Topic: Waiting for my Emmons
Erv Niehaus Member From: Litchfield, MN, USA
posted 08 March 2004 02:59 PM
Does somebody have some cheese and crackers to go with this whine???  |
Joey Ace Sysop From: Southern Ontario, Canada
posted 08 March 2004 04:01 PM
quote: "As you are now both a webmaster and representative for another steel builder..."
That's interesting. Who? |
David Friedlander Member From: New York, New York, USA
posted 08 March 2004 04:26 PM
profile I bought a guitar from Lamar and I really liked the guitar, and the guy. I designed the site, and I host it for him. This isn't going to change the world, but at least folks can see some of his work, it's awesome.Peace, Love and Understanding |
Joey Ace Sysop From: Southern Ontario, Canada
posted 08 March 2004 04:48 PM
Thanks Dave. Sure looks like a good'un. (and a money back guarentee!) I wish them every success. |
C Dixon Member From: Duluth, GA USA
posted 08 March 2004 05:00 PM
Mike Richardson,Be not dismayed with man trying to defend the wrong and condemn the victim. This has been going on since time began. You will always have many more defenders of the guilty than defenders of the victim. We see it every day on TV. And in every walk of life. Victims have always been called names, etc. Jesus said, "you will be mocked, cursed and spat upon for my namesake". This had much meaning. He did not intend this verse to only him. He knew full well that when a person is wronged, society at large will almost always take the side of the perpetrator and mock the victim. How many people went along with the "lynch mob mentality" in the old west? How many innocent ppl were hung because the mob scoffed at the innocent party while at the same time defended the criminal? You began this thread with a legitimate complaint. I do NOT believe you exaggerated or lied about your circumstance. You had a right to state the facts. What happened to you was dead wrong, regardless of the petty reasons put forth. It is not the company that is always right. It is the customer!! A very forgotten item in "good ole boy thinking" in society. But ohhhhhh sooo true. NO company will survive, who argues with a customer; or treats their complaints with complacency; EVEN when the customer is dead wrong. ALL customer relations managers worth their salt will tell you, the customer is ALWAYS right; regardless. Probably more small business's have gone bellyup for failure to realize this than any other reason. A company may not satisfy every customer, BUT they should NEVER EVER do anything but bend over backwards for that customer; trying to satisfy them; regardless. All truly successful businesses have known and practiced this wisdom. And most all legitmate companies will offer a full refund quickly to show their good intentions if they sense there is no satisfying. Sears Roebuck is one of these. A customer can roll over a crescent wrench with a back hoe, leave it in the rain till it rusts solid. Does not matter, you can take it to any sears in the world, and they will take that wrench and hand you a brand new one. There is NO thought by management whether they made or lost money on the deal. They only live by one theme. The customer is the king. When I was with RCA, they would do ANY thing to satisfiy the most demanding, hateful customers there were. We were told to say nothing even if the customer cursed at us. I thought this was asking too much. I realize now why they had this policy. This is because we solicited their money, and because of this, they were KING! They paid the bills! And this practice made RCA one of the world's most revered names in business history. I had to swallow my tongue many many times. It took all the will power in the world to keep from....But RCA was right. Time and wisdom have proven that painful reality. NO company EVER won an argument with a customer; NO matter who was right. The customer is truly always right. Any one who does not realize this is just not thinking it thru clearly. It is a NO win situation with a customer. They hold the ace card in all circumstances. Almost all succesful businesses will tell you that much of their success is due to "referrals". And an unsatisfied customer can do more damage to a business than most any other thing. IN a word an upset customer can destroy a business. But in your case it is even more true, because YOU were wronged by the company. You are NOT the perpertrator of the wrong. You are the victim. Yet as always, there are those in society that will mock you and defend the guilty. NO two ways about it. There is no reason, no excuse to have taken your money up front and then made you wait this long, UNLESS they told you the day they took your money that it would be a year before you got your guitar. Since I do not believe you were told that, they should have long ago, offered to send you a FULL refund with NO strings attached. OR sent the next guitar out the door with the latter totally YOUR choice. And it does not matter who feels differently, it does not matter who scoffs at your legitimate complaint, "the tried and proven business facts remain the same". May Our precious Lord comfort you for what you have experienced, and may he right this terrible wrong. carl |
David Friedlander Member From: New York, New York, USA
posted 08 March 2004 05:41 PM
Carl- although you took a long time to get there you make a few good points- Mike- No one can defend what happened in your case. If Ron and Rebecca are reading this hopefully they take actiuon and do the right thing Additionally, I'm sorry that your thread got thrown off course here. It was a manufacturer getting invloved here that spurred my post
Johnny Harris Member From: Texas, USA
posted 08 March 2004 06:36 PM
In reality,I don't feel that anyone knows why the delivery times are so long on Emmons guitars, and I think we have had far too much speculation and too many accusations to satisfy some personal vindetta.The problems may all stem from lack of quality of the manufactured parts. Should this be the reason, then I have to commend Ron for having the courage to withstand the inflamatory remarks that are being thrown at him on this forum. Would it not be a greater injustice to the customer to send out a guitar of less quality than we all expect of an Emmons, just to deliver on time? If he should give delivery pressure and skimp on quality control, where would the Emmons company go? I personally wouldn't want to see them in the same tank with Sho-Bud, Sierra, and some others. Some love the Emmons sound some don't, but I don't think anyone can argue with their quality. Now that that is said, I don't know if this is the problem or not, nor does ANYONE ELSE on this forum. We seem to have ne forumite that is bashing Emmons for taking a year to deliver a guitar in the late '80s. Where would Ron Jr. and Rebecca have been then? This is a long time to carry a grudge. I also bought a LeGrande in the '80s and had an understanding that it would take six months, and it was delivered in five, and I certainly was not nor am I now a super player, so what does that say? I can lonly hope Ron will contact Mike and get this worked out between "THE TWO OF THEM", as that is the way it should be. I feel that adding fuel to a fire can only make it burn hotter and longer, and this forum has no place in problem resolutions between customer and company. Thanks.
Mike Richardson Member From: Rutledge, Georgia, USA
posted 08 March 2004 07:36 PM
I love Rebecca and Ron to death and I am sure they are doing all they can do,I just got aggrivated when they kept telling me it would be here next week and next week turned into 7 months....Just tell me a year and I would have been happy.Mike Richardson Emmons lagrande ll Nashville 1000 |
Tom Hodgin Member From: greensboro, n.c. u.s.a.
posted 08 March 2004 07:52 PM
Mr. Woods, why don't you come to the Texas show and sit down in front of Ron jr. and make those same statements to his face??? I would love the be there...I can understand stupid comments from C. Dixon, he's been an Emmons Basher for some time, but you don't know Jack about Emmons Guitar Co.. Personally I wouldn't wait a year on anything built by man..I've been on this forum for three years, and it is no secret about the time it takes to get an whats the big deal here?? people knew that going in...from what I see at Emmons is: between those people coming in the door daily for repairs or changing setups, to UPS deliveries of guitars that need something done..and 20 to 30 lenghtly phone calls from all over the place, daily..I don't see how Ron gets anything shipped..but he does..and it is rarely anything but "PERFECT"....tom |
Bob Wood Member From: Campbell, California, USA
posted 08 March 2004 09:38 PM
Mr. Hodgin. I'd love to come to the Texas show, but not for any reason that you sugguest. I didn't know that Ron Jr. was not Ron Sr. I understand that now, and I apologize to Ron Jr. or any one else that have taken offence at my bitter memories of of the Emmons Guitar Company! I was only bitter until I bought my Fanklin, and decided then that I was done a favor. And, the only point I meant to make with Mr. Richardson, is that there are other guitars out there, and if he decides to go with another builder, it's ok! You never know, the grass may be greener on the other side of the fence.....Bob |
Eric West Member From: Portland, Oregon, USA
posted 09 March 2004 01:07 AM
quote: ... and at that point, somehow imperceptably, it all went to hell. Some people thought it might have been the Mars retrograde, or the beginning stages of the mad cow disease that was to sweep the world, or maybe something akin to the trumpets of the angels foretold in the bible. Like a cabinet dropped G# against an A pedal at the subliminal level that everybody realised they paid a cover charge to listen to.. Maybe we'll never know... Especially after the Gunfight at the TSGC on '04.. that I missed somehow by subbing for Dale Grandstrom with his band for the weekend. Looking back, It might have been my luckiest gig considering... -Eric West- from "Fear and Loathing at b0b's SGF"
Tony Prior Member From: Charlotte NC
posted 09 March 2004 06:05 AM
Why not drive up to NC to get the Steel.."NEXT WEEK" by appointment of course... just a thought ?
t[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 09 March 2004 at 06:10 AM.] |
Willis Vanderberg Member From: Bradenton, FL, USA
posted 09 March 2004 08:51 PM
Here is my other two cents, now I will be broke. I never owned a Carter anything...period..But I have called Carter with Questions on MCI guitars and other things and have alway been treated with consideration and respect.I don't know what more a person could ask for. How in the world can someone quibble over a couple of days in delivery time. In the grand scheme of things this don't even get off the ground. God bless the whole Carter family. |
Paul King Member From: Gainesville, Texas, USA
posted 10 March 2004 05:02 AM
While I have never ordered a new Emmons steel I do feel like a year is too long to wait. I did talk with with Ron Jr. earlier this week about the Texas show. Emmons Guitar Company will not be there and he told me about some of the problems they were having. I found Ron to be very polite. There have been problems with materials and parts being made correctly. I admire Ron for not settling for just anything. It appears to me that quality is a must. I think in a little time these problems will all be worked out and they will be put out at a more reasonable and timely fashion. |
Bob Wood Member From: Campbell, California, USA
posted 10 March 2004 11:14 AM
Gentlemen,As the old saying goes..., "The proof will be in the pudding!" Now I'm hungry.............Bob |
Richard Sinkler Member From: Fremont, California
posted 10 March 2004 01:32 PM
I can sympathize about not recieving correct or quality parts. But, I assume that Emmons has detailed drawings that any decent machine shop can make good parts from. This kind of delay should not take a year to correct. If it does, they should look for another REPUTABLE machine shop. Machining parts is not rocket science. I have programmed and machined more complicated parts than on any PSG, and was able to have the program tweaked in a few days (including having to do my job at the same time.I sincerely hope Ron and Rebecca get it together. I would not want to see an Icon like Emmons go by the wayside like Sho~Bud, Sierra, and others. |
Lee Baucum Member From: McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) - The Final Frontier
posted 01 August 2004 02:12 PM
Does anyone know if Mike ever got his guitar? |
Bill Ferguson Member From: Norcross, GA USA
posted 01 August 2004 02:50 PM
Yes, It was delivered to him at the Choo Choo Show in May. Bill |
Eric West Member From: Portland, Oregon, USA
posted 01 August 2004 06:33 PM
Did he feel the money and the wait was worth it?  EJL |