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  Pro forum section ?

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Author Topic:   Pro forum section ?

From: United Kingdom

posted 01 July 2006 07:25 PM     profile     
When a 'player' answers a post and tries to 'Pass it On" why are those who want to "have a dig' or are just plain jealous, allowed by the rest of the 'Forumites' to continue to follow their own agenda ?

If this type of negative criticism of positive remarks prevails unabated, you're going to be left with a forum of learners with No-One to learn from.
I think it may be time for b0b to add a section for the pro's to post and others to read.
How would the players who could post be determined ?
Possibly by Professional status ? or what ?

Frank Estes

From: Huntsville, AL

posted 01 July 2006 09:09 PM     profile     
Some have a thin skin, others do not. Nothing really new. Just read Buddy Emmons' reply to a thread expressing some similar sentiments: (The original poster removed his postings after Buddy's devastating reply!)

Some people underestimate the tough-ness of many of the pros. The reason for the sporadic participation by the pros is because they are often busy and some of the topics have already been re-hashed several times.

I realize there are some others who do not want to participate unless you "kiss the ring." Too bad...but I do not give a rat's behind about those anyway.

Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 02 July 2006 12:56 AM     profile     
Sounds like a personal problem Baz, why don't you start your own pro web site since you've had as many problem threads fighting with other people here as most? He who throws the first stone, give me a xxxxxx break. You know what sucks about this pro verses what ever subject. When has any of you guys ever seen pros not fight with each other from time to time. Dizzy Gillipsie for example stuck Cab Calaway in the ass with a knife back stage at a show. Who's the pro here? This thread isn't about people disagreeing Baz, it's about free speech and you.

From: United Kingdom

posted 02 July 2006 02:46 AM     profile     
You know something Jesse, you're 100% correct. I just feel sad that when writing an elaborate and informed and researched reply to a current topic, I stood back, looked at it and decided that it would illicit negative responses, buried it and wondered just why there are those on the forum who just seem to wait for something to disagree with. Like this. !!
Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 02 July 2006 03:50 AM     profile     
I think it would be great to have a "Pro's only forum section".

That way nobody would bother them with disagreements, so their feelings wouldn't get hurt, if that's the way they want it, and we could all go there any time we wanted to find out what life on the "other side" is like.

Or not...

Of course then there are those I suppose there are those that claim "Pro Status" because of who "almost hired them",.or had a couple years worth of regular gigs 50 years ago..

I think Mr Emmons did sum it up pretty well, and I'm surprised that he took so many words.

I think the French say

Laissez Bon Temp Roullez



From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 02 July 2006 07:45 AM     profile     
I'm sorry, but I'm not qualified to accept or ban people from such a forum. I'd be very uncomfortable judging people's level of professionalism, or being responsible for an organization that passed such judgements.

This has been suggested before. I just can't do it.

Bobby Lee
System Administrator
My Blog

John McGann

From: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

posted 02 July 2006 08:15 AM     profile     
Welcome to Democracy. It ain't always pretty.Thank God for it and b0b for this Forum!

[This message was edited by John McGann on 02 July 2006 at 09:53 AM.]

Farris Currie

From: Ona, Florida, USA

posted 02 July 2006 08:37 AM     profile     
God Bless you BOB,

i'm not a pro,but i've played for 40yrs. how is a person suppose to be judged????

This is very special to me, and Bob does a great job.


Scott Shipley

From: Nashville, Tennessee USA

posted 02 July 2006 05:54 PM     profile     
_____________________________________________"I think it would be great to have a Pro's only forum section. That way nobody would bother them with disagreements, so their feelings wouldn't get hurt, if that's the way they want it, and we could all go there any time we wanted to find out what life on the "other side" is like."

Personally speaking I would really hate to see a "pros only" section. There are LOTS of guys on here who don't consider themselves "professionals" who can blow me out of the water, and I am constantly learning things from them as well as the other "pros."....and I include myself in that group as 100% of my income does come from music. I'm certainly not saying I'm the best player in town, cause I ain't. Not even close. Just saying that I do make my living from playing music. That's not to say that someone who doesn't is any less passionate or isn't "professional" enough to share their opinion. It's not about getting feelings hurt. If you don't like someone's post, don't reply. It's simple. This forum shouldn't be about a pissing contest...."who's professional and who ain't." If someone is contributing to the musical landscape, then who are ANY of us to judge whether they are or not, let alone blatantly attack them. I thought this forum was designed as a meeting place for like minds and kindred spirits to discuss ideas and thoughts in a FRIENDLY manner as well as to support each other in our mutual addiction to this Hillbilly torture device. Did I miss something?? What I believe Basil was saying (correct me if I'm wrong please)was that we should all just maybe play nicer. Sounds like a pretty good idea if you ask me.
Kudos to b0b for his thoughts on this, and thanks again for babysitting all of us!


From: United Kingdom

posted 02 July 2006 06:55 PM     profile     
Scott, you 'Hit the nail on the Head' in my convoluted, roundabout, uneducated way, you found the words that eluded me !!.
I just get a little disheartened at times when I feel like answering a post and have to stop for fear of 'Lurking Flamers'
I wonder if any of the antagonists would be of the same ilk "Face to Face" ?
Chris LeDrew

From: Newfoundland, Canada

posted 02 July 2006 09:27 PM     profile     
I have noticed on some threads that people sometimes reply to original topics with long-winded answers, yet they have no direct experience with the subject at hand. This usually snowballs into a huge digression where nothing gets accomplished.

For instance, I recently did a search history on an amp to get some general info on its workings and sound. There were several drawn-out posts by people who didn't even own the particular model of amp in question, but still insisted on theorizing about what it MUST sound like, or zoning in on ohms, wattage, caps and molex connectors when all the post originator wanted was basic info from users of the amp.

I had the same experience with Peterson tuner threads. There's more advice about Peterson tuners from people who don't even own one than from people who do!

Also, I started a thread a while back asking if anyone was using a metal thumbpick. Right away I had replies from people stating that they'd never use one, or there'd be no convincing people to switch. I obviously wanted to hear from forum members who used one, not people's opposition to it.

This kind of stuff is discouraging for anybody, let alone the pros. I know that some interesting threads come from debates, particularly in the Music section where everybody has strong opinions. But the technical stuff should be left to those with hands-on experience with the gear in question. It makes for more informative and coherent threads.

Kenny Brown

From: Auburn, Alabama, USA

posted 03 July 2006 06:55 AM     profile     
I am not a pro. I am an amateur, I play steel guitar b/c I love it and enjoy the fact that I am able to make "that sound".

I would love to see a "Pro-Players Only" section on this forum.

I say go for it.

Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 03 July 2006 07:04 AM     profile     
There is no perfect world is there? Baz, didn't you have a very good friend who played uke since ww-2 who recently passed? You guys used to argue all the time about music? I've argued with you I'm sure from time to time but it always got us thinking and reviewing something about music or personality stuff etc? Face to face I still get into trouble for fighting once in a blue moon (which is wrong and I've been to therapy for it) and I personally have been to jail for it more than once (only against bullies), but so has alot of famous musicians and I'm just a parrot doing covers for the most part just to gig here and there? Honestly, you wouldn't last one minute with me in a fight? And I wish you would stop this "I'm uneducated b.s.". You know more about Hawaiian music than 99.9999% of the planet. Don't be a milky licker snob and be afraid to defend what you know in your heart is true. Has it been so long for you that you can't remember your much younger days of getting into a fight at school and than became good friends with that person? You think I was afraid to debate with Jeff A. or John M. recently because I knew there would be others supporting them, I was looking forward to it. Stand up and defend what you believe, those are the guys I trust because you know where you stand with em. If you learn something along the way, than it was worth it if you can get past the bruising.
Charlie McDonald

From: Lubbock, Texas, USA

posted 03 July 2006 07:05 AM     profile     
I didn't find Buddy's post to be 'devastating.'

His comment ("In this case, it's b0b, and until he steps in, I say let the good times roll.") seems to support b0b's take on the function of the forum.


From: United Kingdom

posted 03 July 2006 07:29 AM     profile     
Jesse I appreciate your post but I think you may be overestimating my education. The 1949 Polio epidemic in Europe claimed me as one of its victims and I spent what should have been my School years, in an "iron Lung" reading through two angled mirrors and calling for the nurses to change the page. As they were busy talking in their common room it was usually quite a while, in the meantime I had read the page at least twice. I took my 11+ exam when I came out of hospital and did 6-9 months secondary school before developing chronic asthma that kept me from further schooling.
Less that a year formal education hardly makes me 'Educated'
Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 03 July 2006 07:47 AM     profile     
Baz, try telling that to Pres. Lincoln. Didn't you teach as a professor of music in England somewhere and weren't you also a studio musicians for Apple records? What I'm saying is your still a pro even though your self taught, there’s ways around a formal education and your proof of that as are many others throughout the history of mankind. When there is a will, there is a way. That’s why I love tab so much, ha!
Frank Estes

From: Huntsville, AL

posted 03 July 2006 08:07 AM     profile     
Well Charlie, perhaps that word was a little strong. Maybe it would be more accurate to say it was very disappointing that he did not agree with those who wanted to dictate speech on the forum. It actually surprised some.

In fact, Charlie you have whined about this before yourself. You are a little too new to the Forum to fully understand what goes on here. You were not around to see the original post of the thread and all the comments at the time.

Kenny Brown

From: Auburn, Alabama, USA

posted 03 July 2006 08:44 AM     profile     
"You are a little too new to the Forum to fully understand what goes on here."

Frank, when does one become old enough to fully understand what goes on here???

Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 03 July 2006 08:53 AM     profile     
I think it would be great to have a "Pro's only forum section".

In some sort of way you are correct but in another you are not.Correct me if I'm wrong.Is this forum not set up as a guide for all steelplayers?Big or small,young or old?Wether they are pro's or amateur.

For many years, most of the world's steel guitarists were isolated from each other. Information about the instrument was hard to find. The Internet has changed all that. Today non-pedal and pedal steel guitarists of all skill levels share their knowledge with many other players every day.

The Steel Guitar Forum has been bringing all steel guitarists together in a spirit of friendship and a common love of the instrument.

I think that a Pro Forum will devide the forum in two halfs.Good and bad.And there is no good and bad when it comes to music.If people are having fun making music then they should do so.Why would we want to do this to a forum that is alive for almost a decade and is our biggest source.


Forgive me for my bad english....


From: United Kingdom

posted 03 July 2006 08:58 AM     profile     
Jesse you point about defending myself is valid, I'm just too long in the tooth to take "Put Downs" Lying down so to speak. I suppose I'm just a little 'Touchy' and that coupled with having a short fuse and the inability to accept criticism of things I believe to be fact, leaves me vulnerable to the forum pastime of 'Baiting'.
I know little of human nature and frequently get caught by those who try to 'Rise' me.
Still, I do enjoy playing, and along with my wife, am hooked on public performances.
Unfortunately, there are so many things we'd both like to say, but feel restrained by the aforementioned practises.
Even in our own magazine (Aloha Dream) similar restraints apply, for fear of offending the subscribers we invariably moderate our answers, and even the editorial and magazine content.

From: United Kingdom

posted 03 July 2006 09:04 AM     profile     
Ronald the crux of the matter is
Today non-pedal and pedal steel guitarists of all skill levels share their knowledge with many other players every day.

the shared information or experience is so often contradicted that it is not

bringing all steel guitarists together in a spirit of friendship
Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 03 July 2006 09:25 AM     profile     
I see it this way.Discussions are needed here on the forum.Sometimes a beginner can give advise to Pro's.If you start a "Pro Forum" than that will vanish.Weren't we all beginners back then?I am still a beginner even tough I started at the age of six on the lapsteel.Almost fourty now makes me a snotnose in the steel guitar world.But I know a lot about our beloved instrument.And if I can help someone with a question or what ever they want to know then I will do my best to do so.You are a dam good steel player Basil.We've met in europe once.You probably dont remember 'cause that is over 20 years ago.And I respect your opinion and your advice when it comes to Steelguitars.But I stand with what I said and that is that a "Pro Forum" will not do the Steel Guitar Forum any good.But thats my opinion and opinions are there to be discussed.


Kenny Brown

From: Auburn, Alabama, USA

posted 03 July 2006 09:43 AM     profile     
"In some sort of way you are correct but in another you are not.Correct me if I'm wrong.Is this forum not set up as a guide for all steelplayers?Big or small,young or old?Wether they are pro's or amateur."

Ron, in what sort of way was I correct? You did not mention that part.

I agree with you that the forum is set up as a guide for *all* steel players.

If there are those who feel the necessity to have a "pro section only", they paid their $5 to become a member here just like I did so I think it's only fair to them to be able to make suggestions here as much as anyone. That is the reason I say "go for it".

Will it possibly "divide" members? sure it will to some. others (like myself) it will not matter.

Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 03 July 2006 10:40 AM     profile     
What's a pro? Someone who can play beautiful music on his or her chosen instrument? Someone that can touch people and connect them whether or not someone gives them money for they’re playing or not?

Baz, your idea probably makes more sense to you because you guys have clearer class systems on your side of the pond then we do?

Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 03 July 2006 11:03 AM     profile     
Baz, your idea probably makes more sense to you because you guys have clearer class systems on your side of the pond then we do?

Hmmmm...that has nothing to do with this I think.Jesse let me tell you that(and I am dutch)there are just a handfull players that stick out here in Europe.Basil is one of them.Most players try to make a extra buck by gigging in the weekend and during vacations.Those are the players that I don't put in the "Pro"?? section.These are the people that try to make fun and give people a good time.These players like to learn new tricks.I am afraid that(if there comes a "Pro-section")these people will fall out of the boat so to speak.All the knowledge will stay in that Pro section and it will be hard for an amateur to come into that circle.And that would be something none of us want.

I love it and enjoy the fact that I am able to make "that sound".

Thats what I was trying to say Kenny.



From: United Kingdom

posted 03 July 2006 11:24 AM     profile     
This discussion between just a few interested parties would seem to suggest that the idea is not a good one!
Now if there were a few hundred of the 5,000 plus members responding, then the validity of the suggestion MAY be acceptable and the forum section viable.
Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 03 July 2006 12:37 PM     profile     
Well Basil, I suppose you're not dismayed by additional thoughts, but here's one for you.

Say Steel Playing is like "Ranch Handing" or "Cowboying".

The "Top Pros" are more like Rodeo Stars.

There are a vastly larger amount of Ranch Hands, than there are Rodeo Stars.

There are quite a few Rodeo Stars that cut their teeth as Ranch Hands. All the way from stopping bleeding from a barbwire cut a long way from a doctor, pulling a breach calf out of a cow, making a tractor work with baling wire, beading a tire with starting fluid, the places NOT to use Absorbine Jr, and TONS of knowledge.

There are Rodeo Stars that came straight out of high school athletics, got on a "rodeo team", and went to Number One. Not a single season as a "ranch hand". Sometimes their dad was a Top Rodeo Cowboy, or owned the Stock Company. Maybe they never had to deal with the "Cowboy Code"..

With the vast majority of steel players I see here, the ones that have imparted the most usable advice to me, after playing steadily for money for 28 or more years, are guys I never heard on the radio or saw on an album cover.

Advice, or "learning from" people, I do by listening, testing, measuring against my own experience, and then judging the results.

As far as "Nobody being here to learn from", if Paul F, Buddy, Lloyd by proxy, Mr Hughey, Bouten, Bobbe Seymour, Reece Anderson, and a dozen other top guys, god forbid, got killed in an avalanche, there would be "nobody to learn from"? nothing could be farther from the truth.

It's certainly a godsend to have them that are left, after losing Jeff, Winnie, Hal, Jimmie, here to share their knowledge.

It's also possible that they might suffer from some mortal imperfections. They might get mad, exhibit bad manners, express frustration, or just need to vent once in a while. My teacher and favorite #1 Player Bud Charleton has never posted here, nor do I think he even uses a computer.

There'e not a lot that we as a community can "do" or a way we can agree to "treat them" that will change their humanity.

I'll tell you, that even after playing nearly every week for money, and seven years of supporting myself soley by playing steel before I got tired of not having enough money, there are at least three players represented here on the Forum, that NOBODY outside the forum and the places they played ever heard of.

I could spend the rest of my life just learning from those three guys.

Actually there are times when the advice I get from guys that have only played a years worth of gigs, I find out later, when I try something they suggest is as valid as anything I've learned in my 28+ years and thousands of paid bush league gigs.

I think that it's no accident, that Mr Emmons as a prime example, can handle his own "battles", come back with his own quips, defenses, etc, take the time to answer any questions, no matter how uncomfortable, or obscure, and still be the one that everyone seems to have as Numero Uno.

Inbetween him and "us" there are all shades of greatness and humanity.

IMHO, b0b has done a great job of "policing" things when he deems is necessary, and I hope it continues, with constant backing up of the archives. Who knows what could be done with them in the future.

Maybe too, there are "Pros" that really don't feel they have anything to contribute but their playing.

Maybe their playing is a stronger suit than their personal communication skills.

So be it.


[This message was edited by Eric West on 04 July 2006 at 10:13 AM.]

Charlie McDonald

From: Lubbock, Texas, USA

posted 03 July 2006 03:27 PM     profile     
Maybe it would be more accurate to say it was very disappointing that he did not agree with those who wanted to dictate speech on the forum.

I am not surprised that Mr. E did not agree with those who want to dictate free speech.

But it is a moot point anyway, since b0b has considered it and made a decision.

I would not be against a 'pro's only' section. At least there would be one place that I wouldn't be able to post, thus circumventing a complaint about 'people like me,' you know, amateurs, people who haven't been on the forum long enough to know what's going on.

Sheesh... b0b, did you ever think about a pro's only forum?
I think I'll go back to studying flame bait to figure out a way to say something nice enough that somebody won't get bent over it.

People are REALLY taking things too personally these days....

Richard Sevigny

From: Vancouver, BC, Canada

posted 03 July 2006 05:01 PM     profile     
I'm unabashedly a "non-pro". Most of us wannabes hang out here to listen to other's opinions related to steel guitar, and in my case, read and write a few bad jokes in the humour section.

There's nothing stopping a "pro" from setting up his own board where he could decide who the pros are filter those he wanted to talk with.

It would be disappointing to NOT hear from the pros here. It would be a loss to the steel guitar community.

It is unfortunate that there are a few posters on this board who seem to be unable to separate their opinions from themselves. These folks never learned the value of listening and seem to feel THEIR opinion is the only right one. They've also never learned to disagree without being disagreeable.

Perhaps it's a lack of people skills.

Sometimes it's better to say "I don't agree with that" and realize the individual holding a contrary opinion is not in some way mentally deficient. We all arrive here from different routes and have different levels of experiences and sometimes drastically different value systems.

At the end of it, I think we should treat everyone with respect whether we agree with them or not.

'Nuff said.

Eric West

From: Portland, Oregon, USA

posted 03 July 2006 05:15 PM     profile     
It is unfortunate that there are a few posters on this board who seem to be unable to separate their opinions from themselves. These folks never learned the value of listening and seem to feel THEIR opinion is the only right one. They've also never learned to disagree without being disagreeable. -RS-

Yup, and sadly more than a couple of them are "Pros". Posting examples shouldn't be necessary, though there are plenty in the archives. Otherwise it would be a perfect idea. The "Carl Dixon" Incident,more than one "Pete Drake", "Who Has Sho~Bud #2" or "Who had the most hits" threads are some prime examples.

Maybe their "Pro Status" could be revoked apon the appearance of a disagreement or an inability to communicate effectively..

A panel of bootlickers could hold votes on each "incident"..

Or not..


Jesse Pearson

From: San Diego , CA

posted 03 July 2006 05:37 PM     profile     
I sure as heck don't advocate seperating your opinion from yourself, what good is your opinion if you seperate it from yourself? To tell ya the truth, I can't even figure out what that means, lol? Oh well, back to the TiKi bar, cheers!
Richard Sevigny

From: Vancouver, BC, Canada

posted 03 July 2006 06:59 PM     profile     
what good is your opinion if you seperate it from yourself?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that some can't distinguish between truth and opinion. The older I get, the more I realize "opinion" is simply what I beleive, whereas "truth" is sometimes slippery and open to interpretation, kind of like the the three blind men and the elephant scenario.

Scott Shipley

From: Nashville, Tennessee USA

posted 04 July 2006 12:06 AM     profile     
One's concept of reality is relative to one's perception.....
Pat Kelly

From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia

posted 04 July 2006 01:29 AM     profile     
Scott, Ya gotta get that quoted in a philosphy text sometime!
David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 07 July 2006 10:33 AM     profile     
Post #8098

One need not be a profesional hitman
or a medical doctor, to be able to
speak authoritivly about
how to drill someone with a TEC 9
and hit the right spot.

An informed person can speak authoritatively,
without being self-supporting from an endevour.

Carl Dixon is a case in point.
He never pretended to be a pro,
but we STILL miss his authoritative input...

Debating from opposing view points,
is one of the main things happening
in "a forum", per se.

But debating societies ALSO strictly observe
a code of discourse, and self-censor rancor,
as not being topical, or useful to answering
the questions of the day...

What we need here is not a Pro's only forum,
but more people being civil, kind and accepting,
of those with differing points of view,
even as we cogently, yet nicely, rebut their arguments.

Et tu Brutus?

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 07 July 2006 at 10:39 AM.]

Tom Olson

From: Spokane, WA

posted 27 November 2006 08:54 AM     profile     
Rather than a "Pros Only" forum, for which the odds of ever happening (from b0b's comment) is zero, how about a section which is not a forum, but is just a place where "articles" are published, like an on-line magazine.

The articles can include, for example interviews and/or pre-submitted questions from "readers." Or, they could be written entirely without any questions. The articles could include, for example photos, diagrams etc. as well.

There could be one or more "editors" picked by b0b, who would be similar in standing to the current forum moderators, but who would be responsible for soliciting and publishing the articles.

The overall intent would be to provide information from certain players (famous or not) and/or information on certain topics in which many forumites have an interest.

Just a thought.


From: Cloverdale, California, USA

posted 27 November 2006 09:32 AM     profile     
Never forget that Sri Chimnoy is a professional steel guitarist!

Seriously, I have too many irons in fire right now to consider how this last proposal might be implemented.

Bobby Lee
System Administrator
My Blog

Barry Blackwood

From: elk grove, CA

posted 27 November 2006 09:41 AM     profile     
I really don't think the "pros" would be bothered. I would like to think that they have better things to do than the rest of us here, including myself ....

From: Hermiston, Oregon

posted 29 November 2006 09:14 AM     profile     
I am enjoying the reading here. I dont see a thing that Norman Hamlet wrote. He tells me he is not a lead player but a backup player for Merle Haggard. Is he a pro or not?

Robro Ron

Charles Davidson

From: Alabama, USA

posted 30 November 2006 01:25 PM     profile     
You guys are giving me a [PRO]headache.Anyone with the guts to put in the dollars,endless practice,and undying love for this instrument should be considered at least SOME kind of[pro].

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