Topic: NYC Dobro Workshop
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 04 April 2005 10:29 AM
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An April bump (new thread) for the upcoming Dobro Workshop in New York City.Jim Heffernan will be instructing all levels in this day long workshop. He's one of the best.....players and instructors. This workshop takes place on Sunday, May 1st at one of my stores in NY. There will also be some various resonators on dislay and at least one lap steel, the Harmos. Here's the link to the original thread that contains Jim's contact and registration info. |
db Member From: New Jersey
posted 04 April 2005 04:29 PM
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Hey Howard, What is the address of the shop? Where do recommend parking? What time does it start?------------------ Dan Balde U-12/8&5, S-7/D 3&1, S-6/E,A & G3
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 05 April 2005 06:06 AM
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Dan, the workshop begins at 10 am. You can park on the street or nearby streets IF you can find a parking space. That may be next to impossible on a Sunday. There are parking lots nearby, within a block.My store address is 28West 38th St. That's between 5th & 6th Ave. The name on the store is Moda Veils. I am sooooo looking forward to this.  |
Bob Hoffnar Member From: Brooklyn, NY
posted 05 April 2005 09:21 AM
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Howard, 10:00 AM ! Whoa, have a little pity on us that don't have jobs !BTW: How much money ?
------------------ Bob intonation help
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 05 April 2005 10:39 AM
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Hi Bob, I believe it's $100.0010am - 5pm with 1 hour lunch break |
Gerald Ross Member From: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
posted 05 April 2005 10:50 AM
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with 1 hour lunch break
Pastrami? ------------------ Gerald Ross 'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar' Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website Board of Directors Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association
[This message was edited by Gerald Ross on 05 April 2005 at 10:50 AM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 05 April 2005 01:35 PM
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Ok Oct. I'm flying into Joliet with deli. How does corned beef & poi sound? |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 20 April 2005 11:21 AM
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Bump for this gala event!11 days 'til the workshop. All you guys who are on the fence, time to get on with it. There are still a few spots open. This is gonna be fun....whether you like it or not!  |
Gerald Ross Member From: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
posted 20 April 2005 11:33 AM
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Howard, if you remember correctly, I steered you to some Hawaiian corned beef (Pipi-Coola) at last year's Joliet convention. I think it was Friday night at about 2 AM. You gave it your stamp of approval.You won't be the first to fly in food to Joliet. One year Bobby Ingano showed up with 5 lbs. of fresh Ahi-Poke (raw tuna with spices, olive oil and seaweed... drool - really!). BTW - Your workshop sounds great, wish I could be there. ------------------ Gerald Ross 'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar' Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website Board of Directors Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association
[This message was edited by Gerald Ross on 20 April 2005 at 11:37 AM.] |
Harry Dietrich Member From: Robesonia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 20 April 2005 12:06 PM
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HowardJust make sure you save some room for a steak at Al's Steak House.  Harry |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 20 April 2005 01:44 PM
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Spiced tuna in olive oil (sounds great) and Al's steak? The 2005 HSGC promises to be a real blowout, gastronomically speaking... and also gausstronomically speaking (a little enharmonic humor there).....  |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 20 April 2005 02:19 PM
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I'll bringing some Benoit resos and a steel or two for people to demo.Definatley the Harmos. I'm also considering bringing my Pedabro. |
db Member From: New Jersey
posted 20 April 2005 07:29 PM
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I am feverishly trying to get my shop "back-up" . . . to put together the latest revision of the DG-3 "Dobro" Palm Pedal Assembly. I have found that the "Beta-Release" leaves something to be desired. . . (I have been set back by the process of moving for a number of months!) If not, I will show the "Beta" with apologies. Looking forward to the event.------------------ Dan Balde U-12/8&5, S-7/D 3&1, S-6/E,A & G3
[This message was edited by db on 21 April 2005 at 07:40 PM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 21 April 2005 07:05 AM
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quote: If not, I will show the "Beta"
Whatever you say Dan,'re the master....
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 21 April 2005 01:56 PM
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bumperinski |
db Member From: New Jersey
posted 27 April 2005 07:18 PM
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It looks bleak! The "X" wants me to have my son this week-end! BUT, I WILL BE THERE WITH SOMETHING TO SHOW! It is just that I was hoping to show you guys the "BEST-SETUP" ! I do not know if I can get the time "in-the-shop" to get the "improved set-up" ready to show. Like I said before . . . I may have to show a "Beta Assembly" . . . With my apologies. But, at least, I will be able show you what the assembly it can do . . . ------------------ Dan Balde U-12/8&5, S-7/D 3&1, S-6/E,A & G3[This message was edited by db on 27 April 2005 at 07:32 PM.] |
HowardR Member From: N.Y.C.,N.Y.
posted 27 April 2005 07:51 PM
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Dan, we're all looking forward to your palm pedals, even if the new improved version is not quite ready.I'll have my peg bender & foot pedal on my 7 string there. |
db Member From: New Jersey
posted 27 April 2005 07:56 PM
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Hey Howard, Thanks . . . I am in "overwhelm"! I will try to get what ever I can to present. db
------------------ Dan Balde U-12/8&5, S-7/D 3&1, S-6/E,A & G3