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Author Topic:   Cor`s Problem
John Davis

From: Cambridge, U.K.

posted 22 September 2004 01:03 AM     profile     
I may have an answer to the “Cor” problem where everybody wins and no one gets hurt, this is a serious suggestion and I have given it a lot of thought. I know it does`ent address the rights and wrongs of the situation, but I (like a lot of others I think?) am sitting right on the fence on this one! On the one hand I feel Emmons to be an Icon in the “Steel” industry and love both of mine to bits! On the other hand I feel for this fellow forumite who has “lost” his money!
What we could do to rectify this problem………
If every member that has concerns over this sends me ten bucks I would be prepared to collect it all together and account for it and forward it to Cor, if it turned out to be more than enough to re-imburse him I would suggest the balance goes to BoB in support of this wonderful forum.
Why me??
1. Because I can be trusted to do what I say I will do, ask some of the people that I have dealt with, Tommy Cass, Scotty,Ray Walker,Jerry Wallace. (Ask them!)
2. I have no vested interest in the Emmons Co and have never had any direct dealings with them (both mine are antiques) on the other hand I don`t know Cor either,only as a fellow “Forumite” in trouble!.
If this sounds like a reasonable idea to you, my address is…….
J.Davis,Lansbury Farm,Eynesbury Hardwicke, St.Neots,Cambridgeshire,UK.

I would love to see the power of this forum in action! My ten is already in the pot!

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 03:36 AM     profile     
Before throwing more money at this, I'd first like to have some trusted member near the factory actually see the guitar and take some pictures.

What color did Cor order?

Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 22 September 2004 05:43 AM     profile     
well ron please read this post for sure,
the guitar is never build !!!!!!!!!!!!


[This message was edited by Ronald Steenwijk on 22 September 2004 at 05:45 AM.]

Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 06:05 AM     profile     
I reread your post. Maybe I didn't understand it the first time.

Are you proposing we reimburse Cor for the $4500 he says he paid Emmons?

Farris Currie

From: Ona, Florida, USA

posted 22 September 2004 06:31 AM     profile     
hello to all,i would like to see the power of
the forum in action to:BUT not sending cors
money back:{no}got to be another way!!!!
I don't got no suggestions! but someone should know how to handle this!
Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 22 September 2004 06:35 AM     profile     

If every member that has concerns over this sends me ten bucks I would be prepared to collect it all together and account for it and forward it to Cor

I do not think that Cor will except this gesture.


CrowBear Schmitt

From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France

posted 22 September 2004 07:48 AM     profile     
that still ain't gonna get the $$$$ Cor shelled out back
i say we should write to Emmons Co.(in support of Cor) and ask them for an explanation to be posted here on the Fo'rum

[This message was edited by CrowBear Schmitt on 22 September 2004 at 07:49 AM.]

John Davis

From: Cambridge, U.K.

posted 22 September 2004 08:09 AM     profile     

I reread your post. Maybe I didn't understand it the first time.
Are you proposing we reimburse Cor for the $4500 he says he paid Emmons?”

Yes Joey you are right, that is what I am proposing, Not to get The Emmons Company off the hook ! I have no interest in that!! But to help a fellow forumite that has made a serious mistake? Surely that is something worthy of support? Let me ask you this, how long do you think it will be before another sucker sends full payment for a guitar? Answer- A bloody long time if they read this forum!!
My feelings are that the Emmons name should not be dragged thru mud, B.E. is god to me or at least as close as you can get and if my ten bucks makes this go away, then I will gladly pay!!
We can all stand by and wring our hands and do nothing,,, or we can show the manufacturer`s that steel players are united and will not stand by while one of our kind is being shafted!
As you can see I feel very strongly about this, and I think Companies that work this way will get their just rewards a little further down the line!!!!!!

Farris Currie

From: Ona, Florida, USA

posted 22 September 2004 08:11 AM     profile     
SORRY CROWBAR!!OH NO, won't get no answer!!!
Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 08:12 AM     profile     
There are organizations, such as the Sacred Steelers, who seek donation of instruments to provide to talented, needy youngsters.

I'd rather we directed the "power of the Forum" to them.

We could collect the money and send it to Emmons, as full payment in advance, for an instrument to be delivered to one of these kids.

Donny Hinson

From: Balto., Md. U.S.A.

posted 22 September 2004 08:29 AM     profile     
I think something will happen quite soon. The "wheels" have been set in motion, that's for sure.

Of course, whether or not everyone likes what's going to happen will be another story!

Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 08:44 AM     profile     
hi guy's,

you are so wonderful but i won't accept it from you because it isn't your fault and believe me or not
it wasn't in the first place to bring down the lasley's but if they won't pay me back
and then i found out with the great research from another forum member that the guitar is never build or even start with building, please understand me it makes me really mad
and what ron,jr said through these forum member on the phone that somebody else have exactly order the same guitar as i do before i get my money back is pretty redicilous or not? and that was a couple a month's ago and now they even won't answer the attorney general either so it sounds pretty strange to me and i was the guy who trusted these at emmons but no more now.

so guy's i like to thank you all for what you where had to plan but i won't accepted

emmons has got to pay me back and that's for sure and if they don't sooner or later there is no emmons anymore i can garantee you.

my best to yeah all


Chris Schlotzhauer

From: Colleyville, Tx. USA

posted 22 September 2004 09:14 AM     profile     
I don't understand why an exact order has to be entered before they refund the money. Can someone explain the logic of that? Does that mean the person who enters this exact order will get stiffed?
John Davis

From: Cambridge, U.K.

posted 22 September 2004 09:33 AM     profile     
"emmons has got to pay me back and that's for sure and if they don't sooner or later there is no emmons anymore i can garantee you."

Hello Cor,
Are you sure that is what you want? and does the demise of that Company help at all?
In my experiance when a companies gone down owing me money, any available assetts go to the Bank/Revenue preferential creditors, does not mean that you will get paid out???
I think my idea is better all round, if it works,and who does it hurt? in any case if people do send the $`s there is no way I could afford to send it all back to individuals, it would cost me a fortune!!
I am sorry you were involved in that accident, and allthough I am unaware of the nature of your dissability, to me, the loss of 4.1/2 big ones pales against the thought of not being able to play any more!!
So, If it comes to me, then it has to go to you my friend there is nowhere else I could send it.
Please excuse the spelling (I had a lousy education)JD

Jimmy Gibson

From: Cornwall, England

posted 22 September 2004 09:42 AM     profile     
Hey you guy`s,as a good mate of John Davis i would like to say that this guy is one of the most easy going, good hearted and trusting man you could know,but i must agree that the Emmons company should pay Cor back not the forum members.BUT how about giving John some praise for what he has sugested it shows his kind heart and caring nature and that is what we should all try and pratice somtime.I know i will probably get it in the neck from some of you for saying that but lets give credid to somone that is trying to help a very unlucky member of the forum.

God bless ............Jimmy.

Ryan McFarland

From: South Orange, New Jersey, USA

posted 22 September 2004 09:46 AM     profile     
bottom line: they owe him the guitar or the money. I don't care what kind of history the company has.

someone needs to speak with some rationality on this matter. why has the company not responded? any other heavy hitter in the manufacturing world would have been all over this forum in seconds.

I am new to the steel world, but have seen similar situtations in the guitar market. The lack of the accused's presence on this matter worries me.

they need to be held responsible and come forth with a statement. I don't care if the comapany was endorsed by the president of the united states- SPEAK UP EMMONS! WHERE IS THE GUITAR OR THE MONEY?

Farris Currie

From: Ona, Florida, USA

posted 22 September 2004 10:08 AM     profile     
HELLO RYAN!!!heres my buddy,tell him man!!
your pedal ought to be getting closer huh?
my pro 3 is on the left ct.and went
thru N J.last night,now its somewhere!!!
I'm tracking it on fedex.sorry guys!!!
Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 10:19 AM     profile     
yes Ryan your absolutly right,
and yes jimmy lets give John davis a nice big hand for what he will do,but in the first place you great forumites are not responsible for what is happened.

i only will let you know what is happened to me so hopely it won't happen to you.

and don't forget the basic line, it started by i was ordering a guitar about 2 or 2˝ years ago and at that time i was got that big big caraccident ( that wasn't my fault aswell).
so i ask the lashley's if they want lay my steel in stock till i got the money ( paying $500 in front to process my order)
also at that time i lose my job that's why i was asking that because i was invilved with lawyers against the insurance company
but they said no problem.
further finally i got it in december 2003 and i called them and said i sent it right to you by money gram so you can hold it up in the store that was in the same street as where they located.
the mother from Rebecca was hold it up there and after they received my money $4000,00 plus the $500,00 in front makes $4500,00 they told me over the phone your guitar is sold and you agree it to us,
but i wasn't do that( if i had that i was never sending the money)okay no problem i said as nicest i am, build me a new one and ron ,jr said okay i ask how long it will takes and he said regular time 3 or 4 month's so thats 12 till 18 weeks i said okay, that was in december 2003 when we spoke about it.
so march/april 2004 it must be ready.
then finally hearing nothing and also not forgotten to say i ask them a lot of times then and before sent me an estimate from my order but the never did.
then my healthy problems what i was gettin by the caraccident came back at the end of may 2004 and i must decided that i couldn't play under that sircumstances with muscle vibrations and reflexes at the most unwanted or expected times.and a brand new emmons laying under my bed is too expensive for me, so i call ron and told the problem and he said pretty bad for me but he must find another customer because he also stated the guitar was just finished(yeah right).
i said okay found one and after one or two month's i called them and i ask let me help find one so send me pics and that estimate.
and he told me he would but never did.
then i got contact with a emmons dealer and he said i will help you to sell your guitar and i ask him call ron,jr and ask for my guitar, well he did and he got the answer that the guitar was never build. and ron,jr said through him i have to get exactly the same order from another customer before cor can get his refund.

pretty rare or not???????

so after it i got totally mad and send them emails that they must pay me back,

and emmons normally didn't respond that much on emails but now they do and told me that i must stop with hatefull thinking or so and that they will never respond on my emails,

so i lay the case by the attorney general in north carolina and they send them a letter but they never respond on that either
and today for what i've heard the second letter through them was going out this morning.

so guy's i never will do business on this way or pay in front or even will trust people quik as i was on them

so read this carefull and slow and i hope it will never happen to you al there



[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 22 September 2004 at 10:22 AM.]

[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 22 September 2004 at 10:26 AM.]

Glenn Austin

From: Montreal, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 10:47 AM     profile     
Forgive my ignorance, but isn't there like a year and a half wait to get a new Emmons. I recall seeing an Emmons on Al Brisco's site that was 'on order' for over a year. Apparently a lot of companies like Zum, Fulawka have huge waiting lists, with a year long wait or more, where you've got one guy churning out guitars and hundreds of people wanting one.
Ron Steenwijk

From: Greensburg,PA

posted 22 September 2004 10:58 AM     profile     

The normal waiting periode is about 7 to 9 months.Some company's are quicker some ain't.Anapeg has a 4years waiting periode for example


Nikaro SD10 4x6

Farris Currie

From: Ona, Florida, USA

posted 22 September 2004 11:09 AM     profile     
need somebodyy to get them to say they owed me. cannted gets nos boddy !!!shoremake me hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 11:10 AM     profile     
well glenn,

maybe yes maybe no, because i don't no and i do hear that what you said often but what i said here is the information i got so if you or someone say that the time to wait is about a year or more i don't know.

but it isn't the point, the point is it is never build or even startin to build.


[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 22 September 2004 at 11:14 AM.]

Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 11:11 AM     profile     
Farris i don't know what you mean???


Joey Ace

From: Southern Ontario, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 11:25 AM     profile     
"Let me ask you this, how long do you think it will be before another sucker sends full payment for a guitar?"

It's been discussed on this forum before Cor, same kind of problems, I believe it will happen again.

Many people think Emmons is still a respected name. They see others (including me) playing these guitars. They don't think to do the research here.

There was a post recently about Push Pulls being made again. I think there was mention of placing orders. And so it goes...

Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 11:34 AM     profile     
your absolutly right joey,
but i read that post after i was involved with them so too late for me hopely not for al the others out here


[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 22 September 2004 at 11:34 AM.]

Glenn Austin

From: Montreal, Canada

posted 22 September 2004 11:39 AM     profile     
Well Cor, I hope that, at least, you get the guitar you paid for. Good luck
Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 11:42 AM     profile     
glenn that guitar i was ordering is never build so i don't want it anymore

i dont want a emmons anymore and not in the name of emmons, but building by the lashley's now a day and there business practice.

even though it is a marvelous guitar.

i'm sick of it !!!!

[This message was edited by Cor Muizer Jr on 22 September 2004 at 11:45 AM.]

Chris Schlotzhauer

From: Colleyville, Tx. USA

posted 22 September 2004 12:02 PM     profile     
Cor if you could somehow get ANY guitar from Emmons, you could at least sell it. I would be after them to produce an instrument to make things right.
Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 12:08 PM     profile     
no chris i want my money back thats all!!!
and will do never business with them.
especially after al this trouble

and for the last time i didn't expect this
what is going on not by emmons CO. not by anybody.


Chris Schlotzhauer

From: Colleyville, Tx. USA

posted 22 September 2004 12:11 PM     profile     
Sorry dude, just tryin' to help.
Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 12:14 PM     profile     
yes Chris i understand and trust me really apreciate it much. also from al the other forumites here.


Jim Phelps

From: just out of Mexico City

posted 22 September 2004 12:52 PM     profile     

[This message was edited by Jim Phelps on 17 November 2004 at 07:01 PM.]

Joe Alterio

From: Fishers, Indiana

posted 22 September 2004 12:59 PM     profile might also try contacting the Better Business Bureau. They may be able to help mediate the dispute as well (although they have no legal power). Still, worth a shot.



From: Cape Town, South Africa

posted 22 September 2004 01:10 PM     profile     
Cor, my lawyer made a suggestion.
Check your email
Give me an address that works.

[This message was edited by Peter on 22 September 2004 at 01:30 PM.]

Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 01:47 PM     profile     

i didn't know how it works in the states,
i got this adress from some forumites too and i try that but as i say earlier the second letter through emmons from them is going out this morning, and i believe the thirth wil going out for secure that means here that you have to sign for it by receiving the letter,


Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 01:50 PM     profile     
Joe i wait on te results of the attorney general first i think,hope it would work
when not i try some other way (s)
what that should be we can think of it.


Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 01:53 PM     profile     
and peter
thank you Peter i got your email,it works
the only way you think it won't is by my provider there are two email adresses on the server because i didn't know that because i was thinking i got one and that is

any way thank you al for your suggestions.


Paddy Long

From: Christchurch, New Zealand

posted 22 September 2004 01:53 PM     profile     
in the land of litigation, I'm surprised someone hasn't suggested sueing the buggers !!!

I would for sure.

Cor Muizer Jr

From: The Netherlands/europe

posted 22 September 2004 01:57 PM     profile     
well paddy i think it should cost me a lot more than the $4500,00

and what should be the results?


David L. Donald

From: Koh Samui Island, Thailand

posted 22 September 2004 02:58 PM     profile     
I can see two things here, a business deal started,
an interuption caused by a serious physical injury.

A continuation of the deal.

And then a cancellation of an order due to non recovery of health,
with the vendors caveat of needing another buyer for the EXACT same set up.
I find that hard hearted and un-necessary.
Not about needing a buyer, but for the exact same type.

If the cat has never touched it, and it never left the factory it's new. Even if some things were removed to lower the price for a partucular buyer. I certainly don't think a simple copedent change warrents much wait for a new buyer.

With the7-18 month wait list for a steel, from Emmons co,
I see no reason why there wasn't a buyer right at hand... panting for a new Emmons steel.

Secondly, if the argument is that it was a very expensive custom job...
well just take the parts off and sell to somebody keep the parts and refund the difference.

This SEEMS like a no brainer.

I certainly wouldn't be stressed if there were a few lever screw holes in the bottom, maybe some would, I but I think most wouldn't. Even if two wanted pritseen, likely the third would have said no problem.
They would be happy to have the steel sooner than later.

So it certainly makes one wonder why this course of action was rejected.

I also see a bit of language problem, ...and some one making fun of that...LOW blow dude.
I guess you have never lived where you didn't speak or write the language well.

Well I don't think the people at Emmons would have taken the order if they didn't understand Cor's speaking or writing.
So they can't say later.. Oh, we didn't understand him...That don't float either.

Now, with the attorney general involved, I can easily see why we haven't heard from Emmons co. / The Lashleys on this or the other thread.
The lawyers will say no public comments.

But it is in their best interests to expidite this and make it's resolution public... to the steel buying public.
PR might just be more important, even in this litiginous age you living over there.
Look how some are still ready to hammer the new MSA for the Old MSA and find fault with any effort at resolution.
I would be saddened to see the Emmons name in this predicament.

But it is a shame that "they apear" to have treated someone seriously injured in an accident and with detriorating health, as if he was just some deadbeat non payer changing his mind...
even if he HAS paid in advance.

I don't like that it has the affect of dragging Buddy's family name through the mud,
through No FAULT of his own. He sold the marque long ago... but I bet this gives him a few cringes privately.

Now It most likely is a series of communications errors at the Lashley end of things,
but this is also not a small thing for Cor... not a bit.

It also makes one think twice about putting down payments down. Especially from abroad.

Heck fire, we fouriners don't really count do we! We ain't git local lawyers.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 22 September 2004 at 03:37 PM.]

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