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  The Marian Hall story

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Author Topic:   The Marian Hall story
Ron Whitfield

From: Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA

posted 19 December 2003 06:32 PM     profile     
I wanna hear it.
In fact, I wanna go to the theater and see it!
She deserves way more attention than she's ever gotten. This gorgeous lady played the hell out of her Bigsby on the THP shows, but what happened before and after? Are there recordings from other ventures? How did she get her start, and who were her influences? What tunings did she prefer? What else does/did she play(instrumental/style wize)? She's still with us, so what's she been up to? Does she live in Hawaii(I hope!)? The questions are endless, and she virtually never gets a mention anywhere. Let's hear her epic. Andy Volk sez she stopped playing about 15 years ago, so there has to be plenty of material to enjoy, some place. But if not, at least we can still watch the 'Queen of Steel' do it for real, on those great shows from way back. THANK YOU MARIAN!
Walter Stettner

From: Vienna, Austria

posted 20 December 2003 02:20 AM     profile     
Hi Ron,

I can't add much to the Marian Hall Story, but here is a little piece of info:

Bear Family in Germany has a CD out By Joe Maphis called "Flying Fingers" (BCD 16103) and guess who plays Steel on it? Right!

The CD only contains intrumentals, really worthwile listening to! Marian plays some incredible Steel here.

Merry Christmas from cold and frosty Vienna!



Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 20 December 2003 04:35 AM     profile     
There sre several DVDs out of various "star artists" on Town Hall Party (Johnny Cash, Eddie cochran, Mart Robbins, etc.). Don't know if Marian's on any of them.

There's an interview with Marian in my book on Lap steel.

Jussi Huhtakangas

From: Helsinki, Finland

posted 20 December 2003 04:44 AM     profile     
Nope, Marian Hall is not on those BF DVD's, THP house steel player at the time was Billy Mize. Marian is on the Ranch Party shows, as mentioned here before, those were filmed a couple of years earlier.
Terry Wendt

From: Nashville, TN, USA

posted 20 December 2003 04:13 PM     profile     

I can't hold it in any longer!!! Cindy Cashdollar has written and interviewed Marian for the current issue of Magazine (Very extensively!) and I am looking forward to the response when everyone finds out WHO SHE IS!!!

Happy Holidays,

------------------ Magazine

and appearing
Jimmy Crawford/Russ Hicks... and Buddy Emmons on Bass!

Terry Wendt

From: Nashville, TN, USA

posted 20 December 2003 04:34 PM     profile     
Here's a picture of the two lovely steel players together!!

Terry Wendt

------------------ Magazine

and appearing
Jimmy Crawford/Russ Hicks... and Buddy Emmons on Bass!

[This message was edited by Terry Wendt on 20 December 2003 at 04:35 PM.]

Terry Wendt

From: Nashville, TN, USA

posted 20 December 2003 04:58 PM     profile     
...and another priceless gem's a picture of none other than Merle Travis, Joe Maphis, and Marian Hall (Town Hall).

This can be found in Cindy Cahsdollar's wonderful article in Magazine Vol. 1, Issue #3

Subscribe Now,

------------------ Magazine

and appearing
Jimmy Crawford/Russ Hicks... and Buddy Emmons on Bass!

Ron Whitfield

From: Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA

posted 22 December 2003 10:53 AM     profile     
Great to see at least a smattering of success towards some info/material on her, but so far, all at a cost of $, and Postal service(for packages) to the islands since 9-11 is 'good luck' at best. Sure hope to hear more on Ms. Hall from ya'll.

Walter, thank you for the tip on the CD. I'll be getting it as soon as I find it.

Andy, glad to hear it, I wuz hoping you had something on her in your book, way to go! Will it be available anywhere in Hawaii soon(Borders, B&N, etc.)? In time, will you allow us Forumers, pertinant parts of your interview with her that didn't make it into the book?

Terry, many thanx for the pix(3 of my musical hero's in one shot!), and info on the mag/interview. Which issue #, or month is that one? Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be finding that issue or any other around here, or that they sell singles. But I'll be finding out. Anybody care to send me one when they're done reading it? I'll be happy to cover any costs.

And last but not least, mega thanx to Cindy for stepping up to the plate and getting a long over due job done on Marian. Who better than you to do it! Lucky you, lucky us. Now, if I can jes get me a copy...

Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 22 December 2003 01:16 PM     profile     
Ron, you can find it at Borders, B&N, Scotty's, Amazon, etc. or from me or b0b.

All the good interview materials are in the book. There's nothing held back you'd want to read.

[This message was edited by Andy Volk on 22 December 2003 at 04:43 PM.]

Ron Whitfield

From: Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA

posted 22 December 2003 01:25 PM     profile     
Thank you, sir!
Terry Wendt

From: Nashville, TN, USA

posted 23 December 2003 07:20 PM     profile     
Ron, I don't know for sure what Andy is talking about (perhaps he is speaking of my book "The Early Days" which is available at all of those places) but, aside from b0b, and maybe Scotty's, the only other place to get a copy of Magazine Issue #3 (which is where the pictures and Cindy Cashdollar article about Marian Hall will be found) is Click HERE to subscribe and/or order.

We have had great success is getting the magazines to HAWAII! From what I hear though, nobody wants to give them up once they get 'em Ron Good Luck


------------------ Magazine

and appearing
Jimmy Crawford/Russ Hicks... and Buddy Emmons on Bass!

Andy Volk

From: Boston, MA

posted 02 January 2004 04:27 PM     profile     
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread for a counter-commercial, Terry. By all means buy Terry's great magazine! Marion deserves as much recognition as she can get; she's an unsung pioneer.

From: United Kingdom

posted 05 April 2005 07:13 AM     profile     
It's a pity no-one listened to Andy's plea to buy the mag...What's the latest info?


Steel players do it without fretting

Papa Joe Pollick

From: Pontiac, Michigan, USA

posted 05 April 2005 10:45 AM     profile     
There is an interview with MH in the Sept '04 issue of VG mag.Lots of pics..She said ,of her copedent,.E6th-high G# on top-low E on bottem.."to get more range".Ped 1 is "Bud Isaacs adaptation" Ped 2 B6 or G#mi7-Ped 3 Emi6 or B5-Ped 4 is 7th 9th or 13th depending on how many strings are played.Ped 5 is her own invention,executed by Paul Bigsby.She used it with Ped 4 and interferes with half of #4's function, raising the E to F[instead of F#],while the C# still goes to D,for a dim.chord.Ped 6 yields an A mag7.
Good artical..She talks a lot about PB's steels.Check it out..
Bryan Bradfield

From: Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

posted 05 April 2005 12:37 PM     profile     
An earlier thread:

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