Topic: ZB Pedal Steel Guitars - Please help!
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 09 June 2005 08:36 PM
Ben I think I might Be able to help you. The only thing is we would have to meet, And maybe go to a park and work on it, Because I have two very large guard dogs, and one of them don't like people. But I have Battery Tools so that would'n really be a problem. When we get through you will sale the sho-bud S 10. No charge... |
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 10 June 2005 04:22 PM
hi Bud sorry guys for talking on this page when it could be done on email O K Bud I'll email you shortly John. |
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 10 June 2005 04:46 PM
Boy when you get old sometimes you even forget names. ben check your email sorry John. |
Tom Bradshaw Member From: Concord, California, USA
posted 16 June 2005 03:46 PM
Is there a source for purchasing ZB fretboards (new or used)? |
Russ Tkac Member From: Waterford, Michigan, USA
posted 16 June 2005 04:16 PM
I'd be interested in white ones for my ZB.Russ |
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 16 June 2005 09:33 PM
I have a few parts, But fertboards arn't part of them.We would take stacks of black and white plastic and then silk screen the frets on them. who ever owned the company last might have some left over??? |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 16 June 2005 10:26 PM
I will have them in the next thirty days. Greg Jones has them also. |
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 18 June 2005 06:49 PM
Hey John Rutledge. What kind of glue did the factory use on my 1969 D10 fretboards? They have both popped off and I used a small amount of carpenter's glue to re-apply and the E9th came off again. Any ideas?------------------ 1969 ZB Custom D10, BMI S10,Peavy Musician Mark III, 15 Inch Black Widow[This message was edited by Lyle Clary on 18 June 2005 at 06:53 PM.] |
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 19 June 2005 07:41 AM
Hi Lyle The glue we used was Contact Cement.When useing it be sure everthing is lined up because,if it is used right, once you apply the fretboard you won't be able to move it. John |
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 20 June 2005 09:56 AM
Thanks JohnI will have to try some contact cememt. I think after 35 years a lot of things dry out and come loose such as some of my brain matter for instance. ------------------ 1969 ZB Custom D10, BMI S10,Peavy Musician Mark III, 15 Inch Black Widow |
Webb Kline Member From: Bloomsburg, PA
posted 20 June 2005 03:41 PM
I used contact cement on mine, but the C6 fretboard had a bad raise in it when I got the guitar and I cut out a plank to fit the neck, held it down with some big vices and concrete blocks (believe me, those old ZB's can take whatever ya throw at 'em') and let it set for 3 days. When I took all the stuff off of the neck , the durned fretboard popped up in the same place. Frustratin' I tell ya. They're the old Zane Beck signed necks and I don't want to replace them. ------------------ Webb-- Livin' out a dangerous faith :) GFI Ultra Keyless D10 8+8, ZB 11/10 8+3 #0008 old as dirt Dobro Harmony Lap...
John Rutledge Member From: Bakersfield, California, USA
posted 20 June 2005 05:20 PM
Web Maybe the concrete blocks wasn't big enough John------------------- Z B D10 1971 Chet Atkins Gretsch 1957 Modle # 6120 Ibanez Ragtime Special Modle # R 400 Mosrite Bass Amp 400 With 15 In. J B L Speakers Fender Delux Reverb Amp Fender ??? Early 1950's |
Tim Harr Member From: East Peoria, Illinois
posted 21 June 2005 06:12 PM
Model is spelled: M-O-D-E-L |
Ben Elder Member From: La Crescenta, California, USA
posted 21 June 2005 08:04 PM
Niceties, folks...Although I am a fastidious speller, grammarian and syntactician (say what?), this is not colloquium of English professors (or German, Spanish, French, Norwegian, German, Japanese...), even I find brittle schoolmarmish knuckle-raps like Professor H's dissertation on "m-o-d-e-l" prickly, self-aggrandizing and out of line. We're just trying to express our thoughts on common topics here. We don't get double-scale for spelling, punctuation or slapping others' wrists and reporting violations of same. Unless a misspelling drastically muddles the meaning (e.g., "E-9th codependent") let's check our egos (postgraduate language degrees, palm blocking, ZB-teardown-and-rebuilding, speed picking, years on the Opry staff) at the door. If one of us wants to really enlighten a Forumite on a non-topical bit of etiquette, email him or her OFF-forum...assuming your motives are altruistic. This thread didn't grow to 19 pages on the momentum of that kind of discourse. |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 21 June 2005 09:34 PM
Hope this helps you fingerboard folks out there - one of my ZBs had fingerboards that were coming loose. I consulted a friend of mine who does museum restoration work, and here's what we came up with - remove the old glue and residue carefully with a mild solvent, then tape the fingerboards back in place with double sided tape. That way, if they ever come loose again, presto! - more tape. The solvent that I found very, very effective for the contact cement discussed above was Goof Off, a commecially available solvent in a small yellow can. Be very careful, and do only a little bit at a time on both the body and back of the fingerboard. Apply, let it sit for a few moments, then carefully wipe with a clean (cotton) cloth or (better yet) a soft toothbrush. It works the dry cement clean, with minimal marking on the surface of the guitar and fingerboard. Patience, though, is key. Be careful also not to get the solvent on the front of the fingerboard as the paint and position markers will also come off. Hope this is helpful... All ZBest, Larry |
Russ Tkac Member From: Waterford, Michigan, USA
posted 22 June 2005 07:12 AM
Larry,When is your history of the ZB steel book coming out? Oh, you weren’t writing one? I think you should.  Russ 2ZB or not 2ZB |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 22 June 2005 01:21 PM
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia - Amzanig huh? Yaeh and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt. |
Russ Tkac Member From: Waterford, Michigan, USA
posted 22 June 2005 05:18 PM
"I cdnuolt blveiee!!!!!"My friend's mother-n-law is from Germany and she was telling us that she didn't know that smoking marijuana was against the law! "I cdnuolt blveiee dat it vas agenst da lah!" Chuck, that killed me!  Russ
Ben Elder Member From: La Crescenta, California, USA
posted 22 June 2005 07:24 PM
Top offic: Syslexia dufferers hever nave a dice nay. |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 22 June 2005 10:24 PM
Just played a gig with my S-11 this evening at Sweetwater in Mill Valley. Here was my setup this evening:ZB S-11 - ShoBud Volume Pedal - Fender Tube Amp. That's IT!!! Several people came up and said, "Man, you've got great tone." Ahhhhhh, ZB Goodness. Lovely, lovely. Russ, yes, I am still working on my ZB book; just been very, very busy teaching music (which is what I do). I guess I should probably include this thread somewhere, but it'll add about 20 pages... (: All ZBest, please keep the ZB info coming. LC |
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 22 June 2005 10:34 PM
That's great Larry. Who did you you play with? I've played my ZB D-10 there a couple times.I took the ZB out for the first time in months for a gig and it was beautiful sounding through the NV112. Stayed in tune too. In fact I only had to tune one endplate stop once! DZ[This message was edited by Dave Zirbel on 22 June 2005 at 10:35 PM.] |
Chip McConnell Member From: San Francisco, California, USA
posted 23 June 2005 06:25 PM
Hey Dave: caught your gig in Berkeley last weekend- the ZB did sound great, as did the rest of the band. Looking forward to seeing you guys again. B-bender, steel, good vocals, sequined suits, Bakersfield sound: you've got it all... Chip |
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 23 June 2005 11:22 PM
Thanks Chip. Next time be sure to come up and say hello!  DZ |
Kevin Hatton Member From: Amherst, N.Y.
posted 23 June 2005 11:46 PM
ZB Custom tone rules! |
Andrew Buhler Member From: Maryland, USA
posted 24 June 2005 08:35 AM
I was playing my ZB last night through a late 70s Twin with 2x12 orange frame JBLs. Sweet! |
Bob Hamilton Member From: Atascadero, California, USA
posted 24 June 2005 12:30 PM
Larry, just out of curiosity, which Fender tube amp were you using? |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 25 June 2005 02:09 AM
Hey Bob and ZBers:I use a 1980-81 Fender Concert 1X12 combo. It's the Rivera (sp?) designed amp with all kinds of boosts and distortion and all kinds of stuff. But I think it sounds fantastic for steel, it has something like 60 watts, lighter and more portable than a Twin Reverb, and it has an adjustable PA/recording line out - so I can hear the amp's speaker behind me and then send a line to the PA or monitor mix. Here's my secret - I use the gain (distortion/overdrive) channel instead of the clean channel. A little bit of gain really warms up the ol' ZB! Plenty of headroom for low and medium volumes. I wouldn't use this to perform on the C6 neck at stage volume, and I definitely won't crank it to 10 or 11 anyway, but for E9, it's perfect and sounds like a super-Fender! And, to return to topic, like the creamy, dreamy ZB Custom pedal steel guitar! Dave, my bluegrass band is taking a little break this summer, so I'm playing alot of steel. The other night I played with a Bay Area singer/songwriter named Sonya Greta - she's great and writes great songs, too. All ZBest, Larry |
Lyle Clary Member From: Decatur, Illinois, USA
posted 26 June 2005 07:23 PM
Played a pre show jam friday night with some pickers from the Central Illinois Steel Guitar Association and got more than one compliment on the wonderfull tone that I get from my 1969 ZB Custom D10. I knew it was not my amp which was a Peavey K60 with just a 12 inch speaker I took with me because I was traveling light although it does do better than I would have expected for a 12 inch speaker.------------------ 1969 ZB Custom D10, BMI S10, 1981 Peavy Musician Mark III, 15 Inch Black Widow, custom enclosure
Dave Zirbel Member From: Sebastopol, CA USA
posted 27 June 2005 01:54 AM
It seems that ZBs will sound good through any amp. I got great tone froma ZB through a Bandit 65. |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 27 June 2005 04:01 AM
My 67 D10 sounds good through my NV112 or my Prosonic 210. Actually any thing I plug it into. It might be the guitar. [This message was edited by Chuck McGill on 04 July 2005 at 09:25 AM.] |
Chuck McGill Member From: Jackson, Tn
posted 30 June 2005 06:02 AM
What did the original case for my 67 Scranton look like. I have a case and was wondering if it came with the guitar.[This message was edited by Chuck McGill on 30 June 2005 at 06:02 AM.] |
Russ Little Member From: Hosston,Louisiana, USA
posted 30 June 2005 08:37 PM
Larry, I emailed you several months ago with some pictures and serial number of my s10 custom.never got a I need to send them again.The sn is 212s with no zero in front.was wondering where it was made ect. I haven't seen any others listed without the zero. I bought it used in 1971 form the guy who bought it new, but lost track of him. Thanks for any help. Russ |
Larry Chung Member From: San Francisco, CA, USA
posted 01 July 2005 07:35 AM
Hi Russ:Sounds like a student model ZB. I had a red one a while back that had an "S" in the serial number. If this one has the plastic coating (I've seen red, blue, and black) over the body, it's a student model for sure. I'm not sure about the date of manufacture for student models - were they on a different numbering scheme than the regular models (without the S)? I honestly don't know. Anyone out there know??? I'd say that that you're looking at an early 1970s student model ZB. Yes, please do send photos again if you can - and my apologies for not getting back with you sooner. All ZBest, Larry |
Russ Little Member From: Hosston,Louisiana, USA
posted 01 July 2005 08:39 PM
Thanks Larry, I figured it must be a student model from the construction. I have made several mods to it over the years Mainly buchings in the actuator bars to prevent the screw from backing out. I also replaced the pedal board with one I made from teakwood I also replaced the pedal rods with some off and old fender 1000 I parted out. I'll email you some pictures of it again. The Guy that bought it new was named clarence stevens from Vivian,La He said he bought it from a music store in Minden, La. I don't know the name of the store. Hope it helps your project Russ |
Papa Joe Pollick Member From: Pontiac, Michigan, USA
posted 08 July 2005 09:48 AM
Well my friends,I've read 19 pages looking for a ZB that looks like mine and haven't found one yet..It's D10 with the back neck removed.I have all the parts for the back neck except the tuners and the changer..Rods,Bell cranks,etc.This guitar has a chrome apron across the front and ends. Not wood..There are no tuners on the end.The peds and knee levers are tuned by screws on the bell cranks,underneath..The peghead has a center bar running the lengh of it with a large B ingraved in it.What should be the round part of the B looks like a Z ..The guy I got it from said it was a ZB..Can't find a number..or any other ID..Pickup is black with a 3 way swith..Great tone..I have never seen the underside of any other PSG, so I have no idea what this is..Got pics. but don't know how to send them..I know even less about PCs than I do about PGSs..Any way, thought I'd throw this info in to the pile and see what happens..Some one can surely help me ID this jewel..Thanks P.J. |
Lonnie Portwood Member From: Jacksonville, fl. USA
posted 08 July 2005 06:35 PM
On the subject of spelling, reading, or grammer, I've only made one grammatical error in my life and I seen it when I done it! Lonnie P. P.S. I've seen one ZB up close in all my years and find it amazing that so many people seem to have one or know someone who does. A fine instrument, no doubt! |
Duncan Hodge Member From: DeLand, FL USA
posted 08 July 2005 06:40 PM
Hey Guys. Any suggestions on replacement tuners for a 1969 ZB. I need to replace two. I currently have Grovers on it, but am open to any ideas. Greg Jones says he believes that it takes 3/8" ones, but the closest I have been able to find is 25/64". I know this is close, but the first ones I tried were two big. An way, back to my original point, before I got sidetracked, is what suggestions on brands, and where to get 'em would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Duncan |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 14 July 2005 07:57 AM
Hey Guys, I've made it through the 19 pages now, and I may be hooked enough to try the student model I'm looking at. Only problem, I might have to move to Bakersfield to get it worked on, should it have glitches. But from many informative posts, it might be just fine in my hands. Sounds like any cabinet drop problems could be handled with a little maintenance. Only remaining question: can a student model be set up for C6 (not that I'd want to commit such heresy). If I knew more, I'd ask more. There's a lot of history and names associated with this brand, and you're such a bunch of diehards, it seems I couldn't go wrong at the right price. Thanks for the memories! Charlie |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 15 July 2005 03:02 PM
Did I hear t-shirts mentioned? Here's an idea for a t-shirt logo: The t-shirt goes in my hope chest; hope nobody else bids on the ZB. |
Charlie McDonald Member From: Lubbock, Texas, USA
posted 16 July 2005 01:45 PM
The ZB auction didn't go my way. Bought by the same fella who bought my Red Baron. Somebody can run with the t-shirt logos. I'll keep looking for a ZB! Charlie |