Topic: ZB Pedal Steel Guitars - Please help!
chas smith Member From: Encino, CA, USA
posted 06 March 2006 09:33 PM
quote: Maybe Chas could move Larry's post to the #1,000 slot.
From Larry Chung: Dear Forumites: Thank you all for your ZB support and kind thoughts, your ZB stories and ZB information, and your continued ZB readership, decency, and dignity on this thread. I can't believe it's been nearly four years since it started (ZB). It's developed way beyond my wildest (ZB) expectations, and I'm delighted that it continues to grow and to spark more interest in these lovely musical instruments (ZB). On a personal note, I'm honored and thankful to be a part of this Forum. I can't think of a better bunch of talented musicians and caring folks (who I've never actually met in person...). Whatever brand of guitar you play, I hope that this thread continues to spark your love and interest in pedal steel guitar. It sure has for me... Many, many thanks to bOb for keeping this thread going, too. THANK YOU, bOb. I would again encourage everyone out there to support him, too, and send along a donation, whatever the amount, to keep this Forum strong and alive. Like life itself, playing pedal steel is about the journey, not the end of the road, and I hope this ZB thread brings you a 1,000 lifetimes of adventures. The ZB book/manual is still happening, although life's twists and turns have kept me from devoting more time to it. Please keep the stories and info coming! All ZBest, Larry[This message was edited by chas smith on 07 March 2006 at 11:36 AM.] [This message was edited by chas smith on 07 March 2006 at 11:37 AM.] [This message was edited by chas smith on 07 March 2006 at 11:39 AM.] |
Doug Beaumier Member From: Northampton, MA
posted 06 March 2006 10:05 PM
1001 |
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 06 March 2006 11:33 PM
Oh well, I guess manners are a thing of the past.Henry, the bracket behind my roller nuts also has a recess on both sides but it is not enough to give clearance to the first string. That side has six tuners on an eleven string neck. Anyone with an eleven string neck set up like to respond on this.[This message was edited by Pat Kelly on 06 March 2006 at 11:34 PM.] |
Allan Todd Member From: Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
posted 07 March 2006 12:46 AM
Hi Pat, I had the same problem on my S10 (0243)and it really bugged me,so i filed the groove until the string cleared it using a fine rat tail file then fine polished it i also did the other side so they matched to the eye,it was only a very small amount needed off, i assume the intonation is correct and the adjustable nut is not too far back, hope this helps, Al. congrat`s to Larry here`s to the next big one.[This message was edited by Allan Todd on 07 March 2006 at 01:56 PM.] |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 07 March 2006 09:05 AM
Dear Forumites:Thank you all for your ZB support and kind thoughts, your ZB stories and ZB information, and your continued ZB readership, decency, and dignity on this thread. I can't believe it's been nearly four years since it started (ZB). It's developed way beyond my wildest (ZB) expectations, and I'm delighted that it continues to grow and to spark more interest in these lovely musical instruments (ZB). On a personal note, I'm honored and thankful to be a part of this Forum. I can't think of a better bunch of talented musicians and caring folks (who I've never actually met in person...). Whatever brand of guitar you play, I hope that this thread continues to spark your love and interest in pedal steel guitar. It sure has for me... Many, many thanks to bOb for keeping this thread going, too. THANK YOU, bOb. I would again encourage everyone out there to support him, too, and send along a donation, whatever the amount, to keep this Forum strong and alive. Like life itself, playing pedal steel is about the journey, not the end of the road, and I hope this ZB thread brings you a 1,000 lifetimes of adventures. The ZB book/manual is still happening, although life's twists and turns have kept me from devoting more time to it. Please keep the stories and info coming! All ZBest, Larry Chas - thank you so much for your kind gesture. (: Now back to more info about ZBs!!! (;[This message was edited by Larry Chung on 07 March 2006 at 07:12 PM.] |
Lee Baucum Member From: McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) - The Final Frontier
posted 07 March 2006 09:07 AM
Maybe b0b could move Larry's post to the #1,000 slot. |
Ron Steenwijk Member From: Greensburg,PA
posted 07 March 2006 10:44 AM
Lee,I second that.Ron ------------------ Click here to E-mail us.Karen Kaylee Records KRS D-10 8x7, KRS SD10 4x6 EMMONS P/P S10 3x5 Peavey Session 400 LTD, Peavey Ultra 15" Peavey All Tube 15" Fender Twin Reverb Hilton Volumepedal Hilton Sustain
chas smith Member From: Encino, CA, USA
posted 07 March 2006 11:35 AM
I will gladly exit the 1000 spot to make room for Larry's post. I didn't intend to crash the party as a hostile gesture. I've been following the progression of this thread for a long time. |
Ron Steenwijk Member From: Greensburg,PA
posted 07 March 2006 11:52 AM
Hey Chass we know that buddy.It's just a nice thought that the one that started this topic would also be the one that was in the 1000 spot. I think its a nice gesture that you gave up that spot my friend.Ron ------------------ Click here to E-mail us.Karen Kaylee Records KRS D-10 8x7, KRS SD10 4x6 EMMONS P/P S10 3x5 Peavey Session 400 LTD, Peavey Ultra 15" Peavey All Tube 15" Fender Twin Reverb Hilton Volumepedal Hilton Sustain
[This message was edited by Ronald Steenwijk on 07 March 2006 at 03:06 PM.] |
Russ Tkac Member From: Waterford, Michigan, USA
posted 07 March 2006 12:39 PM
Chas,Join in anytime. Next time though...bring one of your Bigsbys.  |
Ben Elder Member From: La Crescenta, California, USA
posted 07 March 2006 07:32 PM
BigZBs? |
Henry Nagle Member From: Santa Rosa, California
posted 07 March 2006 08:18 PM
Holy Smokes, Ben! That was a good one. How's your new guitar? Is it playable? |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 07 March 2006 08:25 PM
Hello Chas. Congratulations on being Mr. 1000. It seems fitting that "just another guy" would be the one to mark this momentous occasion in the steel guitar world. My earlier post was only a suggestion. From what I have been able to figure out, after reading this post for most of the past three years, ZB players are a little "different" and don't necessarily follow convention, or especially suggestions. Even in a small community of people who play a bizarre instrument we have managed to find one that is even more bizarre than most. I believe that even our friend b0b referred to us, with great empathy and compassion I hope, as " one of those ZB nuts" a while ago. To all the folks that I have met through this post I would like to say thanks for everything. I was going to list everyone, but the list kept growing and growing so I just decided to give a blanket "I'm glad that we met" through a common love and interest in these fantastic instruments. Again a special thanks to Larry. Without the spark that you started the rest of us would be wandering around carrying these incredibly heavy pieces of wood and incomprehsible mechanics wondering "am I stupid, or what". Duncan
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 07 March 2006 09:42 PM
Zane Beck was a very good man. I became very good friends with him while he was teaching me how to make the parts to the steel. He was a quiet easy going man. Didn't speak Ill of poeple. A very kind man, very gentle. When I moved to Phoenix from Bakersfield Zane let me buy his house he had there. To show you the kind of man he was I'll tell you what he did for me. He sold me his house and he didn't ask any thing for his equity, all I had to do was to take over the payments.We became very good friends while we were together. Maybe as I have things come back to me about Zane I can put them on the Forum. Thirty five years is a long time. Hope some one will get some good out of my memories. JohnBud; before you come down buy some of the same size peddle rod stock about 3-5 in. longer we can always cut them off, and I'll make your peddle rods while your here. I've made hundreds of them.[This message was edited by John Rutledge on 07 March 2006 at 09:53 PM.] [This message was edited by John Rutledge on 07 March 2006 at 09:57 PM.] [This message was edited by John Rutledge on 07 March 2006 at 10:00 PM.] |
chas smith Member From: Encino, CA, USA
posted 07 March 2006 11:44 PM
BigZB's, this is a parallel universe. I do apologize for jumping on 1K, I didn't read page 25 before posting.Although I don't own a ZB guitar, I do have a number of ZB pickups. I had a pair of 10's on my Professional, but I swapped them out, to install a pair of Bigsby copies that Danny Sheilds wound. I'm currently planning on building myself a pedal guitar out of titanium tubing that would be light enough and compact enough to fit in carry-on baggage, on an airplane. It will be a D-11, probably 6 + 4 and use ZB pickups. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:25 AM
When I asked b0b,in "feedback" if he was gonna close it at 1000,he said: quote: Naw, I think I'll wait until it reaches 10,000.
So let's see if we can help it along a little,okay? ------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:26 AM
Two-Too.------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:28 AM
Three's a charm.------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:29 AM
FORRRRE!!! (look out fer flyin' golf balls)------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:31 AM
Cinco de Marcho.------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:38 AM
sex- (seks) [< L. sex, SIX] a combining form meaning six------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:40 AM
My fingers are gettin' tired! Someone else take over please.------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Smiley Roberts Member From: Hendersonville,Tn. 37075
posted 08 March 2006 01:44 AM
Oh wait,I almost forgot my response to b0b in "feedback": quote: I don't think that you,or I,will be around that long!!
------------------ ~ ~ ©¿© It don't mean a thang, mm if it ain't got that twang. |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 08 March 2006 09:04 AM
Now cut that outtttt!!! |
Chris Erbacher Member From: Sausalito, California, USA
posted 08 March 2006 09:19 AM
hey chas, if you want to get rid of any of those extra zb pickups, let me know. i'm also looking to build a guitar soon and want that buttery sound. |
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 08 March 2006 10:27 AM
Maybe posters here should check the box .........Disable Smilies in This Post.  [This message was edited by Pat Kelly on 08 March 2006 at 10:36 AM.] |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 08 March 2006 10:34 AM
I find the ZB Club to be the friendliest on the forum. No need to argue about which guitar is best, right? The camaraderie and mystique keeps me looking for an old example to play around with.We may not be around at 10,000, but ZB's will be. |
chas smith Member From: Encino, CA, USA
posted 08 March 2006 07:45 PM
Chris, I have tendencies as to being a "glue-finger" with guitar parts. One of the more interesting pickups is a ZB triple coil 8-string. |
Ben Elder Member From: La Crescenta, California, USA
posted 09 March 2006 12:11 AM
Hey, Henry (about 20 posts back):The S-10 seems to be good, but as a mechanic, I'm not, so I'm leaving well enough alone beyond manipulating end screws and tuner buttons. (I keep this in a storage area at work where light isn't very good. I actually was lying on my back on a cold concrete floor late last night trying to make sense of the undercarriage workings--no case to put it in upside down yet.) A&B pedals work (albeit mismatched heights and action) but C doesn't seem to be pulling the 5th. (I've gotten into trouble before poking at rods and turnbuckles.) KL (RKR--as opposed to the extent I can employ the term "used to"...) is not where I'm used to it and whole guitar needs a lift for me, but tone is absolutely great. I wish my ears had had more experience and basis for comparison when I had the first S-10 (#0248) to know if it sounded this good. I never got to hear the D-10--just too many mechanical obstacles to getting it in tune. Congratulations on your acquisition. Advisory to Forum at large: esoteric inside reference follows. (Are we still in the same karass or parallel ones now that we're both owners and not seekers?) Hijack cleared; Thread hereby released to other ZB enthusiasts. |
Henry Nagle Member From: Santa Rosa, California
posted 09 March 2006 12:57 AM
A karass is not subject to titles or caste. I'm glad your guitar functions. The thread on the end of the pedal rods should be #10x32. Get some threaded rod, nuts, nut couplers, and a hacksaw and you'll be uplifted in no time!If you need more technical advise, feel free to call someone smart. They mostly live in red states, somehow . |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 09 March 2006 04:27 AM
I don't know what makes me want a new guitar but I had decided to get something new. To do so I had to sell my Scranton D10. A customer came in that played very little and asked me to demo the ZB for him. I hadn't played the guitar in weeks. 2 minutes back on this amazing late 60's, weights a ton vintage steel and I fell in love all over again. She is mine and not for sale so if any of you guys see me losing my mind trying to sell my ZB again, please feel free to smack me down. |
Pat Kelly Member From: Wentworthville, New South Wales, Australia
posted 09 March 2006 08:14 PM
Most of you will have noticed a recent thread looking for info about a ZB on e-bay. The guitar was serial number 0044. I was making enquiries to get more info on the condition of the guitar and it turns out the purchaser is Eugene Beck whose father was a cousin of Zane. He is also trying to gather information Zane's guitars. I have passed on Larry's e-mail and let him know of the existence of this thread and the forum. We may get to hear from him again. |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 10 March 2006 01:13 PM
Hi Pat:Thanks for the email. I'd love to meet or speak or correspond with Mr. Beck, the younger. I also wonder whatever happened to the webpage that Zane's daughter Carrie supplied some years (yikes!) ago. Carrie, if you're reading this, I'd still love to fly out and visit and hear more stories about your dad. Does anyone know how I can reach her? All ZBest, Larry |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 10 March 2006 03:39 PM
Hey Chuck, I was actually going to try and smack you around the head an shoulders to try and get you to sell that ZB to me. I was wondering why it disappeared from your website. That is one beautiful, "unmolested" as Bobbe Seymour stated, ZB. Yes, I have been monitoring its whereabouts, with full presidential warrantless approval I might add, since you bought it. I'm glad you are keeping it. You won't be sorry. I really can't handle another one as I'm trying to figure out how to keep both of mine happy and well played. How are things going with the U-12? Best Wishes, Duncan |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 10 March 2006 05:54 PM
ZB tip of the month: ZB's are notoriously prone to hysteris. That is, returning of the fourth string E sharp after pressing the lower knee lever. Take a tuning meter and check that your E lower returns to "0" on the meter exactly as the E raise. If it doesn't its most likely either a return spring adjustment. Back off your fourth string return spring until it returns flat on the meter and then turn it in one turn at a time until it just comes up to "O" on the meter. Check also that your E raise lever is not coming up FLAT. If it is, first put some 3&1 oil on the roller axle and make sure that the roller moves smoothly. This usually solves the problem. Nearly every ZB that I've seen have not had their fourth string lower spring adjusted properly. It can drive you crazy when that string comes back sharp. The good news is that it is usually adjustable through the lower return spring. Also use your ears as you make the adjustment to make sure that you hear the fourth string returning true in both directions. Make sure that you change your strings regularly also. [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 10 March 2006 at 06:10 PM.] [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 10 March 2006 at 06:11 PM.] |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 20 March 2006 06:12 PM
Kevin, I was just wondering; did you have a post a while ago saying that you had a split case for ZBs? I thought that you had made such a post, but my search, and I am notoriously inattentive to detail, did not find any such post. I only ask because I just put the blue D-10 in the closet for a while and took out the red SD-10. I noticed just how heavy the D-10 was and thought "how much longer am I going to be able to carry this thing". As I am no spring chicken anymore, I thought of a split case, then I thought of your real, or imagined, post. I am not ready for a GFI, Williams, or any other of the "lighter" steels. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those fine steels. I personally feel that Williams makes a very beautiful steel and I have played a GFI and it sounded fine. But, I thought that a split case for a ZB might be the answer. Duncan |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 20 March 2006 06:21 PM
Yes Duncan, I make split plush velour lined cases for ZB's, push pulls and Sho-Buds. They have wheels on one end a spring handle on the other. Covered in genuine black tough tolex. I just did a set in genuine Fender blond Tweed. They look stunning. Premium hardware. The price is $295.00 for the set in tolex, $395.00 for the tweed. Makes transporting a breeze. Takes ten pounds off the body case. I'll email you some pictures. [This message was edited by Kevin Hatton on 20 March 2006 at 06:25 PM.] |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 20 March 2006 07:44 PM
Thanks Kevin, Youe just answered all my questions that I asked in my email to you. I should have checked the Forum before my email. let me see if I have enough cash for the deal. I have been 100% happy with the fretboards that I bought from you and believe that where ZBs are concerned your devotion to quality is unquestionable. Duncan |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 21 March 2006 04:07 AM
Hey Duncan. Been away from my computer. I am sure glad the customer didn't take the D10. She is a beauty.If I ever lose it and put the Scranton up again Duncan I will email you first. Kevin it's strange you should comment on the 4th string thing cause I am having that very problem. Thanks for the heads up on the fix bud. The never ending saga of the ZB Uni. I will let you know. |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 21 March 2006 09:05 AM
Chuck, follow the return spring adjustment that I outlined. Email me if you need help. It can be corrected. Return spring adjustment is critical. |