Topic: Pedal History
Gere Mullican Member From: LaVergne, Tennessee, USA
posted 01 May 2004 10:51 AM
I probably should know the answer to this myself since I have been playing the steel since about 1944 when I was 12 years old. I have never been a member of any big stars band. My questiong is this: how many pedals did the first pedal steel guitars have? I was in a duscussion with a guy the other night and I told him when the pedal steel first came into being it only had one pedal. I based that on my experience of in 1954 while I was stationed at the Naval Hospital in Charleston SC a steel player in a local band had one pedal added to his non pedal steel. He told me he had it put on at a local machine shop and told me where it was. I was making about $60 a month at the time and the machine shop charged me $35 to put one on my Gibson 7 string lap steel. I may be wrong but I was told that Bud Isaacs used one pedal on "Slowly" and sometime later came the "split pedals". I sure don't mean to infer that I know all about pedal steel guitars but I would love to know the history behind the pedals. My first manufactured pedal steel was a Fender 400 and I don't even remember how many pedals it had. 2? 3? If you guys can enlighten my I would appreciate it. Thanks Gere |
Donny Hinson Member From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.
posted 01 May 2004 12:12 PM
Well, the first Fender 400's (1957?) had 4 pedals! Either 4 or 6 pedals was pretty much a standard on the old Harlins and Gibsons too, which both date back to the late '30s (the Harlin "Multi-Kord" being the first popular "commercially-made" model with floor pedals). In the '40s, Bigsby and Wright got on the band wagon, but they were all custom-made jobs at first, and I'd seen them with as few as 2, or as many as 6 or 8 pedals eventually, but there were probably some one-pedal ones made, too. In the '50s (right after "Slowly"), a lot of other companies joined in. Sho-Bud, Fender, and Sierra replaced the old Gibsons and Multi-Kords, and 3 or 4 pedals became the standard on singles, while 8 was quickly accepted as standard on double-neck models (though some produced some 6-pedal doubles). Interestingly, knee-levers (on a lap steel) may have even been available before floor-pedals on a console-type steel. I'm still trying to find out which really came first, floor pedals (on the Harlin), or knee-levers (on the Harmolin). I suspect the same company produced both. I'm sure others can add additional insights, and I hope that mine are correct! |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 01 May 2004 12:29 PM
The first pedal steel I ever saw was a 4 pedal Multi-Kord, built by the Harlan bros out of Indianapolis. I believe this was in '47 or '48. But in any case this was long before Bud Isaacs did his thing. It is interesting to note that before, during and even after Bud recorded "Slowly" (and changed the steel guitar forever), a number of players playing PSG's (Harlan's, Gibson's, Fenders, etc) used them mainly for changing the basic tuning. Or for chording. Rather than use the "moving tone" movement that Bud used which drove many of us crazy. But when "Slowly" came out, it was sooo very unique and spine tingling (for many), that the PSG as we know it today was born; and "that sound" has evolved into what most think of when they say pedals nowadays. There were some players like Juaguin Murphy, Alvino Rey, Herb Remington, Maurice Anderson, etc, who never did aspire to "that sound". So they continued to play PSG the way it was originally intended. But most I believe, followed the BI/BE/JD style. carl |
Winnie Winston Member From: Tawa, Wellington, NZ
posted 02 May 2004 03:57 AM
I'm sure someone can point you to an archive where this was discussed. The Split was done by Buddy and Jimmy Day. According to Buddy, they had been talking about it and one night Jimmy did it, called Buddy, told him it was great, and then Buddy did it. Buddy never asked HOW he split them, and so the beginning of the Day/Emmons pedal setups. Day was also the one who added the E string between the F# and the D in the bottom.JW |
Rainer Hackstaette Member From: Bohmte, Germany
posted 02 May 2004 05:31 AM
Winnie,according to this thread it was the other way around: Buddy Emmons split the pedals first and Jimmy Day followed. Rainer ------------------ Remington D-10 8+7, Sierra Crown D-10 gearless 8+8, Sierra Session S-14 gearless 8+5, '77 Emmons D-10 8+4, Sho~Bud Pro-I 3+5, Fender Artist D-10 8+4, Peavey Session 400 LTD, Peavey Vegas 400 [This message was edited by Rainer Hackstaette on 02 May 2004 at 08:23 AM.]
Gere Mullican Member From: LaVergne, Tennessee, USA
posted 02 May 2004 05:50 AM
I really appreciate you very wise folks responding. I was referring to the first pedals (that were used as we know them now) and not the Gibson etc that used a pedal device to change the guitars tuning. I think you have set me straight. I guess this old feeble mind don't remember the changes in pedals or ate least the sequence. Thank you very much for your replies. Gere |
Larry Harlan Member From: Thomas, OK, USA
posted 02 May 2004 06:27 AM
I remember being in the Roy Acuff museum in Nashville back in 1972, at Opryland I think it was, and observced a steel guitar there that looked like a 4" x 6" x 30" block of wood with strings on it and it had 1 peal on it. Can't remember if it raised the string or lowered it. But it sure did look crude. We have come a long way. |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 02 May 2004 08:14 AM
Rainer,The link you posted does not work on my computer. I believe the following is the thread you were referring to: Buddy indeed set the record straight. If there be any doubt, please read Buddy's posts on the subject thread. Winnie is correct about Jimmy Day inserting the E note between the D and F# strings on the original E13th tuning shown below. This is how come we lost the low E on our beloved E9th tuning. Also why some, like Tom Brumley, play an 11 string E9th. E C# B G# F# D B E
To the best of my knowledge the following is correct: 1. Bud Isaacs had Bigsby install two pedals on his D-8 Bigsby; one pulling the high B and G# to C# and A respectively. The second one lowered the bottom strings to finish out the A6 tuning. Most of his recordings only made use of the first pedal. I believe this was in the mid 50's. 2. Buddy split that one pedal of Bud Isaacs into our present A and B. 3. Buddy told Jimmy Day about it, and Jimmy split it into B and A. 4. Jimmy Day added the E between the D and F# strings noted above. 5. Ralph Mooney added the high G# to A string change. 6. Buddy added our present 1st and 2nd strings. He first had them on the bottom. Later had Shot put them in there present positions. This of course spawned the 10 string PSG. 7. I do not know who created the C pedal. My guess is Buddy. 8. I do not know who created the first knee lever on E9th, same guess however. This knee lever lowered 2 and 8 a half a tone. 9. Someone (I have not a clue) made this one knee lever into two knee levers by removing the 8th string lower and installed a 2nd knee lever adding the 4th string lower to it which is the lever that lowers the E's now. The lever is called the D lever by some and the E lever by others. (E sounds more logical to me). Note: I first saw this change on Buddy Charleton's Sho-Bud several days after it was installed as he played it behind ET on the stage of the GOO. Don't remember the year. 10. Buddy created the whole tone change on string 2. I believe he first used this incredible change on a classic Ray Price hit, but for the life of me I can't recall the name. The lick made use of unison notes on strings 2 and 5 resolving into two different directions which perfectly emulated Ray's voice/phrasing on the song. 11. Lloyd Green added the F knee lever. (Raises 4 and 8 a half a tone. I believe he first used it on a Tammy Wynnet(sp) number but again I do not recall the name. 12. I do not know who created the G lever (raises 1 and 7 a whole tone). Lloyd mabye? 13. Buddy changed this and created the G# to F# (6th string) whole tone lower in lieu of the 7th string raise on the "G" lever. 14. Paul Franklin added pedal 4 on E9th lowering 5, 6 and 10 a whole tone. 16. Paul Franklin created the knee lever that raises 1 and 7 a whole tone and raised the 2nd string a half a tone. This change along with the pedal above can be heard on hundreds and hundreds of present day recordings. Again, this is to the best of my knowledge. If anyone has factual information that would change or add to the above, I would sincerely like to know about it. Also, I will respectfully stand corrected on any statement(s) that are not factual. May Jesus continue to bless those talented players who pioneered our beloved PSG, and may he bless all of you richly, carl[This message was edited by C Dixon on 02 May 2004 at 08:22 AM.] |
Rainer Hackstaette Member From: Bohmte, Germany
posted 02 May 2004 08:37 AM
Carl,the link didn't work on any computer. I edited my post and corrected it. It is, indeed, the same thread you refer to. Thanks for pointing it out.  Rainer |
Richard Sinkler Member From: Fremont, California
posted 02 May 2004 09:29 PM
If my memory serves me correctly, I believe Lloyd first used the E to F lever on D-I-V-O-R-C-E by Tammy.------------------ Carter D10 9p/10k, NV400
Steve French Member From: San Jose, CA
posted 06 May 2004 12:57 PM
I believe the Ray Price tune that Carl refers is "A Way To Survive." The intro has the exact contrary motion that he describes. |
Ray Minich Member From: Limestone, New York, USA
posted 06 May 2004 01:48 PM
It's at this point that I'd like to add my sincere thanks to all who've been involved in the development of the PSG to this date. When I sit down to the monster I realize I'm "standing on the shoulders of giants". I've often wondered if any patents were ever applied for? With the miserable mess that so many other products are in I'm sure glad that this technology is "in the public domain".
Buddy Emmons Member From: Hermitage, TN USA
posted 06 May 2004 01:57 PM
Carl, I raised the first string (F# to G#) on a Darrell McCall record called "Pins and Needles" in 1974. If anybody used that raise before then, I guess I got it from them.  [This message was edited by Buddy Emmons on 06 May 2004 at 01:57 PM.] |
Charles Curtis Member From: Bethesda, Maryland, USA
posted 06 May 2004 03:48 PM
I had Ron Jr raise the lst and 7th, (E-9) a tone to my RKL lever on my Emmons and man what a difference. I heard the Jay Dee Maness interview on his video (that I gladly purchased); and it's a whole new world for me with this change. Thank you too Buddy. |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 06 May 2004 04:20 PM
Thank you Buddy.  I did not know that. As I stated, I sincerely want to know who did what. As always, I stand corrected respectfully for any error(s) I committ. I will say in all fairness to PF, that many of the recordings coming out of Nashville over the last 10 or so years has had that unique change. Along with the 7th string whole tone raise and the 2nd string 1/2 tone raise. Which incidently is fast becoming a standard change on RKL. At least the 1st and 2nd string raises are. So would it be correct to say the following: 1. Buddy Emmons first created the high F# to G# whole tone raise in '74. 2. Paul Franklin later added the knee lever that raised the 1st and 7th strings to G# AND the 2nd string to an E. Quoting Jack Webb on his classic "Dragnet" TV show, "Just the facts mam!!" er "man"  carl |
Franklin Member From:
posted 06 May 2004 07:20 PM
Carl, Who was first? Only God knows for sure  I suspect many players experiment with the same musical ideas as other players of the same instrument. Because we all follow the path that our personal knowledge of music leads us, it is inevitable that several arrive at the same experimental place in and around the same time period. Other players were also exploring this change along this same time period. In the early seventies, one of the reasons I used this change was because it is a logical way to play a pedals down major seventh. (I am refering to using strings 4,5,6, A&B pedals activated and the first string raised to G#.) Major sevenths were the pop chords of the seventies and my desire to play more inversions across the neck spawned the idea to raise the F# to G#. Buddy certainly deserves the credit for the first recorded use of the 1st string F# to G# change. I too, was not aware that this recording existed until this forum. He also deserves the credit for popularizing the Eb to C# lower. "Touch MY Heart" brought about its popularity. In the late 60's I raised the Eb to E for awhile instead of lowering the 4th E to Eb. It wasn't until the late eighties that I thought of combining the two changes (F#/G# & Eb/E) Personally I believe that my earlier 70's explorations with this change never saw the full commercial potential until it was combined. Paul[This message was edited by Franklin on 06 May 2004 at 07:35 PM.] [This message was edited by Franklin on 06 May 2004 at 09:26 PM.] |
Winnie Winston Member From: Tawa, Wellington, NZ
posted 07 May 2004 03:38 AM
Ray says: "I've often wondered if any patents were ever applied for? With the miserable mess that so many other products are in I'm sure glad that this technology is "in the public domain"."There are MANY patents. All the ones you know-- Fender, Sho-Bud (both the fingertip and the others), Emmons p/p, and many others. Bob Grossman had a whole file of patent drawings that he sent to me for a while. I think Tom Bradshaw got them when I returned them to Bob. It was A THICK file-- starting with the Moore patent for the Gibson, and then through the Harlin Multichords, and everything in between. If you are lucky enough to live near one of the patent depositories (they had one in Philly) you can get copies. I think the patent office is on-line and has some of the stuff available. Best to start with the first few and then see where to go, because each reference the other to show why theirs is different. JW
Franklin Member From:
posted 07 May 2004 05:49 AM
I should add that back in the 70's, it was widely considered too Jazzy to play disonant chord voicings on Country songs by the ones paying the bills. I am speaking of voicings like the ones Randy Beavers and Tommy White now play brilliantly utilizing todays modern changes. Those voicings had no home in Country back then. In the late 80's and throughout the 90's Country music started to sound closer to the pop music of the 70's which allowed me the freedom to explore the 5,6, and 10 drop along with the 1, 2, and 7 raise on records. Hit records gave these changes the exposure they needed, and the combined minds of many pro players have proven those changes are not just commercial fluff. No slanted bar can capture the depth of these changes. In summary, I believe the shift in the boundaries of Country music is why these changes are becoming standard issue today. Although those changes were explored individually by many in the seventies, the music wasn't ready to widely accept these disonant but beautiful voicings on the E9th until the 90's. Also Tommy White deserves credit for expanding the pedal four changes through his playing by splitting it up into two pedal changes. I liken that to when Buddy and Day split the A & B pedals. The whole spectrum of possibillities opens up. Just like they did, we accomplished this differently by not sharing info in advance. I get the splits by raising 7 a whole tone, but I believe Tommy's way will be the one that sticks. Also Jay Dee and several others chose to raise the seven a whole tone as I did instead of lowering the G# to F# as Buddy was doing back then. I truly believe finding out who explored what first is an impossibility to state with 100% accuracy. Nobody can create a change. Musicians can only discover combinations of raises and lowers of intervals that are accepted by the community. Those harmonic rules which have led to all the pedal changes we call standard issue were written in music theory long before the pedal steel existed. All the players that have contributed changes to the instrument have this one thing in common, a working knowledge of harmonic theory and a desire to play different voicings.....Paul |
Larry Bell Member From: Englewood, Florida
posted 07 May 2004 06:47 AM
I've often heard it said that between Buddy Emmons and Jimmie Crawford, every string on the E9 tuning has been raised and lowered to the limit of the mechanism pretty early on in the evolution of the instrument. That's a LOT of permutations, especially considering how one might combine those pulls in many different ways. True or not, I'd bet that someone has, over the ensuing forty years.Clearly, there has to be a compelling MUSICAL reason for a change to 'stick' as Paul says. And it is also true that modern country music is harmonically becoming more similar to pop music, with voicings a la Bruce Hornsby. A side result of that is the harmonic landscape of traditional country doesn't lay well on pop harmonies. Country emphasizes the tonic and major or minor third much more than pop and those harmonies can sound corny over the more (arguably) musically sophisticated pop progressions. I believe that the rift between trad and contemporary country is made deeper, from the steel player's perspective, by the unwillingness to learn to make these newer sounds -- a lot of sus4 and add9 chords and other stuff based somewhat on stacking polychords. Playing a lick that leans on the major third over a sus4 chord just doesn't sound right. Some steel players still try to do it, don't like the way it sounds, and conclude that they hate new country music. To me, it's all music. Some old country was crap. Some new country is crap. Duh. A good player will learn to play something appropriate over any chord changes that come along. What changes are popular on people's guitars are dictated by what kind of music we're playing. The breadth of styles people are exploring with pedal steel is increasing. From juju (Demola Adepoju) to pop (Greg Leisz) to legit jazz (Dave Easley) to electric blues (Robert Randolph) to who knows what. I believe this is a very healthy thing for the instrument. Along with that broadening will come the need for changes that are called for within the different musical styles or genres. The great mechanisms our builders have given us can take anything we can dish out (up to their mechanical limit). It is up to the players to create new combinations of pulls to meet the needs of the music. ------------------ Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page 2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps
Ray Minich Member From: Limestone, New York, USA
posted 07 May 2004 07:34 AM
This "who did it first" discussion brought to mind the legend that somebody showed up at the patent office, with another telephone design, 5 minutes after Alexander Graham Bell submitted his. Thus my patent comments. Winnie, thanks for the additional info.[This message was edited by Ray Minich on 07 May 2004 at 07:48 AM.] |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 07 May 2004 10:35 AM
I think of changes a "discoveries" rather than "inventions". The pedal itself is an invention. The new application of the pedal is a discovery. Many of us made similar discoveries before the copedents were standardized. I know that the first copedent I designed included an F lever, and that was before I had ever even heard of Lloyd Green. The A and B pedals, the E string levers, the raise of the B chord to E on the first two strings - these are all things that are seem fairly obvious to me from the viewpoint of music theory. But many of the uses of those pedals and levers are not obvious, and those uses must be credited to the great players who discovered them. It's easy to see that the F lever provides the third inversion of a major chord, but how do you get from there to the trademark licks in "Farewell Party" or "D-I-V-O-R-C-E". That, my friends, is the work of pure genius.------------------
Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9), Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6), Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax |
Franklin Member From:
posted 07 May 2004 12:36 PM
Sometimes the popularity of a certain pedal change evolves from the sound of a lick or solo without the forthcoming change being used at all on the record. After hearing Tom Brumley's solo on "Together Again" players started lowering the B string to Bb. Tom did not lower the B string for that solo, but it's hard to deny that Tom sounded like he was, therefor his solo led many towards that change.
In 1968 Tammy Wynette's "I Don't Want To Play House" was released. The licks Pete Drake played used a middle triad position between the pedals up and down frets. Pete accomplished the new F lever sound by combining two pedals. His 3rd pedal raised ONLY the E to F# and his 4th pedal raised the G#'s to A and the B to D. Although his direction was NOT the most pratical way to achieve this middle triad position because he had to alter the standard C pedal to make it work, he certainly help to popularize its sound in its infancy. Lloyd cemented the choice everyone used for the middle position when he raised the E's to F and used it on "D-I-V-O-R-C-E" also released in "68". Throughout the past history of the pedal steel guitar, deceptive licks on hits have led to the popularity of several new changes by spawning the search. ....Paul [This message was edited by Franklin on 07 May 2004 at 01:07 PM.] [This message was edited by Franklin on 07 May 2004 at 01:10 PM.] [This message was edited by Franklin on 07 May 2004 at 03:59 PM.] |
Jody Cameron Member From: Angleton, TX,, USA
posted 07 May 2004 01:30 PM
Bobby you posted:"It's easy to see that the F lever provides the third inversion of a major chord" Not to sidetrack the thread here, but I'm confused. I thought there were only two inversions of a major triad...first inversion being the 3rd in the bass, and second inversion being the 5th in the bass? |
Larry Bell Member From: Englewood, Florida
posted 07 May 2004 01:37 PM
Jody, You are correct. 1 3 5 is called the 'root position' (root on the bottom) in most theory books. 3 5 1 is the first inv and 5 1 3 is the second.In practice most people think of the root position as an inversion (maybe the 'zeroth' inversion), although nothing is really inverted.  ------------------ Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page 2003 Fessenden S/D-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Standel and Peavey Amps
Jody Cameron Member From: Angleton, TX,, USA
posted 07 May 2004 02:17 PM
Thanks Larry. |
Franklin Member From:
posted 07 May 2004 06:25 PM
Jody, I think Bob is refering to the third major chord position which does invert all the major triads voicings from the open or pedals down position.....Paul |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 09 May 2004 11:29 AM
My lack of formal training bites me sometimes. I think of it as three inversions, but it's actually three fret positions. You can get the "root position" and both inversions (the 3 "forms", maybe?) at any of the 3 fret positions, depending on which strings you pick. My point is that the F lever is the obvious solution for anyone who wants to get all 3 "forms" of the major chord without changing the string selection. Once the A and B pedals were split, the F lever was inevitable.------------------
Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (C6add9), Sierra Laptop 8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6), Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 09 May 2004 at 11:30 AM.] |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 09 May 2004 01:29 PM
b0b is correct.It is also why I must have the split on the 6th string rather than getting the "3rd" minor chord on strings 4, 5 and 6 using pedals B and C. When a player has all 6 of these chord spellings at any fret (without having to move one's foot), it brings our beloved instrument closer and closer to the almost unlimited flexibility of the piano. carl |
Buddy Emmons Member From: Hermitage, TN USA
posted 16 May 2004 09:09 AM
Another piece of the history puzzle I could add is how the E to F# change evolved in Nashville and the relationship it had with the design of the early Sho~Bud guitars. I heard Ralph Mooney using our present day B and C pedal sound on recordings so I had to have it; but I could only guess as to how he was getting it. My ear told me it involved raising the E to F# but having never met Ralph, I wasn’t familiar with his pedal setup. The mechanics of the early Sho~Buds didn’t allow raising the same string twice and my B to C# raise was already taken with the A pedal, so our solution was to raise the E to F# with the third pedal and move it close to pedal B. It was unique in that pedals A, B, and C combined gave you the Mooney Sound and pedals B and C gave you a B7th change. It was like having an extra pedal. Later when the pedal steel mechanisms offered multiple raises, the third pedal was returned to its original position.
Jim Smith Member From: Plano, TX, USA
posted 16 May 2004 09:47 AM
Way cool, Buddy! I always wondered why the old Sho-Bud's first three pedals were so close together. You really should write a book.  |
Buddy Emmons Member From: Hermitage, TN USA
posted 16 May 2004 09:56 AM
Thanks Jim. I’m working on one now called “How to Mouth Your Way Out of the Music Business.”  |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 16 May 2004 09:58 AM
I would like to add something that fits right in with what Buddy said. In the late 50's or early 60's (can't remember), I took my family on a vacation; and part of that trip was to visit the Grand Ole Opry. It just so happened that one of the acts was Ray Price and the Cherokee cowboys; and of course Buddy was the steel guitarist. As I recall, Buddy was playing a Fender 1000; obviously with no knee levers. I saw him come off his volume pedal with his right foot and cross over all of them pedals and tickle pedal 3 several times and back to his volume pedal to get that Mooney lick. It was soo fast and so quick. But as usual Buddy made it look effortless. How do I know? Well, that classic grin never whinced once, jes stayed there the whole time as he "dazzled us with footwork". Dang, I would settle jes' for the grin! And yes I ate my heart out! Oh well  carl[This message was edited by C Dixon on 16 May 2004 at 10:00 AM.] |
Buddy Emmons Member From: Hermitage, TN USA
posted 16 May 2004 10:09 AM
No doubt about it Carl. Those Fenders were about as good as it got for the Mooney stuff. |
Herb Steiner Member From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX
posted 16 May 2004 10:48 AM
Right again, Big E! I recently rigged up a Fender 1000 for Mooney stuff, and I put the E-F# solo raise on pedal 8. That way, guys with short legs like me, Mooney, and whomever ultimately winds up with this guitar won't have to cross over the entire pedal rack to get to E-F# with their right foot. Moon also has his on p.8, I believe.Since I rigged this guitar "old style," I put a G on top of C6, with the G-G# raise on p.5 . I may modify this to the high-low E to F tuning at a later date, if whoever winds up with it so chooses. __________________________________ E9 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 G# A E F# F# B C# C# G# A F# E D B C# __________________________________ C6G G# E F C D A B B G F# E D# C C# A B
------------------ Herb's Steel Guitar Pages Texas Steel Guitar Association
[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 16 May 2004 at 10:55 AM.] [This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 16 May 2004 at 10:57 AM.]
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 16 May 2004 12:22 PM
Ah, that's why I thought you play with the G on top, Herb! Whew! I thought I was losing my mind for a while there. |
Herb Steiner Member From: Cedar Valley, Travis County TX
posted 16 May 2004 04:53 PM
Au contraire, r0bert. You are losing your mind. I only have the G on this particular pedal guitar. All the rest have D on top.I do have a G on non-pedal C6, however. ------------------ Herb's Steel Guitar Pages Texas Steel Guitar Association
[This message was edited by Herb Steiner on 16 May 2004 at 04:54 PM.]
Wayne Morgan Member From: Rutledge, TN, USA
posted 17 May 2004 01:15 PM
"WOW" Where else can you get this kind of stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Steel Guitar Forum, Thanks to all !!!!!!! Wayne
Jack Anderson Member From: Scarborough, ME
posted 17 May 2004 02:32 PM
quote: Au contraire, r0bert.
Including French rhymes, no less.Now that Herb may have whetted a few appetites with his faux Lunetuning, will anyone offer up any other vintage D-8 copedants?[This message was edited by Jack Anderson on 17 May 2004 at 02:34 PM.] |
Jussi Huhtakangas Member From: Helsinki, Finland
posted 18 May 2004 12:18 AM
Here's the E9 ( kind of ) I have on my Bigsby, it's what originally was there: ------------------------------------------ -------P1---P2---P3---P4---P5 1. G#------------A 2. E--------------------------F# 3. B--------C# 4. G#------------A 5. F# 6. E 7. C# 8. A ------------------------------------------ As you can see the "Mooney change" is there for the right foot. Pedals two and three down it's a big fat A6. This is the inside neck of the guitar, mid neck is E13 with all five pedals, and the outside neck is C6 with just one pedal (P1 raising the high C to D ). [This message was edited by Jussi Huhtakangas on 18 May 2004 at 12:21 AM.] [This message was edited by Jussi Huhtakangas on 18 May 2004 at 12:22 AM.] [This message was edited by Jussi Huhtakangas on 18 May 2004 at 12:24 AM.] [This message was edited by Jussi Huhtakangas on 18 May 2004 at 12:28 AM.] |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 18 May 2004 09:23 AM
When I ordered the Excel U-12, I had them install two left knee verticals within the cluster. One of these raised the 4th string a whole tone. I did this because I could not use the C pedal on this copedent. Later I added another pedal and put it on there instead. The reason is twofold: 1. I found it very difficult to "tickle" that Mooney change having it on a vertical. 2. I wanted to make a single vertical lever that would go straight up and down and span past LKL and LKR. It turned out great. I see now why Ralph has it on the floor. Sure you have to come off the volume pedal to engage it. But the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages IMO. carl |