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  curly chalker (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   curly chalker
Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 20 September 2005 10:05 PM     profile     
I sent it to
the email address
you have listed.
Gary Walker

From: Morro Bay, CA

posted 20 September 2005 10:09 PM     profile     
Russ, I'm sorry to say, your dates aren't near us. We're about half way between your Southern California gigs and the Northern ones.
Would love to see and meet you but maybe next time on the down the road. Have a great tour, Gary.
Bobby Boggs

From: Pendleton SC

posted 21 September 2005 10:50 PM     profile     
It seems I remember Bobbe Seymour writing that Curly cut Big Hits on Big Steel on D-8.I know he used a Fender. But I assumed it was the D-10 model.If he used only 8 strings? I'm even more impressed. Bobbe???
Gary Walker

From: Morro Bay, CA

posted 21 September 2005 11:29 PM     profile     
According to Curly on an interview, Big Hits On Big Steel was recorded with a Fender 2000 D-10
Steve Hinson

From: Hendersonville Tn USA

posted 22 September 2005 08:26 AM     profile     
...I just had a copy of Dick Curless'live Wheeling Jamboree album laid on me...there is some pretty industrial-strength steel playing by Curly on there...


Craig A Davidson

From: Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA

posted 22 September 2005 12:38 PM     profile     
Steve, Is that the one with the cut that Curless stops the show cause Curly's ride just knocked him out? What an album!
Steve Hinson

From: Hendersonville Tn USA

posted 22 September 2005 02:08 PM     profile     
Yep...that's the one...with our friend Buzz Evans on electric guitar!


James Cann

From: Phoenix, AZ (heart still in Boston)

posted 22 September 2005 09:40 PM     profile     

I agree about the Lloyd Green influence, although I hadn't thought of it.

Thanks for the heads up on "Hank Williams: Lost Highway." I'd enjoy that.

DeWitt Scott

From: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

posted 23 September 2005 01:09 AM     profile     
Charles, I have many performances of Curly's playing on video that were recorded at our local SGI shows and at the International Steel Guitar Convention. My problem is that I have no time it would take to transfer them to DVD and put captions on it, etc.. Russ Wever helped me with the 3 Steel Guitar Classic converting them from video to DVD. Vol. 1 is Buddy Emmons Live Vol. 2 is Herby Wallace live and Vol.3 is Speedy West live.

Fran Newman has given me permission to put any of Jeff's performances on DVD. I don't really have the equipment for the mixdown and usually rent a mixer but all it does is fade in and out with either a black circle or a square. It cost me $75.00 a day to rent it. I need help if I am to tackle making any DVD's from videos. Russ, I couldn't pull up the Night Life tune. I must be doing something wrong. Scotty

Michael Weaver

From: Ephrata, Pennsylvania

posted 23 September 2005 10:23 AM     profile     
Do you have any way to get that LP aonto a cd? I really would like to get my hands on that....
Gary Walker

From: Morro Bay, CA

posted 23 September 2005 01:11 PM     profile     
Scotty, it's a shame those precious memories of Curly are not being enjoyed by the steel community. He truly was one-of-a-kind, the likes of which may never come around again. I'm sure when Curly became unable to play, he would've been glad for the steel world to see the high mark he left for us and how his name would set a standard for others to achieve.
Hopefully, someone will come to your aid and make them available. Thank you for your offer, Gary.
Herby Wallace

From: Sevierville, TN, Sevier

posted 23 September 2005 02:04 PM     profile     
Curly Chalker was one of my true heroes of all time along with Buddy Emmons and Jimmy Day. To me Curly had it all, touch, tone soul and "dynamics". I thought he was probably the best of all time in dynamics, which seems to becoming a lost art. I try to play with dynamics and sound men will tell me I shouldn't do that as I should play at one level on everything which is ridiculous. If that was the case, a conductor wouldn't be needed with an orchestra. Anyhow, Curly was a master at this and it would just blow me away every time I heard him play live. I used to go to a club in Nashville back in the seventies when I was in town from the road and just watch him for hours. Another thing that bothers me is I thought Curly never received the recognition he deserved for his E9th playing. I thought he played very tasteful and soulful on E9th. I could hear Jimmy Day, John Hughey, Lloyd Green and Hal Rugg influences in his E9th playing. I also was fortunate to get to hear him jam with Hal Rugg at a DJ convention in the sixties not long after Curly moved to Nashville. That was a jam I will never forget. Another memorable moment was hearing Curly, Buddy Emmons and Merle Travis together at the Black Poodle Club also in the sixties. I also got to jam with him myself in the early eighties with Curly playing guitar which was one of the highlights of my career. Also, I'll add that we never had a cross word about anything and he was always super nice to me. I talked with him on the phone for about an hour which was only a year before he passed away. He was truly one of a kind.
Sorry to ramble on, but I can't help it when I'm talking about Curly Chalker.

Herby Wallace


Bobby Caldwell

From: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

posted 23 September 2005 07:42 PM     profile     
I played "Night Life" many times with Curly but I don't know if one of those was ever recorded. I checked and I have a chart Curls wrote for me and the changes are somethimg else. Another tune with Curly changes that I have is "Sweet Dreams". It is the Curly treatment as only he could do. I still have some CD's of Curly and myself playing together called "Pals". You can order them from me at I really miss Curly. We had such great times playing together. Rest in peace my friend, Bobby
James Cann

From: Phoenix, AZ (heart still in Boston)

posted 25 September 2005 06:51 PM     profile     
Give us some vibes here; what didn't you like about "Nashville Sundown"? I do agree with your other points (Hee Haw's abuse, etc.) but as I've heard that Curly himself didn't like the project, inquiring minds would like to know, I guess.
Bobby Boggs

From: Pendleton SC

posted 25 September 2005 08:01 PM     profile     
James to me.When you heard Curly on C6th.Big Hits On Big Steel is a good example. There was no doubt in my mind I was hearing a world class player.One of the best in the world.To me Nashville Sundown sounded more like an average Nashville player.I felt Weldon,Lloyd,Hal or any of the top guns at that time could have done a much better job.

As I understand it. Curly had not been playing E9 very long at the time of the recording. He came to the session prepared to do it on C6th. The producer had other ideas.When I think Curly Chalker.I think of a man who played cutting edge C6th. Nashville Sundown was not cutting edge.It sounded to me like Curlys take on Lloyd Green and maybe Jimmy Day.When I first heard Big Hits on Big Steel. I couldn't believe it.Still don't. I ordered Nashville Sundown. Waited 6 weeks to get it. Expecting the same. I've never been more disappointed in a record in my life.It just didn't have that WOW factor.

I feel it's a shame we didn't get to hear Curly the way Curly wanted to play.But hey. That's the music biz.

You asked. So before ya flame me. Remember the above is written only as my opinion.It's worth just what it cost you.

Jim Phelps

From: just out of Mexico City

posted 25 September 2005 08:49 PM     profile     
I certainly agree with everything that Herby and others posted about Curly Chalker. As I've posted before but maybe some newbies might not know... I got to know Curly very well in the '80's and played some gigs with him, we did Night life many times but even though we got to be good friends I never did pump him for info too much and don't know everything about all his records, copedants, etc. He did tell me the same as Bobby Boggs wrote about Nashville Sundown, that story is accurate.

Speaking of Curly's version of Sweet Dreams, wow... what chords he could put in it. I have a rather poor-quality recording of him playing it live in around '91 I think, HERE if you'd like to hear it, it's bad quality but you can still make out his excellent playing. His wife Carma was the vocalist.

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 25 September 2005 at 08:55 PM.]

Jeff Bradshaw

From: Leslieville, AB

posted 26 September 2005 11:25 AM     profile     
Hi Russ,
Would you please email me the Curly version of Nite Life? I have tried several times to access the link that you posted on the Forum but have had no success downloading the file. Thanks.
Best Regards. ..Jeff Bradshaw

From: Hendersonville TN USA

posted 27 September 2005 10:43 AM     profile     
Bobby Boggs, yes, this "Big Hits on Big Steel" was done on a double 8 string Fender 1000.


[This message was edited by BobbeSeymour on 27 September 2005 at 10:43 AM.]

Bobby Boggs

From: Pendleton SC

posted 27 September 2005 06:19 PM     profile     
Bobbe are you sure it wasn't a single 16? BTW Did he have a form of E9 on his bottom neck in those days?

[This message was edited by Bobby Boggs on 28 September 2005 at 07:53 PM.]

Bob Tuttle

From: San Angelo, Tx, USA

posted 28 September 2005 04:33 PM     profile     
When I saw Chalker with Hank Thompson in Southern Calif. during the early '60s, he was playing a Fender 1000 with the C6th on the outside neck, all the pedals hooked to it, and no strings on the inside neck. He had two tweed, 4/10 Bassman amps on the floor behind him.
Jim Phelps

From: just out of Mexico City

posted 28 September 2005 04:48 PM     profile     
he was playing a Fender 1000 with the C6th on the outside neck, all the pedals hooked to it, and no strings on the inside neck.

Really! In the '60's!

Sounds like the SD-whatever has been around longer than we thought...

Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 28 September 2005 06:28 PM     profile     
Here are Curly's Fender 1000 tunings . . . on the Fender letterhead, none-the-less . . .
(Thanks to Herb Steiner, who previously posted Curly's Tunings.)

[This message was edited by Russ Wever on 28 September 2005 at 11:01 PM.]

Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 01 October 2005 07:05 PM     profile     
Jeff -
Check your email.
I've sent it there.
Mike Wheeler

From: Columbus, Ohio, USA

posted 02 October 2005 01:01 PM     profile     
Russ, I too, would like to be awed by Curly's version of Night Life. Could you please send it to me, also. Thanks a million.

Every day is a Great day,
(aka Sideman)

Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 03 October 2005 03:50 AM     profile     
Mike -
Check your email.
I've sent it there.
Mike Perlowin

From: Los Angeles CA

posted 03 October 2005 04:06 AM     profile     
Regarding the video, the tape from wihch the VHS copies were made has deteriorated to the point where it is unusable any more, however, that tape itself is a 2nd generation copy, made from the unedited 1st generation copy of the original master recording. (All of Jacks original video masters of the concert he produced were lost many years ago.)

I still have that unedited copy, and it has not been played since the edited copy was made. Unless the oxide on the tape has deteriorated, it should still be in good condition.

A couple of people have approached me about transferring this to DVD. The immediate problem is that it was recorded on a Beta deck and nobody has them any more.

I will have to investigate the possibility of having it transferred by a professional facility. Once the material is in a DVD format, it can then be edited.

To be continued.....

Drew Howard

From: Mason, MI, U.S.A.

posted 03 October 2005 07:04 AM     profile     
Can someone e-mail the clip of Curly playing Nightlife? I can't get it off the website.



Drew Howard - website - Fessenden D-10 8/8, Fessenden SD-12 5/5 (Ext E9), Magnatone S-8, N400's, BOSS RV-3

Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 04 October 2005 12:26 AM     profile     
Drew -
Check your email.
I've sent it there.
Pat Jenkins

From: Abingdon, VA, USA

posted 04 October 2005 02:13 AM     profile     
Hey Russ, would it be possible to send it my way, too. I'd love to hear curly on Night Life.



Russ Wever

From: San Diego, California

posted 04 October 2005 09:25 PM     profile     
Pat -
Check your email.
I've sent it there.

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