he did oblige.
One of my very favorites and a big favorite of the jazz guitarists that were also on the session.
My vote is in for Maurice's introduction in the SGHOF.
Dave A. Burley
Jody Carver

From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed~ Dodger Blue Forever

posted 01 August 2003 11:28 AM     profile     
Jim Vogan Thank you.
Bob D.
Fred S.
David L.D
Mike P.
Bob D.
Myron L.
Buck G.Dave
Dave A.B

I couldn't agree more whole heartedly with your comments. My comments were meant to help
Maurice and not to cause him any discomfort.

Fred S. I thought that I was the king of long posts but we are tied for that title
Enjoyed your comments.

Thank you all for your support of Maurice and again try to understand my logic.

I hope this resolves itself the way you wish and what is due the person who deserves this
honor and yet not see those on the nominating board taken to task. I feel for everyone who is invloved here. This is a two way street and I'm not made of stone.

Be well and Thanks for posting what you feel
is the right thing to do..and again I do feel
as strong about this delicate subject as all
of you.

David Donald, Gil Hodges the greatest first baseman to ever play for the Brooklyn Dodgers and then manage the New York Mets to its first ever World Championshipin 1969 has to this day been ignored by those who nominate the players that are indcuted in the HOF in Cooperstown NY.

Gil has set and broken many records during his illustrious career,he passed away at age 47 in 1972,and to this day I wonder why he has been ignored. Those who have ignored this man who was a star player and a dedicated family man on and off the field is still not recognized by those who have control.

I am a baseball fanatic and your comments are
right on the money.There multiple players awarded this honor each year, I attend when ever I am able and although I am happy to see those players recieve this recognition,it
makes me wonder why not Gil Hodges?. He is heads above many who are in the Baseball HOF.

Good point there my friend,and thank you for
making that something for people to think about.

"Play Ball" But please dont root for the NY Yankees.

Edited to say. I played shortstop. I hope
I didnt make a mistake posting my feelings.
bOb can always "bench me if need be"

Thank you. bOb you can bench me, but dont trade me. On second thought If you traded me
you wouldn't get much in return for me

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 August 2003 at 12:02 PM.]

Bobby Lee

From: Cloverdale, North California, USA

posted 01 August 2003 11:43 AM     profile     
Fred Shannon wrote:
June 30, 2003

To: The Steel Guitar Convention Board

Subject: Formal nomination of Maurice "Reece" Anderson to the Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame. (SGHOF).

That pretty much answers my question.

I don't understand these folks who are equating the convention (ISGC) with the hall of fame (SGHOF). Boycotting the convention because you disagree with the SGHOF doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. There is no real connection between the two - they are separate things. One is a large event sponsored by Scotty and the steel guitar business community. The other is a small, non-profit organization that meets once a year.

Money gained or lost by the ISGC does not affect the SGHOF. If you don't go to St. Louis, you're just missing out on the greatest steel guitar show on the planet. Your decision not to attend has zero impact on the SGHOF.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9),
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6),
Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax

Fred Shannon

From: Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas

posted 01 August 2003 11:54 AM     profile     
b0b I hope that you in no way can read anything into my part of this topic about any boycotting of anything. That is not the way to solve any problems.

The SGHOF factor was and will always be my only rhetoric. The Convention itself never even entered my mind. If I wasn't working those days I would be seated on the front row and visiting every room.

I'm also very proud of most of the posters who have kept most of the flames out of this topic. I plead that all opinions can be expressed fully without any animosity generated between anyone. But one has to admit, this has been very educational with regards to the SGHOF operation--to me at least.


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

Jody Carver

From: The Knight Of Fender Tweed~ Dodger Blue Forever

posted 01 August 2003 12:04 PM     profile     
Edited..My posts are long enough without my
double posting..Sorry

"Double Play" 4 to 6 to 3....thats baseball talk for short to second to first. "Yer Out".

I mean I'm out,, thank goodness for these smilies..

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 August 2003 at 12:44 PM.]

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 01 August 2003 04:29 PM     profile     
"In the past, new HOF electees' names have been posted on this Forum well before the convention."

That's true, but since 2001 they have decided it's better kept secret until the announcement at the convention.

b0b is respecting Scotty's wishes by asking it not be leaked here.

I don't agree with the decission to keep it secret, but I do agree that we should respect Scotty's request.

Mac Bellingrath

From: Pine Bluff, Arkansas, USA

posted 01 August 2003 06:19 PM     profile     
I am a relatively new steel player, and I would feel remiss not to say that I was surprised to learn last year that Reece had not already been inducted. I have known his name for many years, both for his playing and the MSA guitar. The Millenium model is just one more of the many reasons why Reece should be in the Hall of Fame.

I was privileged to have a lesson with Reece the Monday after the TSGA show earlier this year. What an eye-opener it was for me! And how modest this master musician is!

When it comes to the highest steel guitar recognition being conveyed to Reece, count me in as one who believes he is richly deserving.

-- Mac Bellingrath

Craig A Davidson

From: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA

posted 01 August 2003 07:32 PM     profile     
Without a lengthy post this is all that has to be said;" Reece deserves to be in The Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame, and that's that."

1985 Emmons push-pull,Evans SE200


From: Barrington, IL

posted 01 August 2003 09:13 PM     profile     
I guess I can only agree with Craig.

I admit that I am not aware of the full story surrounding the old MSA; however, I know enough to know that it does not even approach by lightyears the sordid saga of other business failures, past and present. I also know that, whatever happened cannot detract from the undeniable merit that this gentleman has demonstrated under any criteria by which he is judged, including those listed by Mr. Winston. I also would hope, for the sake of the integrity of this institution, that his induction is not barred a technicality related to the lack of a "current" nomination. If that is the case, then I sympathize completely with those who would boycott this institution and anything remotely associated with it, including the convention.

I've seen Reece play several times, most recently in Dallas this spring. He never ceases to amaze me with his innovation and creativity. Without taking anything away from current inductees, there are lesser men already admitted. It is time to give Reece his due.

Ken Drost

George Keoki Lake

From: Edmonton, AB., Canada

posted 02 August 2003 12:07 AM     profile     
There is not a doubt in my mind that Reece deserves the HOF. His credentials speak for themself.

And you know, there is one other pioneer right here amongst us, (on the Forum), who richly deserves the recognition also. He is a fantastic musician, speaks his mind, makes a hell of a lot of sense and, whenever told how great he is, he is the first to play it down. Everyone on the Forum should know of whom I am doesn't take a rocket scientist. Just go back into the history of the Fender steel guitar and his name is there for all to see.

David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 02 August 2003 12:39 AM     profile     
George that's a good idea to.. and he's too modest to boot.

Gil Hodges & Reece Anderson for All Star teams... works for me.

Jody I remember accidentally being in NYC, before I lived there, when the Mets played Boston for the series. Standing in line at the Blue Note listening to the game on a mini TV on a car roof, I was asked where I was from.. I said Philadelphia... seemed safer at the time.
Sorry off topic.

I will be at the convention, and don't equate going there with perpetuating an untenable situation in the HOF.
I could probably buy another Sho-Bud with the cost of the trip too.

If I bump into a board member, I then have a chance to nicely have my say.
Besides there is too much great steel info to be had there, not to mention the great players to see.

Johan Jansen

From: Europe

posted 02 August 2003 10:37 AM     profile     
Reece should be there!
If not this year, I hope one of the next!
J D Sauser

From: Traveling, currently in Switzerland, soon to be either back in the States or on the Eastern part of Hispaniola Island

posted 02 August 2003 11:32 AM     profile     
I have just finished my re-sub letter of nomination for Maurice to be sent directly from the States to the SG-HOF board upon my arrival on my next trip to Florida in mid August.
As it may not get into the hands of the board in time to be considered at this year's meeting (for next year's inductions), I hope many of those who have voiced their "vote" and "count me in" here, will find the time to put up a couple of extra minutes for Maurice and write up their nomination to the SG-HOF board, in acordance with their rules as posted on their site (click here and scroll to bottom).

Click here to read my letter of nomination for 2000 / 2001
I have received a personal leter from Scotty Sr. in both cases, aknowledging receipt and with his assurance that he would see to it personlly that the board would give it the apropriate atention... so, writing is NOT worthless!
The letter written today is just an adapted version of 2001.

Thanks! ... J-D

[This message was edited by J D Sauser on 02 August 2003 at 11:41 AM.]

Damir Besic

From: La Vergne,TN

posted 02 August 2003 11:35 AM     profile     
well,maybe Reece doesn`t wont to be in there...possible?...maybe he really don`t care about being in SGHOF?...what would that bring to him that he doesn`t have already ,money?respect?,he has all of that already and without SGHOF.Maybe it`s SGHOF just something he doesn`t care too much about.


Myron Labelle
posted 02 August 2003 03:40 PM           
For two organizations that are supposed to be separate from each other it seems to me like they get in the same bed with each other.In that case why is the Steel Guitar HOF in of all places a St. Louis Hotel cellar that changes names more than Elizabeth Taylor changed husbands?

Derby D-10 3+4 Les Paul Custom.

Reece Anderson

From: Keller Texas USA

posted 03 August 2003 03:15 PM     profile     
I want to express my most sincere appreciation for the very the kind words expressed. I also extend my heart felt thanks to those of you who have maintained your faith in me while supporting my efforts over the years.

In addition to the posts, I have received many emails, and each post and email has been very meaningful to me, for both their positive message, and for continually reminding me of how blessed I truly am to have such great friends and supporters.

David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 03 August 2003 04:32 PM     profile     
As usual Reece what you have to say is very well phrased. And diplomatic to a fault.
I don't really see you as someone who would lobby for induction into the SGHOF.

Jody noted the concept of peer preasure.
Well I am a player, but certainly not a peer of Reece's as a player. Nor many of the regulasr posters. But I can see far beyond my playing abilities on this instrument.

I should think the voices of many different players of greatly varied backgrounds, abilities and styles, all resonating on the same point should be a valid input to the board.
Is it preasure, maybe, but is it valid, certainly. Will they listen.. only they know.

I do know that whom ever is chosen this year I will buy one of their CDs toute de suite.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 03 August 2003 at 04:36 PM.]


From: Grove City,Ohio

posted 03 August 2003 09:09 PM     profile     
Hi Reece!!You have my vote for sure. Thank you for being there. Kenny Krupnick
Al Marcus

From: Cedar Springs,MI USA

posted 03 August 2003 10:20 PM     profile     
Everyone knows how I feel about Reece and the SGHOF. I have been posting my feelings on it for years.

I said it before and I will say it again-

"If not Reece", Who? And Why not?

My Website.....

[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 03 August 2003 at 10:21 PM.]

Fred Shannon

From: Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas

posted 07 August 2003 02:40 AM     profile     
This post is made, not to jump the subject back to the front of the topic, but to let you know that Scotty, at the busiest time of his year took the time to forward the following to me..It is a cut and pasted text from an email I received from him this day, at 2:18 AM this morning:

"Dear Mr. Shannon,

I have received your second request nominating Maurice Anderson to The Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame, Inc.. Thank you for your interest in the Hall Of Fame.

DeWitt Scott, Sr.
The Steel Guitar Hall Of Fame, Inc."

'Nuff said'


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

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