Topic: How to........
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 11:45 AM
Chris, you have missed the whole point of this thread. Your 24" scale BMI would have the same tension for an A whether the overhang was 1" (25" total string length) or 4" (28" total string length). It is the scale length that determines the tension, not the overhang or total string length. If your BMI and other long overhang guitars do indeed break strings more often than short overhang guitars, then it must be for another reason other than increased string tension. Ed and Hans and I are now speculating about another possible reason: more stretch caused by the longer overhang, which causes a longer throw and longer string wrap-around at the changer to raise to the A.Thanks for the compliments, but I for one don't know diddly about this stuff beyond some basic college physics (which I was never very good at). Ed and some of the others do know quite a bit about this stuff. Since we can't all get in the same room and carry out real experiments, I'm just thinking out loud and trying to visualize the problem and come up with thought experiments that help us think it through. |
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 12:03 PM
Hans, if there is x probability of a break for each mm of bend, then the total probability will be the number of mm of bend times x. So the probability increases with the number of mm of string exposed to bend. But that may not be the whole story. The heat generated over the mm of bend will be dissipated by the adjacent cool unbent string on either side. A short length of bend will be close to the cool unbent string on either side of the bend. But in a longer length of bend, the inner mms of bend will be further from the cool unbent string at each end of the bend, and so will have less heat dissipation.So for multiple reasons, the longer the length of string subjected to bending, the higher the likelihood of a break, and the sooner the break will occur. I'm becoming pretty well convinced that this longer throw and wrap-around at the changer is the culprit, and that shorter overhang guitars may indeed have less breakage for the same scale length, and may even be able to handle additional scale length. For my money, we've come up with at least one plausible explanation of this other than the bogus idea that longer total string length causes greater tension. |
Joseph Meditz Member From: San Diego, California USA
posted 05 July 2006 02:12 PM
Quote from Ed:"I take the position that the outside of the string (away from the changer finger)is asked to stretch more than the inside of the string (against the changer finger), thus adding "Shear" forces to the "Tensile" forces. These only happen at the bends. The less the bend, and bending, the less the breakage." Quote from Hans: "[snip] My point is that each mm of string that is affected by the bending takes the same bending angle, regardless of how many mm's are bent. Now, if a string had a certain probability of breaking on the next bend, then the probability of string breaking would be proportional to the total length of string being bent, and David would indeed be correct. However, a string subjected to multiple bendings has a lifespan within certain boundaries, and every mm of bend will hold up that long, not affecting each other. Hence, the lifespan of the string will not change. At least, that's my hypothesis, and it may be wrong. Hans" Hi Hans, I agree that each string has a lifespan. And your assumption that the segments of the string are independent is a good place to start since it simplifies analysis. Still, with the longer TSL, from a purely probabistic viewpoint, I believe that you will, on average, experience string breakage a little sooner as compared to the shorter TSL system. Suppose you know that after 1000 stretches that the probability of a string breaking in the next 100 stretches is 50%. Also lets say that for the short TSL axe 1cm of string bends around the changer and for the long TSL axe 2cm. For the short TSL axe the probability would simple be .5. But for the long TSL axe the probability of the string breaking is the probability that both 1cm segments break, or that either segment breaks. So, the probability of breakage is the sum of: (.5x.5) + .5x(1-.5) + (1-.5)x.5 = .75 Joe |
Hans Holzherr Member From: Ostermundigen, Switzerland
posted 05 July 2006 02:39 PM
David: Okay, so my hypothesis was wrong, but yours needs to be corrected too , otherwise we run into probabilities > 1. If the probability of string breakage at a certain bent length L of string is p, we need to consider the probability of it not breaking, which is 1 - p. If n lengths L are bent, the total probability of the string not breaking is (1-p)exp n, and the probability of it breaking is, therefore, 1 - (1-p)exp n. A chart of this function reveals that when the string is new, the breaking probability of each bent length will approximately add as you stated, BUT when the string gets close to its lifespan the combined probabilities will converge on the probability of a single L. How much the combined probability diverges from the single L probability depends largely on the multiplication factor of L. If the string was 10 times as long (10xL bent) its life span would be about 1/3 of its normal life span. But we are talking about a factor of around 1.1, meaning that the additional bent 1/10 L would have practically zero effect on the life span of the string. Hope that's comprehesible without a chart.Sorry Joe; I wrote this before I saw your post, but hope that it is also a reply to yours. Hans[This message was edited by Hans Holzherr on 05 July 2006 at 02:42 PM.] |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 05 July 2006 03:10 PM
hi Joseph. Well, i don't know how you calculated that, but i agree with you. It seems like that if the guitar has a long string total it will bust the strings a lot faster. That is what happened to me. In particular this BMI. I have 3 1/2 inches or so hanging over on the keyhead part. Thats why those guys say they cant build a 25 scale key guitar. Only a keyless type. No wonder its too long string total length! Seems to me all the guys running down Cirt should maybe listen a little. Seems to me his ideas are right. But you guys are the pros. Lots of good reading on this steel forum. Ed can you give us some more ideas? Thanks. |
b0b Sysop From: Cloverdale, California, USA
posted 05 July 2006 03:17 PM
quote: Thats why those guys say they cant build a 25 scale key guitar. Only a keyless type.
The issue with builders is cabinet length, not string length. They aren't willing to retool for a longer cabinet. That's why they insist on keyless for longer scale lengths. |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 05 July 2006 03:40 PM
Joe M, Hans...Nice to some statistical input here.'How do I break thee, let me count the ways'…anyone recognize the line? Agree or disagree: Strings (particularly the approx’ 0.011 G#) tend to break most at the changer finger, second most at the nut, third most at the tuner contact point, and lastly anywhere else along the string. We will ignore the ball and wrap area for now. What are the forces involved? 1. Tensile forces. These are the same at every “linear” portion of the string, and a tad (very technical term!) where the string bends. 2. Shear forces. These are found where the string bends are at an angle to, and are in addition to the Tensile forces. These Shear forces are aggravated by changing the Bend, as in activating a change, by making the bend tighter/smaller ( as in making the radius smaller), or by wrapping the string tighter (further) around the radius. 3. Even before we get the string, it has been subjected to manufacturing “forces” that affect thin strings differently from thick strings. Manufacturing forces such as heat, and any quenching applied, and so on will affect the surface more than the center of the string. The thinner the string, the greater the surface to volume ratio. 4. The string wire has parameters like Tensile limits, Shear limits, Tortional (twist) limits, Elastic limits, Fatigue limits, and some others…surprising that the strings work at all. 5. The string wire has “Hardness” values. There are “Scratch Hardness” , “Dent Hardness”, etc. These are surface issues mostly. They come into play where the string wire meets the finger/nut radii, and similar. 6. Enough for the forces list for now. In a tight wrap around a radius there will be more downward forces than in a less tight wrap. Shallow angles would seem to be less stressful to the string wire than steep angles or full 90 degree wraps. Sharp V grooves for the string wire to be forced against would seem to be more stressful than not so sharp surfaces…think roller nuts, and changer fingers. Softer materials, like aluminum 6061, would tend to deform before the harder string material. This would cause the aluminum to be dented before the string material. I am sure that you have seen this on some changer fingers. If these materials were harder, and became dinged up etc., they would in turn dent the string wire, encouraging shear failure. Fatigue refers to the degradation of metals as the result of repeated stress applications, so it sort of sums up all the other stresses. It usually refers to a change in the crystallography of the material under abuse, and at the location of the abuse. Re the string…it is under Tensile stress all over, and the other stresses at the changer finger, the nut, and the tuner, usually in that order. The greater the Total String Length to Scale length ratio, the greater the variation in the other stresses at the points of concern. The worst offender is the changer finger re stretch induced motion…the tuner end of the string does not move, the string over the nut may move a small amount, but the string end over the changer finger moves the same amount as the total stretch. = the most localized change in stresses. What sayest thou?
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 05 July 2006 03:48 PM
b0b...the body length was true in the case of the BEAST. It uses the longest body that they had. If they had had a long enough body, the 29.730" scale would have been a fret longer, and still tuned to C. |
Earnest Bovine Member From: Los Angeles CA USA
posted 05 July 2006 04:31 PM
Ed, What is the term for tensile force divided by the (cross-sectional) area of the string? |
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 05:40 PM
Yes, Joseph's probability calculations are better than my description of summing, which was just an approximation. But actually Hans' original idea that the different portions of the string are independent has merit in a different way. The idea that the different segments are indepedent, and so the probability of breakage is independent of string length would apply to an idealized string that is perfectly uniform. It has a break point in terms of force, but it is the same everywhere along the string. Making the string longer or shorter has no effect on that. But Joseph and I are calculating something different. We assume the string has imperfections that increase the probability of breaking. The longer the string is (or the longer the segment subjected to extra stress), the more likely you are to include a flawed point in the string (or the segment of stress). The complete calculation would include both the uniform breaking point and the probability of a flaw, and the things in Ed's list, and would probably be more complicated than we want to get into.But supposing that there is a string breakage differential between short overhang and long overhang. There is an idea out there that the long overhang has better sustain and better tone. Likewise, the bigger the radius of the changer top, the less the breakage, but there is an idea I have heard that smaller radius changers sound better. There is probably some corollary to this breakage and tone tradeoff for the shallow bend at the changer of Ed's Beast and Anapegs. There is also a breakage versus sustain and tone tradeoff regarding scale length (independent of overhang differences). So for all these factors there is alleged to be a tradeoff between breakage and tone. At this point, regarding all this, making a pedal steel guitar requires of bunch of choices based on preferences and tradeoffs - so it is more an art than an exact science. Now my only regret is that we have all this information and thinking and myth busting in a thread without a descriptive title. No one will ever be able to find it again. [This message was edited by David Doggett on 05 July 2006 at 05:43 PM.] |
Dave Mudgett Member From: Central Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 06:28 PM
Let me add one more thing. I argued that the lock doesn't affect the nominal string tension on the scale side, but I do not say that the lock has no effect. It may well eliminate certain types of string breakage, and it may have an effect on tone and feel - that may be good or bad depending on what one likes.On string breakage - I can't see how it would affect breaks below the nut. But strings do break at the nut - roller or not - and also at the tuner. Of course, there is no doubt a small probability that a bad piece of string or kink will break above the nut - eliminating seems to reduce that break probability. On the other hand, the clamp holding the string down may damage the string - that seems, to me, to be a possible extra source of breakage for the keyless design. I would never try to put probabilities on such things without running a lot of experiments. IMO, modeling such a stochastic process is way beyond the scope of armchair analysis. Still, if the roller nut is functioning properly and strings are wound on the keys properly, it seems to me that most breaks occur at the changer. I'll have to say that I have yet to break a string on my recently-made Zum keyed universal in 6 months - I play a lot and change strings only when they start to sound bad. On the other hand, my older guitars with worn changer fingers and old roller nuts break 3rds and 5ths periodically. One needs to be careful not to compare apples with oranges on the subject of string breakage. On the sound aspect - a locking nut has a decoupling effect between the scale and overhang sides of the nut. When the string is free to move laterally, I believe more energy tends to transfer to the overhang side and reflect back. Of course, when there is no overhang at all, like on a keyless guitar, there is no possibility of secondary vibration on the other side of the string. I have certainly noticed significant tonal differences on these 3 different styles of 6-string guitar. Floyd-equipped guitars sound, to my ears, different with locking nut tightened or removed. I have owned about every type of 6-string imaginable, at one time or other. I also agree with some earlier posters that the keyless design may have a slightly "tighter" feel, since the string can't move laterally at the nut - the guitar may react differently when bending or pulling strings. That is certainly true of locking-nut 6-string guitars - there is a bit more precise feel to them. Many of the virtuoso classical-metal guitar players insist on that design - their emphasis is on precision and speed. Although I like keyless and locking-nut 6-string guitars for some things (like hard rock/metal), for other styles, I still generally prefer traditional keyed guitars. I intend to get a keyless pedal steel some time - I'm not against the concept at all. I sure like the idea of a shorter, lighter, more portable guitar. What b0b says about the major reason for keyless being to shorten the guitar makes sense to me. Ed's additional point about needing to put fine tuners on the changer end is well taken - that is what the Floyd Rose and Kahler guitar locking systems do. Still, I'm slightly surprised that I haven't ever heard of a locking nut on a steel. It seems like an interesting incremental design change. Many guitarists hate locking nuts because they won't carry wrenches around and are very "mechanistic" - and because a lot of them are "vintage luddites". But that can't be the reason for steel players - a pedal steel is a mechanism, and some steels already require carrying a passel of wrenches - I bring a whole kit of hex wrenches anywhere I play. If a tuning barrel goes flying across the floor, no problem.  |
Jim Peters Member From: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
posted 05 July 2006 06:52 PM
Add this to the soup: What effect does the overhang have on hysteresis(?sp). With the roller nut acting as a pulley, is there a leverage issue with a longer behind the nut overhang, on a greater TSL guitar? Does the greater length of string on one side of the roller give it an advantage when changing overall tension of the TSL? This is a really informative thread, and challenging to follow, but worth the effort! JP |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 05 July 2006 07:34 PM
Boy you guys are getting with it. Sounds like you guys know your stuff pretty good. Jim Peters i think that long string overhang makes the total string length quite a bit more tension. I don't think it gives advantage at all. Fact is:I think it hurts more than it helps. When you got all that hangover string to mess with, it makes the G# string have too much tension, and breaks. That "string popping" thread back a few days ago showed what i'm talking about. My BMI is just like that. The third string G# was where the 4th string should be. Guess they thought they could use that style keyhead for 10 string and 12 string. Didn't work out. That long keyhead part made my 3rd G's pop like crazy. I'll never use that guitar as E9, I keep her tune c6th no pedals! Funny but I had a short keyheaded emmons, and it was a lot better about not breaking the 3rds too bad. But it still did. My take on this string length thing is if you have more than about 2 inchs of overhang, you will break the 3rd string more than if you have a really short space, like a keyless. Because the longer the whole string is the more tension it takes(pounds) Those 11 gage 3rd's are already just about at there maximum tension when they are on a long total string length guitar. They cant take much more, so they POP after a while. Usually not too long after. I know most guys don't like keyless, but i bet if they would try them they would see. Their the best thing to come along since sliced bread! My GFI has a short total string length about 25 inches at best. It is no string popper at all. I cant seem to break a 3rd G#Jim, if your talking about strings hanging up on the roller nut. You called it hysterisis? My BMI lot of times after a knee lever pull would not be in tune. Had to bump my knee lever and pedals a couple times. I took it off and cleaned it well, but it still would hang on certain pulls and releas's. Maybe those guitar builders could make a 22 1/2 inch scale length. That way, time you figure in your overhang string length, it would not break those 3rd's as much. What do you guys think about that? |
Dave Mudgett Member From: Central Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 07:36 PM
Jim, thanks for reminding us about that. That seems to be another one of the big reasons in favor of locking nut or keyless. This should reduce hysteresis. It certainly does in locking nut guitars - for those of us who do wide bends, hysteresis can be a real problem.But on guitars, note that locking systems are much less popular than they were during their heyday in the 80s - people found that by using a well-made and lubricated nut and sometimes locking tuners, this problem is much less serious on a keyed guitar. But metalists still use locking systems or keyless guitars a lot. Radical whammy bar tricksters especially - those that tax the nut and tuners - tend to like them. In my experience, at least. [edited to say I was addressing Jim Peter's post.][This message was edited by Dave Mudgett on 05 July 2006 at 09:02 PM.] |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 05 July 2006 07:48 PM
Bob, I have always been told that the reason builders won't build a 25 inch scale keyhead guitar is because you cant keep a G# on them. That was in some articale with Buddy emmons talking about having to go down on the scale to 24 1/2 because that 25 Sho-bud would not keep a 11 gage G#. I don't know though. I would like to know the truth on why nobody wants a 25 scale guitar. Sneeky idea it is because of that whole length of string under too much tension with too much hangover string. Popping them 3rds. |
Joseph Meditz Member From: San Diego, California USA
posted 05 July 2006 08:30 PM
I'd like to point out one thing about the probability of failure calculations done by Hans and I, which happen to be in agreement. These calculations are based on the simplifying assumption that the string segments are _independent_ random variables. Well, I'm here to say that they are not. 1) The segments interact with one another for various mechanical reasons that Ed and others have mentioned, and 2) Even in the simple example I gave, one outcome was that both segments fail together, a highly unlikely event. In fact, the probability of such an event is vanishingly small. Or, in other words, when one segment breaks, that string be bust! Game over. To illustrate the problem this causes, using my example and Hans's approach one calculates the probability of the string surviving as (.5)^2 = .25. Then the probability of it failing is one minus this or, 1 - .25 = .75. That means that the sum of failure mode probabilities of (not a)(not b) + (a)(not b) + (not a)(b) = 0.75. But the probability of both segments failing is close to zero. The failure mode probabilities are then calculated as 0 + .5x.5 + .5x.5 = .5 which does not agree with the .75 obtained above. The problem is that we are not dealing with independent random variables and are not free to multiply probabilities. Now, where were we? Joe |
Hans Holzherr Member From: Ostermundigen, Switzerland
posted 05 July 2006 09:26 PM
Joe, probabilities are never added, they are multiplied. Adding probabilities only produces "mathematical nonsense".Hans |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 05 July 2006 09:51 PM
quote: Bob, I have always been told that the reason builders won't build a 25 inch scale keyhead guitar is because you cant keep a G# on them. That was in some articale with Buddy emmons talking about having to go down on the scale to 24 1/2 because that 25 Sho-bud would not keep a 11 gage G#.
The strings in the 1950's weren't as good as they are today. Today Sho-Bud owners can use a .012 on those guitars that barely held a .011 back then. The longer scale length wasn't feasible until the string technology became more reliable. The breakage problem had nothing to do with keyed vs. keyless.------------------
Bobby Lee (a.k.a. b0b) - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts Williams D-12 E9, C6add9, Sierra Olympic S-12 (F Diatonic) Sierra Laptop S-8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (E13, C6 or A6) My Blog [This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 06 July 2006 at 07:46 AM.] |
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 05 July 2006 10:11 PM
quote: You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, defamatory, libelous, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, racist or illegal.
[This message was edited by b0b on 06 July 2006 at 12:46 PM.] |
Joseph Meditz Member From: San Diego, California USA
posted 05 July 2006 10:53 PM
Hans, "Joe, probabilities are never added," Not true."they are multiplied." Not always. Adding probabilities only produces "mathematical nonsense". If you roll a die, the probability of getting a 1 is 1/6. The probability of getting a 1 OR a 2 is 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3. If you have a set of mutually exclusive events, a, b, c, etc., the probability of p(a OR b) = p(a) + p(b). Joe |
Hans Holzherr Member From: Ostermundigen, Switzerland
posted 06 July 2006 01:09 AM
Joe -- OMG, what a blunder Thanks for correcting me.Now I get your addition term. But am I interpreting it correctly, if I say that it shows that the probability of string breaking is independent of length undergoing the bend (remaining at .5 in your example)? Hans[This message was edited by Hans Holzherr on 06 July 2006 at 01:10 AM.] |
Jim Peters Member From: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
posted 06 July 2006 04:36 AM
Chris, it is NOT the length of the string, it is the lenght of the scale causing string pops. Read all 4 pages. JP |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 05:10 AM
David d i 'm not sure what you are talking about. But i DO have a BMI like on that string popping post. thats why I have post here on this one. After reading some of the post it made me think of my own problems about breaking the 3rd G. All I say is that was always popping them 3rd strings. I don't know exactly why but i think it is because that extra long string.I dont get brar rabbit or tar baby.? My son stopped looking in this forum a few years ago because he said no black folks ever say anything on here. i don't know. But tar baby makes black folks think about that old movie ?Believe it or not black folks like the steel too. Like i said my BMI is not tune to e9 it is tuned to c6 non pedals. I like it as a lapsteel better because i dont break strings any more.
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 05:17 AM
Ok Jim P I'll read all the pages. I have been skipping around.Mr. Dogett that movie i couldnt think of was "song of the south" Not one of my favorite movie. most of you guys seem helpful. |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 06 July 2006 06:50 AM
Ok dudes and dudettes...the simple is not always the obvious...until it is seen!Here it is: 1.The Sho Bud has a 24" scale length with a 6.250" overhang (beyond the nut)for string #5. 2. If you pick the 24" scale length you get a pitch that equals the frequency for the calculation using the original equation (that some say is for scale length, and some say is for Total String Length. 3. Now run the calculation again but for the 6.25" overhang (which all agree has the same tension as the 24" section). 4. The pitch value that you will get is what you will hear if you pick the 6.25" overhang! We have two "scale lengths", 24", & 6.25"; and one Total String Length, no matter which way you want to use them. In one case the 6.25" is the overhang, in the other the 24" is the overhang. The equation predicts both pitches based upon their scale length, NOT the total string length. I would have seen the two scale lengths and one total string length thing sooner if I had had the Sho Bud sitting in front of me...all the instruments in front of me are keyless. What is the probability of that? I might mention that the tension/stretch measurements were not done re this subject, but for Thermal effects upon pitch work.
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 07:38 AM
Ed looks like good work. How many tension pounds was on the whole string length of the Sho-bud? And how many pounds are on the whole string length on the 25 scale? did the keyless 25 scale have less tension pounds on it than the longer string Sho-bud? Seems like it would have less tension, since it is a longer total string. But maybe you can say. you are good at the experiments. I read you use a fish scale to pull. let us know please.:-) |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 06 July 2006 08:23 AM
Let me see if I can preempt Ed. quote: did the keyless 25 scale have less tension pounds on it than the longer string Sho-bud? Seems like it would have less tension, since it is a longer total string.
The 25" scale would have greater tension along its scale length but less total tension than the 30-1/4" string (24" scale).The key factor is tension per inch. The 24" string would have the same tension per inch in its scale length and its overhang. The two segments must have the same lbs/inch in order to have stasis.
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 06 July 2006 09:14 AM
The longer scale length will always have more tension, given the same pitch and gauge, regardless of whether it is keyless or keyed, and regardless of the overhang or total string length. quote: You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, defamatory, libelous, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, racist or illegal.
[This message was edited by b0b on 06 July 2006 at 12:48 PM.] |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 06 July 2006 09:15 AM
Chris...the calculation numbers per the opening equation for the 24, 25, and 30" scale are on page 1, the first June 30 post.The measurement values are just a tad higher, but in the smae order. The reason for the difference is that I did not correct for the string mass value in the equation. FYI, the 30" scale instrument has a 31.5" total string length. Earnest....Tensile Force/Cross Sectional Area: If you mean Tensile Force Limit, as in 300 KPSI, the answer is the Tension at the breaking point = lbs pull, in US units. This of course assumes that no bends etc. are in t the loop. |
Joseph Meditz Member From: San Diego, California USA
posted 06 July 2006 09:23 AM
Hans, "... But am I interpreting it correctly, if I say that it shows that the probability of string breaking is independent of length undergoing the bend (remaining at .5 in your example)?"I'm not sure that we have proven anything mathematically. We can discuss this further off line if you like before b0b slaps a lock on this thread! In summary, I do agree with you that string breakage is pretty much idependent of length, but not entirely. Suppose we have an anchor chain made out of links. Neglecting the weight of the links themselves, whether the chain is 50 feet long or 100 feet long, the tension on each link equals the weight of the anchor. But chain links being manufactured are not all identical. Some are a bit weaker than others. The probability of failure at a certain tension is determined by testing sample links. Suppose that the chain company manufactured 1000 links, and in the lot their strength varies over a range with one being the weakest. Our chain with the anchor on it will break at the weakest link. If the chain is as short as can be, i.e., one link long, then the chance of that link being the weakest one manufactured is 1/1000. And if the chain were 1000 links long, using up the entire manufactured lot, the chance of getting that weak link is a certainty of probability 1. So, the longer the chain the more the chance of encountering a weak link. Joe
Earnest Bovine Member From: Los Angeles CA USA
posted 06 July 2006 09:25 AM
No, I wasn't referring to breaking, or to any property of any material. Wikipedia had the answer: tensile force per cross sectional area is called tensile stress. |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 09:55 AM
Charlie said, The 25" scale would have greater tension along its scale length but less total tension than the 30-1/4" string (24" scale). thats what I think too. It seems that the longer that the total lengh of that g string is the more tension pounds it has and will break faster. Least on my BMI it did. Seems logical to me. But i don't know how to do the numbers just know it works out that way. you guys are the pros. Thank you Charlie for the answer. It makes sense. David D. i dont know what the problem is with you. i have not been mean to you or anything. My son and curt used to play at the same church in alma.ARK. Is that a crime. And my son used to get on here some. but not anymore. not too much that i know of. I don't understand you. Talking about tar baby is not too friendly. maybe BOB will talk to you. |
David Doggett Member From: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
posted 06 July 2006 11:17 AM
Curt, I mean Chris, rereading Charlie's statement I see that he is only half right, and you are agreeing with the part he got wrong. Tuned to the same pitch with the same string gauge, the 25" scale keyless will have more tension than the 24" scale Sho-Bud with the longer total string length. On each guitar, the tension will be the same over the whole string. So the tension on the whole string will be greater on the 25" scale keyless than on the 24" scale Sho-Bud with the longer string.I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just amused about all the coincidences, and the way you think identically to Curt. And most amazing is how you just happened to have owned the exact guitar Curt claimed would be a string popper, so you can conveniently testify that it was in fact a string popper. But here's a quote from Jim Palenscar, who actually had experience with that guitar: quote: Actually, if i'm not mistaken, that is a BMI (also known of as an Erickson in the Great Lakes region) and I have a 10 and a 12 string like that at the shop and neither of them have shown the tendency to break strings any more than any other brand.
And even if that guitar did break the 3rd string more often, it would not be due to increased tension, which is not increased by a longer string length, but instead due to some other mechanical factor, some of which have been suggested above.Back in 2000 both Curt Langston and a Chris Lang gave a location in their profile of Alma, AR. Then a few years later, at about the same time, both Curt and Chris switched to an Oklahoma location. Are you saying that was your son who lived in Alma at the same time as Curt? And now Curt lives in Oklahoma near you? Does your son have the same name as you? I'm getting more and more confused by all these coincidences. Now siccin' b0b on me, that's mean. [This message was edited by David Doggett on 06 July 2006 at 11:35 AM.] |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 06 July 2006 12:20 PM
Earnest...Glad that you found the answer. Tensile Force is not part of my vocabulary. It is not to be found in my 50 yr old edition of Marks, in Dr. Feynman's physics lectures, or other texts/refs' that I have. I would suppose that it is newer than I am. |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 12:23 PM
david d. you are way out of line. My wife and i did not move to Muskogee the same time as curt. He lives in tulsa. Non of your concern.i told you my son and curt used to play in church together in Ark. when we lived there.My son Michael does not have a name on here. he always used my name. Is that ok with you? I dont think that is a crime.You are acting very wierd. You and your comments are causing trouble and you had better stop. I dont know what your game is. i dont care. I have not said anything to you so dont comment to me anymore.But Charlie is right! long total stringed guitars with long overhang have more tension pounds on them and break strings faster than the shorter string ones that are keyless and you cant even see it. you should listen more and talk less. I will send BOB a letter about you. |
Bobby Lee Sysop From: Cloverdale, North California, USA
posted 06 July 2006 12:24 PM
quote: Charlie said, The 25" scale would have greater tension along its scale length but less total tension than the 30-1/4" string (24" scale). thats what I think too. It seems that the longer that the total lengh of that g string is the more tension pounds it has and will break faster.
You're wrong. This is basic physics. Taking the same gauge string and varying the length in the keyhead will not change the amount of tension required to raise it to pitch. Changing the scale length will change the amount of tension required to raise it to pitch. The tension is the same on both sides of the nut. That's why there's a higher pitch if you pick the string in the keyhead. If the string length in the keyhead is 1/4 of the scale length, you'll hear that a pitch that's exactly 2 octaves higher. That wouldn't be true if the tension was different.------------------
Bobby Lee (a.k.a. b0b) - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts Williams D-12 E9, C6add9, Sierra Olympic S-12 (F Diatonic) Sierra Laptop S-8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (E13, C6 or A6) My Blog |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 06 July 2006 12:31 PM
And if you still think that the TSL is the controlling factor in tension re pitch, run the experiment...measure the danged thing! |
b0b Sysop From: Cloverdale, California, USA
posted 06 July 2006 12:40 PM
quote: My son Michael does not have a name on here. he always used my name. Is that ok with you?
It's not okay with me. He should get his own Forum membership. We've had problems here with people using someone else's username and password, posting stuff that they shouldn't have posted. I can see giving to your wife if you're in the hospital or something, to keep us informed, but anything more casual than that is a Very Bad Idea.  ------------------
Bobby Lee -b0b- System Administrator My Blog |
Chris Lang Member From: Muskogee
posted 06 July 2006 01:05 PM
[deleted] Charlie is right because if you take the roller nut part out of a 24 scale keyed guitar and raise the keys up with washers and tune it to 440, it will have more tension pounds on the whole string, than the keyless 25 scaled guitar, because it is 28 or 29 inchs to the end. People say that the tension pounds are equal on the overhang and scale. Well i say take the nut part out and tune them both to 440 and see which guitar has the most tension punds on the 3rd G# string. it will be the keyed 24 scale guitar. Why do you think keyed type guitars pop the 3rds faster. not rocket sciance here. [deleted] And why the red mad face? what are you mad about? i am the one getting harrassed on this forum. [I took care of the harassment. get over it. I'm mad that you let someone else use your username and password. -b0b- ][This message was edited by b0b on 06 July 2006 at 04:17 PM.] |
ed packard Member From: Show Low AZ
posted 06 July 2006 01:24 PM
b0b...close this if you like. We can pick another subject in another thread. | |