Topic: ZB Pedal Steel Guitars - Please help!
John McConnell Member From: Yuba City, CA, USA
posted 10 November 2004 01:56 PM
Back in the mid seventies I had a double 10 ZB that I sold to Ned Self in San Francisco. He was playing with a singer named Robin Pearl and also wrote a colum in the Pedal Steel Guyitar magazine of that era. I often wondered what happend to Ned an that grand old ZB. Ned was playing a SHOBud Rustler at the time and I loaned him the ZB for a week knowing that he could never go back to the rustler after having that ZB for a week. I was right. John McConnell, Yuba City, CAShoBud Professional D10- Fessenden S13- Peavey Nashville 1000 |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 10 November 2004 06:57 PM
Hey Guys! I'm coming back to the club, never to leave again. I stupidly sold my beautiful ZB SD-10 to Brian in NJ, who sold it to Andrew in Va (my original home)and I was left stupidly ZBless. I am hopefully about to buy another ZB that has that sound, only we can hear, and play it until I die. Gentlemen...please excuse my momentary lack of reason. Duncan |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 10 November 2004 09:35 PM
Duncan:OK, maybe a bit premature, but welcome back and all ZBest! A born-again ZBer! Love it! LC ------------------ Larry Chung '67 ZB D-10 8+4 '71 ZB Custom S-11 4+4 '70 ZB D-10 8+2 |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 11 November 2004 08:44 AM
Welcome back Duncan. I've played them all. For me, there's just nothing like that ZB sound and look.[This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 11 November 2004 at 10:05 PM.] |
Rick Garrett Member From: Tyler, Texas
posted 13 November 2004 03:13 AM
Thought I would give Larry a "bump". If things go well I'm about to become a new member of the ZB family. I'm going to buy my dad's red and natural top ZB D10. Serial number 1124 bought in May of 68. I think he must have played this one at the Long Horn Ballroom in Dallas. I've got a picture somewhere of him behind this very guitar. Its exactly like Dave Zerbil's guitar pictured in the ZB photo gallery. Now if I can find myself a wheel ease case to save a hernea, I'll be in business.Rick |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 13 November 2004 10:38 AM
Rick, the solution is to get a split set of cases from Thomas case company and put external wheels on the body case with a spring handle on the other end. Wade Thomas makes beautiful plush interior split ZB cases. Totally solves the weight problem. If you ever need external wheels let me know. They make them here in Buffalo. I wouldn't carry a fully loaded ZB case.[This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 13 November 2004 at 10:44 AM.] |
Rick Garrett Member From: Tyler, Texas
posted 13 November 2004 10:51 AM
Great idea Kevin. Thanks for the tip. Two cases with half as much weight each. That'll work!Rick |
Rick Garrett Member From: Tyler, Texas
posted 13 November 2004 10:55 AM
Hey man where do I find Wade Thomas cases? I did a search but came up with nothing. Also can you email me the source for wheels to fit? ThanksRick |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 14 November 2004 01:23 AM
Wade Thomas 336-226-6811. Wheels- TCH in Buffalo 716-892-8852. call and ask for a catalog. If you can't get let me know. |
Brendan Mitchell Member From: Melbourne Australia
posted 21 November 2004 08:12 PM
Does anyone have any close up pix of the underside ofa D10 ? Mine is in pieces and I'm having trouble putting it back together Regards Brendan |
steinar Member From: Finneidfjord, Norway
posted 26 November 2004 02:23 PM
Hi Kevin.You wrote me a while back saying you had refinished my 1968 ZB for Greg. Your post about the light weight case really got me thinking, because I understand the case isnīt all that good and I already have an unoperated hernia, so how much approximately would such a case with wheels be? If you want to, you can e-mail me at Yours truly, Steinar |
smike Member From: oakland, ca
posted 26 November 2004 04:15 PM
gang -i promised when this thread was only a page or two long that i would post photos of the zb universal that tom bradshaw re-built for me... serial #001! while the body, end plates, tuning peg holders and other misc. pieces are original, the entire undercarriage has been custom re-built, including a ball-bearing nut roller, new changer, custom designed and built bell cranks, a stiffening rod (virtually no de-tuning!), tunable half-stop on the second string, etc. photos are here: bruce p.s.: someone in this thread mentioned ned selfe, in s.f.... i met him a million years ago and haven't seen him since... but i did recently acquire an album of his called 'glaciers come, glaciers go'... nice stuff.[This message was edited by smike on 26 November 2004 at 04:16 PM.] |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 27 November 2004 04:24 AM
That is only other U12 ZB I've seen. Mine is still in the rebuild stage. She looks great. I need a fingerboard like yours. Any Ideas? |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 27 November 2004 04:27 AM
How does this changer effect the sound of your Uni? She really looks great and do you know where to get the white 12str finger board? |
smike Member From: oakland, ca
posted 27 November 2004 08:48 AM
the fingerboard came with the body.the changer and ball bearing nut roller are smooth as silk... the guitar plays and stays in tune like you wouldn't believe. i have to press down with the bar ever-so-slightly more deliberately at the first fret, to stay clean, but it's a wonderful guitar. bradshaw really knows the instrument, and is a fine craftsman. bruce[This message was edited by smike on 24 January 2005 at 04:16 PM.] |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 01 December 2004 12:34 AM
Hey smike!Great looking ZB - I'm here at the airport in Inchon South Korea and I just had to post on this thread. I just check my email and there's another mysterious D-11-10 that someone wrote me about - serial number 0008. More details soon. All ZBest from around the world! Larry ------------------ Larry Chung '67 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser. #1077) '69 ZB S-10 3+4 (ser. #0124) '70 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser.# 0215) '71 ZB Custom S-11 4+4 (ser. #0252)
Ron Steenwijk Member From: Greensburg,PA
posted 07 December 2004 12:29 AM
Hi Guys.Anybody seen this? Just stumbled on it on the internet.Dunno if this is listed in this topic. I do not want to go tru all of the post looking for it.Ha Take a look. Ron Nikaro SD10 4x6 [This message was edited by Ronald Steenwijk on 07 December 2004 at 12:31 AM.] |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 07 December 2004 10:27 AM
Yes, indeed - that's Zane Beck's daughter's website and she was gracious enough to pass that along earlier in the post. A great resource for dating the early (Zane-owned) ZBs!All ZBest, Larry ------------------ Larry Chung '67 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser. #1077) '69 ZB S-10 3+4 (ser. #0124) '70 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser.# 0215) '71 ZB Custom S-11 4+4 (ser. #0252)
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 07 December 2004 11:05 AM
I just got #1107. |
Billy Murdoch Member From: Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.
posted 07 December 2004 01:17 PM
Hi All, Info needed. I notice on a number of previous posts the mention of 0506,Am I right in guessing that this is a model number qand not a serial numberBest regards Billy |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 07 December 2004 04:42 PM
By the way, #1107 will be for sale after full restoration. Its being done in Carnegie Hall black. Triple raise and lower capabilities on that 68 changer. It will be in new condition.[This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 07 December 2004 at 04:43 PM.] [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 01 January 2005 at 10:38 AM.] |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 20 December 2004 09:30 AM
Have finished my restoration of ZB #0215, now it's 8+4 and sounds and plays wonderfully! As a ZB should!If I play my cards right with Santa, a digital camera and ZB pictures for all is in the works... unless I get a lump of coal. Happy Holidays and all ZBest, Larry ------------------ Larry Chung '67 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser. #1077) '69 ZB S-10 3+4 (ser. #0124) '70 ZB D-10 8+4 (ser.# 0215) '71 ZB Custom S-11 4+4 (ser. #0252)
Brendan Mitchell Member From: Melbourne Australia
posted 31 December 2004 03:51 PM
I need some help : I have just started putting my D10 back together and am having trouble getting a lighter pull on my B pedal [G#>A] Also when A&B are engaged and I release A it will return sharp until I release B so I figure the A rods are binding somewhere.Is there any place I should be lubricating and if so what should I use ? |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 13 January 2005 08:04 PM
Hey Folks, It looks like I'm back in the club. Greg Jones is finishing up a blue/blonde D-10 for me as I write. I apologize for being crazy enough to sell my old ZB, but am sort of glad that Andrew Buhler in Virginia is so much in love with my old one that he wouldn't sell it back to me. I begged, threatened, but stopped short of crying like a girl to get it back I hope that I'm still welcome even though I'm still going to play my Speedy West Marlen too, on account of it sounds really great. Duncan |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 13 January 2005 08:22 PM
Duncan, wait until you see your new one. Your gonna freak. I've seen it close up. Its incredibly beautiful, in brand new condition. You are a lucky guy. |
Rich Weiss Member From: Woodland Hills, CA, USA
posted 13 January 2005 09:15 PM
12 pages, 464 posts, okay I'll bite. I had, for many years, a single neck ZB, brown birds-eye maple, white pickup, serial 0014. It was sweet. One day it broke, and not knowing what to do, I called Jeff Newman. He suggested I buy a new guitar. He liked Thomas pedal steels, out of Modesto. Barry Thomas gave me $200 for the ZB, and it ended up going to Larry Petree, in Bakersfield. I sure wish I had it back. Did I mention it had a white pickup?  |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 14 January 2005 11:54 PM
Lubrication and ZB's. Okay folks we are in the middle of winter. I keep my ZB set up in my practice studio downstairs. I have forced air heat and I notice that my ZB will literally dry out if I don't keep it lubricated. I notice that ZB's respond extremely well to lubrication. Here are some of my observations. My ZB lets me know when it needs to be oiled or greased. The return springs on the cross straps will dry out and I sometimes get a "boingy" kind of noise from them. I notice that if I put a very light coating of vasoline on them that it quiets them down. I get some creeks in the winter from a number places. My front rail was creeking every time I pushed A&B pedal down just recently. I loosened the front rail screws and drop a drop of Marvel Machine tool oil behind the rail then re-tightened the rail. Problem solved. I got a creek from the ball joints that attach the pedal rods to the pedal. I just drop a drop of Marvel Machine tool oil into each ball joint every six months and it makes the pedals play just a wee bit smoother. I also put a drop of oil on the elbow bend in the rod where it hooks into the pedal rail. One drop of Marvel Machine Tool Oil between each changer cap every three months. And now the most and absolutely mandatory ZB lube point. When I change strings every third time which is about every two months I pull the nut rollers off the nut roller axle and polish the nut axle with very light emory cloth then coat it with Marvel Machine Tool oil. If I don't do this and my guitar drys out the classic fourth string will start to hang up and not return to "0". As long as I keep it lubed I never have a problem. I notice that the lube issues come up mostly in the winter, Local players are amazed at the smoothness that my ZB plays. I was just sitting here playing it and really digging it. My one friend a few towns away bought a ZB D-10 immediately after trying mine out and hearing it at a club a couple of years ago. Like me he had heard the ZB horror stories and was pleasantly surprised when he played mine. I keep mine metal polished and aside from the cool vintage fade it looks brand new. My guitar gets moved and played between three cities constantly in all kinds of weather. There is no cabinet drop on the E's unless the end plate screws are not tightened down. They are dead on whether the A&B pedals are pushed or not. Every pull on the guitar returns dead on true on the tuning meter and the guitar is a joy to play, and the sound as we all know is awesome. I don't think I'll ever play another brand of guitar again. I equate playing a well adjusted ZB to driving a classic Jaguar. When they are tuned and adjusted properly there is nothing better, but when they are out of adjustment and not maintained they can be frustrating. Mine is rock stable. I find the sum total of lubricating the guitar makes a 1000 percent difference in the overall smoothness of the guitar. These are just some tips and observations for y'all after being a ZB convert for the last two years. I have two more coming in. Both in new condition. Hope this has helped. Enjoy. [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 14 January 2005 at 11:56 PM.] [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 14 January 2005 at 11:58 PM.] |
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 15 January 2005 08:50 AM
Thanks for tips Kevin. Mine is a little overdue for a lube and cleaning. The E's aren't returning but the first three months I had it, it was rock solid. I pulled it out of the case at a recording session and didn't even have to adjust any tuning! And that was after playing a few sets the night before with the guitar spending the night in the truck! I don't take it out much since it weighs close to 75 lbs. I've been playing a Kline which has a similar mechanism to the ZBs. it's about 20 pounds lighter, sounds great and stays in tune like crazy, too. Although, I think I'm going to lube and clean the ZB and take her out in February for a two nighter with Merle Haggard! That's worth lugging around the extra weight, plus she was built in Bakersfield! Maybe it will help me channel that Bakersfield sound.  ------------------ Dave Zirbel- ZB Custom D-10 8 x 5, S-12U Kline 7 x6, Dobro Cyclops reissue, 1967 Fender Telecaster, Webb 6-14E, Fender Super Reverb The Mother Truckers The Cowlicks
[This message was edited by Dave Zirbel on 15 January 2005 at 09:41 AM.]
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 15 January 2005 09:47 AM
By the way, if anyone has a lead on a ZB 12 or 11 string for sale, I'm in the market.Thanks, Dave ------------------ Dave Zirbel- ZB Custom D-10 8 x 5, S-12U Kline 7 x6, Dobro Cyclops reissue, 1967 Fender Telecaster, Webb 6-14E, Fender Super Reverb The Mother Truckers The Cowlicks
[This message was edited by Dave Zirbel on 15 January 2005 at 10:17 AM.]
Brendan Mitchell Member From: Melbourne Australia
posted 15 January 2005 05:55 PM
Hey Dave be sure to let us know how the gig goes with Merle.A set list would be good too.Thanks Kevin for the lube tips. Brendan |
Webb Kline Member From: Bloomsburg, PA
posted 15 January 2005 06:52 PM
Can one of you ZBers tell me if the fretboard is to be butted up against the headstock or is does is just go to the end of the nut? I took them off my 11/10 to refinish the necks and, like the idiot that I am, I didn't think to measure it. I didn't want to restring it to find out for fear of smearing the glue. ------------------ MCI D10 8+5, ZB 11/10 8+3 Early 30s Dobro, Harmony Lap Steel, ad infinitum |
B. Greg Jones Member From: London, KY USA
posted 15 January 2005 10:59 PM
Webb, ZB's have a 24" scale. Set the 12th fret of each fretboard 12" from the center of the changer axle. Then adjust the nut roller so it's axle is 24" from the 12th fret. I have seen some butt up against the keyhead and some that left a gap.Greg |
Webb Kline Member From: Bloomsburg, PA
posted 16 January 2005 05:43 AM
Thanks Greg. I should have it back together in a day or two. I'll send pics then and maybe you can get an idea what I'm going to need underneath.Webb[This message was edited by Webb Kline on 16 January 2005 at 05:44 AM.] |
Dave Van Allen Member From: Doylestown, PA , US , Earth
posted 16 January 2005 08:13 AM
Thanks for the lube tips KH... mine is overdue for an oil bath. But she sure sounds great! She was my date for New Years Eve  (link above is to .8mb mp3)
------------------ "I've got the 'ZB Jeebies' !" "Pickin' it 'old school' on the Pedizzle Stizzle" 1998 Zumsteel U12 "Loafer" 8&6 :: 1973 ZB Custom D-10 8&5 :: Vintage Fender 'Tube' Amplification :: :: :: My Tribute to the Hot Club of America in Hi-Fi
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 17 January 2005 01:51 AM
Re: D 11. Has anyone used the 11 for another note than E? Is anyone using changes on this? |
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 17 January 2005 01:56 AM
Further to the above: My LKL raises the 4th- a semi tone. The 3 pedal raises the 4 one tone. Both are on the same action. I am a novice but both are on the same action.......I cannot tune both changes, Am I doing somethng wrong or how should this steel be set up differently? I read this back and it doesn't seem clear but I hope that the guys who will read this know what I'm talking about!!!!!![This message was edited by Pat Kelly on 17 January 2005 at 02:19 AM.] |
richard burton Member From: Britain
posted 17 January 2005 12:31 PM
Pat, when you say that the knee lever and pedal are on the same action, do you mean that they are attached to the same pull rod? There should be two pull rods attached to the 4th string raise finger; one rod linked to the C pedal, and the other rod linked to the knee lever. The knee lever pull rod is hooked to the changer finger in the normal ZB fashion, but it should have a Z bend after the finger, so that it can pass through a hole in the endplate directly under the full tone raise adjusting bolt. This rod can then be adjusted independently of the full tone raise. R B[This message was edited by richard burton on 17 January 2005 at 12:36 PM.] |
Webb Kline Member From: Bloomsburg, PA
posted 18 January 2005 12:27 PM
Anybody see the Linkon on ebay? It looks exactly like a ZB with different machines, pickup and fretboard to me. Is that for real?------------------ MCI D10 8+5, ZB 11/10 8+3 Early 30s Dobro, Harmony Lap Steel, ad infinitum |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 18 January 2005 04:48 PM
How about the package on ebay with D10 and a session and seat. Serial 0468. |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 18 January 2005 05:56 PM
How many of you are playing your ZB's out professionally, and what amp are you using? |